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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kpay10

  1. I'm a teacher and was off for 4 weeks. I could have used 6! I was very tired and it messed up my eating/drinking schedule. Luckily, I went back only 2 weeks before summer break, so now I'm home until late August. My body is still adjusting to all this...
  2. How do you keep track of protein if you don't measure anything? Just curious...
  3. One more thing- as Josh said, buy a food scale! You will have to measure portions until you can trust your new tummy to tell you when it's full. I still measure everything because I'm paranoid of over-eating and stretching my stomach. Join My Fitness Pal and get used to logging your food. It's a great way to make sure you are getting all your Protein, while also keeping track of fat, sugar, and carbs, and of course, calories! Never trust a fart- yes, I've had that happen, too! Luckily, I was at home at the time! LOL
  4. Don't buy your Vitamins in bulk before surgery! I did this without knowing how hard it would be to swallow pills post op. I've had to experiment with several types of chewable multi vitamins and Calcium that didn't make me sick post-op. Also, buy some small containers and freezer bags for food storage, since you won't be able to eat but a few ounces at a time post op. Oh, and follow your surgeon/NUT's instructions to the letter! I'm convinced that's why I had zero complications (except for occasional constipation) once I returned home from the hospital. Good luck!!
  5. I agree with Denise. For me, it's also redefining what is normal. My new normal means low carb, low sugar, and protein first. I don't intend to "indulge" in food that is unhealthy because that is what got me here in the first place! In the past, I could diet like a rock star, lose the weight, and then feel that I could have a few "treats" now and then. Once i was at my goal. I'd eat something unhealthy, notice no weight gain, and think it was okay to continue eating "normal" by fitting in the unhealthy foods until I was back to eating junk on a regular basis. Soon, I was back to my original Pre-diet weight, plus another 10 lbs. I didn't go through a risky surgery only to let that happen again! I have a friend who had Gastric Bypass surgery 10 years ago. She lost all her weight, then began to gradually eat and drink "normal" again. It worked for a few years, but guess what? She is now back to her original size. it's a slippery slope and a gamble that I'm just not willing to risk.
  6. kpay10

    Pre-Surgery Diet

    I did the 2 week liquid diet. It's not that bad, shrinks the liver, and gets you ready for surgery. I was on a 1,200 calorie diet for several months prior to the liquid diet and dropped 51 lbs. before surgery. I gave up caffeine a month prior to surgery and have not missed it yet. The worst part was being sick of Protein shakes, but still having to drink them post op. I'm still drinking one a day now, almost 8 weeks post op to supplement my daily protein needs. Good luck to you!
  7. kpay10

    Obese Kids

    I have two children, ages 23 and 24. My 24 year old son has never been overweight and is, in fact, naturally skinny. My daughter was chubby from about 2nd to 5th grade and then hit puberty and thinned out. I always was careful with what I fed them and they were both actively involved in sports. Now that they are grown, my daughter watches what she eats, as she has a tendency to gain weight and my son is a vegetarian.
  8. They are pretty filling, but don't quite ht my target Protein for a full meal, hence the hard boiled egg.
  9. Has anyone else tried these? The turkey one has: Protein: 13 grams Carbs: w grams Fat: 11 grams Sodium: 440 mg 170calories They consist of meat (turkey, ham, or chicken), nuts (peanuts or almonds), and some type of reduced fat cheese. I found them at Target for $1.69 each. I wouldn't eat them daily, but they're convenient for a quick meal/snack on the run. I paired one today with a hard boiled egg.
  10. kpay10

    April 30th!

    Not sure how to add friends by user name, though, so can you send e a friend request?
  11. kpay10

    April 30th!

    I'm on MFP. My user name is SleevedLife2014. I LOVE that you can scan almost any food and it's on there!
  12. My surgeon/program didn't require a purée stage. I was allowed to go from full liquids to soft foods at 2 weeks. Today, I was moved to regular diet at 6 weeks, but introducing one new food at a time.
  13. kpay10

    April 30th!

    I don't use MFP, but was thinking a about giving it a try. I love to swim, too, and am anxious to get back in the pool once the school year is over in 1 1/2 days! I had my follow up today. I was advanced to the regular food stage. I also found out my surgery weight was 2 lbs higher than I thought it was, so as of today I've lost 17 lbs since surgery and 68 total! I was told to increase exercise to 45 minutes a day, so I've got to get on that. Hope my heel will allow it! I'm thinking about looking for an exercise bike on Craig's List.
  14. kpay10

    April 30th!

    Michelle, I feel hungry on occasion, but when I eat I can only get in about 1/3 cup of soft or 2 1/2 ounces of fish, etc. per meal. It averages to about 100 calories per meal, since it's all Protein and a tiny bit of veg. The other 220 calories are from my Protein shake. It's insane that now I am worrying about getting enough calories in comparison to spending my whole life trying to cut calories. LOL! I can't wait to see the NUT tomorrow to hear her suggestions! I feel better today after talking to my son yesterday (he's away at college). He called at the wrong time and I ended up crying my eyes out to him. Poor guy! He's so supportive, though, and told me how proud he is of me. It made all the difference in the world.
  15. kpay10

    April 30th!

    Sounds like you both are doing great! So glad to hear it! I've been following my diet to the letter, but weight loss has been slow. I'm down 14 lbs since surgery. I'm not quite sure why? I'm wondering if I'm not getting enough calories and maybe my body is in starvation mode? I only average about 500 per day. Exercise was going great until my plantar fasciatis (sp?) flared up. It's been really painful and when I exercise, I can hardly walk after. I'm on my feet at work all day, so I have to be able to walk! I'm starting a aqua aerobic class in late June, so I'm hoping that will help get me going. Also still having a terrible time with constipation, which could be slowing my weight loss, too. I have a Dr's appt on Monday and I'm embarrassed for them to see how little I've lost Sorry to sound like such a downer! I'm just feeling discouraged right now.
  16. kpay10

    DAY 3 Omg, The pain...

    Yes. It sounds like gas. That was the worst pain for me and I was miserable, too! I did not find the GAS-X strips helpful. I used chewable gas tablets that my Dr prescribed, but you can get them OTC. That, and walking/laying on my left side/sitting up and changing positions often helped. It was bad for about 5 days, then slowly subsided. Oh, a heating pad helped, too!
  17. It gets better. I promise!! Hang in there!!
  18. For me, I still might have an occasional craving if I'm around the food, however it is now a short-lived and manageable craving. I've cut out sugar and simple carbs for over 3 months now and I'm no longer tempted. Before I was sleeved (4 1/2 weeks ago) if I indulged in my sugar craving I found the taste to be sickeningly sweet. Carbs are another story- I love them, so now I avoid them like the plague.
  19. kpay10

    Cold feet!

    I had my gallbladder removed at the time if surgery. My surgeon does this fairly routinely. Saves having it taken out, and another surgery down the line....
  20. kpay10

    Trader Joes

    The non fat Greek yogurt is THE best! Better than any supermarket brand. I love the honey yogurt, especially. Great protein!
  21. Yes! I can only tolerate a tiny amount. I have protein powder that uses Stevia and I can get away with using 1/2 packet of Equal in my tea each day. That's all my system can handle!
  22. I just packed my first lunch since tomorrow I go back to work! I'm 4 weeks out so mine looks a little different. Tomorrow I'm going to drink a protein shake during my commute. For a snack I have 1/4 cup low fat cottage cheese w/ 1 tbs of protein powder to add in. For lunch: 1 Light Baby Bell cheese and a hard-boiled egg. Sounds so boring, but I'll get to mix it up in 2 weeks when I graduate to regular food!
  23. kpay10

    April 30th!

    Yes, still unable to take in enough to meet my needs. I've decided I'll just have to do 2 Protein shakes a day to supplement. I can eat about 1/4 to 1/3 cup at a time of soft foods and only a few tablespoons of more solid (tuna, canned chicken, ground beef, etc.) Yesterday I had 2 shakes and 3 meals and finally got to 75 g and 64 oz. Finally!! I ate out yesterday for the first time. We went out for sushi and I shared a salmon teriyaki off the kids menu with my 19 month old grandson. Haha! I also had the inside of one piece of sushi. Yum! Tonight we are going out for my daughter's birthday. She wants to go to Buca di Beppo (heavy Italian food). I'll probably have a piece of a meatball. lol! It's sure not as fun eating out anymore! I'm losing about the same, weight wise- about 3 lbs per week. I'm seeing the lose more in my clothes, though. I bought some new pants two weeks ago (three sizes down from when I started this journey in November) and they are already a bit loose! Yay!!
  24. I'm currently 3 weeks, 2 days post op and I'm having a hard time getting to the 75 grams of Protein my surgeon requires. I have a Protein Shake each day and eat 3 meals (all protein w/ a tiny bit of veg), but my stomach just can't hold enough food to get to 75 g. I'm averaging about 60 g per day. I have considered trying to have another 1/2 protein shake before bed, however I am so sick of food by the evening that just the thought of it makes me nauseous. Is 75 g unrealistic this early out? Thanks for your help!
  25. Guess its time to break down and get some Premier shakes. They seem to be the favorite and I'm almost out of my current protein powder. I'll shoot for 2 a day. Today I managed 66 grams of protein. That seems to be my limit, unless I up it to 2 shakes a day. I don't want to lose my hair either!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
