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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kpay10

  1. I LOVE chia seeds and eat them almost every day. A simple idea is to add a tablespoon to yogurt or your protein shake. Both are yummy! There are tons of Chia recipes online, too!
  2. kpay10

    Dumb thought?

    My weight loss actually sped up once I got on solid foods. Just eat healthy and you'll be fine!!
  3. kpay10


    Sounds like you are doing fine.
  4. kpay10

    April 30th!

    Michelle, congrats!!! I'm so glad to hear you are doing well! Sommer, welcome!! When you say you don't know how you feel about your 40 lb. loss, what do you mean? I'm glad you've found us! This is a great forum, however, I don't spend as much time here as I used to. I hope everyone is doing well!
  5. kpay10


    I had the same issue, plus a couple of extremely painful episodes of constipation. I now use 1/2 dose of Miralax in my coffee every morning (yes, I drink one cup of coffee a day with no issue), plus I've been adding a TBS of Chia seeds to my morning protein shake or yogurt. I now "go" every morning and I feel 100% better! I hate that "stopped up" feeling!
  6. I haven't kept it a secret at all, and I also update on FB (occasionally) with weight loss updates. I really don't have the time or energy to waste on what people think, and for the record, I've had such positive feedback and support, it helps me stay motivated! I'm proud of my accomplishments and I want to share that with others, not hide it like I'm ashamed of what I've done! While I'm doing all the hard work, my sleeve deserves some credit, too! LOL
  7. It really depends on your taste. I find Unjury and Chike to both be way too sweet. I currently use "About Time 100% Natural Whey Isolate." I got it at GNC, but they sell it in Amazon, too. I just get vanilla and if I want chocolate or other flavors, I add them in. It's not real sweet and blends up beautifully. Before that I used Isopure. I don't like any of the ready to drink stuff. Way too sweet!
  8. kpay10

    April 30th!

    I haven't had a stall yet, however, I never lost a huge amount at one time after surgery. At 10 weeks out, I'm down 31 lbs. since surgery, which is a steady 3 lbs per week, and I am FINE with that! I've joined 24 Hour Fitness and am working out 6 days a week. I feel great and I'm down 5 clothing sizes since November (and 82 lbs. total!). I've been completely committed to healthy eating and I'm proud to say I have not eaten a single bite of anything my NUT wouldn't approve of, and guess what? I don't miss the junk!! I'm hungry when I should be, and easily full. My biggest concern is not getting enough calories. I average about 600-700 on a good day. At 60 g of carbs or less per day, 30 g or less of fat, it's hard to get my calories up! I'm sure it will continue to get easier. No vomiting or issues with eating, but I have had a few uncomfortable moments when I've eaten too fast or chewed too little. This has been quite an adventure so far! I can't wait to see what the future holds for all of us!
  9. I'm about 10 weeks out and am finally beginning to get most of my Protein (75 g) without the use of Protein shakes, however, on days that I fall short, I often rely on a Quest, or other type of high Protein Bar as an evening snack. As long as they fit in with my daily calorie and carb count (60 g or less per day), is there any harm in this? Just wondering how other successful losers have used these bars and how often? Thanks!
  10. kpay10

    Quest Bars- How Often?

    They are buy two get one free at GNC right now, at least where I live. I just bought some!
  11. kpay10

    Quest Bars- How Often?

    Quest Bars are a type of Protein bar. I get mine at GNC. You can try individual bars or buy a case. They are on sale right now, buy 2 and get 1 free. I just added them in to my diet about 2 weeks ago (around 8 weeks out). They are a little hard to digest still, for me at least. They tend to sit heavy in my sleeve and I have to eat them very slowly. I took the advice of starting off with 1/2 bar per day. If I eat a full one, it's usually in 2 sittings. Good luck on your journey!!
  12. kpay10

    Quest Bars- How Often?

    Thanks, everyone! Great info! I didn't think the Quests will be a slider for me, but I KNOW some of the others that taste more like a real candy bar could be. The Quest bars fit well with my plan and while they taste pretty good, I don't think I'll ever crave them. Thanks again!!
  13. I add a tablespoon of Unjury unflavored protein powder to all soft foods (yogurt, cottage cheese, refried beans, etc) to bump my protein. Any more than a TBS affects the taste and texture, though.
  14. Well, I got tired of walking and exercising in front of my TV, so I joined 24 Hour Fitness yesterday and went for my first workout today! I was so nervous going in, but quickly saw all the different body shapes and ages. Yes, there were some buffed out guys lifting weights, but they paid no attention to me. Tomorrow I'm going to take the aqua class (it's one of the Super Sports Centers, so they have everything) and next Tuesday I get my free orientation so I can learn all about the big, scary machines, LOL! Anyway, I'm excited for this next new phase in my weight loss journey!
  15. kpay10

    24 Hour Fitness

    I'll be 9 weeks post op tomorrow. I've been walking since the beginning and did Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds (2 mile brisk walk) at 4 weeks- which I highly recommend, by the way! I added some hand weights a week ago and then decided on the gym to really make sure I'm getting the full potential of a workout. I average about 600 calories a day, which is pretty low, but all I can manage at this point, and I've never once felt too weak. I was hesitant at first,too, but my energy level has really increased!
  16. I had a major issue with constipation. I've started taking 1/2 dose of Miralax in my morning beverage and increasing fiber via ground flax seed and chia seeds in yogurt, cottage cheese, and protein shakes and I haven't had any problems in a week (knock on wood!)
  17. I just searched this topic because I'm having the same issue! I'll be 9 weeks out on Wednesday and for the past 2 days I can only get a few bites down. I never thought it could be due to the very hot weather we've been having. I have been trying to eliminate protein shakes and eat more solid food, so that could have something to do with it too, I suppose. I've lost 4 lbs in the past 3 days, though, so at least there's a positive side!
  18. I went to the County Fair today and did not sample ANY fair food! Not a deep fried Oreo, funnel cake, or hand dipped corn dog passed these lips! I brought my own lunch, as did my 20 month old grandson, and we ate together while his mom and dad ordered their lunch, then we went exploring while they ate. Not only am I proud, my wallet is SO happy with me! I'm counting this as a big NSV!!
  19. I am having the same experience. I'm finally experimenting with new, healthy recipes for my family. I just modify my portions and leave off anything from my plate that's not on my plan. I have a cupcake/cake catering business and I thought it would be hard to continue and not be able to taste anything, but I've found it's quite the opposite. I still love it and the smell alone and seeing my beautiful creations satisfies me. So strange, yet awesome!
  20. I got my sleeve two months ago today! I know compared to many, I still have a long way to go, yet I feel like I have already come so far! As of this morning I have lost 25 lbs. since my surgery and 76 lbs. since I began my Pre Op program November 1st, 2013. I am 91 lbs. from my goal weight, which I am planning to be at by my birthday on April 2nd. I haven't been at a "normal" weight since before I had my children 24 years ago. I have struggled with my weight and body image my whole life and even when I was at a "normal" weight, I always felt fat. In addition, food has been a reward, celebration, and boredom fighter for as long as I can remember. I don't come from a family of obese people, but my family does love to eat, so retraining myself to eat for fuel, not for pleasure, has been an entirely new concept to me. I've learned a lot on this journey so far, and here is a snippet of what I've learned: 1. This is NOT a quick fix or the easy way out. I work hard every day to eat right (healthy Protein, low carb, unprocessed food), and EXERCISE! 2. Water, water, water is key to digestive health. Keep track of daily water intake. 3. Make sure I get Fiber in every day because protein is very binding. 4. Find my enjoyment in life from other things besides food. This has been a life changer for me! 5. Empty calories are no longer a part of my life. 6. Listen to my body and my DOCTOR! 7. Pounds and inches are two different things. 9. MyFitnessPal is AWESOME! 9. New clothes/new sizes are exhilarating and motivating, but don't go overboard since sizes change quickly! 10. This is a journey, NOT a race. Don't compare myself to others and don't obsess over the scale. 11. NEVER forget the sacrifices I made to get here. That alone will keep me on track. I cant wait to learn even more! Have a great day, everyone!
  21. kpay10

    Cheerios Protein

    50 grams?? I thought they said 10 on the commercial, and that's including milk! Checked the store the other day and they only have 7 grams per serving. Cereal is off the menu for me until I reach goal, anyway. Way too many carbs!!
  22. kpay10

    April 30th!

    Hi ladies! Meant to send this yesterday, but happy two month surgiversary! I hope all is well! I'm doing good, other than a terrifying issue with constipation a few days ago (TMI- sorry), but now that it's resolved, I feel awesome! Exercise routine is finally becoming "routine" and MFP is helping me stay on track! The weight loss is finally speeding up a bit, too! Again, hope you are well!
  23. kpay10


    I seem to be good with 40-60 grams per day, too. It's hard to go lower and still get fiber, which is necessary. I read that for each gram of dietary fiber you eat, you can subtract a gram of carbs to get your net carb intake. Also, have you tried unsweetened almond milk in your protein shakes? Less carbs than cow's milk...
  24. Hi all. I'm approximately 8 weeks out, and I just spent the past two days suffering from severe constipation that resulted in fecal blockage. The first day of constipation wasn't too bad, so I figured two MOM capsules at bedtime would do the trick. Nope, woke up the next morning still constipated, so I took two more capsules and a dose of Miralax, followed by two more capsules in the late afternoon. By that time I noticed that it felt like I had some blockage going on. I suffered through the night, waking up, trying to go, and in so much pain I was crying out (horrible pain, bleeding, cramping, and even to the point that I couldn't urinate). This morning I called the advice nurse and was told to try an enema before coming in. I did, which was also horribly painful, since I was already so sore, but it finally did the trick and prevented a trip to the ER. I'm sitting here now, still very sore, but feeling so much better. So, how do I prevent this from happening again? I get my 64 oz per day, exercise every day, eat (some) veggies, take a gummy Fiber supplement (which I don't think is doing anything), etc. My plan is to start taking a 1/2 dose of Miralax every morning, add in some Chia or flax seeds, and make sure my 64 oz comes from plain Water (I've been counting tea and my Protein shake as part of it). Any other advice? I don't EVER want to go through this pain again - I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, and I have a pretty high pain tolerance. I know this subject has been discussed before, but a revisit is always good! Any other advice? Thanks! And sorry for the TMI, but I think it's important for others who may eventually experience this.

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