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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Molly2180

  1. Go back in phases. Do clear liquids for a couple days to stay hydrated. Then progress to full liquids, then puréed etc. you have to play around with thickness of liquid, temp, and texture. It takes a bit. I like thinner, colder liquids. Skim milk based drinks go down easier for me than a thick shake. I like Popsicles too and warm liquids go down good too. You have to be patient and look for options.

  2. I was diagnosed with PCOS 14 yrs ago. Took metformin for a long time. Switched birth control pills so many times. Lost weight, gained weight and was infertile. After a long time my body stopped responding to metformin. They upped it to 1000mg 3x a day and added spironolactone. I was taking pre natals at the time to try & grow my hair for my wedding. I was pregnant the next month. I delivered my daughter over my 31st bday.

    I was kept on metformin through pregnancy and on weight gain restriction. I was off the meds after pregnancy and losing weight and doing well until i had implanon in my arm. I gained all my weight back, acne returned, hair started thinning and I went back on everything.

    I had enough and wanted a permanent solution. I'm 3 wks post op Monday, doc warned me that I'll be super fertile and pregnancy is not recommended for 2 yrs.

    I left the hospital off all meds! Knock on wood, still no acne :)

  3. March 11th marked my 1 yr anniversary. I haven't been active on these boards For awhile but wanted to come back and share my story and success because I know when I was preparing for my surgery reading about other peoples experience was a comfort. I had my surgery with dr. Garcia through Ready4Achange at mi doctor. (I believe if you look through my old posts you can find a. More detailed posting of my experience) I have lost 75lbs, which is ALL the weight I wanted to lose ( yes I was a "lightweight"). at about 8 months out I had reached my weight loss goal and have been easily maintaining my weight since. Never once have I regretted this surgery, in fact I have made many, many positive changes in my life since (from career changes to relationships) and feel that my weight loss was a positive catalyst to me living a better life! I actually have fond memories of my trip to Mexico, albeit there was some difficulties while there (some last minute confusion. With the coordinators and mi doctor was pretty bad, but heard dr Garcia has since moved hospitals. Aside from that the marriot was awesome and so was dr Garcia and his team). but overall it was actually a fun experience, yes I said fun :) I truly enjoyed being there, everyone was so nice and accommodating (plus I went with my mom so it was nice to have a mini vacation with her). I honestly wish i was having my surgery again so I could go back for another trip! Lol I hope to some day go back for an actual vacation. I am attaching a picture of my before (which was taken in the hospital immediately after surgery) and after. To anyone having the surgery I say take a lot of before pics, I unfortunately didn't take many pics of myself at my highest weight and wish I had because when I look at the few before pics I have I can't believe I was the size I was. Always nice to have those visual reminders. Here's to living a better life!

    Congratulations! I'm a lightweight as well lol. From my heaviest to my goal is just under 100 lbs. I'm only 3 wks post up and I need to lose 50 more. I can't wait! Thanks for being inspirational. I didn't got to Mexico but had an amazing hospital experience with a great roommate :)

  4. Oh gosh, I'm really worried, I haven't been able to stick to the diet I'm one week out for surgery and I smoke more now thinking about quitting than I did two weeks ago. Do anyone screw up completely but still have surgery and did fine or what should I do.

    My surgeon will not operate on smokers because of bleeding. He said he's responsible for outcome and he's knows smokers will have complications. If you can't follow the diet, see if you can move surgery back a week or 2. The best thing they did was ease me onto a liquid diet before surgery. I did 1200 calories a day on a restricted diet for 4 wks, then 1000 cals a day for 2 wks before surgery, nothing but liquid for 30 hrs before.

    I don't think you're ready and you don't want to start off with complication. I had my gall bladder removed also. I was back to work in 2 weeks and off pain meds by then. Minimal complaints. I mean I can't exercise yet but it went well. Don't set yourself up and certainly be honest with your surgeon if you're smoking.

  5. KatieTC- I'm 8 wks out now but my story sounds like yours! The day after the surgery I stood up and couldn't stand all the way and noticed my stomach had a big bulge on the left side. Come to find out my inner sutures were tied too tight and in 2 spots the were pulling my outer stomach in so it was very painful to move. When I got home I couldn't lay down, had to sleep in my recliner. Make a long story short the dr told me it would take 2-4 wks for the sutures to release and pop. It took 5 wks. Once it did I felt much better no pain! I was in pain for that whole 5 weeks anytime I moved around because the sutures were pulling. It definitely delayed being about to exercise and move around comfortably. I was out of work for 3 wks and needed a fourth week. I couldn't walk without my hand supporting the left side of my belly. I'm wondering if you have the same thing happening? I hope you feel better soon!!!! Try ice that is what the dr told me.

    Thank you for sharing this. I think in having the same thing. I can't stand up straight. I sleep in a recliner or with a pile of pillows. I can't lift a leg, squat, sneeze or laugh too hard without pain. It's good to know there is an end in sight.

  6. anyone experience sharp stretching pains in the abdomen? They're not near any incision, nor are they constant. Just comes and goes...

    I have stretching pains. The doc told me it was because they also removed my gall bladder & there is a dissolving mesh pulled tightly under the area. I don't know if that info helps you. I'm 11 days post op.

  7. I had to do 1000 calories pre op. It was tough but worth it. I recommend drinking a lot of Water and keeping water based veggies on hand! You'll be so proud with the weight you lose. It makes the transition after surgery a little easier on the mind. I'm only 11 days post post op and I can really see how much of the food thing is in my head. I don't feel hungry but I want food. It's taking all I can to be mindful of that and keep following the required full liquid and Protein diet.

    You can do it!

  8. So I've been to all of the prerequisites and my insurance has approved the procedure and I'm really excited! The only thing is my doctor requires a 2 week all liquid diet before surgery. If my surgeon goes in me and sees that my liver is not shrunk enough she will not do the procedure. I'm so worried! I think being on nothing but liquids for 2 weeks is going to be impossible! How did everyone deal with it? I'm not married and don't have any kids so that's helpful but I do live with my 68 year old mother. I want this surgery very badly but I just don't know if I can go 2 weeks on all liquids! HELP PLEASE!

    Hello there,

    I had a tough time with just the restrictions before. My doc gave me a prescription of Phentermine, it took the edge off and I was successful! It wasn't covered by my insurance but was under $30.

    Good luck, you can do this!

  9. Hello truck,

    Congrats one making it beyond full liquids. I'm only 1 wk out but my doc spoke of this. This first part with sweats/dizziness is dumping syndrome which is usually the result of high carbs/sugars. The slime could be from the timing between your food & drink. My doc said if you have liquid too close to food it can literally back up into your mouth. Not sure if that helps. I've been trying to train myself to have nothing to drink 30 mins before through 30 mins after food.

    Ps I can't wait it have food :)

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