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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by HeatherSchwartz

  1. Just got back from visiting my grandbabies.It was great. Only bad thing is while close to Ausrin I was rear ended in my Camaro..Nobody hurt thank goodness

  2. HeatherSchwartz

    7 month Post Op Dr Diaz Pt

    You look fantabulous!!!
  3. I am wondering about Passports, payments, health evaluations pre op, Who do you see after your back in the States? And how do you even go about setting up an appointment or even get accepted for the surgery? Im very curious.
  4. HeatherSchwartz

    Passed my 1 yr anniversary

    Love this post. Thanks for the inspiration. I plan on losing 80 lbs. My surgery is May 26th I'm so excited.
  5. I guess I got really lucky then because my husband speaks Spanish well although he is better at reading it. We've been practicing a little.
  6. I'm so excited about getting it. NOT looking forward to the liquid diet before or quitting smoking but I know it will be worth it.
  7. I had a DVT years and am supposed to be on coumadin but havent taken it in at least a couple years. The PTO was never right and I couldnt afford to go see dr. every single week. Im told this makes me high risk. I know blood clots are serious business. Anyone else out there that has had the surgery and previously diagnosed with blood clots?
  8. HeatherSchwartz

    May 2014 Sleevers

    I'm May26 th with Dr Ortiz in Mexico. Keep us posted on how surgery goes.
  9. HeatherSchwartz


    I haven't been sleeved yet either. Mine is in May. I've had some of the questions you have. I know I found a lady on here . her name Is Hoosier Girl(there's about 3 so she's the blonde one) she has a lot of info on her page. I learned a lot.plus she's an inspiration. Reading all her blogs helped me make up my mind.
  10. HeatherSchwartz


    I was wondering it before and after surgery if things like sugar free lollipops were permitted. I ask because I know being NPO the night before and most of the day or all of it I'm gonna be dying of thirst. I get mean and ferocious. Lol
  11. HeatherSchwartz

    Another Protein Drink ?

    I found a chocolate peanut butter cup flavor and even tho I don't have to drink them just yet I LOVE this flavor. I dislike the fruit flavored ones. They taste like dishwashing soap to me. The EAS Carb control is good also.
  12. I just scheduled mine and faxed all the paperwork. I'm excited a little scared, relieved, but anticipating this soooo much. I'm finding my smile again ) mine is May 26th
  13. HeatherSchwartz

    Why VSG

    To have people open doors for me. To laugh again. To wear the clothes I've bought over the years that I knew wouldn't fit but thought were cute. To not ask my fiance if he has clothes I can wear. To have the desire for sex again and not have heartburn while doing it( if tmi I'm sorry). To have the energy to play with my grand babies...
  14. HeatherSchwartz

    Ever worry about being too thin?

    I am also 5'8 . I weigh 223. As far as weight goes, between 140 and 150 is very nice. You keep some curves and I'd you weight train a bit your muscles will show a lot of definition and those curves are really sexy as well as help give you a little 'lift' I wish you the best of luck and when is your surgery? Mine is May 26th.
  15. HeatherSchwartz

    Memorial Day

    Somehow this new tablet has a mind of its own. I will now finish my post... I want this day as it will be one of the most memorable days of my life. Pus knida be like a mini vacation/birthday present. My husbands is the 28th . Mine is the 29th (he's a day older than me but tells me he's my elder so I have to mind.lol) Um we both know who's the boss. I am so looking forward t this. I feel like I'm getting a second chance at life.
  16. HeatherSchwartz

    Memorial Day

    What a great day to have surgery
  17. having a great day nobodys gonna get me down

  18. The things people say!!! I was even told I was going to Hell for being vain. Geezzz
  19. I made the deal with my fiance that to have this surgery I would stop smoking. I want to schedule at end of May. I haven't quit yet but I know that I want to exercise later on and I won't be able to if I can't breathe. Good luck to you
  20. @@LuckyT Thank you so much. I was worried because no one seemed to be responding to this post..You really made my day. I immediately showed my fiance, just to ease his nerves a bit too.
  21. Down in the dumps..seems like everyone is against me!!

    1. Shrinkingmom


      Remember who you are doing this for! They not the one living like this and most of them are jealous they don't have the courage to do it! They're opinion does not r life!

    2. Shrinkingmom


      Sorry my computer is acting crazy! Their opinion does not affect your life!

    3. Mikee57


      curiouslyhopeful, try not to let other's opinion sway your's. you are doing this for your health not vanity, they apparently don't have any manners if they are saying things like that to you. and remember your body is your temple you are doing what you need to do to get it back to a good place to be in. as shrinkingmom said they sound a bit jealous to me. be brave and stick to your guns!!! proud of you!!!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  22. HeatherSchwartz

    A lighter me!

    Good luck and do keep us posted!!!
  23. Planning to have the sleeve sometime in late May. Havent actually scheduled yet as Im not sure just how long a passport will take to get here. I know some say they didnt need it but I say better safe than sorry right? Im pretty excited. Picked Dr Ortiz as my doc. Ive heard such good things about him and I have researched him as well as others..I feel safest with him. Cant wait for the new improved me!! No more looking down or away when people look at me because Im ashamed of fat I am. No more shopping at Goodwill because the clothes in dept stores cost more for larger sizes..Im ready to LOVE myself!!!
  24. HeatherSchwartz

    Any May sleevers?

    I am planning on around that time also with Dr Ortiz. I am nervous about scheduling due to the fact that I dont have a passport and dont know how long it will take to come in.
  25. @@Nickole75 WHEre exactly did you have yours at?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
