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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jersrose43

  1. http://www.pomcogroup.com/Default.aspx/ctl/EventDetail/id/a152612f-ac92-4aa8-88a2-d2def298c859
  2. Actually you're both not exactly correct Each state mandates what will be covered in their exchanges and whatvis mandatory that is above and beyond the ppaca legislation. Ppaca(obamacare) does not mandate wls as a basic need There are 32 states who require the coverage in their basic policies. The other states some carriers offer riders, some don't. You must thoroughly review and understand what you are purchasing.
  3. Jersrose43

    Read me.

    The Harlem shuffle on down the street
  4. Yes many insurances will review what you are claiming and if it's related/causation from a non covered event- those are also denied. I would purchase a secondary policy. Try obamacare. Open enrollment is quickly approaching.
  5. Prune juice Milk of magnesia Stool softener
  6. Jersrose43

    PB 2

    Here you go PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter; 6-Pack of 1lb. Jars + 5% Back in Groupon Bucks. Multiple Flavors Available. http://gr.pn/1s0lmaA
  7. Jersrose43

    PB 2

    There's a groupon for a pack of 6 I think. Let me see if I can find. You can also get it at target they have one in city don't they?
  8. Jersrose43

    When you can't even be honest with yourself

    Knock it off --- I'm 29! Again and again. I am keeping the real number private. I think ??
  9. Jersrose43

    When you can't even be honest with yourself

    I think we can all support each other In Our individual decisions. However lately there have been numerous posts along the lines of what lie/fib/exaggeration can I make up. Again, lack of self esteem and self confidence in my opinion. Either put your big girl panties on and say it's private and I'd rather not discuss it. Or shout it from the World Trade Center. Whatever you decide my preference is you not lie. I will support you whatever path you choose.
  10. Jersrose43

    Read me.

    $14 she kicked him to the curb
  11. Jersrose43

    Read me.

    So the found a obesity awareness 10k
  12. Jersrose43

    What to do about Thanksgiving?

    Algae maybe it's time others took the torch this year. Time to test the theory that what you have instilled over the years has been appreciated and they can carry on for you and with you. Let them spread their wings a bit. Sit relax and appreciate what you have spent years instilling - a sense of family, love and home. Try it. You may be surprised. Happily
  13. Jersrose43

    When you can't even be honest with yourself

    so I have to share my yesterday "ow wow, well Hmm" moment with you all. Remember not hiding and share with acquaintances etc. I went to my hubby's sisters yesterday. Family bday. Her hubby family there. They're in the acquaintance bucket. Wow you look great how'd you do it ? Well I had wls. You should know this two of you are my fb friends. Huh? Wow. Well ok. How r u feeling. Good. Great. Awesome. Got some acid. Actively working on this. Brother in law mom - easily 250 and 5,3. Her sister easily 300 and 5,1 and this is how it went : Well I think you aren't big enough. Well yes I lost 59 pounds so today I am no longer big enough Well I've never seen you diet. Don't you think you could've done that first? You see me once a year maybe twice, and usually when I take a break from any diet to enjoy your company. Yes I said it just like that!! -and no tone ok?!?!? Well I just think you should've given dieting another shot and join a gym. You live 75 miles from me, I've been to a gym 3 days a week for 8 years in jersey and 5 years before that in Michigan. Working out has nothing to do with it. Maintaining a diet has nothing to do with this. Clearly it didn't work. Welllllll I for one just don't understand sounds easy way out. Wellll aunti Annie - are those your car keys? I'll take them. You live a mile away I think you take the easy way out getting here. I took her keys Is that a glass a wine? Sorry taking that too. You didn't make it. I didn't see you pressing grapes. Took that away as well. Is that a fork and knife? Well that's an easy way to eat isn't it? Back in the day people ate with their hands that's why God gave them to you. Yes I took those away! Then I hid her coat after all its synthetic and I didn't see her kill any cows for a hide Hey is that the bday gift in a bag? Hmm you better think about keeping that away from me cause you didn't chop a tree, press paper and make that bag. Yes I took the easy way out 4 months ago deary but you take the easy way out 50-100 times a day. She definitely got my point. And the conversation turned to I wonder if at my age of 56 it would make by BP, asthma and knees better. Well I no longer have Bp, haven't had an asthma event in 4 months. Never had a knee issue. So I think you can answer that for yourself. Can you give me more info? Nope you're too judge mental go find yourself a surgeon and a support group and figure it out the hard way like I did. And yes that's how I answers that with a shitload of tone this time!!
  14. Jersrose43

    Too skinny; how do you define it?

    How do you feel? Are you land coming back normal? Are you nutritionally on track? It's all about how you feel and how healthy you are. Not what others see. They'll get used to the new you
  15. Jersrose43

    weight loss rate

    Sweetie don't worry I've never lost 5 pounds a month ever or more This has been great. 2 pounds away from 60 4 month surgiversary is on 24th
  16. Jersrose43

    weight loss rate

    Yep what sleevearilla said!
  17. There is a complication forum here several people posted leaks and other issues. I see you're being done November 10? I wouldn't worry. It happens rarely. Less than 1% of the time
  18. Jersrose43

    Read me.

    And as her career grew and grew
  19. Jersrose43

    Missing the "Full" signal

    "Only losing 6 pounds in a week" ??? What's only about. That's MAGNIFICENT!!! Congrats!
  20. Jersrose43


    I've never had acid or other heartburn before surgery. However after has been rough. I suffer acid almost every day. Some days worse than others. Started on omeprazole 20 mg once a day and then twice and now 40 twice a day. I stopped cold turkey a week ago based on consult with my ent The surgeon kept saying what I had wasn't acid. Well it is larynpharangeal reflux. It sits in my throat and burns Ent wants me on dexilant Surgeon wanted cold turkey Gi specialist has me cold turkey for a week and follow an acid reducing diet. Then follow up with him. I gotta say the acid is no different today then when I was on omeprazole. But that's me and I am seeking treatment and will get this under control And I would do it all over again and again
  21. Jersrose43

    Read me.

    Is baked gluten free sugar free no cal deserts
  22. Jersrose43

    It was shocking

    @cowgirljane. Sending you one major virtual hug babe!! Congrats!
  23. Jersrose43

    When you can't even be honest with yourself

    As I've stated before on this forum so many times---I told everyone and came out on facebook. And I agree many of the folks who come here are full of bs for the reason to not tell Vsgann- I totally understand your perspective. Totally. I've seen people post they don't want their church group to judge them? What? You need a new church then because those should be your first solid supporters! Truthfully I didn't want to come out on Facebook but my husband posted his location and well then it just came all out. I lost 1 friend. Everyone else has been extremely supportive. I truly believe I lost this friend because of my choice and hers to be against it. She thinks it's because I am a bitter person.... Literally she tells friends in common this. If you knew that at 44 she still is upset about slights from high school - who's bitter ? She weighed 380 pounds and started Zumba and other activities and lost 80. I was always proud and supportive. She feels that I could have come to Zumba and done the same. Guess what I tried that - who got you into your first Zumba class when you didn't want to --- ME! and you've conveniently forgotten that. You're now an instructor. YOURE WELCOME! She can't be the supportive for me or others in same position. Other people in my life now come and ask for help. They seek guidance on their own choice - I am honest with them pro and con. And support them regardless of their path. I don't like being lied to. I don't like lying. Truthfully lies are too difficult to keep up with. I'm getting too old for that shit and a high Protein diet honestly makes me more forgetful. I didn't tell the chick at Victoria's Secret how I lost 59 pounds when I was being fitted but I do tell you if you are a friend of a friend or acquaintance of mine. To others' points. No I wouldn't tell you I was getting azt treatment for hiv/aids because it's communicable. My obesity isn't catchy If it was we'd all have shared long long ago! I think many people tend to not say anything because obese people tend to have self confidence issues. Many have been treated unfairly and judged for their weight and well they're not strong enough to handle criticism and judgement of their choice. How many of us have stated repeatedly that we used food to self soothe or to deal with other issues? Some of us used food to deal with being fat. And I think this factors into the choice of to tell or not to tell. Many who ask this question 2-3 times a week cannot own their decision because they lack self confidence. I wish I could help them to know they are beautiful and loved and will make new friends, but I can't.
  24. Jersrose43

    What to do about Thanksgiving?

    Make sure girlfriend knows how you normally have thanksgiving Maybe make a small turkey breast Then mashed potatoes - voila for you Creamed corn should be ok for you and the vegetarian. Have a bunch of appys and sneak in some for yourself and no one will even notice. You are stressing it but I bet no one will even notice. If they do, holidays are stressful especially when you bring a special friend
  25. Jersrose43

    Am I too old?

    You need to talk with your surgeon asap. You don't want to become dehydrated and end up in ER or admitted.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
