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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Cortney6983

  1. a little history - i was banded april 14, 2009. i never felt any kind of fullness or restriction until after my 2nd fill - july 9th. since then i've had to vomit daily after eating. not big portions, but some things just won't go down. i know i don't always eat the "right" things or the healthiest things but the quantity is cut tremendously from my "norm". here's my biggest dilemma...I'M NOT LOSING WEIGHT! i just don't understand it. i can barely get food down throughout the day and i'm still not losing??? what is going on? i've only lost about 35 lbs and some of that is pre-surgery!

    i'm so discouraged and so regretful for even having the surgery at this point. if anyone feels the same or has some advice, it would be greatly appreciated!



    boy ohhh boy i feel ya here. I hardly eat anything im at 7cc's out of a 10 cc band and hardly eat i puke alot. I exercise and still lost only 35-40lbs. It's DAMN frustrating :thumbup:

  2. well I finaly got it done. yesterday, April 16th 2009

    im pretty dang soar too. the gas in my stomach is very uncomfortable and the stuff they gave me for pain really doesnt work that well but im trying hard to not let that bring me down. I hope everyone is doing well and i hope all of you that want to be banded get it. the pain is minimal compared to what i heard gastric was.

    thank you to all of you for help and support and im still going to need it when times get tough <3 i am happy i finally got it done after a year of waiting and going through all the steps. :lol:

    I just cant wait untill the gas passes its a horrible feeling lol:thumbdown:

    and yeah im happy i got it at 18.:blink:

  3. So i FIANLLY got my date after many months of feet dragging, fustrations, and appointments. And my surgion trying to say i was too young for this and should reconsider (im 18) :thumbdown:

    My date is April 16th! I am SUPER excited yet scared i have no idea what to expect! I know someone that just got gastric bypass yesterday and we were texting and she told me that the only pain after was waking up and it was the worst pain she ever felt. I dont know about you but im not a big one for pain lol:blink:

    I am also worried about how eating is going to be because i have been practicing what they say sloww eating and little amounts but that will never be the same as when you get it.

    So to all you already banded people can you give me advice things to ease up the tension anything happen to you that i should stay away from or work on things that are hard? just some insight would be great!

    Thank you! :seeya:

  4. I LOVE THIS THREAD!!! it;s so nice to know other poeple 'get it'! here are some of the things I won't miss (bear with me there are a lot!)

    -wearing regual breif panties and they look like a thong:bored:

    -bra extenders

    -Lane Bryant

    -only picking out cute clothes for my sis-in-law cuz they fit her and not me

    -the looks skinny girls give me because they don't get why my hott hubby is with ME.

    -the pretty face comments.

    -losing 20lbs and not being able to tell.

    -people giving me dieting advice when I didn't ask for it.

    -Childern asking me if I have a baby in my tummy

    -needing momentum to get out of chairs or sofa

    -not being able to see my belly button under all my fat rolls

    -swimming fully clothes because I won't go near swimsuits

    -always sitting with a pillow in front of me to cover the fat rolls.

    -finding random peices of food stuck to my body when undressing beacuse they fell down my boobs and i didn't notice. (soooo not sexy)

    -being refered to as the 'bigger girl' when people describe me.

    -feeling like a line backer

    -crying in dressing rooms because nothing fits

    -feeling like it's my fault that I misscarried twice.

    -reffering to skinny people as skinny people as apposed to just... people

    -the panic attack when you try something on and it get's 'stuck' when you try to get it off...

    -flooding the bathroom when I get into a tub full of Water

    -feeling I'm a skinny person in my head then seeing the awfull truth on a daily basis.

    -my family ALWAYS saying "have you lost weight?" when they see me ever if I GAINED weight.

    -poeple rolling their eyes at me when I order a salad, like I'm not allowed to like salad cuz I'm fat...

    Anyhow there are a ton more but those are some of the bigger ones! I can't wait untill I get bannded!!!!!

    i feel the sameee! bein called the bigger girl always when being described...having friends that talk about other big girls that are actually smaller than me....the salad thing yeaa i have that happen at school alot they look at me like i shouldnt be eating that....deffinalty understand the stuff falling down my shirt =/ and also swimming fully clothed that and always wearing sweatshirts and pants even in the summer...i cant waittt to finally be happy with what i look like and not have the problems!:thumbup:

  5. well i need some inspiration and help from anyone and everyone. Im having the hardest time losing weight for this surgery. I'm pretty much done everything the hospital needed me to do except lose the 13 lbs im trying desperatly but i cant seem to commit and its very discouraging. :cursing: I want this so bad but its just so hard.

    anyone have any weightloss suggestioins? anything that people have tried that really did work? anyone else in my position? has anyone taken diet pills to help?any excersise program you have done thats fun and little money?

    If i could lose this weight ide be ok but its very hard. so any help would be nice thanks everyone

  6. Do you have any other conditions that are partially or fully caused by being overweight. Such as Type 2 Diabetes, sleep Apnea, or joint and arthritis pain? Also high blood pressure and other heart related weight problems?

    If so the doctor should put them in the letter. My PCP did and It was taken to the Bariatric doctor and clinic at the same hospital. The Bariatric doctor then has you go through steps and other things each hospital or clinic is a bit different. Then when your just about set for surgery, this doctor informs your insurance company and you usually get approved.

    I hope this helps.

    I dont have any other problems actually but from what i was told by where im going from the info seminar you either have to be 30-40 BMI with problems or 40- and above with things or nothing else wrong I have nothing else but im at a 45 BMI so i know i can get it with just my BMI. so if i have nothing else wrong then what she said was fine do you think?

  7. I'm Amanda, and I'm 17 years old. I'm most definitely getting the lap band whenever we sort out all the financial issues at hand.

    I was wondering if anyone had any good doctors to recommend around Texas? Well, anywhere? I'm wary on who I want to go to. And if you don't mind saying, about how much was the surgery for you? When you found a doctor, how long was it until you had your surgery?

    Thank you, I can't wait for this change. I've always dreamed of being the person I knew I could be. :(

    well hello there fellow 17 year old!!!! thank god im not the only one :tt2: although my moms insurance covers me I looked at your other comments on this thread and noticed you are the same age and weight as me. It sure sucks being in school and having to go through this :thumbup: Im just starting my procedure of all the group visits, going to get bloodwork, doctor visits, and all that fun stuff :thumbs_down: just sucks to have to wait so long! i was hoping i would have it before going back to school lol well anyway im always on here and willing to talk and meet new people!

  8. ok so i went to my doctors today to get my BMI and a referral but my doctor had no idea what to do for the referral :( I didnt know what it needed to say either :thumbup: so she put that she supports my decision :confused2: but i dont know if thats what they need my doctor was also rushing me because she was running late today so i had no time to ask her what i wanted.

    but anyway i was wondering what anyone needed on a refferal? did she say the right thing? or is there more too it?

    i gotta say that doing this young has its hardtimes it is quite confusing all these steps i went to the info seminar last night and i was the youngest there but it is worth all the frustration in the end just hard to get out of these ruts :thumbs_down:

  9. "I thought maybe I could perform surgery on myself and remove the band, the longer the episode lasted the more crazy my thought process became."

    Yes I too have had THIS thought lol. I was able to calm myself down and settle on having the "damn thing removed tomorrow". I lived through it and no did not have it removed (Thank God on both accounts lol)

    Thank-You for sharing :frown: makes the rest of us feel like we are not alone when we have issues such as this!

    does it really hurt that bad???? >.> kind of discouraging thought lol :thumbup:

  10. Cortney,

    Yes, pretty much I believe everyone uses the Protein shakes. According to my nutritionist, I'm am to have between 60-80 grams of Protein per day in order to not lose muscle as I am losing weight. It becomes very difficult to get that much protein just from food since we are supposed to be eating small amountsof food at a time. And because we are getting so little food at one time, we have to also take Multivitamins and extra Calcium. All this is so that you do not deplete the calcium from your bones and the Vitamins help maintain your health.

    And trust me, a lot a times those Protein Shakes help keep feeling fuller longer.

    thanks so much! do you know some cost range? Im trying to get things organized and maybe buy that stuff a little early so i can have it because money is tight for us (thank god my moms insurance pays for this) and having to have seprate meals when it comes time means my mom has to buy me my own seprate stuff. Thanks again!

  11. well i think i am going through kinda the same thing... I have to do all this pre op stuff that i wish i didnt... the whole 6 months of psychiatric evaluations and 6 weeks of diet classes =/ sucks but i am only 17 so idk if thats why it really does get annoying to sit and have to waittttt soooo longgg lol but i keep positive!

    good luck to you!:tt2:

  12. I'm so glad someone made this thread, I've been thinking about it for awhile.

    -Having to worry about breaking toilet seats (yes, I broke 2 in our old apartment last year)

    -Dreading chairs with arms

    -Afraid of parking in some parts of my neighborhood just because of a tiny hill

    -Making my fiancee feel bad because he can't buy me clothes, especially when he worked at Old Navy

    -Not being able to wear cute shoes because of the width

    -Not being able to shop at most stores

    -Ugly swimsuits and undergarments

    -Clothes for older women in most places that do sell plus-size--just because you're fat doesn't mean you're 70!

    -Not being able to try new sex positions and making my fiancee do most of the work

    -Worrying about fitting into restaurant booths

    -Feet hurting all the time from walking, I don't get out of breath or tired, my feet just kill me from the weight

    -All the looks I get if I even have a healthy snack at work, when some people eat all day long but are thin

    -Still getting called names at 24 years old. "Whale" and "600-pound gorilla" were the most recent.

    -Not wanting to go to concerts anymore because I can't fit in the arena seats

    -Praying that nobody has to sit next to me on the airplane

    -My mother constantly criticizing my weight

    -Having to buy new clothes all the time because the thighs wear out or I keep getting stains on shirts

    -Being able to only wear things that stretch

    -Hating blue jeans

    Gah, I could go on...

    I love your list! haha the whole just because we are fat doesnt mean we are 70 is the best i knowwww what you mean im only 17 and its hard to find good looking clothes that are big enough that a 17 year old would wear! that and seeing an XXL in some stores means as big as your fist! the thighs thing drives me insanee because everything is so expensive now its just crazy you can have a good pair of pants for a few weeks and then they have holes :thumbup: I hate blue jeans as well no fun they never fit and if they do they hurt me and belts are hard to find and I like the belts that kids my age wear with the little square beads on them but theres no point in getting one when for one you dont need a belt, two they dont make them your size and three even if they did no one would see it under my fat =/ hopefully soon i wont have to worry! :tt2:

  13. LOVE this thread!

    I won't miss...many of the things everybody else said! Plus...

    *Looking at myself in family pictures with complete shame & embarassment, and throwing as many away as possible! (Consequently, not many pictures of me the last 20 years!!)

    *Sitting with the old folks instead of swimming, biking, playing volleyball, softball.

    *Carrying around a 'daddy max' super strong folding chair that weighs a ton because I am way over the weight limit for everything else.

    *Only wearing two styles of shoes because my feet need all the support they can get.

    *Wearing socks and shoes, even when it's 90! (see above)

    *Wearing long pants when it's 100!

    *My old 5X clothes!!!

    very good list =D something made me want to say something from your list... the whole family photos your right I wont get pictures taken of me i hide in them but one thing i will do when i get this done and feel great i WILL take many pictures because then i can look at them and say wow I finally look good!:tt2:

  14. things i wont miss

    -being called fat by kids at school

    -not fitting into my clothes

    -being jealous of other people at my school

    -not fitting into school seats with the arms

    -not being able to wear a good swim suit

    -not being able to walk to much and or run fast for long

    - holes between the legs on pants

    -hearing people make fat person jokes and feeling sad because i am one of them

    - not being able to get clothes that i really want

    -being picked on and teased in school

    -feeling gross about what i eat

    -thighs rubbing together

    -being anti social

    -never having a boyfriend

    and soooo much more and i havnt even gotten the band on yet haha

  15. These are the things I will miss the least...

    1. Being the fattest person in my family

    2. Patronizing comments from others who feel obligated to say "You're not fat!" if I comment on wanting to lose weight... Please! I'm 5'3" and weigh 270 pounds. Do people really think I will say "Oh, great...I guess I will eat that!"?

    3. Missionary sex

    4. Granny panties

    5. Feeling too tired to even shop because trying on clothes wears me out

    6. Trying to always be the one with the camera so that I won't be in front of it

    7. Thinking that all my high school friends look so much better than I do (I used to be the one who always got hit on first when we went out!)

    Gosh, I could think of so many more if it weren't so late! There is so much I am looking forward to giving up!

    lol yes the whole your not fat! I get that in school alot...I mean your older than I am and im the same height and weight as you >.< im 17 :tt2: haha I hate going shopping for clothes being 17 and still in high school its hard to find things that are nice clothes for school where no one will make fun of you..and high school friends all of mine look better event he ones that are big look better but soon ill be finally one of the girls who gets the comment "you look great today"! =D

  16. Also forgot to add :-

    Finding it a struggle to get my own shoes on!

    Trousers always getting holes between the legs

    Ugly knickers and bras!

    My phobia of plastic patio furniture I am convinced it will never hold me!

    AHH yes the holes between the legs soo annoying! I have yet to get the band but im on my way i can not wait for the day no more holes there! the cost of having to buy more clothes is too much to keep getting them haha :tt2:

  17. first off i would like to say I LOVE THIS SITE AND ALL THE PEOPLE ON IT!!!! you are all amazing! I can sit here for hours reading the information and learn something new every thread. I dream about the day i can get my lapband done and look as amazing as these people that are on the before and after photos. It's simply AMAZING to be soo close to something that could change your life and make you happier. I have read the bad and the good on here and I am sooo ready for this!

    ....But im still on pre op stuff and im only 17 :thumbup: ill be 18 August 26th but i have to do 6 months of psychiatric evaluation and 6 weeks of diet classes go to 2 group sessions.

    I wonder though how many of you had to go through all of this psychiatric and diet stuff?? :confused2: I mean 6 months is a long time and i havnt started yet i will be going to an information session on wednesday at CMC and my doctors appointment for a refural on thursday so im starting it just have a long wait to actually get this done. The best thing is hopefully by my graduation date next June ill be lookin good in that nice gown walking up to get my deploma!!! :tt2:

    Thanks everyone for all your thoughts and help I shall keep you updated on when things are and how things are going and most important when i get a set date! thoughts and advice are welcome or just drop in to say hello!! :mellow:

  18. Every doctor is different in what they require you to do pre op. I only had an hour psych evaluation. She just asked why I wanted it done, if I had family support and if I had ever had counseling before. On the diet, I had to attend a seminar to begin with. Then just before my surgery I had to attend 1 1/2 hours of nutrition and 1 1/2 hours of post op talk. They also have support group meetings, I havent been to one of those. I was banded June 5. Sometimes insurance has alot to do with how many hoops you have to jump through before surgery.

    Good luck, and don't let all the "pre" stuff get you down.:cursing:

    I wish i didnt have to go through so much evaluation :/ but i have to go through 6-8 months but im going to do it so i can get it done!

    i think its because im 17 (18 in august) they want to do more with me...

  19. ok soo I am on may way starting the process of the lap banding! i have a few concerns though... One being that i have to go through 6-8 months of psychiatric therapy and 6 weeks of diet classes to make sure im ready for this life change...what im worried about is what if they think im not ready and i go through all of these months excited about it and they deny me?

    Has anyone been denied by the classes you have to take?

    What should i expect them to do during the time im there?

    I just dont want to go through all of this and in the end have them tell me i can't get it done.

    It's hard enough waiting untill July 9th to start out on these classes for the months thereafter i have to wait to get the banding

    THANK YOU! :cursing:

  20. Ok so this thread probably belongs somewhere else but oh well...I want to know what did you have to do before the surgeon said they would do the surgery? Like i heard about psych testing and losing a certain amount of your weight and some other things. what is your experience? I would like to know. So i know what to expect if any of the above or any other things get in the way.

    Thanks! :thumbup:

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