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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by asamannj

  1. Agreed! Can't compare yourself to others :-) I did the same thing (I'm only 5 weeks out) I was getting on the scale WAY too much and getting discouraged. So....once a week weigh ins is what I am trying to do. Secondly, my nutritionist said that I should only give myself max of 30 minutes for each meal. Giving yourself more time may allow you to eat more than you really need to for that meal. I was doing something like you 45-60 minutes and I was able to eat probably more than I should have too. At this point they say 1/4 cup or 4 oz total is what we should be able to eat. Shortening up my meal time has helped me I think. I can tell when I'm full as well.

    Hang in there! Any weight loss is weight loss! My biggest thing is getting all my liquids in!! need that to help the weight move too. :-)

    that's a lot.....I went to my doctor apt and the nurse told me to stop comparing myself to other people....stop doing it or it will drive you crazy

    I guess I kinda have been comparing myself to others. Well, that stops now! :) Thanks. I will definitely try to speed up my meals a bit and cut back on the amount per meal. Maybe it will make a difference. Thanks again.

  2. So I had the Gastric Sleeve May 29th, over a whole month ago. I don't feel like I have lost any weight at all. Sure my pants are more lose than they were...but I am a tad bit nervous I am doing something wrong.

    My Diet goes a long the lines of something like this:

    9:00am - 6 oz Protein shake

    (I finish drinking that at around 45 minutes. I just sip.)

    12:00pm- 4 oz baked or grilled chicken, 2 oz of a vegetable (or starch depending on the day)

    (I take anywhere from 45-60 minutes eating this).

    4:00pm -5 oz Chili, Soup or some type of Protein.< /p>

    7:00pm- 3 strawberries or equivalent with 2 oz yogurt.

    10:00pm- 1 SF Popsicle

    I know I am not eating the 6 small meals a day. I drink liquids as much as I can handle. My stomach talks to me all the time when I am eating. Sometimes, I get this weird pain/discomfort in my chest while/after eating. Is that normal?

    I am also walking 30-45 minutes a day, taking a break on Sundays (religious reasons).

    Another thing I'm worried about is my energy levels, there are days I want to sleep 12+ hours, and sometimes I do... I don't know. I guess I am just nervous I'm doing something wrong. Any ideas, guidance?

  3. I think most of us who are on here have been (and in some ways still are) right where you are. I found by facing it, it no longer became something I was afraid of, and instead I gained the confidence that I could take it on. I say this, but I am still working on my own internal self talk in my head. Despite having lost 88 pounds in 5 months, I still get down on myself. I think that is probably going to be the toughest thing for me to fix on this journey. I think the key thing is to work on figuring out how you got to where you are and what some of the causes are. No sense in bringing all that extra baggage along even after you've lost the weight right?

    Right. :) Good for you for losing 88 pounds. I think that when we can push negative thoughts from our head and replace them with postitive ones, it can make the experience easier. I think what I am going to do is when I step on the scale to not go "oh no... I have failed," but to say "okay, its a number. Now what can I do to change that number and move forward." What do you think?

  4. You know...Brant, I think you are right. I am at where I am because I couldn't face my weight. I kept trying to pretend it wasn't a problem. If I am really going to turn my life around I need to face it head on, with my feet firmly planted and a clear notion of where I am headed. :) Thanks. Sometimes I guess all you need is a nudge in the right direction.

  5. So... I have a confession to make. I haven't weighed myself in over 2 years. I know I am at my heaviest I have ever been... now I am just afraid to see how bad it is.

    I know I should look, but I am not ready for the emotional tank stepping on the scale will bring.

    I have surgery in two months, I know I am over 300... I don't know... I really dont know what to do? Any advice?

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