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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Nellarifixmom

  1. I bought this book during a random search on Amazon, having no idea that its author, Alex, was connected to this site! Anyway, I love how easy it is to read, and it really is chock full of information. However, Alex, I am getting really freaked out about the several mentions of the gas used to puff up the abdominal area during laparoscopic bypass sugery and its connection to embolism. I'm scared!!!!

  2. Hi, DL. I'm waiting for my case to be submitted to my insurance company for approval. I'm afraid that, if I'm approved and have the surgery, I will experience what Jessroto is experiencing.

    How can you tell the difference between "head" hunger and "real" hunger?'

    Very good chance that what you're experiencing is head hunger. Most RnY patients have little or no appetite following surgery and it can last anywhere from weeks to months. Keep in mind too that the trauma from the surgery temporarily numbs the nerves in your pouch that function as stretch sensors. As a result your brain does not receive "full" signals from the pouch. The nerves heal relatively quickly and you'll be amazed at how little you can eat and be full. Hang in there and follow your doctors' recommendation as closely to the letter as you possibly can. The challenges you're facing right now will almost certainly pass before you know it.

    You're gonna love the new you!!

  3. I'm freaked out. I had my labs done last weekend, and I received the results yesterday. I was shocked out of my mind. I have consistently had cholesterol over 200 and triglycerides between 300 and 500 over the past few years. I take Crestor.

    Anyway, my cholesterol was 142, and my triglycerides were 127. I almost feel like they mixed up my results!

    Does anyone know if this vast improvement is going to hurt me in getting approval from my insurance company? I certainly have a high enough BMI (44).

  4. Hi, Amy. I just happened on this topic after you came to your decision. I'm not a candidate for sleeve because I have several esophageal issues, including reflux and a motility disorder. The banana shape of the sleeve caused me to question it immediately as an option. When I met with the surgeon and told her of esophageal issues, she ordered a bunch of tests and copies of my records from the doctor who diagnosed and treated me. So, I'm pretty sure I'll wind up going bypass.

    Now that you've made your decision, I hope you can relax a bit. It'll all work out, I'm sure.

  5. Thank you, Pupichupi! My husband is going to my next appointment, and I will be sure to remind the surgeon of my previous complications so that she can assure him that they were unique and not likely to be repeated. I had gone to her a few years ago for a consult (chickened out), so she is familiar with what I (and, thus, my family) went through.

  6. I'm in the early stages of obtaining all the tests and evaluations and clearances that I need in advance of the surgery. I have told only my husband, my sister, my daughter and son-in-law, some close friends, and one co-worker. I would only consider two people (son-in-law and co-worker) supportive. My husband, sister, and daughter are mostly silent, and I know they are concerned because I suffered from terrible complications during and after cancer surgery four years ago. Of my close friends, I feel like most of them are judging me. The one friend who isn't actively judging me isn't necessarily supportive, just nosey, wanting to know all the nitty gritty details.

    I feel very alone.

  7. Hello! I'm new to BariatricPal. I've met with a surgeon and have just begun doing what I need to do to get my case ready for submission to NJ Direct. Unfortunately, my surgeon's office says that I have to find out what the criteria for approval is, but NJ Direct tells me that Utilization Management tells the provider the criteria, not the patient!!!!!!

    Anyway, JerseyGirl68, there's really no diet requirement anymore? How about nutrition consults. I met someone who said that her insurance company requires three consults but that they each have to be 30 days apart.

    Any suggestions?


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