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Posts posted by PinkPolkadot619

  1. That is the same reason I chose RNY too @amylynns. I know many people struggle with the mixed drinks because they are often mixed with super sugary juices. I have not tried any alcohol yet, I don't know when I will feel ready.

    @PinkPolkadot619---One of the main reasons I chose the gastric bypass over the sleeve is because I KNOW sweets are my weak area. And I needed something to help control that. A close friend of mine had the sleeve and the only thing she can't physically eat is oatmeal. (of all things?!) She can eat any dessert. I didn't "Want" to be able to eat them easily.

    Now....I "can" eat a small amount of sweets if I'm really having a craving. Like, one bite of a cupcake. Or 3 pieces of snack size candy. I cannot do ice cream, well--maybe one bite, but it's too much of a temptation to eat more. And then I regret it. I tried just a baby size ice cream cone, and got very sick.

    So for me, getting sick keeps me in line, I like that I get sick when I eat something I find I can't tolerate. Then I KNOW it's not worth it to eat it. I don't eat the sweets often at all. But once in a while I just crave a small treat. :P

    I was happy to find out I could drink a Mai Tai in Hawaii, but I can only drink maybe 1/2 glass of wine. Then I get nauseous. (must be able to tolerate the hard liquor in the mixed drink?) But, I do get tipsy VERY quickly!! LOL! But my metabolism is so fast, that I don't stay tipsy long either, LOL!

  2. @@brown eyed gal

    I have only had to lay down twice and only once was a on the floor lord help situation. But yes any of those symptoms can be considered dumping. And yes I am told we can change many times......but no matter if we can tolerate sugar, I know for me it is an addiction and I can not go back to normal sweets or I will have a problem. I know I needed this surgery for a reason and many people in my support group go to OA. Most people who have this surgery have some type of a bad relationship with food. If we don't do something to address it, we can slip back. That is my reason for feeling so strong about sugar and carbs. I did not do this intestinal rearranging to just slip back and let the food creep back in. I LOVE life too much to let the junk control it.

    off my soap box now :-D

    I am so glad I have you gladiators!! Thank you all for sharing your stories.

  3. @@brown eyed gal, When you say you only have sugar related issues. What are your symptoms? It could be dumping but you feel it more with sugar.

    I have never thrown up but I have had symptoms of dumping. Light headed, weak, heart palpations, dizzy nauseous, have to lay down. It has been caused by; grilled onions (damn fat), eating too fast even if it is a super healthy meal, sugar, and caffeine.

    I hope you figure out what causes it and are able to replace it with something.

  4. With our new tummies and insides things hit us stronger and often will drop faster. I know if I even have me BIG TREAT of a Fiber one Brownie (8g sugar) and I eat it too fast I get sick. I only have them if I have had a large amount of Protein first to help carry the sugars in my body. I know my body does not NEED it for nutrition so I try to only have them once in a blue moon and now that I have found Quest I stick to those more. But even eating the Fiber one to fast can make me sick.

    It has been 8 months and I am still having to drill in to my brain to only eat for nutrition as much as possible. The mental part of the journey is so hard!!

  5. I did have a few food funerals, but it was always small amounts. I also had a last meal but it was a turkey burger and sweet potato fries.

    I do want to share that someone I have met did just as you are talking about and the eating of bad foods and not healthy like they ask of you backfired on her. The reason for the healthy eating is to help our liver be as healthy as possible being that it has to be moved because it sits on top of the stomach. Her surgery ended up taking much longer than expected and she had more complications. The surgeon almost didn't do the surgery because her liver was fatty and when that happens there is a much higher risk of it tearing and causing all kinds of problems.

    They ask us to change our eating for many reason and they are all very important, they want our insides as healthy as possible before surgery and second this is a life style change. This is not a temporary fix. If we don't make the long term changes in our habbits and life style the weight will come back. Yes the first year or two it will fall off all the same and you will think it is fine and working because you are still loosing weight but 3 or more years out the weight will come back.

    Be careful with your mindset now, the surgery is only on our tummies not our brain.

  6. I'm about the same, stuck at 170. I normally can eat sugar but I had a piece of bakery cake a couple of weeks ago and I felt really bad too. Not dumping but I think high sugar.


    So happy for your weight loss. I am sure you feel like a different person. I do. Watch out for the blood sugar, as you say it's dangerous. Are you able to control it with food or your blood sugar level drops quickly?

    I have been in a weight stall for quite a while now. Well, I am not sure because I have not stepped on the scale for 2 weeks. It was like 177.2, 177.4, 177.3, 177.6, 177.2, 177.4 for day after day. What the heck! But I feel pretty good. I am making sure I eat more Protein. I did but it was more like 50 grams and I was told that's not enough. My hair is not falling like crazy. So happy about that. I don't get sick as much, only the occasional, eating too fast and not chewing enough. The other day I had too much cake and boy did I feel unwell. I felt so hot, my forehead and neck were dripping. Scary! I think I had a sugar high, not good at all.

    Dumping does not necessarily mean all the symptoms it can just be the crappy feeling like high blood sugar. But I want to pass the warning to you that was passed to me, I have been warned by many many many post-ops 2-15 years out, to not go back to the sugar foods at all. I take Quest bars with me to parties and events I know will have cake or other yummies then I eat it at the same time as every one else. Today it is brownies and lemon bars at work, I have an emergency Quest bar, but I know if I eat it once then I know I will want it again and then the problem begins. I know we are all different, I just wanted to pass what I felt was wise advice. Keep up the hard work Gladiators!!

  7. @@amylynns OMG amazing photos and CONGRADULATIONS on the engagement!! So picture perfect :-D and you look just amazing! Health and love look good on you proud Mama!

    @@LisaCO That pic is so cute!!

    Thank you everyone, I felt so amazing in that dress. I am talked to my friend yesterday about altering it so I can still wear it again.

  8. we waited 11 days but with out his body weight on me. And any time you loose weight we become very fertile BE CAREFUL!! there are no safe days, as our bodies are adjusting we might ovulate early or late or lord only knows. I am 7.5 months out and are still using condoms every time.

  9. Be very carful with not taking Vitamins, there is more and more research showing long term damage due to not taking Vitamins for us. I also did a lot of reading about taking Flintstones and or non bariatric vitamins and I decided the potential risks out weigh any convince. I take mine and shakes like my life depends on it. I also get my food in because I know that is important too. Balance and new normal is a constant adjustment. I want healthy habits to be formed now so I can be a good example to my future children.

  10. @@amylynns I had no idea that I have a small build until now! I actually have petite bones, I always told people I was big boned 8-) I am shocked every time something new fits! My torso is longer and legs are pretty short so some clothes just don't work.

    I have never been smaller than a 13 EVER! even I think middle school

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