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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by delamoras3

  1. Update on my restriction....

    This morning I had my Protein mixed with my decaf; about two and a half hours later I had a English Muffin with bacon and eggs and as soon as felt satisfied I stopped and put it in the trash. I wasn't full but satisfied.

    I felt so guilty throwing it away but if I left it sitting around I would probably eat it. My new educated side said get rid of it now. My emotional side said what a waste.

    What's more important is that I stopped at the right point. Baby steps, baby steps will get me to the right place. And, the support of you all sharing your experiences.

    Please keep 'em coming, we all learn from each other.

    I wish that I joined this prior to my surgery because I would've been better prepared.

    I've learned more from the forum than my own nutritionist and surgeon.... :)

  2. Hi there,

    I am new to this forum, and I am considering revision band to sleeve surgery. I've watched multiple youtube videos, some good and some horrible; therefore, I am very nervous to meet with the new surgeon tomorrow. I like this forum and it is very helpful. Because the band did not work out as well as I thought it would, my biggest fear with the revision is failing. I appreciate how you all give your feed back and encouragement. :mellow: so so nervous!!

    You'll be OK... we are different and must everyone does well, I think it also depends on how long you have the band, my band was 7 years old and my surgeon says that my passage was already too loose and in time it should reduce itself. I'm meeting with him next week to follow up and he hopes that eating denser foods will give me restriction, if that doesn't wor

    My weight loss is very slow...I think my body was used to the Protein diet and also less calories... so its not responding ....

    i have increased my Water and exercise....i hope my stall goes away.

    When did you have your conversion? 32 lbs is pretty good, I've only 12 lbs since March 3

  3. Unlike many others here, I was able to eat soft solids at 2 weeks out (including chicken or ground beef). I am 2 months out right now. I DO experience hunger--- pretty much every 3-4 hours-- but I also exercise every day (some days at a pretty intense level). I find that starting with Protein really helps fill me up. I cannot eat more than 4-5 oz of anything at a time.

    Also, I have found that for some people, the focus is rapid weight loss. I have to admit-- I was one of those folks, initially. But now, I am working on learning how to live my life with my new stomach--- eating foods that are nourishing, and taste good. Moving my body every day. Learning to deal with my emotions without food. Baby steps, steady progress. :)

    Thanks for sharing your experience, if I could only get full on 4 to 5 oz, specially with Soups, I can down a whole bowl of Soup, not get full and I don't know if I should eat something else to get full. I try to stay away from eating more, I opt to drink Water but them I'm even hungrier afterwards.

  4. Here's my input (for what it's worth)... I had the band for 7 yrs and my revision is coming up on the 1yr. mark. I discovered (after the nerve healing time mentioned) that my interpretation of restriction was skewed by my experience with the band. With my band, what I thought was restriction was really food backed up into my esophagus instead. Now, I have a better understanding of how restriction is supposed to feel. Give yourself some time to focus on that feeling. Eat slowly, pause, and wait. The full feeling (at least for me) ended up in a different place compared to what I experienced with my band. Good luck!

    Thanks for sharing your experience; I'm pacing myself now, still not getting the filled feeling yet and I guess it will come in time.

    My biggest fear is that since I can eat more than I'm supposed to that I will go back to my old habits and hang in there for a while but once I'm tired of it I will start over eating again. The purpose of the surgery is that it will restrict me from over eating, with 70% of my stomach gone I shouldn't be able to eat more than 30%.

    I'm taking baby steps and am praying that it will come soon, I remember with the band getting to the sweet spot and I felt restriction right away. I can see that you have lost a significant amount of weight in one year. Congratulations on that.

    Was your weight loss slow?

  5. I was band to sleeve in September and I never experienced loss of appetite or any restriction, even at 6 months out I struggle everyday. I initially lost about 15 lbs and now Iv gained 7 back, Iv started running 2 - 3 miles a couple times a week, I figure it's all on me now and I 100% believe this didn't work for me because of my history of dilated pouches with the band, I hope you have better luck.

    I'm struggling not to eat more every day, I felt more restriction before re moved my band.... I feel so hungry, like throwing up hungry. I stop myself every time I get this hunger pangs and down a bottle of Water, but as soon as the Water passes through the pain is back. I'm staying of the scale for a week and see how it pans out, working out every day and measuring everything.... something is gotta give. Thanks for sharing your story with me.

  6. Thanks for your words of encouragement; I'm only consuming 500 to 600 calories by choice, but I could eat at lot more. I do have the will power for now, but I don't know how long I can hold on to.

    I just eat a piece of chicken and it went down like nothing, I could def eat one more but choosing not to.

    I'll continue to follow orders, it's just frustrating to feel this hungry. Since there is no restriction I'm scared to fall into my old habits and say forget this and eat 1/2 a chicken and feel guilty as hell.

    Every time I get hungry I reach for a bottle of Water and drink the whole thing to hopefully full my stomach in believing that I'm full.

    That is why I'm reaching out to you all wise ones who have been through it before.... just looking for someone that has experienced what I'm going through.

    Thanks in advance to you all

  7. Please help!!!!

    I had band to sleeve conversion 2 weeks ago, it all went great, healed rapidly, no nausea, no pain, no issues....

    Also, NO restriction at all, from day one...

    Day after surgery after my leak test, passed with flying colors I was given my first shake, drank the whole thing in less than 10 minutes, after one week on liquids only, at my first follow up I was told since everything was going great to move on to soft foods, I eat my first on day 8, finish the whole thing in no time and NO restriction, had Soups NO restriction, had cottage cheese NO restriction, had ground chicken NO restriction, had fish NO restriction, had shrimp NO restriction....

    I'm consuming around 550 to 600 calories per day NO restriction.... also "NO Weight LOSS either"

    I'm two and 1/2 weeks post op and only lost the weight that I gained while at the hospital with all the fluids that you get pumped up, which was only 6 pounds.... I lost more on one week during prep prior to my surgery on my own.

    All and all I've only lost "2" pounds in 2 and a 1/2 weeks!!!

    I' m constantly hungry because I have NO restriction....

    I called my dietitian and she says you just have to try harder..... Harder at what? she says you need diet counseling, I say all I need is RESTRICTION...

    Today I saw my doctor and he says maybe you are not sensitive because you had a band and your body is used to it.... used to what???

    Not having restriction.... I say you removed 70% of my stomach right? I shouldn't be this hungry and I should have some restriction, right?

    He says, lets adjust your meals, only have three meals a day and see you in two weeks, I'm not concern about you only loosing 2 pounds in two weeks; lets see what happens then.

    Is there anyone out there that has gone through this????

    I'm desperate, please help

  8. Are you on Facebook, we have a march facebook group that is completely private so only each other (members of the group) can see the posts. It has been really helpful to me. It is by invitation only because you can't even search it. I can invite you are interested. I just need you e-mail address to send the invite.

    Yes, in on FB and would love to join, send me invite


    My user name on FB is Julie De La Mora


  9. I wasn't loosing very fast either. However I am only a week post-op tomorrow. I had gained 12 pounds from all the Fluid they pump you full of in the hospital. On March 10th, Surgery date, my weight was 279.8, On March 12th ,the day I got home from hospital I weighed 292, yesterday my weight was 281.3, today weight 273.1.... just wanted to let you know our bodies can be very strange especially since I dropped 8lbs in one day. My sister also had the sleeve done last year and she said she would go days without loosing anything and then 3-4 pounds would be gone all at once. You are doing great try and stay positive :)

    Thanks for sharing your words of encouragement, I was sleeved on March 3rd, had lost 10 pounds pre-op and gained 11 overnight post-op, it's been 12 days and barely it's all that I gained. In fact I'm a pound over my pre-op still.

    It's sooooo frustrating cause your stomach was reduced 70% I'm doing all the right things and still a big nothing!!!!

    I won't give up, we need to start a March Sleevers group and share our stories and encourages one another.

    Who's game?

  10. I'd say you are very lucky! It took me months to be able to drink normal again!

    I've been able to drink up to 16 oz since day one, I'm on day 12 post-op, I'm eating non-cottage cheese, non fat Greek yogurt and of course my Protein Shakes, I'm concern that I don't have restriction and I'm constantly hungry, I have to force myself no to eat. Is anyone else facing anything like this?

    If my Dr took 70 off my stomach why am I so hunger and not feeling restriction

  11. Did your doctor ever say or expect anything from you before the preoperative diet? I can appreciate the significance of the preoperative diet but I feel like anything before that is impossible. I am concerned about upsetting my doc or seeming incapable of getting it together.

    I only got a chance to do a one week pre-op, only lost 5 pounds; I'm 12 days post-op and feel great; good luck and reach for the stars

  12. Hello everyone, So, I had my surgery 5 days ago and I'm sooooo hungry....Why???? my stomach supposed to be smaller and I'm not to feel this way. I'm feeling discouraged, I'm trying my best not to join my family right now eating Chinese food, instead I'm going to make my shake and pray that it will keep me full. God know that I'm going to be starving in a couple of hours. Is there anyone out there that has gone through the same thing? if so, how did you overcome it??? Please, someone help!!!! :mellow:

    I had bad hunger pains about 5 days out. I felt like I could have eaten an horse. I am almost 3 wks now and am rarely hungry.
    Thanks for sharing, it really helps to know I'm not the only suffering this hunger pain

  13. lmdx0sleeved,

    Thanks for your response; I ts that thought that I was the only one hungry from day one. A lot of the posts that I read everyone says they barely can hold their Water, let alone their Protein shakes...

    Dr. said I can't chew gum till week five; I cheated a lil bit today and had a small jolly rancher and I don't even like sweets, it just felt good to have it.

    I'm a meat and potatoes kind of girl, and I'm craving it all...

    Physically I feel great, my stomach is swollen and bloated but very manageable, my vowel movements have been very regular everyday, and I'm drinking all my Water.< /p>

    the few pounds that I lost pre-op (5 to be exact) I gained them all back and 4 more, 182 day of surgery 191 second day at discharge, and days later 187...

    I'm following every step that was given, only sipping my water, 24 grams of Protein with my shakes, and chicken broth only...

    I should be at least at my pre-op weight by now.

    You are absolutely right about staying positive; I will not succumb to my head hunger or sabotage myself.

    Thanks you so much for your words of encouragement, and keep up the good work.

  14. Hello everyone,

    So, I had my surgery 5 days ago and I'm sooooo hungry....Why???? my stomach supposed to be smaller and I'm not to feel this way.

    I'm feeling discouraged, I'm trying my best not to join my family right now eating Chinese food, instead I'm going to make my shake and pray that it will keep me full. God know that I'm going to be starving in a couple of hours.

    Is there anyone out there that has gone through the same thing? if so, how did you overcome it???

    Please, someone help!!!! :mellow:

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