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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by lylabelle

  1. barb great to see you back! Glad you did well. I had morphine too but they put in huge syringes of anti-nausea meds so I never once got that - though I never got nausea when I was pregnant so maybe its just lucky me in that area. Bravo for not being on pain meds though. I still take them, I don't like feeling anything if I can help it. lol

    Welcome to the group psmassey. How was your surgery? Where are ya from?

    Sanddune I'm jealous you still have 2 weeks off! THough bending is NOT fun so thats good you got the time off! I work for myself, so I don't have sick leave at all... don't work, don't get paid. So I could only take off so long.

    I did my first day back today, though just 1/3rd the client load I typically do in a day. Tomorrow is a bit more and Friday is a near full day. I can't tell you how glad I am the weekend is soon. And Monday, I get to switch to full liquids! YEA!! I'm dying to have a nice butternutsquash Soup or something different.

    Oh I got my Isopure in today and was shocked to find it wasn't gross like everyone thought. Now like most Protein drinks, ice cold is the key. But I got the blue kind and really think its quite like Powerade so I'm pleased. I think I'll probably use one for some popsicles. Its 40g Protein for 20oz so I can see myself certainly getting these for quite awhile, even though they are a tad pricy. Ordering online is cheapest.

    I'll be sleeping in my bed tonight for the first time in a week. I did the recliner last night because I was sligtly worried about the bed, but I think I'm ready. I also like what someone else said about putting the pillow under the belly while sleeping sideways is a good trick, I'm totally a side sleeper!

  2. I now have in my possession a couple of popsicle molds. I am still on clears for another 5 days but I'll be on liquids 10 more days after that and then purees. I decided that for the summer and popsicles might be a great way to get more Protein in. Anyone have any great recipes suggestions?

    I just got a couple of cases of Isopure in. The blue one and the punch. They are currently in the refrigerator to try to get really cold, I've heard a lot of people don't like the taste so I'm hoping if its cold the taste won't be as much of a problem. Does anyone use Isopure doctored up with a little bit more sweetener or crystal light or something for popsicles?

  3. Oh! Sorry for the triple post but I wanted to say one thing that might be helpful.

    My doc explained if your sleeve is tight all the way to the top like how he does it, your stomach opening is smaller than your esophagus. So when you take a drink it has to funnel in. That's why we get gurgling or a little pain when we take too big of a drink. That typically goes away pretty quick, but it's there. It may feel better in a month or so when all the swelling is down and we are healed.

    Just in case some of you are wondering why it feels the way it does. :-)

  4. Hi habsi! Glad you like the thread too. It's so nice to chat with people about this so we don't feel alone. So many people get depressed after surgery, I really think this group will help with that.

    How are the slim fast ones on carbs and Protein? That's really the only two things in going to be super strict about during the honeymoon phase. The first 6 months we will lose the fastest, so I want to get off as much as I can by then.

    As for exercise, my doc said light walking after a week. Weights can start after a month. Remember that one you start weight training your weight loss will slow down.

    I'll be weighing every day probably because I want to take pics every 10lbs. But ill collect weights Monday for Tuesdays post update!

  5. Wooooo Bella he says not to every so Protein shakes? That is a new one. Most docs want you to get about 80-100g in Protein. I can't imagine being able to get enough in! What a stressful project. Sounds like a recipe for major hair and muscle loss. :-\ how many successful sleeves has your surgeon done? What's his clients loss rate? (average us 80% excess weight, my doc is 96%- their skill creating the sleeve and diet plan advice is the trick of that number)

    I'm going to try to eat protein first, but I'll be lucky to get in 50g a day in food since I'm looking at 1/2c food at a time. so I'm going to aim for 60g in shakes a day (which is just 2 of the costco ones which I find yummy super cold - can't have them till Monday though :-(

  6. Hi tired twin, Ill add you! Welcome to our great little group. We really should get a clever name folks :-) . Any ideas??

    Well today starts my first day back to work. I had one client get sick so I'm actually down to just 3 clients so that is great news (OK not for my poor client though). I can go home and rest.

    On the plus side, I got all the way to work and realized the bumps in the road didn't hurt!! Yesterday I was still wincing at the bumps. I'm still taking a sublingual anti-inflammatory /pain pill, and will until the weekend (I'm not against feeling nothing Lol) but I was very glad about the drive.

    I've decided that syntax nectar Protein drinks taste OK but smell terrible. I have to purposely exhale before a drink and swallow before I inhale. I got a sample pack of 14 flavors. Having the tea this morning, which tastes good with a little extra sweetener, so I may get some in the future... But I just have to train myself to do the breathing trick. Well be good for my drive home after work. I'm on clears until Monday and my doc was ok with these so I'm using this time to test all the flavors.

    How is everyone feeling today? I finally weighed and I'm 5 down. Hoping it will be 10 when we start the new thread next week with weights!

  7. Hi aBrooke! Glad to see you are back and healthy and WOW loosing great! I still have clears until Monday (your 3 days ahead of me though). 17.8lbs is awesome! I'm weighing in the am. I'm not a week out yet, so I know there is some excess Fluid going on. I look forward to weight next week.

    lilliebug welcome to the group. I've added you to the list above.

    newtee, bugger you are still up 1. But wow, you really gotta get those fluids in! If your body is processing fat and trying to let it go, it can't do it without Water. It will really hurt your kidneys not to have that Water coming in. For most people, you can actually get the majority of water you need in with food, but since we aren't eating food, the water we take in is super vital. I've been sipping sipping and getting in 2 liters a day now. Most people average 20-30 lbs lost the first month. So have faith, it WILL pick up!

  8. You absolutely could lose the weight with a sleeve. The trick with the sleeve it is it an ART. It needs to be done right for sure. As the other person had said, some doctors have much better experience with RNY. I searched for experience. I really didn't want to have things moved around, I just wanted a sleeve to help with Portion Control. The RNY means you will forever have to be having blood work and getting levels checked etc etc. I didn't want to deal with all of that! And you being 20, thats a very long time to deal with that sort of maintenance.

    Check out YouTube... LessofSarah had over 400 to lose and has done so with a sleeve from Dr Aceves in Mexico - he has done about 2000 sleeves, not including RNY, revisions, etc. If you are choosing just some random surgeon, which in the US, thats what we tend to do... you may some day find that your sleeve has stretched and need a revision - if you ever do, I suggest heading down to see Dr Aceves. But you may end up with a perfectly fine sleeve.

    In the end it is ALL about restriction. With RNY people may get to cheat more because it doesn't absorb as many calories eaten, however, that means it also doesn't absorb nutrients. My Aunt had it over 10 years ago and shes lost quite a bit, but she has gained back a bunch as well, so its certainly not impossible. With both surgeries it comes down to using the tool of restriction to be able to eat and stay within your calories. My surgeon talked for an hour with us before surgery. He said in the end, the palm of your hand can hold 100 calories of food, or 2000 calories of food. Which you choose, will be your success. I think that was very impact full. You will lose with either. But looking forward in 2 years, do you want to deal with the blood work and nutrition aspects of a RNY?

  9. Can you believe we all have tini-tiny stomachs now? What a week its been. Some have had remarkable painfree success and some have been downright miserable. At this stage everyone is in totally different places as far as food/liquid/nutrition. For those on Clear liquids for awhile longer, if you didn't know, Isopure makes a clear drink thats 40g Protein. Its sold at some GNC stores. Might help get some protein in while being kind to your new stomach.

    I hope by the end of this week everyone is feeling fantastic!

    Here is the run down! I have an idea, let me know what you guys think... What I can start doing next week after we all lose the excess surgery Fluid... so everyone can see easily how much everyone has lost, is each week we can weigh in Mondays and I can put it after your name on the new Tuesday thread. It would be great to be able to see how everyone is doing at a glance - ie (lylabelle -6). It will be fun the first few weeks when we will probably all be dropping really well (except week 3 is typically a stall). You guys can message your number to me if you want so we keep our thread clean and filled with tips, tricks, recipes, annoyances and NSVs! Let me know what you think. Love this group!

    Tuesday May 27th





    sleevin' it in Jersey










    **Haven't heard back post surgery from cnilson, dmolly

    Wednesday May 28th












    **Haven't heard back post surgery, My Journey, motivated76

    Thursday May 29th









    *Haven't heard back post surgery from SlimDownThick, jme621

    Friday May 30th








    *Haven't heard back post surgery from Speeder, bonniebeth001, shavbarn

    Saturday May 31



  10. Toofat I did self funded also and went to Dr. Aceves. He's been the president of the Mexico Bariatric society, has performed about 2000 sleeves and is the guy that travels to the US to teach docs here. He does a LOT of revisions on bad sleeves also - it's an art and if not done well the sleeve can expand.

    I flew into San Diego and their driver picked me up with another couple also having surgery. The pre op lab work and tests were that day and last supper (anything you want including 2 drinks) was that night. The next day was surgery then I spent 3 days in the hospital. They do 3 leak tests and you even get to take home the pictures of your new stomach. The drive you back to the airport and you had home 4 days after you get there. The whole thing was $8750, (flight cost was the only extra).

    If you are considering self pay anyway, you might want to look into getting the best sleeve and care you can. With open you are going to be a much longer recover y time (a month instead of a week).

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