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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by lylabelle

  1. Danila I'm sorry you have to do all liquid. My surgeon has done over 3000 sleeves and I don't have to do all liquids until after surgery. I'm on low carb (Atkins style - just had an omelet and bacon yumm). I heard from some you tube videos of people that went to this surgeon we actually get a last supper the night before surgery! Anything we want including alcohol. Yea!! Anyone else get a last supper?

  2. Hi all!

    Wow Barb, a wedding is totally tough. They never have many food choices and there is *always * cake! Hopefully the is a bit you can eat. Our cook up a ton of bacon for Breakfast and eat as much as you can. You won't want to eat or be hungry the rest of the day. Lol

    I've heard nothing but good things about this hospital and doc so I'm excited :-)

    Cleaning and gardening today. Ugh

  3. I chose to go to Mexico and do self pay with Dr Aceves for many reasons. One of which is that I did not want to jump a whole bunch of hoops and deal with all that crap just to go to a doctor that may not have quite as much experience. I could have scheduled and gone and within a month. But I needed to work it around my work schedule so my first available date was fine with them, which is next Friday!

  4. Hi welcome to our group! Where are you from? I am from Seattle. I am going down to Mexicali for my surgery to see the amazing Dr Aceves. You did a long pre op! 2 months, how much did you end up losing? That is really great that your husband did it first. Did he find out about it or did you find out about it and suggest it to him? I am not married but I think my brother would really benefit from this. He is a bachelor though and I'm not sure he would want to give up going out and drinking or eating whatever he wants. But he's a big guy and I would love to have him around a long time so I hope he considers it after seeing my great results. Let's all plan to post our numbers Thursday! I can't believe a week from today is the big day!

    Funny you mention Vitamins, I was just at costco last night and stocking up on Vitamins actually! I picked up some regular adult to gummy vitamins (one a day I think? But they tell you to take 2 a day) and I actually saw that there were some probiotic Gummy vitamins and thought that can't hurt me either! So I got that. I am NOT going to take an additional Iron I don't think. It looks like the Iron in the multi Vitamin should suffice.

    We should come up with a name for our group! I hope we can keep in contact and keep up-to-date on everyone's progress through this journey. I plan to start a video blog. I really enjoy watching the video blogs and I think it's good for people that are getting into it now to see one that's really current. I have really enjoyed watching less of Sarah and have to say I was up way too late last night watching some of her post op videos from right after to see how things went. She also went down to Mexico to see the awesome Dr Aceves.

    Around the house to get ready? Oh my, I have been so crazy. I spent two straight days in the garden a few weeks ago trying to get everything is close to ready as I can so that there's really nothing I have to do for a while. I need a little bit more time this weekend doing some final touches but it should be pretty well able to take care of itself most of the summer after that. I am going to also try to organize my clothes this weekend according to size since I have basically been wearing the same couple of outfits for a while now because nothing else fit! I did HCG a few years ago and lost down to about 188 and got rid of a ton of my larger clothes, determined I was never going to go back. And..... Here I am bigger than I started so I have few clothes that actually fit. So the clothes that were smaller are sitting in there waiting for me and I have a little bit of intermediate clothes between 260 and 188. Beyond that size (14/16) I have nothing. So I'm probably going to try to take domains at work for clothes. lol I'm hoping that a bunch of my lovely fashionable clients will have clothes that they can donate but maybe they don't fit into any more either getting smaller or larger whatever the reason and maybe I can get some that way (and they will probably be better than what I can get!).

    This weekend I'm going to organize my kitchen a little bit better so that I can make my Protein shake/ blender /vitamin area and make that easier for when I get back. Unfortunately I don't get a long recovery. My first day back at work is actually Wednesday.

    How long are you ladies in the hospital? I was reading that some doctors are actually doing outpatient now and sending people home the same day. That really worries me. I am very happy that where I am going I will be in the hospital for 3 days.

    Is everyone having to do a liquid diet next week? My Dr just has me for a week on low carb (I'm doing Atkins induction style, Lord knows I've for it enough times I know how it works) but no real liquid diet requirements. And after watching one of less of Sarah's videos last night I learned that Thursday night I will get to go out and have a regular meal (the last supper) so that is exciting! Lol

    Anyone have fun plans this weekend?

  5. Hi! I'm guessing from your un you are barb?

    That's great to have a sleeve buddy! Maybe we will get a few more. Will be great to follow.

    I'm at 267.5 right now. Excited to get to 188, that's my last number after doing hcg. Then oh to be under 165, that's my first big big goal, never been smaller than that!

    Your pre op diet is stricter. I don't have to limit food. I plan to just do just shakes the date I fly out the day before surgery. I picked up some unflavored syntax so I hope just adding that to Powerade 0 works well :-)

  6. Hi all! I'm excited, 9 days until the big day! I'm doing Atkins style low carb until then, I need a kick start! I have a few work trips 3 weeks after surgery and would love to be 30 down, so I know I have to work hard! I had a few good funerals but I think I'm good now. :-)

    Protein Powder is in, I ordered so Isopure drinks too that hopefully will arrive before I leave. I got Flintstones Vitamins for the first few months, is that what your all are taking?

    I'm headed down to Mexico to see Dr. Aceves for surgery and I can't wait!

  7. I thought the bag thing a bit strange too. I guess that would work if you couldn't burp or things didn't go out the other way.

    I'm glad to see if a year down the road I have a crazy craving that it will be OK. I love seeing all the success stories! Can't wait for the end of May for my sleeve!

  8. Oh I didn't know you are allowed anything carbonated ever! I don't mind not having it much at all, just the *never * thought was sad. Is fine without for 6 months before. I really think I'll be OK right after and for quite awhile, but a nice crisp one on a hot summer day next year will be much desired. Lol

  9. So any of your successful sleevers recovering diet pepsi drinkers? I think it is the "you can't every have again" that is depressing pre-screened. I love the crisp taste of a cold diet pepsi. And through every diet (some successful losses, just never maintained), I was always glad that even if I was restricted to chicken breast I could enjoy a cold diet pepsi after work. I've gone off of before so I know I can... Is just. Well. You know....

    Anyone know what I'm talking about? Were you anxious about it before sleeve but it's turned out to be no biggy?

  10. Regardless of if my insurance takes it, I am so going to Dr Aceves in Mexicali just over the border from San Diego. A good, complain free, well done sleeve is more important to me than being local with a doc who doesn't do as good a job in the sleeve. This doc is often fixing other people's bad sleeves. The cheaper price is just a bonus. (8750). My friend went to another doc that was even cheaper, 5k, but her hospital stay was just 1 night and she doesn't have a as tight a sleeve. I like 3 nights, and multiple L leak tests he does. In Washington they are starting to do outpatient! That scares me, send people home right after? That isn't substantial time to check for leaks, which tend to cause the deaths associated with sleeve.

    In the US, wet go to whatever surgeon does the job. We don't look at their success, complications or how many of those surgeries they have actually done. Is entirely done on blind faith. It's so different in Mexico, some of the doctors there are much more experienced and have been doing it many more years longer than US doctors. Trust me, when I first heard Mexico from my friend, I was freaked out. Insurance could cover it in the US, after 9 months of jumping through hoops, but that isn't what I'm concerned with. Now after much research, I know I will get the best care and surgery possible.

  11. I am scheduled for may 30 with the amazing Dr Aceves. Can't wait! I think I will have the hardest time missing diet pepsi. Lol. I'm on a cruise now and enjoying the food but I know the next time it will be a bite here and there, and I'm OK with that. I have one more trip mothers day weekend, then it's strict diet and work out hopefully 3 times a week the 2.5 weeks until surgery. I'm very excited. I too had to buy some clothes before this vacation. Biggest I've ever been. Looking forward to not squeezing into little chairs in the theater ever again!

  12. Heading on spring break vacation with my kiddo soon. Decided I better get some shorts since we are going somewhere hot. I've been living in stretch yoga pants since last summer. Oh my. I'm now the largest size I've ever been. Surgery in may can't come soon enough! Heck, I'll have a hell of a "I used to wear these pants" picture in a year!

    On the plus side, I was not the one crying in the dressing room (Yep, that was in the cube next to me). I know I have a plan so I'm not going to stress about how big I am, for the first time ever! I'm going to go enjoy the trip and keep on counting down. I know the next time I'm on a beach I'll be much much smaller. And that is exciting. I almost want to video how people treat fat people and video again in a year for a social study. Lol. I may even take pictures with my kid, to look at next spring break and see how far I've come.

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