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Posts posted by MrsGloMartin

  1. Woo hoo!!! That's awesome!!! I'm not going to repeat what others have already said, but I will say you are working your program!!! Don't stop but add some daily or weekly celebration to your routine. I Celebrate each day that I get more than half of my Protein in by treating myself to an extra hour of pampering and me time. Do small things like buy some red hot lipstick or that sexy pair of heels you want. Love yourself and be good to you. You are a Diva in progress so get excited about the transformation that's taking place and anxiously await your unveiling. Were all rooting for you because you are one if us and we are all going to do this together!!!

  2. Thanks everyone, feeling really bad about myself. Tomorrow's a new day!

    Hi I just want to say to you you are in good company. You are amongst peers who have been there and done even worse lol. The important thing to remember is that every day brings with it the opportunity to start over again. You will be just fine, refocus your effort, stop beating yourself up about doing what you did, and concentrate on your purpose for being here, to have the surgery and kick start the beginning of your new life!!! You are a beautiful young lady who's ready to transform. Let it happen and if you stumble along the way we are here for you. We will support you, encourage you, and give you the boost you need to get you back on track. I pray that you will find your purpose and receive the strength needed to pave the way to a new you, God bless.

  3. As usual MrsGloMartin you are reminding me of how to behave!!! I appreciate your information and your positive attitude is infectious!!! I will change my mind set and stop feeling sorry for myself!!! The pity party is over!

    Msshellg, when do you ever complain or be negative? I must have missed a couple of your posts lol. But seriously, I was making myself depressed feeling defeated and down. I knew this was going to be a challenge for me. I've been addicted to sweet, fatty foods for years now and it once seemed impossible for me to imagine ever being healthy again. Now I've begun this journey I'm gonna Celebrate the losses and gains and work hard to reach my goal weight if 130 lbs by this time next year or sooner. I know I can do it and so can you, but we have to be willing to put in the hard work if we want to reach our goals. I'll probably post some pics on Friday when my daughter arrives from Mexico to visit me for Mothers Day so I can share my new look with everyone. Have a great veining and don't forget to celebrate the new you everyday!!!

  4. Best of luck to us both, I am 3 weeks out also and today I woke up and said to myself " it's a one day at a time recovery" and I will quit comparing myself to my friends who are 1-2 yrs post op and remind myself they to started off slow like me. I need to be more patient with myself. And great for your weight loss :) your doing great. We can't rush the new learning process.

    Yes Lisavz, that's the spirit!!! I tend to find myself comparing myself to my neighbor who had her surgery in November and was hospitalized twice for dehydration and her incision rupturing before she finally got it all under control and began to lose weight. She's lost 75 lbs but she does not work out because she says she's too busy. She went through way more than I did to get to where she is now. I just want to be positive and share my story here with everyone. Hopefully I will inspire someone or encourage someone to give it their all and make this awesome change in their life. God bless you and all the best as you begin your WLS journey !!!

  5. I I like your positive vibe on here. Sometimes the biggest obstacle is ourselves. You are so right this is a time for renewal and an overall with our thoughts and actions. You are doing wonderfully - super inspiring!! any tips you can share on the first few days is appreciated. Wishes for continued success!

    Hi Lorri, a positive attitude is what keeps me focused on the good things that I usually don't notice in my life. Since surgery I've noticed that I sleep all night, I don't get up constantly to go to the bathroom, and I can walk five blocks without back pain and stopping to catch my breath. Change is occurring and it's wonderful but I felt myself getting caught up in a cycle of complaining about doing the things that are going to help me maintain all I've gained by having WLS. God bless you and I wish you much success in your journey to health and wellness. Oh yeah, a very big tip for after surgery is to not expect the things that others are going thru to happen to you and if they do, call your doctor immediately, share with others to get support and encouragement to help you get through it, and do your best to stick to your doctor and NUT plan for recovery. After surgery your body will need at least a week or more to lose all of the Fluid weight you'll gain from the surgery, walk as soon as you can while in the hospital it helps with gas and getting your equilibrium back after surgery. And last but not least remember why you're having the surgery especially when the pain and nausea seem to be at its worst. You can do this you've made it this far, you will be overjoyed when you begin to shed inches and pounds!!!

  6. Glo aren't you only 2 weeks out? I had my surgery 4/15 and tomorrow marks 3 weeks for me. Your progress and attitude even better!!! Your are doing great!!!

    Hi Amy, yes this is the beginning of my third week since my surgery on the 21st. I'm not fully three weeks out but I'm more than two weeks out if that makes any sense. Thank you so much for the compliment on my attitude change. My great-grandmother turned 102 years old yesterday and when someone asked her how she dealt with life's ups and downs she said she always finds the good in any situation and she uses that good to help her change how she looks at something. I'm losing weight, my energy is returning, and best of all I'm alive with each day promising that if I continue Doing as I am now my life will improve and time will be added to it. My great-grandmother still cooks and cleans and drives her car with another licensed driver on Sundays when she goes to church. I want to live my life to the fullest as she does hers.

  7. Today I am officially three weeks out from my surgery date of 4/21. I've had my share of ups and downs but I need to do a 360 and change my mindset about my expectations for myself for the rest of my life. the only way to change our circmstances is to change the way we view them. If you wish to have positive result from evne the worse situtaions in life you must be able to view them optimistically. Starting today I am optimistic that I will meet my Protein requirements everyday, I will follow my NUT's diet plan to the letter, only progressing to new and different textures of food when it is safe to do so. I will walk two miles everyday until I get back up to my five miles per day that was my norm when I was fit and healthy, and I will no longer complain.

    Since I first began this journey in February weighing in at 305 lbs I have lost 32 lbs, today I weighed myself and I am down to 263lbs. I should be celebrating, happy, estatic to have lost so much weight in such a short amount of time after trying unsuccessfully for years to lose 20 lbs. Today I move up to pureed foods so yesterday I prepared my grilled salmon and pureed it along with some sweet potatoes and lima Beans (not all together of course). I portioned it all out and put it in ice trays to have it handy when I am ready for a meal. It's 12 noon and I am not hungry but I'm going to sign off and have my lunch now.

    This morning I prepared my Protein Drink, 8 oz. with Lactaid milk and half of a banana and I drank the entire glass with no nausea, I've already had 24 oz of Water which was never a real problem I love drinking ice cold water but immediately after surgery it was difficult. I'm changing the way I look at WLS and I am grateful for this intervention. I will still share my concerns and questions but I promise you I have nothing to be negative about. I feel my good health and energy slowly returning and for me this is reason to give thanks to God for knowledge and wisdom and to feel good about myself and my life from this day forward. God bless each of you and I pray that we all will find our happy medium and allow it to flow into each day of our lives filling us with hope and inspiration!!!

  8. Mrs. Glo Martin I am sorry to hear that you are having a problem with your Protein supplements. Eventually, you will have more options open up for you, but the beginning can be pretty rough. On the protein supplement side over the past 11 months, I made the following transitions 3 Protein Shakes per day 2 protein shakes per day 2 large cups of hot cocoa (no sugar added) + 1 large berry smoothie 1 large cup of hot cocoa (no sugar added) + 1 large berry smoothie As I gained more protein on the meal side of the equation, I was able to subtract off some of my protein supplements. When I achieved my bottom weight, I was able to add more calories to the equation (protein + meal plan). As I was able to transition from puree to solids, I was able to use Protein Bars as part of my protein supplements. The first year after surgery is all about transitions and finding options that will work for you.

    Hi James, it's always a pleasure to get feedback from someone who's experienced the ups and downs of WLS. It's good to learn that this is a major part of my healthy transition from a uneducated junk food eater to a happy, healthy person who chooses to make a change for a lifetime. I'm always inspired by the info you provide and I really appreciate you. I'm heading into week three post op as of Monday and I will continue to share my struggles and successes with you in this forum. Again I'm inspired and hopeful thanks to your willingness to share your story, support, and encourage us in our journeys.

  9. Mrsglomartin, I am sorry you are having such a rough time. My doctor gave me a prescription for Karafate liquid and omeprazole capsules to help with eating.

    Thanks for the info I'm just sick of medications and I'm meditating when I begin to feel nauseous. I notice that the smell of Protein Powder, pork cooking, and beef really sends my poor stomach into convulsions. I stopped eating red meats years ago but my hubby still eats it occasionally and the smell if it cooking never bothered me before. I'm really changing in my likes and dislikes as far as food goes. I'm so over the sugary sweet taste of everything even though it's artificial sweeteners. I pray that I will one day be completely sugar free, artificial and real sugar.

  10. I was finally discharged this afternoon. My surgeon was not comfortable letting me go yesterday since I was not getting in enough fluids. I have not had any hunger feelings so I have to keep reminding myself to drink some Protein or broth every hour or so. It is starting to get easier and I am glad to have the support I do. The biggest struggle I am having is with my sisters negative vibes but I know I did what's best for me. Hope everyone is holding up well.[/quote

    Yeah, so happy to hear that you're home now!!! I pray that with each day your aches and pains will lessen and you'll be on the road to weight loss and recovery soon!!!

  11. I have that same fear! Every time I eat/drink something I just think I'm going to be part of that small % that surgery does nothing for. I don't feel like I'm losing. I don't have a scale so it's not the numbers. I think my main problem is that I haven't even come close to my liquid and Protein goals. Dehydration makes your body save all the Water weight. I dont know. It sucks but I guess we can only take it one day at a time.

    I guess we are all struggling with this fear. I believe it is a good thing because we are now mindful of what's good for us and the bad foods that caused us to make the decision to have WLS. It'll get better and because we know what's good for us we will make better choices when deciding what to eat. I've lost 42 lbs since I began my pre to post op diet and this morning when I weighed myself I'm 2.6 lbs lighter than I was Wednesday. I know I want this to last forever and I pray that we all will continue to get healthier and lose weight as the months go on. God bless.

  12. You are not alone--After I got on Stage 3 and started on solid with the dreaded Dumping Syndrome. Unjury shakes can't tolerate, meat of any kind or eggs. Can only down yogurts and Dr. Atkins Shakes. Weight has slowed down in loss, but continue losing. Don't give up. Dumping isn't as bad as not seeing scale move.

    Thanks, I'm losing weight steadily and I know it's because I'm not hungry and when I try to sip on something my stomach violently protests. I'm praying that it will get better soon for all of us so we can move on to the next stage of our journeys. God bless.

  13. How are you all doing, April 21sters. I had mine on the 21st too. It's so interesting how different each of our surgeons handle the diets and surgery. I feel pretty good but tire out easily. I'm so sick of the sweet drinks. I like herb ox broths. It's the only thing not sweet. I think I get cleared for puréed food at my two week follow up. I can't wait. What has been your go to drinks is past week?

    I'm doing good but I'm having great difficulty with the Protein. Every time I try to mix it with anything it causes instant nausea and stomach cramps. I'm praying that when I enter the next stage of puréed foods I'll be better able to disguise the taste of the protein. I discussed this with my doc and he's not too worried about me not getting the protein while it's crucial to my successful weight loss, he wants me to focus on getting in my supplements and staying hydrated. I tried the muscle milk for the first time today. It made me feel a little nauseous but as I'm sipping on it slowly it's better than anything else I've tried thus far. All the best to you!!!


    Shrilann46, I received your response to me via email but I can't find it here on this page but I want you to know how much I appreciate your feedback and support on this subject. dumping syndrome is no joke and it hurts really, reall bad causing you to become afraid to eat or try anything. but we know that it is crucial that we get our Protein and liquids in everyday along with our supplements this is where I find this site invaluable. I've added all responses and suggestions of Protein supplememnts to try to my todo list and as I try them I will keep you all informed about what worked and what did not. who knows, someone else may find your support helpful to them. Have a great evening everyone I am off to my wl support group to share my findings with other soldiers in the struggle to regain their health and happiness....

  15. I started with myoplex original. Like most low sugar the taste isn't wonderful but they're passable at least and I didn't actually mind the taste. And best part is each one has 42g of Protein so that's half way to daily requirement. Luckily I haven't had dumping yet but if my Greek yogurt has too high sugar(over about 10 for me) I get a little queasy. And if you find something that works, get a lot of them lol. Best of luck!

    Hi Volkitteh, thanks for the great info!!! I'm taking every bit of info I get and adding it to my list of things to try until I find the one that clicks with my new stomach. I pray that you never go through the dumping syndrome i swear it is worst that labor and I'm not kidding or exaggerating (my son weighed 12 2oz. at birth and I was in labor for over 12 hours) but this dumping syndrome was way worse because there was no relief in sight and it lasted for more that one day. I tried the Gasx strips but to no avail. I really appreciate your feedback, have a great evening!!!

  16. You're welcome, it's nice to find someone with a wealth of knowledge to share who's so willing to do so. I can't believe all the sugar in Activia, they have it in Greek now is this the sugar count for Greek or their regular? I love Activia and I have used it in the past to help keep me regular but I won't purchase it now with such a high sugar content. All the best to you too!!!

    MrsGloMartin, thank you for that wonderful compliment! I just looked at my greek yogurt label, I buy only Dannon Lite &Fit. It has 8 gr sugar. My husband has some other kinds and I looked at them, Activia has 19-22 gr sugar!!! I could not WAIT for my two weeks to be over so I could have some Greek Yogurt again.....but I only buy that brand... Best of luck...

  17. Hi Sweethon,

    I was just looking at the Fage 25 yougurt on my last shopping trip I'll have to try them next time around. I've been kind of purchasing whatever greek yogurt was on sale since they all seem to be loaded with Protein but I buy plain because I use it in other recipies for my family and when I want fruit I feel better pureeing my own fresh fruit an dadding it that way. I've also heard about GNC's weight Loss lean shakes but I have not tried them. I'll add them to my to do list of new protien shakes to try and after I've tried them I'll let you know how it went for me. My doc and nut both told me to keep experiemnting with new things until I find something that truly works for me. Thank you so much I really appreciate your feedback. Have a great day!!1

    Try Fage 2% yogurts they have different flavor. What you said you blended in your Protein I did too on Saturday and lat me tell I was sick cold sweat washing me. I have never felt sick sunce I did my surgery on Feb 5 until Saturday.
    My new stomach still cannot take much or food. I had problems getting my 70 grams Proteins and 700 calories. I Do Fage 12 gram P..and GNC weight loss lean shake 25g Prot

  18. I am sorry you are having this trouble and so thankful that I didn't. If you like Greek Yogurt, it is loaded with protein.......also I love the Premier shakes from costco of Sams club. They do have them at Walmart but they are more expensive. The chocolate is my favorite. 30 grams of Protein per drink...ready to drink

    Hi shmily, you are so awesome in this forum!! I've been following your posts closely and most of what you have to say I have found to be very beneficial to me. I do love Greek yougurt is is the only kind I buy but I dont have a favorite as I only buy plain in an effort to avoid all the added sugars found in the fruit greek yogurts. I remember reading your post to another of our family members but I couldn't remember the name of the shakes or where you purchased them. when I do my shopping i will be sure to purchase the premier shakes from Costco and let you know how they worked for me so far I've been adding my own pureed fruit to my greek yogrt and gettin some protein in that manner but I realize that I need much more to meet my quota. Thank you so much, I really appreciate you, you're a blessing to me!!!

  19. Hey everyone, I'm nine days post op and feeling well, no pain from my surgery, I'm mobile and doing my Wiifit exercises 30 mins to an hour everyday with no soreness or stiffness, and I've lost a total of 24 lbs since my surgery on the 21st. I'm very pleased with my surgeon, Dr. Alehy Tohamy (hope that's spelled correctly) his nurses and staff at weight Loss and Metabolic Surgery, 8815 Germantown Ave. Phladelphia, PA 19118, you guys here at bariatricpal.com, and most importantly, my hubby for all of his love and support.

    I've been following my doctor and nutritionist's orders word for word, making sure to get in all of my fluids and Protein everyday as best as I can. I've never hit the 75 grams of protein per day however, since my surgery. Prior to surgery it was a piece of cake. I drank my shakes everyday, added protein to my Water and sipped on it as long as it took me to get it in, which sometimes ended up being a daylong event but nonetheless I got it all in. However, after surgery this has proven to be an arduous task. My taste buds have been altered because everything that i loved prior to surgery (sf popscicles, Decaf coffee, unflavored whey protein, broth, etc.) now tastes horrible and really makes my stomach go flip flopping all over the place for hours, which I just found out after crying to my dr. that I am experiencng "dumping syndrome."

    I prayed yesterday after I tried mixing the Protein powder with some pureed banana, Lactaid milk, and ice cubes in my blender till it was shake consistency and drinking it that either I was allergic to some ingredient in the Protein Powder or my new stomach just simply does not like protein. Today I spoke to Dr. Tahomey and explained all the I've been experiencing in detail over the last four days and he explained to me that yes. this is the dreaded "dumping sydrome" that I've been trying to avoid, and yes, it is possible that my new stomach does not like to texture, taste, or consistency of the protein powder. I feel so relieved but this does nothing to help me with my need to get in enough protein to meet my quota for the day. Dr. Tahome suggested that I experiment with new ways of getting my protein in like adding it to plain yogurt with some fresh fruit that has been pureed, adding protein to my oatmeal in the morning. If anyone has any other suggestions I would love to hear them. This is only day nine for me and I'm sure I will be posting for more help as I enter stage three of my post surgery diet. Have a great day everyone!!!

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