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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by socaldixiegal

  1. I'm on day 9 post surgery. The surgery was much less painful than expected - sore though. The gas pain was aweful and took nearly 7 days to completely go away. chest pain, shoulder pain, etc.

    My doctor has me on 2 weeks of liquid with 3 shakes daily. My liquids can be clear, but also Tomato juice, etc. So on week 2 of liquids I started with blended Soups put through a fine strainer.

    So far I haven't even really felt any hunger. I've had an appetitie periodically but no real hunger. Will really need to learn the difference between appetite, or wanting to eat versus being hungry and needing to eat. Cravings kicked in around day 4 and 5 but went away around day 6. Wonder when I'll start getting hungry?

    So far so good and hopeful! It's really starting to kick in how much my life is going to change.

  2. Definitely wait. I'm off to Thailand in mid-November for 2 1/2 weeks which will also push my first fill out a little bit. However I was banded 10/19.

    Biggest reason for waiting is because of the unknown food issues. While you can find lots of Soup dishes in Asia, there's all the rice and unknown textures.

    Better safe than sorry. You'll have a chance to learn your band domestically.

  3. Had my surgery on Friday 10/19. Day of surgery I was nervous, anxious and the like. I've had numerous outpatient surgeries so was really suprised by the nausea that hit MAJOR in recovery. There was a 2 hour process to go through that begins during recovery - certain quantities of Water in small sips over about a 2 hour period. Getting up and walking periodically - and going to the bathroom. My process was delayed b/c of the nausea. My surgery started at 12:30 and I was released to go home at 5:45 pm.

    Not much pain around the incisions, sore, but not as bad as i thought. I did have the gas pains that started immediately. Felt like sharp stabs of heartburn and shoulder pain. That has been the worse part as it would be nearly constant. I'm on Day 6 (Thur) and it's finally nearly gone.

    The night after surgery I sat propped up - sipping Water, took some drugs and went to bed. You'll spend the next several days sipping.

    The worst was on Day 3 in got up from the sofa wrong and had horrid pain in the port incision. Minor tear in the stiches that attach the port to the muscle. Makes it easier to hurt that area now.

    Driving when you have no more pain and are OFF pain drugs. I drove a little on Tuesday, but have postponed until likely tomorrow as my energy level is getting back in gear today (Thursday)

  4. I'm also single and live alone. My best friend came in for the surgery which was Friday 10/19 and she left Tuesday morning 10/23. Each person will be different, but here's what I've experienced and been told by my doctor:

    1) I offically took off Friday, Mon & Tuesday and am working from home Wed - Friday. SOme people will spring back sooner, but I'm going to continue to work from home this week.

    2) Energy Level - I'm good now for about 1/2 - 3/4 of the day. Make sure you get in your liquids and Protein shakes that definitely helps. I've also started walking more each day. I've been taking naps in the afternoon and am careful not to push it - it's laproscopic, but it's still surgery. Today I was a little dizzy - not sure what's up with that, perhaps it's a signal to try not to do so much.

    3) I was constipated for about 2 days now everything is normal. The doctor recommends Milk of Magnesium to get things started if need be. Again, the liquids are extremely important here.

    4) My surgery book from the doctor says 2 weeks for sex.

    5) Plastic surgery - again, each of us will be unique. I think the best way to avoid having to have a Tummy Tuck or anything else is to lose slowly, exercise while losing, and drink lots of Water. I'm going to mentally keep it as an option, but we won't know until we get there!

    Heavy stuff - stock up on anything heavy - liquid drinks, slimfasts, etc. You will be instructed not to lift beyond 5 - 10lbs for 2 weeks. And if you push it - it WILL hurt.

    Good luck! I'm 5 days out and haven't experienced as much difficulty as others. Just take it slow. Better plan for more time and not have to need it then push yourself and possibly cause longer term issues.

  5. I'm 5 days out from surgery and can honestly say it wasn't as bad as I thought. The gas pains SUCKED the incisions were/are sore. By day 5 it's the port incision that bothers me the most. Be carefull getting up and down from a sitting position - I tore an internal stich and it hurt like all get out.

    The gas pain is worse than anything else and it's finally letting up - just mostly what felt like heartburn and pains in my left shoulder. Get up and move frequently.

    On the weight gain/loss side. My doctor - and many other sites really try to emphasis NOT to focus on weight gain/loss in the first month or two. Hard, I know, but we have to let our stomachs heal. We have to learn how to eat - Remember - the band is permanent. We have to learn how to eat and deal with it. I'm trying to focus on where I want to be 6, 9 months from now - not 6 or 9 weeks from now.

    Yes, it's surgery. Yes, it will hurt. Plan on taking at least a week of total down time. You may go faster than that (I'm working from home today and moving much better).

  6. I'm on day 5 post surgery (10/19) and so far I've not been hungry. That's not to say I haven't had an appetite. The other day I wanted to eat, but wasn't really hungry. I think part of our challenge in training ourselves to eat is to identify hunger versus appetite, or boredom.

    My doctor has advised that the goal is 3 meals and 3 Snacks. If we're in the right spot for our band then with that we won't be hungry - we should be satisfied - not stuffed after our meals. However, we have to get to the right spot. With your scheduled surgery you'll be in the 4 weeks "recovery eating" during Christmas. liquids, soft foods etc. From what I've heard hunger starts around that 3 and 4 week.

    That will also be a challenge - learning to eat until satisfied.

    I don't know what's around tomorrow's corner, but for now - on day 5 I can honestly say I'm not hungry.

  7. I'm scheduled for 10/19. I asked my doctor about getting back into regular activities. What he stressed was that the port is positioned with 2 stiches to keep it in place. You need to be very careful not to pull these stiches. I could be 3 - 4 weeks.

    He also said how they stich the stomach over the band to hold it in place - these stiches are very easy to tear - this is why we're on the liquid diet. To keep to stomach calm so that it can heal. Not sure if physical activity could pull these - mostly just internal.

    You might want to specifically ask your doctor about picking up weights. I know that I have a business trip about 10 days after surgery and I'm planning on checking my luggage so not to have to pick it up into the overhead.

    good luck!

  8. I have the same thoughts. I'm being banded on 10/19. I wonder if I'm doing the right thing? Will this work? Can I live with it? Etc.

    I think if we didn't have doubts we wouldn't really be prepared. We have to remember that it's a tool - albiet a good tool - we still have to diet.

    Unlike bypass, we will have to work to loose weight.

    However, when I diet what ruins it for me is succumbing to comfort food - LOTS of comfort foot. With the band in the sweet spot that everyone talks about huge quantities of comfort food will not be possible. That's part of what worries me.

    But it will work - because I'll make it work.

  9. I'm being banded next Friday 10/19. I travel all the time for business and personal reasons. Business is mostly domestic, but personal is mostly international. I'm actuallyl going to Thailand 4 weeks after surgery.

    That's one of my bigger concerns - nothing like having 20 minutes to change gates, grab lunch and get to you're next connection. Choices are difficult. Should be pretty easy though to find Soups.< /p>

    Any advice would be appreciated!

  10. I was about 16 lbs from qualifying for insurance to pay. I choose to go self-pay. Mostly so I could control the schedule. Also, there's no way I wanted to spend the money on business clothing that I'd need to dress! My current clothing was too tight as it was!

    I'm still using the doctor I started the research with - the cost isn't as high as I thought, but still $16k is a big chunk of change. Yeah, I know the clothing would cost less, but I really didn't want to gain nearly another 20 lbs. I feel horrible right now as it is.

    I thought about Mexico, but wanted the local medical support of my doctors program (psych, fills, support groups, etc) especially as they recommend doctor visits every 6 - 8 weeks over the first year.

  11. I just got scheduled for surgery on October 19. I'm extremely excited, nervous, etc. Hardest part has been scheduling for when I'm in town long enough!

    One big point of nervousness for me is that I'm a frequent business traveler. Lots of grabbing meals in airports, client lunches - fancy client dinners and the like.

    How have people handled frequent formal dinners? I imagine that initially I'll likely have to pack some Protein shakes - but goodness, there are LOTS of steak houses we go to.

  12. I just got back from mine! I had a bunch of tests to complete ahead of time, but we didn't actually go through any of them. Instead we spent about an hour talking about my life, weight and what I knew about the surgery.

    She asked if I was aware of the possible complications, how much I knew about life after lap-band.

    Lots of questions about family history, current stresses, past attempts to lose weight, why I wanted the surgery, why now, etc. Also wanted to know what about after concerned me the most (required changes, etc)

    All in all it was interesting.

  13. Good advice on the Protein.

    the travel is definitely something that has me a bit concerned. There are times when all I can do is grab something prior to jumping on my next flight. Will have to look at better alternatives.

    I'm not going to Mexico, although saving money is appealing, i want to medical support from my community. I'm going to Dr. Oliak. The cash program is $16k which includes the post-surgical program, education/nutrition classes, psych support and fills for the first 6 months.

    I know that Mexico would be cheaper, but not sure if I want to do that. there's that health/price issue at work there.

    The real kicker for me is that 5 weeks or so afterwards I'm going to Asia for 3 weeks. That's what led to most of my food questions.

  14. I'm currently working on being a band patient (very excited). I'm going to self-pay route.

    I travel a lot and have a food question. Once you're on solid food post surgery, yet prior to the first fill do you have food that you can't eat? I have trips starting about 4 weeks post surgery (some international) and wasn't sure what to expect prior to the fill.

    I've read a lot about what causes people problems, but it wasn't clear if that was prior to being filled.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

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