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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by socaldixiegal

  1. goodness you are not alone! I'm down about 24 lbs since my surgery and was thinking I should have lost more as well. However, that was unrealistic for me. I only have moderate restriction right now (3rd fill). The more research I read though - the more references I find to people gaining and/or not losing much until they hit that "sweet spot" fill point.

    It may take time to get there - don't despair. We'll reach that "sweet spot" fill level and then this thing should kick in more!

    I think even though we know this isn't bypass, RNY surgery has set so many expectations of fast weight loss after surgery - it's hard to mentally adjust to the 1-2 lbs per week. We want more than that!

  2. I also have the 14 cc band (initially I thought it was the 10 cc band). I did not have any fill after surgery. Often the 10 & 14 cc band are left with 4 cc after surgery (this is NOT done with the smaller bands).

    I didn't have any post surgery fill. My first fill was very modest - 2 cc. Then more aggressive at the second fill bringing me to about 6.5 cc total. Little restriction. Doctor said that with this band patients usually get into their "sweet spot" around 7 - 9 cc (again, can vary by person).

    My third brought me to about 8cc and I have some restriction. Nothing like the "only eat 1/2 cup of food" and PB kind of restriction. I can eat just about anything and am full at about 1 1/2 - 2 cups depending on what it is. I'd like to get tweaked just a bit more. I think I can lose at this fill level, but it still takes a lot of will power to limit portions.

  3. I was banded just a few days before you - feeling much the same thing - except I've got the LARGE band which is taking a while to get to the "sweet spot" which I still don't think i'm there (3rd fill last week).

    We're just in that annoyingly painful early stages where we're not in our restricted points yet. Hang in there - it will get better I hope!

  4. I've got the 14 cc AP band (thought it was 10 cc until today!). I'm now at about 8cc after 3 fills. I was empty after surgery (normally this band is left w/ 4cc in after surgery). My first fill was 2 cc. Second was aggressive and brought me to about 6.5. Now, I'm at 8 cc.

    My dr said that with my size band the 'sweet spot' is usually around 7 - 9 cc. He has me scheduled for every 2 weeks to get there. Right now, based on my lunch experience I'm hopeful!

  5. this is where I think the band is much more difficult & harder than other WLS - because we have to still work!!! I had my surgery in October and just had my 3rd fill today.

    Same issues - I could still eat. I had to still really 'diet' to lose. My doctor does have about a 6 month post-surgery diet (low carb, etc) that I mostly follow, but I'm still HUNGRY!

    Now, I think this fill is working. Remember, with lap-band you still have to watch what you eat & how much you eat. But, with proper restriction the band will become a great tool. It's just a pain to get there!

  6. You've been given some excellent advice, all I can say is that I wish I had this option when I was younger. You are so young and have so much life ahead of you - remember this is something that you are doing for you.

    whatever you choose to do - put yourself first. If you choose to cancel, are you going to regret it? Eventually feeling more angry with your family? It would be great to have the support of your family, but you need to make sure that you put YOURSELF FIRST and do whatever is right for you - not everyone else.

    If you choose to go forward tell your family that you would like their support and that you would hope they would support you through this. But, that if they can't support you that they should respect your choice.

    Good luck to you whichever way you choose.

  7. Sounds pretty normal to me. According to my doctor, your outside healing is done WAY before the inside healing. It takes much longer for the muscle tissue to heal after surgery. Your port is also stiched in place - these stiches can take up to 6 weeks to fully heal (which is why they don't want you lifting anything heavy for weeks).

    Every day you'll start feeling better - but that port area had a lot of manipulation. For me it was even a bit sore when the doctor was poking around for my first which was 7 weeks after surgery.

    Just give it time. It will get better, but it does sound pretty normal.

  8. With bypass you will typically lose more weight faster. There are serious side effects with bypass if you eat the wrong thing (i.e. dumping with too much sugar - food, alcholol, etc).

    think about when & why you eat. With lap band you have to work more at it to lose weight. Bypass, you almost can't help but lose weight.

    Either will help reduce hunger - but you have to watch your eating from boredom or other non-hunger related issues.

    The main reason I went with lap-band was that it would still be there as a tool for me when I got to my goal weight. I've seen too many people regain their weight after bypass because they didn't change their eating habits. The stomach pouch does and will stretch. With lap-band it's there helping you along even when you get to your goal.

    There are times when I think it would be easier with bypass. But then again, I'm about 3 months out and not yet at that 'sweet spot' with my fills so I don't have good restriction yet.

    Really you need to examine when, why and what you eat and then match up the pros/cons with each surgery to see which one will be right for you.

  9. Don't forget, we're also learning this whole new "band thing." I'm constantly having to remind myself that I have to control what I put into my mouth - the band doesn't do that.

    I did eat things over Christmas that I wasn't supposed to, but it wasn't nearly like last year - for that alone I think I can Celebrate.

    This is a learning process. And, we're all still new and still getting to that 'sweet spot' on our fills. Haven't gotten there yet but go for 3rd fill soon!

  10. When you watch the surgery shows, notice how the patients abdomen is REALLY swollen? And that there's 'room' inside the abdominal cavity when you're looking through the camera? Well, in order to see what's going on, they basically use gas to help inflate the area for surgery. It's this gas leaving the body that causes this pain. And, it hurts! Gas-X strips, walking and heating pads seemed to help.

  11. same process for me as juliegeraci - lie on table, place pillow under back (to arch stomach). He feels around for the port (poking & proding) this part hurt on the first fill b/c the port area was still tender.

    then it's a numbing shot - small needle & a slight burn sensation from the numbing stuff being injected. Then you don't feel any pain from the actual fill.

    However, for me I feel this weird sensation from the needle going into and moving around in the port. It feels REALLY weird - alien. Interesting though!

    For the actual fill, he first removes all liquid in the band to see how much is in there. Then he injects fuild back into the band to get to the level he wants based on your band size. Again, painless.

    You'll be asked to take some small sips of Water afterwards to make sure there's no issue with drinking.

    I've not been told to really be on a liquid dient afterwards, more like "be carefull" and "you may want to do soft foods".

  12. I didn't have the best anesthesia experience - ended up being VERY nauseus afterwards. Waking up took a little while, very groggy. Had anti-nauseau drugs which immediately helped so don't be shy about asking for some. No tubes, just IV.

    Felt like I had to cough - which hurt when I did. Had to hold a pillow against my stomach. Otherwise very little pain from the surgery. Probably around a 2-3. Was especting more. The gas pains hurt though. Wasn't expecting that to start immediatly.

    Once the nauseu was under control they had me sitting up (using a pillow to help press against the stomach) and going through a drinking process which was tiny sips of Water every few minutes - working up to larger amounts of Water. Total drinking process took may 1 1/2 hours. Also, periods of walking. Was discharged after being able to successfully walk & go to the bathroom (they give you fluids so that helps!)

    Surgery was I think around noon (not really sure when it started as it was running late) and I was discharged by perhaps 5-5:30pm?

  13. Remember - you just had surgery 2 days ago! It can take a couple of days just for the anesthesia to wear off. Even though it's minimally invasive surgery - your body was basically stabbed 4 or 5 times.

    Make sure you are following your dr instructions and TAKE IT EASY! Also, be sure to drink your Protein shakes and sip on lots of Water. Lack of Protein and dehydration can bring on some of what you're feeling.

    Please don't try to do too much too soon - remember, it's still a surgical procedure and your body has been through a lot recently.

  14. I'm sometimes suprised at how much hasn't changed. I too am new (only 3 months out).

    I still WANT to eat - mostly from being bored. If however, I eat too much I feel bloated, icky and REALLY uncomfortable. The quantity of food is SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than what I would have eaten in the past however. Lap Band has helped tremendously reduce being hungry - however, it doesn't address the desire to simply eat for other reasons.

    You still have to really watch WHAT you eat. The band will help how much your stomach can hold - but you have to take control over what you put INTO your stomach.

    Unlike bypass, certain foods won't make you sick. There's no dumping if you eat too much sugar, etc. There's a LOT of control you still need to have - but it's great having the support of the band.

  15. It really is an individual thing. I did have restriction right after my surgery and before the fill - but then the more I healed, the more I could eat. I'd say that right before my fill (about 7 weeks post op) I could eat what I thought was large portions, but still not back to what I would eat prior to the surgery.

    I was in Asia during that time and was able to eat a variety of foods - including rice. So, you may have some restriction from the band, and be able to eat just about whatever, but in smaller portions.

    However, that's again a very individual thing. Some will have more restriction than others.

  16. My doctor instructions were:

    For 2 weeks after surgery - 3 Protein shakes a day (Slimfast Low Carb or Slimfast High Protein) Regular Slimfast doesn't give you enough Protein

    liquids only during this stage other than the Protein drinks. Examples included clear Soup, propel Water, crystal light, v8 was ok

    After the 2 weeks it was soft food - things like chicken in broth, flaky fish, eggs, well cooked vegetables. And still protein. LOTS OF PROTEIN.

    My doctor doesn't want his patients to eat simple carbs so no mashed potatoes, bread, oatmeal (doesn't seem like a simple carb to me, but that's his instructions), you get the picture.

    You should have been given complete instructions from your doctor for the next couple of weeks. Call his/her office immediately and good luck!

  17. I drove 4 days after surgery and probably shouldn't have - mostly b/c of feeling out of it. It was also very difficult getting into my car which is a coupe - bending down and folding into the seat was difficult.

    Remember - you are going under general anethesia which is potent stuff! You'll also have prescription drugs. Even if you feel 'ok to drive' it's likely you are NOT safe to drive.

  18. just remember - you've had spikes shoved through your skin and muscle! Even after the skin heals, it takes time for the muscles to mend. There's also internal stiches that can be tender for weeks to come (hence the no lifting anything beyond 10 lbs or so for 3 - 4 weeks).

    For me - day 5 did become much easier. Still uncomfortable getting in/out of bed and up and down. Pressure on abdominal muscles was tough. By day 10 or so was the major turning point. It does get better - each and every day.

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