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Posts posted by RNBSN786

  1. For me it all depends on how it's cooked and how soft it is. For example, I can have ground beef in sauce or chili, or have pulled chicken and it has to be soft for it to go down. Or ground turkey in sauce or even soft steak I can tolerate. I love fish so that's easy for me. If the burger is hard and dry or any of the meats are dry I can't eat it. It would get stuck. Deli meats are still hard for me to eat and pork I have not added it back to my diet. Everyone can tolerate things differently. bread, Pasta and rice and even potato are hard to get down and would get stuck so I stay away from it. Mashed potato I can eat time to time. Cakes and Cookies, forget about it...that won't work for me. So def try out the meats and see how you feel. Every day is going to be different. Good luck!

  2. I was on a no carb diet only meat and lion starchy veggies, Water and low carb Protein shakes made with Water until I reached goal. This was per surgeon and dieticians orders along with weight training and cardio. I did weight training every other day 5 days a week and cardio daily 5 days a week with weekends off. Once I reached goal at 9 months I slowly introduced fruits, starchy veggies and whole grain carbs like whole grain brown rice and whole grain Pasta. I am 1 year 5 months out and I still have not had bread at all and I do not plan on ever eating any! My personal choice not my dr.s. I made sure I didn't stray from my diet and make sure that I stay on my plan daily. It's not a diet for me it's a new clean way of eating! I figure as little as I eat I need to make sure I eat the best of the best and not junk!! That is how I personally got to goal and how I got my body in the best shape! I also just had plastic surgery 8 weeks ago to get rid of extra skin I had on my arms and stomach and to fix my deflated breasts!! And I don't regret it one bit!!!

    You regiment also helps a lot. I have tried small pieces of bread a few times but it doesn't feel good so I don't care to eat it again. For veggies I just started to eat spinach and onions, garlic and mushrooms. Btw what is lion starchy veggies? Is it low starch veggies? I like your work out regiment too. I really want to lost another 20-30 pounds by December and I am hoping that happens. Right now I am on a 1000 calories only Proteins and yogurt and cheese and Protein Shakes. I eat 90% of my food at home which makes a huge difference.

    How many calories are you eating a day? I def am going to try to hit the gym 5 times a week. It's hard at time due to my energy levels but I feel walking is not enough either. Also I have weights and a balance ball for my abs which helps a lot. I just need to be patient that's my issue.

    You guys are really inspirational and you all should be very proud of yourself :)

  3. First one was taken day before surgery Next ones are from last week My surgery was March 13, 2013... I lost 126 lbs.

    Wow you look amazing! Good job. I want a body like that!

  4. Well I was super motivated to lose, I made myself get up off the couch for every commercial and excercise during it whether I went up and down the stairs, ran in place, did sit ups or leg lifts or squats I just made myself keep active on top of working out every day. I also did the wii fit which I found to be a lot of fun.. I honestly didnt start to excercise until I stopped losing weight lol I hope that helps! Oh I also didn't do ANY carbs..

    This definitely helps. I am not eating any carbs (no bread, no Pasta, no rice, no Cookies, no cakes, no milk and eat some fruits and veggies). I walk a lot since I don't have a car and in NYC we have no choice. I have been working out 3 times a week but it's not as rigorous as it was before surgery. I have also started to lift weights. My diet is clean but now I see my results are slowing down. But it's bound to happen and I am not freaking out but interested to know how people get to their goals. Your success story is inspirational and helpful to understand what I need to do at my end to reach my goal. Thank you! Btw I also just started to work out like a month ago lol...

  5. I had lapband in 2008 lost 120 in 9 months kept it off for 6 years then has to have a revision to bypass (band eroded) had to gain 50+ pounds to be eligible for the revision to bypass so now I've lost 41 of that 50 since my revision in May. :)

    That's awesome results. I am 5 and had surgery march 31 and was 210 and now 155. Am stuck on this for sometime and I am curious to know how long will it take for me to get to 130-120. Now I feel I have to work harder for it to come off. I would love to reach my goal by December but I don't know if I am being realistic. Any advice from your success would be much appreciate it.

  6. I have a slice of pizza now and then. HOWEVER- I have it because my "old brain", and my tastebuds remember how great it tastes. When it goes down, OMG it feels terrible! I dont dump on pizza, but its just this uncomfortable, crampy, YUCK feeling. Makes it a not-very-appealing craving anymore!!!

    I feel the same way. On Saturday night I had this tiny slice of pizza and felt yucky and just didn't want to eat anymore. Instead I had more white wine lol. I know that's bad too!

  7. Sorry to see you go through this but I truly believe it's the medication that's taking a toll on you. Best to see a therapist where you can vent and best to see a psychiatrist to change your medication.

    Before my surgery I was on anti anxiety and anti depressants and right after my surgery I gave it all up. I was sick of taking meds and didn't want to deal with it anymore. I also gave up the bad carbs (bread, Pasta, cakes, Cookies, rice, and sweets) and my mood is very stable. I used to be hyper and things would get to me pretty fast and after surgery I am calm and it takes a lot to get me angry.

    As far as over weight people go, I feel for them and wish I could help them and have them see what I went through and how they can also improve their lives. But all you can do is help and not look down on them. We have all gone through it and we should understand them better than the general society so why judge those who are going through the same things as we did. Instead we should love them and care for them.

    Anyways I hope you find a good therapist to help you get through this. Best of luck and I know you can do it!

  8. Just thought I'd share a few views from my saddle yesterday.... the little white speck in the middle is my dog tin cup creek south Leigh canyon on the west side of the Tetons

    Love the pictures. Where is this? It's absolutely beautiful :)

  9. I love the new me!! I am proud and feel sexy.. I used to hate having my picture taken now I revel in it lol This is last night I'm in the polka dot dress... Lipstick you look awesome!!!!'

    Wow you look awesome. Amazing results. How long did it take to get to your goal?

  10. I've lost a few since. :) HOW FUN!! So, when people post lots of selfies of themselves in sexy poses and sexy clothes and say, I think I'm still fat even though everybody tells me I'm not, do they really feel fat? I don't think so. I think they need a pat on the back. Come on ladies, just post your pics and say very loudly......"Look at what I've accomplished". Nobody is going to slam you for it. After all, you've managed to accomplish what we all are working for. I think you know you look good, but need to hear it from others.

    Wow you look amazing! Good job. Am so proud of you. How long did it take to get to your goal?

  11. I cook 90% of the time and it lasts for a whole week. I used to eat out a lot and was a big foodie but after going through the RNY, I rarely eat out. When I do, I am full in 2 bites and don't want anymore. I used to crave stuff and now that's also gone. But I have to admit I don't even know what foods I like anymore except for my Protein shakes. Eating has become a chore and complicated. But then again I am also almost 5 months out.

    I just bought a slow cooker...do you have one of those or used it before? I use my grill and oven a lot.

  12. I also struggle with low energy...my nut said it's due to low Iron and not enough Protein. I am good through out the day but when I get home from work, I am exhausted and don't have the energy to work out. So now I just make sure I take my iron, B12 ( got my first shot on Saturday) and have my Proteins. Hope this helps!

  13. We were allowed creamed Soups but I didn't have any of them purely due to high in calories and fat. Plus they really don't add any value. You want to eat Proteins to burn the fat and maintain strength. Once you learn quickly how important proteins are and how much we need to stay away from bad things the quicker you will lose weight and reach your goal. Idea behind WLS is to get rid of the bad habits. At least that's what I am learning. I am not a foodie anymore like I was before and I never want to go back to it. I eat very clean and make sure I stay on top of it. Gym on the the other hand is a challenge. I walk a lot but it's not enough.

  14. I have a low carb regiment and I want to stick to it and have been successful with it. I do not eat bread, Pasta, rice, cakes, Cookies or potato or drink milk. My carbs come from my my Protein Shakes, my cheese, yogurt, and some fruits and veggies. Carbs for me are bad and best to be out of my life for good. For energy I get from my Vitamins and my Protein and also from he stored fat in my body. I just want my fat to melt away. Even if you put bread in front of me, I won't touch it. And I am so glad I have a stamina and self control to keep myself away from it.

  15. I am 36 and had my surgery March 31. I had the RNY and do not regret it. My hw was 210 and now I am 153-154. I am also 5 feet tall. I eat super healthy and stay away from the bad foods that made me gain weight. I used to be a foodie and now my relationship with food has changed a lot. I eat to live vs live to eat. I walk a lot but the main thing I am struggling with is hitting the gym on regular basis and toning up. My goal weight is about 120. I love myself more than ever and I am grateful to God to help me get there.

  16. The reasons for our cycles to change after surgery is due to being low in Iron. So are your iron levels low? My period cycle is completely off and I never know when I will get it and how long it will last for. I have started to take iron regularly now but even then my period skips at time. That's why they say not to get pregnant for at least 18 months after surgery. Because you are losing and your body is adjusting.

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