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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by elfnow

  1. My Doc. Told me to stay away from the ensure and Atkins because of the sugar content. But I had already bought a few so im am planning on using them up on my preop

    Ensure, yes, it has like 25g carbs per shake.... But Atkins shakes have maybe 4 each!! They don't have as much Protein as other shakes but they def don't have sugar or high carb count...

  2. It was like Thor's hammer hit me in the chest. The one nurse grabbed my arm and checked my pulse... I was standing there just grimacing and trying to think straight...

    Got home and got some hyoscyamine in me (something I was prescribed 2 mo ago and have never used!) and one dilaudid for good measure and now I'm just gonna lie here in a puddle of thank-god-that-feels-better.

  3. Sitting there in the support group meeting listening to "foods that have carbohydrates in them" and I took a sip of Water...

    And all the pain in my chest, dear god wtf just happened... Swap chairs with my partner, leave kid coloring, stand up and walk out ... Whimper at the one nurse who's like "what happened?!"

    Man there is just nothing like this feeling, is there???

  4. I was also on my period during surgery day. When they gave me a bag and said to put all my clothes in it, I said, "ok cool, can you grab me a pad, by the way? And maybe a bed-pad chux thing in case it slips? Thanks."

    And that was that. I have thick thighs, it was easy for the pad to stay in place, and the nurse must have noted it too, because the floor nurse asked if I needed another. :)

    They were totally smooth and easy about it. It's no big. :)

  5. Probably cortisol (stress hormone). You just had something traumatic happen to a major organ, you have been going through famine and drought.... and your body is thinking "oh $=!+ we're gonna starve if we don't go foraging!! Stomach, quick, tell brain you're hungry!!" But that part of the stomach is what's been removed....

    Between that and the Vitamins and B12 and all, your body's probably on "alert mode" for a little while. Happened to me, too....

    A lot of stress makes my skin feel crawly, and I spend a lot of time in the shower trying to make that feeling go away. In the 2 weeks after surgery I was in the shower sometimes 5x a day.

    Rest while you can, and if you're awake and bored, sip fluids. :)

  6. I also encourage you to explore these feelings with someone qualified...,

    One thing I want to add is, maybe you're feeling better about yourself such that you feel like you don't need to "settle"? As you feel better about yourself, you feel less afraid of being alone, because YOU are accepting you now?

    Having said that, I have a friend whose wife divorced him after she got her lap-band. He said she just kinda drifted off and she just wasn't interested anymore....

    It could also be hormonal! Remember that as you burn fat, your overall stored estrogen is being released into your system and going away... That's great for overall cancer risk but it might make for some hormonal feelings too, and not the "fun" hormones... More of the blah hormones.

    Unless you are experiencing an abusive situation, don't rush into any decisions.... But don't rule anything out, either. As your weight stabilizes you may feel differently.

  7. Maybe if I hit size 14 or 12 I'll just get plastics and walk around naked... Be all "LOOK HOW AWESOME THIS IS!!" Who needs fashion?!?

    But seriously if I get down in those kinda sizes I'll be in a dang bikini in freezing weather. I'll have earned it!!

  8. Just a thought (slightly off topic, but it popped on my head as I was reading this) Do you think that maybe the difference between those that are very successful and those who arent as successful as quickly is research and commitment. It just occurred to me that you don't see too many people on these forums stating that they are losing weight (with the exception of the stalling that everyone experiences).

    Well except all the people who post they lose weight and are in smaller sizes, posting excitedly about things they can do now they couldn't before...

  9. Ok this is for all the sleevers who are 6 mo out or more. Will I ever be able to eat a meal again? Is it possible? I'm only 3 weeks post op and I can't hardly eat anything. I know that's probably the norm, but I was just wondering later on what can and do you eat? I also have these "moments" of depression about not being able to eat like I use to even though I know I would over eat. I don't want that, but it's like I'm morning food at times. Is that crazy? I just talk my way through it and then I get on the scales and I'm happy with my progress. Just wondering if I'm the only one that has experienced this. Thanks for any input.

    I'm 2 months out but I wanted to chime in - if you are missing the "social" aspect of eating (a restaurant with friends etc) YOU CAN DO IT!! My partner and I have a nice little ritual - we pick our daughter up from daycare and go to a restaurant. I order something small (a cup of soup), we get something off the kids menu for our little one, and he orders something "sensible". We refuse the bread, chat about the day, color with our daughter, and generally enjoy our time together. I might have a small taste of his food or whatever but it's just a taste. And when we're done, we're done! We get a box for leftovers (sometimes I'll order a "meal" which will last me 2 more days!) and Home we go.

    I have been asked SOOO many times by our servers "didn't you like it?" "Weren't you hungry?" "Did you want me to take it back?" Because it looks like I've barely touched my food sometimes... I just smile and I say it was wonderful but I'm full now!

  10. Totally awesome!!!!! Oh how exciting that must have been, with the size 24 hanging off of you! :)

    You know what would be awesome? If you have to get a last-minute exchange for your dress... Or buy a new one... I try to remind myself that the expense of new clothes is "just money", and that the real win is needing new clothes in the first place!

    How awesome that you have a chain of clothes going! I think that is so wonderful!! I used to be a size 20-24 (depending on cut/style) and I puffed up to a 30/32, lost enough to get size 28 stretch jeans.... Refused to buy more than one "nice" shirt because I was so depressed about my size and so miserable shopping.... I gave my friend ALL my 22/24 clothes except one favorite shirt... And donated a ton of 18/20 to a local women's shelter. I KNEW I was going to have surgery but I didn't want to "count my chickens"!

    Well yesterday I went to a party/gathering and didn't want to wear my everyday Tshirt style... What did I have in my closet? My favorite 22/24 shirt which fit beautifully! Now I'm wondering if my friend will let me borrow my old stuff back!! LOL.

    I am so amazed to hear about people who started around 28 like me and are getting down into the 18-20 range!! It's so exciting!


  11. Hey you!! You're doing some awesome changes!

    The no-liquids-with-meals thing is pretty much forever. :( HOWEVER I do sometimes take a tiny sip during a meal, just a little, to quench thirst or whatever. Not even a mouthful, just a "get my mouth wet" amount.

    I like the Premier Protein shakes from costco (they have them at Sams too)... 30g Protein, low carb, low fat... The strawberry creme flavor is decent. My partner prefers the Muscle Milk shakes which have more carbs/fat unless you get the "light" ones. I totally prefer spending extra on pre-made shakes!!

    Re: coffee - you can do some awesome Decaf flavors, and there's also chicken broth! (Or beef or veg or whatever flavor). I doctor my chicken broth up with some season salt (just a little) and some garlic - the extra calories are negligible - throw it in the microwave and warm it up... it's like Soup, without substance. Very very good for pre-op.

    NO YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ACTUALLY PURÉE ANYTHING. Hooray! Nothing is less appetizing than a two-ounce cup of lumpy baby food!! "That's just gross," said my surgeon!! Yay!

    Stewed meats - stuff that's been cooked a long time that you can basically cut with a spoon - that's a "soft food". I did really well with some not-spicy chili (Beans and stewed meat, no hard veggies), turkey lunchmeat (Boars Head no-preservative stuff), even rotisserie chicken from the store. I'd add a slice of cheese or a babybel / lolCow cheese or a string cheese.... So yum! Just chew it really thoroughly.


  12. One thing I am "afraid" of is having to find my own style, if I'm ever out of Lane Bryant sizes... What would I wear if I could shop at normal stores and buy normal sizes?!? Would I be a fashion disaster? Do I care?

    So who knows! It's not an issue yet tho....

  13. Lol, please do not make me laugh it hurts too much. The pornographic turkey sandwich is just about how I feel now. Or would if nausea wasn't so all consuming. Thanks for that bit of boosting.

    There was a twix commercial, I think, where they used this "bow-a-bow chikka chikka" music with a really deep voice going, "oh yeah, ooh YEAH"

    So imagine that music, except it's slices of turkey being ripple-folded onto toasted bread...

    Then a shiny knife is spreading some mayo ("OOH YEAAHH") maybe a big curly-edged lettuce leaf bouncing in slow-mo on the sandwich... ("Bownk bownk bownk") a slice of cheese, etc...

    And of course imagine it like the PICTURES always show, perfect layering, etc...

    Now having realized that food-porn pictures are ALSO airbrushed and fake, it helps me through head-hunger cravings. ;) because I know, it's not as tasty as it LOOKS.

  14. Yes it will. The only safe sex post sleeve is in the ear. But that's only until you're completely healed up, start experiencing less restriction, and can tolerate all normal foods.

    Dang it I almost woke my baby laughing at this response!!

    To OP: yes, if you feel up to it, go for it. Personally I've had some hormonal changes that have led to an extended cycle and less "interest" all around. For what it's worth I'd definitely prefer anal than oral right now.

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