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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by elfnow

  1. Having read all five pages of discussion about who may or may not voice or type opinions about any of the above topics, ideas, ideals, terminology, and personal physique of strangers both on and off the internet... I'm here to merely include my personal opinion that the proverbial and metaphorical horse has, in fact, been both proverbially and metaphorically flogged to death.

    It's merely my opinion and should not be taken personally by anyone who wishes to continue to either metaphorically, proverbially, or physically flog any equine entity, either real or imagined; nor should my small voice be considered even the slightest bump in the road toward all-out necromancy and subsequent zombification of the aforementioned proverbial horse.

  2. I don't actually own a scale!! No really, all these articles say "get happier, get rid of your scale!" And so when I got divorced I never bought a new scale. So I weigh myself at the gym.

    Sometimes I remember to weigh in every workout day (MWF) but I weigh in as part of my exercise program once a week on Fridays. So I try to not worry about it too much.

    I could EASILY tip over into weighing myself 17384 times a day (drank Water then peed! Weigh self! Ate a graham cracker, weigh self! Looked at a cake! Weigh self!!) ....

    And scales that could accurately measure someone over 350 lbs are pricey. I'm 325 ish lately but my partner is still around 360... So really... Why. There are lovely scales at the gym and oh hey we hauled our fat selves to the gym!! Might as well do a thing with exercise while here....

  3. Def sounds like your heart meds need to be reduced. Blood sugar wouldn't be a pass-out-wake-up thing; if you lose consciousness due to too little blood sugar, you stay out til you get some. Also, hypoglycemia is generally resolved through dramatic weight reduction and healthier eating.., and you HAD eaten that morning! It wasn't blood sugar... It's totally your heart meds.

  4. I attributed this to cessation of CPAP use... But I felt like my sense of smell was more acute than I expected. Combined with a stomach bug in my 3-4th weeks and I had to keep reminding myself "NO. You have an IUD. You haven't done anything. It's not possible."

    What's sucky is my partner does have a particular odor to him that I never really liked, but between CPAP use and sinus surgeries, I thought I had no sense of smell left!! Three years without smelling anything and suddenly now I can smell EVERYTHING and I'm not happy about that....

    My partner leaned in for a casual kiss one time and his facial hair smelled like he'd been going down on an armpit. I feel like I am showering constantly and washing all my BO parts... And then we'll be in the car and he'll put his arm up and I'll be like OMG IS THAT ME WHEN DID I BATHE LAST DID I FORGET DEODORANT OH LORD I SMELL TERRIBLE... I'm trying to not freak out bc part of me knows it's HIM but it's making me crazy esp. if I DID forget deodorant right then. One of my friends assures me it's not just me feeling that way, but now idk how to deal with all that. :(

  5. If the insurance plan's rep said it's covered go with that. But for your own peace, call them again. Ask if they track their calls, do they document what you were told, is it covered, what's the rep's name, is this being documented (yes please do!) thank you very much bye.

    Probably your employer has a stack of old info they gave you and the plan has changed since that paper was printed. However definitely double-check and get the rep's name and make sure the call is documented... If it comes to an appeal situation you can then say x rep told me on March 17 that it's covered, y rep told me on March 14 it's covered, etc. :)

  6. I had that thought when I was shopping for my daughter at old navy... HEY SOMEDAY I might get to shop for ME here!? What will I do?! I will have to figure out "my style", which won't just be whatever LB and Avenue have on clearance!

  7. Went to pick my daughter up from Plague Vector School (daycare), where they've recently hired a new front desk lady and I haven't seen the school director in a while....

    School director was walking out as I walked in, did a double take, and was all "oh my god LOOK AT YOU!!!"

    I know my shape is changing and I don't feel so squeezed into my clothes... I guess it shows too. ;)

  8. I am so glad they took that f*ing tube out before I went home - OMG - it skeeved me out so bad and I hated it! The stupid bulb was always falling off my lap and yanking the stitch, oh I hated that damn thing. I was petrified my daughter (15 mo) would grab it and yank it or something!! Ugh I hurt for you that you still have it in. :( Call your doc about the pain and remember it'll be out soon!!

  9. Let me do some quick math for ya.

    Your starting weight was 197 and you weigh 157 now. That means with sleeve, exercise, and hard work you've lost .... 20.3% of your entire body weight.

    Your husband's starting weight at the surgery was 262, and he's now 207. He's lost... 21% of his entire body weight.

    And doing weights and working out, building muscle... That EASILY can account for 0.7% difference. Nevermind that he's a dude, has more to lose, etc... you guys are running neck-and-neck!!! And I bet if he worked out he'd tone up and "lose less" (not lose pounds as fast).

    Look at it as a percent, not as absolute pounds. I've lost 50 pounds in 6 weeks, but I started weighing TWICE what you weighed at your highest!!! So overall that's only 13.3% - you're way ahead!!

    And you're toning your body, you're still changing SHAPE even if the scale is moving slowly... My partner weighed 425 lbs and worked his ass off for a year and got down to 375... (50 lbs) And still wears EXACTLY THE SAME SIZE. I bet you've dropped more sizes than that!!!

  10. And that's why you do your research by talking to people who have actually done this to their bodies, not just people who make money at it. ;)

    Seriously tho, bariatric surgery isn't new. This procedure (sleeve gastrectomy) is newer but having weight loss surgery is not a new thing and has been saving people's lives for years. :)

  11. Are you doing PT for your ankles?

    I broke my leg back in June - it totally set my surgery date back quite a bit (7 mo!) and now that I'm exercising a lot with a group, the trainers think we're gonna train for a walk/run 5k! I feel so discouraged because I can't even limp a half mile anymore (5k =~3 mi) .... And my leg hurts and complains. I can't even "push through" because I can't take NSAIDs...

    I understand where you are!! But there are lots of things you can do that are just upper-body, even good cardio! Try punching a pillow for 30 seconds as fast as you can - just pop-pop-pop over and over, doesn't matter how hard just do it fast... As others said, lifting and stretching your arms will help!! You can also do core exercises (crunches etc)... Again, don't worry about "how many" just do it for 30 seconds at a time.

  12. I think my acquaintance (who has told me many times he spent 40 years drinking too much) has some manner of alcohol-specific brain damage. And he needs friends, but my weight is not a topic of discussion. I will accept, "you look really good," "you must have had your surgery, it looks like you're doing it right," etc... But not "wow see I told you you'd be hot if you lost weight" or something like that. I might have to break his nose with my newfound elbow. ;)

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