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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by decemberroses

  1. @@dashofsunshine Did you have to have plastic surgery at some point for access skin?

    I did not. I've been very, very lucky, and I exercise quite a lot. Lifting weights has helped me immensely, as well as "good genes" I suppose.

    attachicon.gifImageUploadedByBariatricPal1457658625.431217.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByBariatricPal1457658685.121336.jpg before and after current weight is 151.5 weight in the before 242 weight in the after 155.5

    You both look absolutely AMAZING! Great job!

  2. So I took a ton of Biotin, drank tons of Water, and worked hard to keep up with my Protein. I still lost so much of my hair on top that I couldn't go out in public without a head covering. At first, I was getting really bummed about it (though, even at that time, I did NOT regret the surgery one little bit!), but I did a lot of research, and got a really pretty, very realistic looking wig and after weight loss, and with a head full of hair, I got all my confidence back. I am at 20 months out, and still don't have all of my hair back. It's very fine and thin and the texture is really curly now. I just keep wearing wigs. I love them, and no one has any idea unless I tell them, and then they act like I'm joking with them. Even though I put off having surgery for fear of losing my hair, I finally realized that the trade off was worth it. Seriously, I can always buy hair. Can't buy health or a new body if mine starts breaking down. It was still worth it, and I wouldn't change a thing.

  3. Yup, still hanging in there. Getting more excited. :-) One of my biggest fears is having to remove my own stitches! Why can't he use the kind that dissolve?! lol! I decided to do a two week liver shrinking diet of 2 or 3 Protein Shakes a day and then a lean, high Protein meat, low carb, low fat dinner. Then I'll do the lquid only diet for three days. I've lost 4.5 pounds in 6 days. Maybe I'll lose a few more before surgery and have a head start. :-) How are you doing?

  4. Vicoden has acetaminophen, not ibuprofin. Tramadol is very widely prescribed still. I hear of it often. Hubby and I have had it a few times. If I take one at a time, I'm okay for short term, but if I take two, or take it for several days, it makes me itch all over.

    Cipro makes me nervous. I wonder if I can say I'm allergic to it and hope they have an alternative?

    Good question about the Water. I would never drink any of the water in Mexico unless it was bottled, so I would love to hear as well. Should I bring my own, or do they have bottled water?

  5. They take down what you are allergic to and accommodate that. I stopped pain meds after I went to the hotel. They sent me home with cipro for 8 days. They also sent me home with tramadol which I didn't take. When I went home from my hysterectomy I only took 1 5mg Percocet for the first week I was home. Was I in pain? Oh yeah but I hate drugs. Oddly though, no one else in my group was given tramadol. Not sure why I was.

    I know Cipro is an antibiotic, right? Tramadol is a pain med. It is a much milder one than something like Vicoden. What pain meds did they give the others? I'm allergic to percocet, so as long as they don't give me that, I'm good. :-)

  6. Hi! I was seeing a doctor here in the states about getting the gastric sleeve done until we discovered my insurance company will only pay for the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and I do not want that. So I am going to a doctor in Mexico because that's who my aunt went to. Anyway, his pre-op diet for me is just 5 days of liquids. With the doctor here, it was 2 or 3 days of liquid right before surgery (can't remember which off the top of my head, but I'll look it up), but starting two weeks before that it was Protein Shakes two or three times a day and a high protein/non-starchy vegetable dinner.< br />
    So my question is, would it be bad for me to follow the diet I was given by the doctor here? It seems to me it should work.

  7. I was actually thinking about this earlier and wondering if as many women are as modest with their husbands as I am, well when it comes to weight at least! ;)

    I've been with my husband for 10 years, married for 5. He has never seen my weight and I've always made him turn his head if he was at a dr appt with me. Everyone I have told thinks it's crazy, but my husband has also never seen me naked before. I'm so uncomfortable in my own body, and definitely not comfortable exposing it to him. Another reason I'm getting WLS, to he comfortable and confident in my own skin for the first time in my life!

    I can so relate to your post. My husband doesn't see me naked either. He used to when we were first married and I was 118 pounds, but I can hardly stand to look at myself now, much less be confident enough to let him see me. :( Maybe after I lose 80 pounds or so.

    He clearly knows I've gained a ton but he has no idea how much exactly. Fortunately he has always stood by my side but I always felt like crap when he introduced me to one of his work buddies. I would wonder what they were thinking, like wtf is he doing with her. When clearly he can be with someone more attractive. :(

    Ugh, I could have written this post too. I have a super amazing husband that I am confident is crazy about me. He says I do not have to lose weight for him. But I too feel such embarrassment when I meet any of his co-workers. He's always been thin. Worse though is his family. They are so caught up in weight and his dad has hurt my feelings SO bad before! I am just not comfortable going to visit them very often. I can't wait until I have lost weight and won't feel ashamed of myself around them.

    My husband does not know what I weigh, and no way will I tell him until I weigh less than him.

  8. My surgery date is March 11 with Dr. Almanza. My aunt went to him last year and she thought he was great.

    I'm March 10 with almanza and looking for sleeve buddies. Super excited, less than 20 days until surgery and a start of a new lifestyle.

    I'm scheduled with Dr Almanza in mid March. I will definitely be your buddy.

    Wrong post!

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