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Posts posted by traely1202

  1. Ty for sharing. I am currently in the hospital again with severe stomach cramps and dehydration. The doc did an endoscopy and that came out fine. He started me on foods again and I actually ate a 1/4 of a veggie burger. They think the endo cleared way for something that was in the way. Can't figure out the cramping tho buttering able to eat OMG how great

  2. The smell of foods gets to me also. I can't even do puréed yet. Warm broths are all I can handle. I'm more thirsty than anything but drinking anything upsets my tummy. Calling doc tomorrow to discuss what we can do. I can't live like this is all I know. Surgery was 2-26-14, I'm down 33 lbs but got to be able to get Protein or something in

  3. I can relate. I haven't had any infections but I'm 5 weeks post op and still on liquids. I have been in the hospital 3 times. Found out I have a hernia which he popped back into place, then was so dehydrated, then was throwing up for 5 hours with severe stomach pains. Had to be rushed in to fix the hernia. Incisions are so painful it hurts to move. I can't eat anything cause it feels like it gets stuck in my throat. Trying to get all my Protein and liquids in but when your sick to your stomach 24/7 it's hard. I cry everyday and ask myself WHY??? Everyone says it will get better, and I pray it does but just going through this is enough to make you want to give up. Support groups don't help cause no one else experiences this so I feel alone!! So I hope it ends up well for you and you start feeling better. If you need to vent, or just chat feel free to message me. It sucks to go through this when no one understands

  4. MY surgery was 2-26-14. I felt like everything was going great till I started puréed food. I got bad stomach pains and called the doc. He said I must not be ready for puréed and to go back to liquids. The pain finally went away after two hours. Thursday I got severe pains and was throwing up. It was in the evening so I got an on call doctor who said give it an hour and see how you feel, that was about 6 pm. At 2am I went to the hospital in my town cause I couldn't stop throwing up, and my stomach was empty so that made it worse. After a cats an they found out I had a hernia and rushed me by ambulance to the next big town to have emergency surgery. My doctor came in and popped the hernia back in. He said he hated to do surgery so soon cause I'm still swollen. Today I noticed my belly is swollen and hard again, no pain but whose to say it won't hit at anytime. Has anyone else gotten a hernia after surgery? I had the RNY. I'm just so scared to go through another surgery and also not being able to eat anything but liquids.

  5. My surgery was three weeks ago, started puréed food and it seemed fine at first then I started cramping really bad and throwing up. Doc said back to liquids for a while cause I'm still pretty swollen and probably can't handle the puréed yet. He said warm liquids would help, which they do but it gets frustrating just doing liquids when you want more. I keep telling myself it's all for the better but still a downer

  6. Being nervous is natural but it will be fine. You really don't have to take anything except clothes to come home in. They will have you up and walking. My surgery was 2 weeks ago and I was terrified but all was good. The first night was tough for me but I had such wonderful nurses that helped me through it. The next day they walked the halls with me and started me on ice chips. Just keep in mind "this is for a better and healthier you" that's what gets me through it

  7. Tomorrow will be one week since my surgery!! I am looking forward to starting the "full liquid diet" with milk. They say if I can tolerate that then I can add pudding and yogurt in limited quantities. I'm still in quite a bit of pain, but still have a drain that comes out Friday. I have noticed when ppl eat around me certain smells make me sick. My son had Arby's fries the other day and the smell of them nauseated me (I used to love them) and someone ate a chocolate donut and the smell from that even got me. I to am nervous when I do start to eat how it will be. Next Wednesday I start with the puréed food, kinda nervous. Not even sure what would taste good puréed.

  8. My surgery is tomorrow and I'm sooo nervous and excited at the same time!!! 2 week liquid diet was easy, shakes filled me up. The worst was drinking the Golytely for the cleanse. It was nasty!! I was told I will be coming home with a drain also, just for a week which is gonna be bad enough but I just look forward to all the positives!! So glad to be able to chat with ppl here that understand all our fears and emotions. Great ppl!!

  9. Hey Charlie I am a newbie here also and I have all the same emotions, feelings, and concerns as you. Probably a little bit more intensified because my surgery date is 2-26-14!!!! I went from so excited to nervous. I am doing really well on the liquid diet, lost 10 lbs already. I am just glad I found this place because it's great to read and talk with so many ppl that know how you feel. So welcome and good luck. WE CAN DO THIS

  10. Hello Everyone, my name is Tracey and I am new to this. I am having the roux-en y done on 2-26-14. I'm both excited and nervous. The liquid diet is going good so far, but it's only been a couple of days. My doctor and I both agreed this was the best option for me because I have been battling weight issues since I had to have a total thyroidectomy. We have been trying to get me on the right dose of synthroid but my levels are up and down. I am currently taking 300 mcg a day. Since my thyroidectomy I have gained so much weight. Currently at 340lbs and I feel terrible, aside from the thyroid issues I have HBP and taking 3 medications for that. Also lymphedema in the legs, not as bad as some I've seen on shows I've watched but bad enough that I can't stand it. Just trying to stand for any amount of time is painful. I was wondering from ppl that have had surgery and had lymphedema how it is afterwards?? I have a great support system but I am glad I came across this app to be able to talk with ppl that can actually relate. I'm trying to keep positive and look to all the great things to come but there are days that are just so hard, can I do this, will I lose weight or get in a slump, nervous about the hospital stay after surgery and what to expect. I know this is a good thing and that's what I need to keep telling myself!!!

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