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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by greatwhite067

  1. sleep has eluded me. I was sleeved on August 13th and I have not had a good night's sleep yet. My partner is a gastric bypass patient from several years ago and she said sleeping for hard the first couple of weeks. My sides are sore and bruised so it hurts to be on them, forget about laying on my stomach, and I can't breath on my back thanks to the continual gas pain in my left abdominal area and left shoulder. Right now I am surviving on daytime cat naps when I can get them in on my recliner but even that position sucks after a while. Right now my two biggest problems are lack of sleep and lack of Protein. When I can home from the hospital on the 15th, I was not having protein problems but after a week of drinking Protein Shakes and eating Yogurt I about to puke. I can smell a Protein Shake and get sick. I am just trying to stay hydrated as possible. Any ideas on how to help with my protein issue? I hope my sleepless nights will not last too much longer.

  2. Hello all, I was sleeved on the 13th of this month. The first week out I was fine. But literally the week anniversary of my sleeve all hell broke loose. I developed a rash on my tummy near my incisions, diarrhea, and fever. I went into the hospital yesterday afternoon to get evaluated. They did blood work, X rays, and a leak test. In the end, everything looked great except my white blood cell count which was high. The doctors believed I had an allergic reaction to my gallstone meds. So I am now off of those, and on a strict liquid diet for the next couple of days. I stopped taking the gallstone meds and my fever has gone away and my rash.is clearing up. However, I am still having diarrhea and not sure where that is from unless it's the crappy med leaving my body. Any suggestions?

  3. Hello, I was sleeved on the 13th. I was discharged on the 15th. Since then, I have had gas pain in my abdomen, and left shoulder. I am drinking three Protein Shakes a day each has 30 grams of Protein per container. I am walking walking walking and sipping sipping sipping all day long. I too am having problems sleeping in bed. When I am laying flat I feel like I can't breath so I decided to hit the recliner and it has worked wonders. The last couple of nights I have actually slept more than 2 hours and I have little discomfort. It also allows me to get the gas out better because my butt is elevated. Laying flat does not help with the gas. I think I am doing ok thus far but I am worried about my shoulder pain. It's not all the time, but normally during my gas pain. Anyone else having the same should problems?

  4. I just recently had the sleeve done on the 13th. I am back home and doing well so far. However, I am having sporadic shoulder pain in my left side. I hear it could be gas. I thought maybe I.had pulled a muscle in it using it heavily while in the hospital. Did anyone have or is having this same issue?

  5. I just had my sleeve on Aug. 13th. I was released from the hospital on Aug. 15th. Since then, I have had lots of abdominal from gas. My doctors gave me my pain pills with I am taking as needed with a stool softner. I have had good BM's since coming home from the hospital. I am walking as much as possible but my chest and stomach hurts when I breath in deep. I am also having issues sleeping. I have not taken anything for my gas other than oxy. I am getting 90+ grams of Protein a day from my shakes as well as sipping Water and Powerade all day long into the night. My eating is coming along but it's not great. I am so scared I will stretch my new stomach that I am afraid to eat a lot. Any suggestions, opions, ect that can be given?

  6. Well my surgery was on Wednesday and I spent two days in the hospital. I had an easy time in the hospital thanks to the pain meds. I was discharged yesterday afternoon and I have been in pain ever since. I am walking and sipping Water, Powerade zero, and Protein Shakes. I am trying to eat when I can but I am not hungry. My gas pain is killing me along with breathing in deep. I also have the hiccups and burping pain. I am miserable right now. Hopefully this pain will pass soon. I am still taking my pain pills but they make me dizzy. Anyone having these same isssues?

  7. Hello all, I have been a member of this site for about three weeks and I have learned so much in just a short amount of time. I have also been doing lots of research and watching YouTube videos of procedures and individuals living with the aftermaths of WLS. Today was my first appointment with my bariatric surgeon. I thought I would be getting the gastric bypass but I am now leaning towards the sleeve instead. My doctor said I was the poster child for this procedure because my BMI was low, it's 39 and I do not have diabetes. I have not read much on this procedure due to thinking I was getting the bypass but I only need to lose 100 lbs. I am 5'5" and as of today I weight 240lbs. Any advice I can get from u guys on this site in reference to this procedure would be greatly appreciated.

  8. I am currently in the same situation. My best friend and co-worker had the surgery several weeks ago and is doing great. She was heavier than me but she has had no complications thus far. I did some research first for about a week before i decided to tell my domestic parter about it. She too had the surgery many years ago so i figured she would be a great supporter. Boy was i wrong. She has some insurcurities about me losing the weight. Thinks i will leave her once i lose the weight because that's what she did when she lost her weight. She started cheating on her partner because she had all these other opportunities that she did not have when she was overweight. So, needless to say it's a sore conversation between us. I told my folks last week about it. My dad is not too keen on the idea and want even discuss it. My mom is on the fence about it. She wants me to lose the weight and get healthier. But she is also afraid of the risks and complications that I might have after the surgery. I told my aunt today who is a retired nurse of 40 years. She gave me some great advice. She said u do what u think is right for u and no one else. She said this is your decision and your body, and I support u. It was great hearing this. She wants to go with me to my first surgeons appointment which is next Monday and she lives three hours away! She and my best friend seem like my only two supporters right now. I hope this changes soon for my partner. I also told three of my close friends the other day as well. Two are not supportive, the other one is somewhat. I have a long way to go before my surgery thanks to my insurance. I do not see me having my surgery till the middle of September. I am anxious already but I am glad I have this time to continue my research on the procedure and hopefully continue building my support group. I am thankful to be a part of this wonderful site of supporters who listen and share their knowledge and stories with us newbies. I am a supporter of u all. Good luck with everyone's upcoming surgeries and I can't wait to hear all about the success stories!

  9. Hello again. Best of luck to all the ladies and gents having surgery tomorrow and in the near future. I am continuing to do research on the gastric bypass and I see my surgeon for the first time next Monday. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I have been thinking of some questions to ask him and really pondering if this is the right decision. Even though my surgery will not be to the end of August or first of September I am nervous already. Over the last day or two I have been having second thoughts thanks to my non- support group which includes my partner, family, and several close friends. One of these friends happens to be a nurse in the OR. All she could talk about was the long term risks involved and how I was not heavy enough to have the surgery. She praise the lap band all night and said that's what I should consider because I do not need to lose 100 lbs. Bypass is only for those people she said. I know there are risks to all surgeries so now I am totally confused. Unfortunately none of the individuals mentioned above want me to have the surgery. They believe I do not need it and if I want to get WLS it needs to be the lap band. I have not heard great things about this procedure. My doctor does not even do it anymore thanks to all the complications involved over time with it. The only friend who is my supporter thus far is my best friend who had the bypass surgery almost two weeks ago. So far she is doing great and her doctor is also my doctor. Everyone other than her is now making me second guess my decision. All believe I will regret the decision over time as I get older and I begin to possibly have complications from my insides. Any advice u guys can give me would be greatly appreciated.

  10. Hey Nellie May! I too live in Charleston actually in Summerville and I can relate to your thread. I recently applied to MUSC ' s bariatric program and hope to have my surgery preformed by Dr. Karl Byrne. I have to do a six month diet based program with my family physician before being approved for the surgery. I started the diet today in hopes to lose some weight prior to my surgery. I am 5'4" and weigh 244lbs. I have tried everything to lose weight. Every fad diet, exercise program, ect and no luck. I too have an obsession with food. It controls a great deal of my life and I am also a bored and emotional eater. I would have to lose 40 lbs in six months to be under my bmi requirements. However, I also have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and an abnormal thyoid. I am currently on meds for my high blood pressure and thyroid issues. I am happy to see another charlestonion on this site. Good luck with your surgery! Keep in touch.

  11. I have heared that Hernias are common after gastric bypass. Has anyone experienced this or have heared the same? Also, I have Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Carolina insurance. Does anyone else on this forum have the same and if so, how long and what does the insurance company require to get approved for the gastric bypass?

  12. I have BCBS of South Carolina with the PPO plan. I have been told two different things. Once person from customer support told me that I had to complete a 6 month diet based plan with my family phyiscian. I called back two days later and another customer support person told me that I did not need to complete the plan. A co-worker of mine who has the same plan jumped through all the hoops she was told to complete, and was denied anyway. She was told they would not approve her even though it was medically nesscessary due to not completing the plan which she was never told about prior to starting the process. I serached my benefits package for this requirement, but could not find it in writing. So, I have no clue now. Just to be on the safe side, I found a family phyiscian (I just recently moved) and my first appointment is next Tuesday to start the plan. I hope it does not take long to get aproved, but I have heard horror stories.

  13. Hello Everyone,

    I am new to this site and new to the idea of getting gastric bypass surgery. I am currently 240lbs with a BMI of 41and I have T2D as well as thyroid issues. I am 37 years old and female. A friend of mine recently had Gastric Bypass several days ago and is doing good so far. She had her surgery at MUSC in Charleston, SC where I would like to have mine. I have BCBS insurance and I have already started my process to see if I am a candidate for this surgery. I have my psychological testing in March along with my nutritional classes. One of my questions is in reference to BCBS. Wondering if anyone else has this insurance and what the company requires to be approved for the surgary. Also, what type of complications if any, were related to the surgery? My partner had the surgery 8 years ago and lost about 200lbs. However, she still has complications from the surgery such as anemia, Constipation, stomach cramps, etc. I am trying to decide if this surgery is what I want. I have tried all my life to lose weight ever since I hit puberty. I have tried all the fad diets, exercise programs, etc and I just want to feel better and hopefully not have to deal with issues that I am sure will be arising soon due to my weight. Both of my parents are obese and neither one qualified for the surgery due to other health related issues that they have. I am excited with the prospect of getting this surgery soon, but also afraid of the long term effects that I have had heard people deal with years down the road from the surgery. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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