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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rumar

  1. rumar

    BC/BS of California

    I'm not in Cali but I do have BC/BS of Georgia. I got approved after completing all of the dr appts. The entire process from the time the form was submitted to them by my dr was 1 month. Rumar
  2. My favorite is GNC Soy Protein 95 but like others I hear the unjury is good. I am about to order some samples to see for myself. Also I've tried Walmart EAS Soy. It's okay but not as good as GNC. Yes, you will be on protein (per my dietician) the rest of your life!! I was told to take in an additional 25-50 grams after I am banded for maintenance. Rumar
  3. My favorite is GNC Soy Protein 95. It has 25 grams of protein per scoop (with 4 oz milk 28 grams). They have the unflavored but I prefer the chocolate and strawberry. I also use Walmart EAS Soy which has 20 grams per scoop. It's okay but again I prefer GNC for the flavor. I'm not sure why he said it had to be clear. They do have unflavored which I suppose is clear when mixed but I didn't like the taste when mixed with anything. Rumar
  4. rumar

    2 weeks post-op----hooray!!

    So I lied. I sometimes just don't have the energy to log on everyday and type as I sit all day at work looking at a computer. But anyway, so far so good. I went to Wal-Mart and got a scale and according to it, I lost 3 more lbs for a total of 13.That's okay, not great in my mind as I am consuming only about 600 calories a day. But then again, it's been 2 weeks so that is pretty good for 2 weeks. I really really want some food but thankfully the dr. allowed me to add yogurt, v8 juice and anything else as long as it is liquid. So prayerfully I can make it through 1 more weekend then on to Pureed. I can't wait to eat refried beans and potatoes or whatever else I'm allowed. Later, Rumar
  5. rumar

    2 weeks post-op----hooray!!

    So I lied. I sometimes just don't have the energy to log on everyday and type as I sit all day at work looking at a computer. But anyway, so far so good. I went to Wal-Mart and got a scale and according to it, I lost 3 more lbs for a total of 13.That's okay, not great in my mind as I am consuming only about 600 calories a day. But then again, it's been 2 weeks so that is pretty good for 2 weeks. I really really want some food but thankfully the dr. allowed me to add yogurt, v8 juice and anything else as long as it is liquid. So prayerfully I can make it through 1 more weekend then on to Pureed. I can't wait to eat refried beans and potatoes or whatever else I'm allowed. Later, Rumar
  6. rumar

    Anyone from Georgia ??

    Trana, I haven't had my 1st fill yet but what is fluro? Also what are you implying about soft foods not being condusive to weight loss? Is it because of the lack of Protein? I still think 44 lbs is a lot as I was banking on losing 50 at the 6 month mark and 100 by my anniversary. Rumar
  7. geez, I can't type a lick when I'm hungry! I meant I cooked my 16 yr old son's favorite meal and also I am still on liquids for another week!! Rumar
  8. I am so hungry and my stomach hunger pains sounds like an elephant! I'm 2 weeks post op and still no liquids. I called the doctor and dietician and begged them to please let me go ahead and start soft pureed but they both said "NO"! I was told just because I feel good on the outside does not mean I am healed on the inside. The only thing she told me I could do was have anything as long as it was liquid (V8, skim the juice from a can of Beans, SF yogart). Well at least that's better than the broth, Jello and skim milk. That does add something. Also, I already was taking the juice from some Hot & Sour chinese soup. That helped some as far as flavor. Other than that, I'm doing okay. I just cooked my son's family meal (alsmost cried from hunger and want) but I was starting to feel quilty as I have not cooked in a week. He and my husband was trying to be helpful by eating out of the freezer (sometimes not so good of stuff). So I was kind of feeling like I was killing them in the process of doing something for the better for me. It was worth the torture seeing the happiness on their faces for a real meal!! Congrats to all that are doing so well!!! Rumar
  9. I did pretty good today as far as getting my liquids in, only 16 ozs shy of 68, hurray!! I need only 1 more protein to get in and that will be it for me today. I thought I'd write in this journal everyday until my 6 week liquid/mushy stage is up, then report weekly (unless something outstanding worth telling happens). I didn't have the deterrents that I had on Saturday and yesterday as far as wanting to eat what others were eating. I really just need to vent basically just to do something as I am pretty bored :bored and a little down today :cry. I have just been sitting around the house all day doing nothing and I'm a bit po'd at my DH. You would think he would be so proud of what I am doing and at least take me out somewhere. Instead he's doing yard work on this holiday (don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about that, just the timing of it). How many times did I ask him to do the yard work last week or this past Saturday so we could go somewhere today? I don't feel I am getting his support like I should and I'm thinking he is trying to deal with whether or not I will be successful or if I am successful how it will change me. He's so used to be being pleasantly plump, it has been a sense of security (as I am gorgeous :eek:----now that just made me smile)! As I mentioned yesterday, he is always subconsciously sabotaging any diet I go on. Well, he will just have to deal with it. This is the best decision i've made and I will be successful (if I can just get through this 6 week post op stage and get some food . Well enough for today. I'm moving on to finish my liquids and off to prepare for work!! God bless!! Rumar
  10. I did pretty good today as far as getting my liquids in, only 16 ozs shy of 68, hurray!! I need only 1 more protein to get in and that will be it for me today. I thought I'd write in this journal everyday until my 6 week liquid/mushy stage is up, then report weekly (unless something outstanding worth telling happens). I didn't have the deterrents that I had on Saturday and yesterday as far as wanting to eat what others were eating. I really just need to vent basically just to do something as I am pretty bored :bored and a little down today :cry. I have just been sitting around the house all day doing nothing and I'm a bit po'd at my DH. You would think he would be so proud of what I am doing and at least take me out somewhere. Instead he's doing yard work on this holiday (don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about that, just the timing of it). How many times did I ask him to do the yard work last week or this past Saturday so we could go somewhere today? I don't feel I am getting his support like I should and I'm thinking he is trying to deal with whether or not I will be successful or if I am successful how it will change me. He's so used to be being pleasantly plump, it has been a sense of security (as I am gorgeous ----now that just made me smile)! As I mentioned yesterday, he is always subconsciously sabotaging any diet I go on. Well, he will just have to deal with it. This is the best decision i've made and I will be successful (if I can just get through this 6 week post op stage and get some food :car:. Well enough for today. I'm moving on to finish my liquids and off to prepare for work!! God bless!! Rumar
  11. rumar

    Protein Shakes

    Wasabubblebutt , Thank you so much for clarification. I am actually getting 28 grams per 4 oz and I do that 3 times a day when I add the skim milk to it (per my dietician) so I should be okay. I just had read some of the Protein threads and it was talking about some 3 oz shot tube that had 40 grams of protein and then another one that said 50 grams and I got so confused. Now that you mention that about your body only being able to consume so much, I recall my dietician telling me the same thing and to keep it at 28 grams per meal. I actually did not know about the waiting part but I've done pretty well with that (even though it is hard getting it in 3 times a day in addition to 68 ozs of water). Thanks again. You are a great inspiration to us "newbies". Rumar
  12. rumar

    Protein Shakes

    When you all are speaking of amount of Protein per serving in the brands you are using, are you speaking of 4 oz or 8 oz serving as I can only have 4 ozs? I'm using the Isolated Soy Protein Mix from GNC and it contains 25 grams of protein per scoop (and I mix with 4 oz of skim milk). My deitician wants me to get 92 grams of protein per day in this liquid phase (I have a 1 1/2 week left), then 75 on the 3 week pureed stage and 50 to maintain after that stage. I am interested in trying a liquid brand and would welcome some recommendations. As far as getting the amount of protein to equal 1/2 the body weight, that would mean I need 150 grams. Right now, I have more energy and alertness than I had prior to banding. Thanks, Rumar
  13. rumar

    Total Melt Down!!!! Help Me!!!!!!

    Clara mae, I loved reading your journal. You made something serious sound so funny. I really laughed about the hernia. I agree with you on the Nurses ignoring you as I felt the same way. I almost thought they didn't want to be bothered with a fatso getting WLS. Know that I am praying for your success!! Rumar
  14. rumar

    How I did Labor Day Weekend

    Hi, I just discovered this journey blog and am so glad to found it. I really really need to write this journey down and by doing that will work through a lot of issues with weight loss. Since I just found it I am actually noting what I've done from 8 days post-op (this past Friday). I became hungry, yes really hungry. My co-workers ordered Chinese take out (I LOVE CHINESE). Since no one knows what kind of surgery I really had (most think I had gall bladder surgery), they kept asking, don't you want something? Finally I looked over the menu to see if there was anything liquid and decided to order hot & sour soup. I skimmed off the juice (about 5 tsps) and added it to 4 oz of chicken broth. It was so, so , so good. I am just fed up with sugary protein shakes and skimmed milk. I just needing something that had a little "kick" to eat (and salt)!! I finally got in about 68 ozs of liquids today. Saturday was my family picnic. I just knew this would be the most challenging by far. I scheduled WLS after the major holidays and hoping I could sail through this weekend. Well, the menu was traditional U.S. southern.....chicken (fried and grilled), fried fish, grilled ribs, polish sausage, hot dogs, hamburgers (beef and turkey), baked beans, spaghetti salad, slaw and chips. Boy, did I have to psych myself out. I prepared my shakes and just kept drinking propel and water (by the way, I can now get down more than 4 ozs-----can't wait til I finish healing to get my 1st fill). I must admit, I did cheat.........sort of. I took a chicken and rib bone and sucked that sucker to death! I even chewed a little bit and spat it out (that's the sound of a desperate overeater)!. I felt so, so bad. My family kept asking me why wasn't I eating? Since they don't know I had surgery, I kept telling them I was detoxing to wing myself from sugar and salt and had to be strong and stop sabatoging (sp) my diets. My family is always having some big cookout or dinner! The good news is again I got my 68 ozs of liquids in and I went on a nature walk up and down hills and even did the exercises at each junction. I am a Christian and very active in church. Today is 1st Sunday which is of high significance at my church. It is Communion Sunday. The only problem is I didn't know it (I overslept and forgot). Problem number 2, guess who prepares Communion? ME!!!! Church starts at 11, I got there at 10:15 to start the preparations. I know my blood pressure went up! I got it done but it threw my entire day off. As a matter of fact, it is 7:30 p.m. and I've only taking in about 36 ozs of liquids and 28 grams of protein. I need 30 ozs more and 60 more ozs of protein. Darn! I guess I'll be up til at least 3 a.m. After Church, my DH says, can't we go out to eat to O'Charley's and you get something off the menu? Despite my telling him over and over why I can't eat anything solid, he just doesn't get it. And this is so like him whenever I'd start a diet, he would sabotage it, yes seriously!! He will want to go out more to dinner than when I am not dieting! I drank 16 ozs of water, then 30 minutes later had my protein shake. I then drove down to my mother's house to pick up my granddaughter..............more enticing food. I need my head examined as I almost cried of hunger!! I quickly left and drank 17 ozs of Propel, ordered more hot and sour soup and skimmed the top and added to broth and it satisfied me. So that's it for now. I am about to go and make another protein shake and go for a ride with my DH. BTW, I found out the hot and sour soup has 100 calories, 1 gram of fat and 1100 mg of salt. I split it to one serving once a day so it shouldn't hurt. Later. Rumar
  15. rumar

    How I did Labor Day Weekend

    Hi, I just discovered this journey blog and am so glad to found it. I really really need to write this journey down and by doing that will work through a lot of issues with weight loss. Since I just found it I am actually noting what I've done from 8 days post-op (this past Friday). I became hungry, yes really hungry. My co-workers ordered Chinese take out (I LOVE CHINESE). Since no one knows what kind of surgery I really had (most think I had gall bladder surgery), they kept asking, don't you want something? Finally I looked over the menu to see if there was anything liquid and decided to order hot & sour soup. I skimmed off the juice (about 5 tsps) and added it to 4 oz of chicken broth. It was so, so , so good. I am just fed up with sugary protein shakes and skimmed milk. I just needing something that had a little "kick" to eat (and salt)!! I finally got in about 68 ozs of liquids today. Saturday was my family picnic. I just knew this would be the most challenging by far. I scheduled WLS after the major holidays and hoping I could sail through this weekend. Well, the menu was traditional U.S. southern.....chicken (fried and grilled), fried fish, grilled ribs, polish sausage, hot dogs, hamburgers (beef and turkey), baked beans, spaghetti salad, slaw and chips. Boy, did I have to psych myself out. I prepared my shakes and just kept drinking propel and water (by the way, I can now get down more than 4 ozs-----can't wait til I finish healing to get my 1st fill). I must admit, I did cheat.........sort of. I took a chicken and rib bone and sucked that sucker to death! I even chewed a little bit and spat it out (that's the sound of a desperate overeater)!. I felt so, so bad. My family kept asking me why wasn't I eating? Since they don't know I had surgery, I kept telling them I was detoxing to wing myself from sugar and salt and had to be strong and stop sabatoging (sp) my diets. My family is always having some big cookout or dinner! The good news is again I got my 68 ozs of liquids in and I went on a nature walk up and down hills and even did the exercises at each junction. I am a Christian and very active in church. Today is 1st Sunday which is of high significance at my church. It is Communion Sunday. The only problem is I didn't know it (I overslept and forgot). Problem number 2, guess who prepares Communion? ME!!!! Church starts at 11, I got there at 10:15 to start the preparations. I know my blood pressure went up! I got it done but it threw my entire day off. As a matter of fact, it is 7:30 p.m. and I've only taking in about 36 ozs of liquids and 28 grams of protein. I need 30 ozs more and 60 more ozs of protein. Darn! I guess I'll be up til at least 3 a.m. After Church, my DH says, can't we go out to eat to O'Charley's and you get something off the menu? Despite my telling him over and over why I can't eat anything solid, he just doesn't get it. And this is so like him whenever I'd start a diet, he would sabotage it, yes seriously!! He will want to go out more to dinner than when I am not dieting! I drank 16 ozs of water, then 30 minutes later had my protein shake. I then drove down to my mother's house to pick up my granddaughter..............more enticing food. I need my head examined as I almost cried of hunger!! I quickly left and drank 17 ozs of Propel, ordered more hot and sour soup and skimmed the top and added to broth and it satisfied me. So that's it for now. I am about to go and make another protein shake and go for a ride with my DH. BTW, I found out the hot and sour soup has 100 calories, 1 gram of fat and 1100 mg of salt. I split it to one serving once a day so it shouldn't hurt. Later. Rumar
  16. Picklebritches, Wow, so V8 juice is considered liquid? Also, where do you get the unflavored unjury Protein from? I'm so tired of the Chocalate Soy from GNC. I need to eat something salty now other than chicken broth, uuggh! Rumar
  17. rumar

    Band Slippage

    Thank you all for the reassurances. I went to the Dr. today and was told my port is on my right side and that is what I am feeling and to expect some funny sensations until I get used to it (or as I lose more weight, my arm and breast won't hit it). It is very uncomfortable. I find myself bending to the left to avoid it. I lost 11 lbs since Tuesday, 08/21, hurray!!! Next appt 09/26 and at that point will make an appt for my 1st filling!! Rumar
  18. I had panicked and posted this earlier: Someone please help me! I am concerned I have a band slip. I have not eaten anything I should not have, still on liquids unless I've loaded up on liquids too quickly. I'm not sure but I think my port in the middle. It looks like a hole is there (as I change out the bandages each day--no the ones from the hospital lasted 1 shower). On my right side, I feel something moving and it is hard to touch when you put your hand on it. My stomach is bloated so much still. It's not painful, just a funny feeling as if something is moving and if I sit it feels like something will "fold" over in that area. I have a appt tomorrow at 9:45 and hope I can hold out until then (without panicking). Has anyone had this feeling? Please advise. As far as being good, I have been and proud for that. The only cheating I've done was to lick my hand after sticking it in a chicken/broccoli casserole on Sunday to see if it was seasoned and on today, I stuck my hand in a bowl of instant cheese grits to taste to make sure they weren't too hot for my granddaughter. I've been getting in all of my liquids even keeping a cup of crushed ice near my bed and sipping throughout the night (I have a dry itcy cough sometimes and this soothes it). I'm not freaking out as much but I tell you I feel something so weird under my right breat and it moves! It doesn't hurt but feels very funny! As far as weight, I'm praying that I've lost a few at least since I've been on nothing but liquids now for one week when you include the 2 day pre-op. If I was to tell by a favorite pair of jeans I wear, I'd be very dissappointed. I can't even bottom them and trying to figure out what I will wear when I go back to work Thursday that's not too tight. Congratulations to all of you on your successes so far! Rumar
  19. rumar

    Body may be rejecting lab band

    Thanks but am I supposed to feel anything on my right side? Also, the feeling of "something about to fold over or in other words, like a charlie horse?" Rumar
  20. rumar

    Body may be rejecting lab band

    Someone please help me! I am concerned I have a band slip. I have not eaten anything I should not have, still on liquids unless I've loaded up on liquids too quickly. I'm not sure but I think my port in the middle. It looks like a hole is there (as I change out the bandages each day--no the ones from the hospital lasted 1 shower). On my right side, I feel something moving and it is hard to touch when you put your hand on it. My stomach is bloated so much still. It's not painful, just a funny feeling as if something is moving and if I sit it feels like something will "fold" over in that area. I have a appt tomorrow at 9:45 and hope I can hold out until then (without panicking). Has anyone had this feeling? Please advise. Rumar
  21. rumar

    Band Slippage

    Someone please help me! I am concerned I have a band slip. I have not eaten anything I should not have, still on liquids unless I've loaded up on liquids too quickly. I'm not sure but I think my port in the middle. It looks like a hole is there (as I change out the bandages each day--no the ones from the hospital lasted 1 shower). On my right side, I feel something moving and it is hard to touch when you put your hand on it. My stomach is bloated so much still. It's not painful, just a funny feeling as if something is moving and if I sit it feels like something will "fold" over in that area. I have a appt tomorrow at 9:45 and hope I can hold out until then (without panicking). Has anyone had this feeling? Please advise. Rumar
  22. Hello. Good to meet all of you wonderful bandsters! I am so glad I found you as I need all the help and support I can get. I just had surgery 08/23 so am on the liquid phase of the diet. It's going pretty good even though I am still struggling with the psychological addiction to food. I don't watch t.v. due to the commercials on food and have to leave the room when my family eats. There are times when I am really hungry so I try to drink 4 oz of skim milk and drinking so far has done the trick of filling me up. I've scanned this site and see so many wonderful topics of interest and will be posting and sharing for you. Rumar
  23. rumar

    Is this normal?

    I'm sorry Lapbandit. I had to respond also and you should be so proud.................WOW!!!
  24. Hello MFANKS, I used Dr. Scott Steinberg at Dekalb Medical Center. I chose them because they have a separate Obesity Center next to the hospital plus I've used Dekalb Medical Center in the past. I started the process in April first making a consultation appt with Dr. Steinberg and then received a package to fill out on-line after seeing a Dietician and getting clearance from a Psychologist and Lung Specialist. I was told with Blue Cross Blue Shield I could expect approval or denial within 15-30 days. It was exactly 30 days from the time I submitted the form on-line I got the call for the approval and I scheduled surgery the next week. The on line form you fill out basically ask about what medical issues you're having, medications you're on, family history and all diets you have tried (dates and duration). If you wish, you can give them a call at 404 501-7903 or go on-line and check out the Obesity Center link from Dekalbmedicalcenter.org for more info. I hope this helps. Let me know if you need any other information. Rumar
  25. rumar

    Anyone from Georgia ??

    I was banded 08/23 by Dr. Scott Steinberg at Dekalb Medical Center. My insurance is BCBS. I started approval process in April and after I completed all of my appts and submitted the paperwork, it took 1 month for approval. Dr. Steinberg was shocked they approved the lap band so quickly. I went in for appt 08/13 and was asked when I wanted the surgery and I said "as quickly as possible". Thankfully, they had an opening for the next week (08/23). I did a 2 day liquid pre-op fast and now 4 days post op and see progress at least with the psychological aspect of wanting to eat. I haven't weighed yet and waiting on my 1st post op appt on Friday, 08/31. Surely having to comsume 540 calories a day for 3 weeks should lead to some loss!! Good to meet my fellow Georgians and I pray for each of our success!!! Rumar

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
