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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rumar

  1. rumar

    Christian bandsters

    Praise God for finding this site. I was feeling a bit low in my spirit today and wanted to find a thread for Christians. I'm happy I was banded and know this is what God lead me to do. I felt if I did not act when I did I was on a headed to a dangerous health at 303 lbs. I do ask that you all lift my family in prayer. We are having a very challenging financial year (again)and just don't have money, don't know where it's going to come from to meet obligations let alone to buy Christmas. I am so thankful for the many blessings God has bestowed upon us but sometime we just get a bit weary. We are middle class but barely can make it most months. In the Winter the Gas bill shoots up to around 4-500 a month, Car note, House note, daughter in college, granddaughter who has no father in her life (other than Jesus) and gets no support from that side. I have a 17 yr old son who is just awesome. My DH is Head Deacon at a struggling church .....always issues and that plus trying to make it financially puts such a stressful strain on him and myself. His dad passed this year in March and instead of this bringing his family together they are torn apart. We have to come up with $2000 for Property taxes on his Father's land plus have it surveyed and that will cost $1500 between the 2 of them. I'm sorry to vent but am just wandering if anyone ever feel like you work and work and you just can't get ahead? And I think about how great my kids are , Saved and growing up gracefully in the Lord..................I'm thankful, just so weary. I mean just this week my DH ask me to transfer $700 from my check to help with the mortgage. Now I have nothing left after paying day care and Car note........I'm sorry to vent but lift me and my family up in prayer. Thanks.
  2. I ate a little bit of everything once.....no 2nd or 3rd's like I normally would. I ate twice............2 and 7 p.m. and did have 1 dessert. I did a lot of exercising since it was at my house. I cleaned and cleaned until I ached all over and was so tired and sore, I couldn't go to sleep without a 8 hour Tylenol and a heating pad. I didn't lose or gain but I've been in this pattern for a while. I'm ok with that considering where I was last year this time and I don't get 2nd fill until 12/18. I do not have any restriction at all. I also got a boost as I was able to wear a size 20 dress for a Sorority Ball last Saturday:clap2: (my normal size was a 24/26). I'm trying to hold off until after Christmas to buy cloths. My pants are not falling off from my waist but I have enough butt and leg slack to fit both legs in one side (and get quite a few laughs from my family).
  3. rumar

    How did everyone do.....

    Considering I do not have restriction, I did much better than last year. I had 1 small plateful of a little bit of everything, turkey , ham, yams, dressing, black beans and collards. I had 1 dessert. I ate this twice, 2 p.m. then around 6 p.m. Last year I would have eaten 2 or 3 platefuls of everything plus 2 or 3 dessert 3 times in one day. I didn't gain anything nor lose but I decided as long as I am holding where I am, I'm okay until my next fill 12/18. I tried to move my date up but couldn't but hey, again I'm better off this year than last so it's all good.
  4. Congrats Salsa :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:! I can't wait for that magical number 1 something :D!
  5. rumar

    Not drinking with meals

    I must admit with no restriction I have tested the waters a time or two with meals and have had no problem. I know that will change with the next fill. But it's not a big gulp , it's a sip. Also I have no problems most days getting in about 80 ozs of water. I keep the 20 oz bottle of water and on my drive to work drink the entire 20 ozs. I eat about 30 mins after I get to work, then 30 minutes later gulp another 20 ozs down , then about 16 ozs of Green Tea. On my way home another 20 then a 20 oz before bed. Sometimes I get about 100 ozs.
  6. Not food poisoning but just this week I had a stomach bug I think. I wasn't in pain but just felt "yucky" and everything I ate went right through me.
  7. That's good news Salsa. This is one of those "things aren't always as bad as they appear". I'm glad it wasn't your band and do agree with a 50 lb loss already, you wouldn't have a problem continuing to lose. And you'll be off mushies just in time for Thanksgiving (even though I know you'll do great with portion control)!!! Keep doing what you're doing!!
  8. I did something crazy today and got my 2nd fill appointment time mixed up. It was 8:45 but I got there at 9:15 and the doctor had already left. They told me I could come back at 12:30 but I just can't take off like that from work. I'd already gone to work , then went to the appt so I wasn't going to go back and come back again. I decided I'll just wait until December when I have 2 weeks off for break. In the meantime I'll keep on trucking and trying to get that scale to move. Of course, I've not felt very good the last couple of days and not been able to eat much of anything. BTW, do any of you suffer from Arthritis? My back , knees and hip ache like crazy and now that the weather's gotten colder, it is something terrible. I thought I'd feel better after some weight loss but at least not yet. And what's up with being so cold? I get so cold and that makes me ache worse and then when I eat something, I break out in sweats then cold again......................just a crazy cycle. Anyway thanks for listening to my update, saga or vent. This board is so cool!!!!
  9. I too am sorry but I agree you'll be okay. We're nearing the end of the year and about to start another one so why not go ahead and make it your New Year's resolve to get back on track (of course hold where you are or better yet lose on your own). We can't wait to hear from you again but will be praying for you as well.
  10. rumar

    First Fill

    I'm glad everything went well for you and congratulations on your weight loss!!! I went for my 2nd fill today and for some reason or another got the time mixed up. It was at 8:45 a.m. instead of 9:15 a.m. and the doctor had already left when I got there. So I'm putting it off until around 12/15 when I have more time off from work. I'm just praying and will keep going with what I have and hope to at least drop 5-10 lbs by the next fill.
  11. Thanks Nana. I don't really know if it is true but I am willing to give it a try. I'll keep you posted as I know this is very controversial. I know several on this sight only consume about 800 a day but along with 4-5 times intense workouts are losing steadily. But we shall get there eventually. I wish everyone much much success!
  12. I got some shocking news I got this week but I am going to try it and see if it works. I have been stuck for about a month now at around 30 lbs. I don't have restriction and I'm still trying to figure things out but if nothing else, I am proud of only now consuming about 1/3 of what I used to eat before banding. For 4 days this week I have been attending a Diabetic class with my DH. He was diagnosed last summer of 06. The last 2 days a dietician worked with them on food. The last day of class we ate a prepared meal from the hospital (It WAS SO MUCH and even though I don't have much restriction I couldn't eat it all). Then she gave him a diet plan for him to consume 2200 calories a day. This with the exercise plan they gave him should allow him to lose 2-3 pounds a week. They want him to lose about 25 lbs and to do it by February 4 (his next appointment). Another lady was there who is diabetic and about my age and height so I asked her if I could see what her plan was? She is allowed to consume 1700 calories a day and with exercise this would also allow her to lose 2-3 lbs a week. I was shocked at the amount she could eat! So I told the Dietician I'd been dieting (minus the lapband part) and was consuming about 1000-1200 calories a day and exercising 5 times week alternating weight resistance every other day. I wanted her opinion and input based on her experience working with Diabetics. I then went on to tell her I'd been "stuck" for about a month. She almost had a heart attack and told me I wasn't losing because I'd put my body into starvation mode and I was not consuming enough calories!!! SHe said to also increase my brisk walking to twice a day for about 4-5 miles. Of course I am in disbelief but as I tracked what I'd been eating this week I was actually consuming about 1500-1700 and guess what? Today I get on the scale and I had lost 4 lbs. So I'm going to continue another week to see if this is really really true even though I know everyone is different and you have to figure out what works for you. I am scheduled for another fill 11/16 (yes before Thanksgiving-----my family asked me why before and I told them I am not going to center events around food anymore. Really I am sick of constantly thinking about food and getting excited over food gatherings)!! They're amazed , shocked but supportive at the same time on my new journey!!! __________________
  13. I'll keep everyone posted as I continue to try new and different things to see what actually works for me. I'm thinking she may be right for me anyway because I just can't understand why if before banding I was consuming 3000 or more calories and then dropped to 1/3 of that why I was not losing..............it just baffled me so much. I'll definitely keep you posted!!!
  14. rumar

    Fiber and Digestion

    Sorry, I didn't realize I was posting on the Fiber thread question but here is the food plan. I think you may be able to find it on the American Diabetic Association Website or www.eatright.org. I don't follow it to the max because it is quite a bit of food. But I have up'd my caloric intake and never go over 3 hours without eating as per the dietician, you don't want to put your body in starvation mode or it will slow everything down. Also, they by no means are allowed to have Ketones in their urine as it makes the Kidneys work too hard. Note: 1 Carbohydrate = 15 grams and you should choose non-starchy vegetables. Also anything that has less than 5 grams is considered a "free" food and you can have 3 x's the serving amount if you wish....i.e. green Beans has less than 5 grams of carbs and only 45 calories...a serving is 1/2 cup. Breakfast: 3 from carb group (total 45grams) 1 oz meat Snack: 1 carb (total 15 grams) 1 oz Meat Lunch: 4 from Carbohydrate group (total of 60 grams) 2 oz Meat 1 Fat (which = 1 tsp) Dinner: 3 from Carb group (45 grams) 3 oz Meat Snack: 1 Carb 1 oz Meat
  15. Hello all. I've not been on the post in a while but let me tell you what's been going on the past week for me and what shocking news I got this week. I have been stuck for about a month now at around 30 lbs. I don't have restriction and I'm still trying to figure things out but if nothing else, I am proud of only now consuming about 1/3 of what I used to eat before banding. For 4 days this week I have been attending a Diabetic class with my DH. He was diagnosed last summer of 06. The last 2 days a dietician worked with them on food. The last day of class we ate a prepared meal from the hospital (It WAS SO MUCH and even though I don't have much restriction I couldn't eat it all). Then she gave him a diet plan for him to consume 2200 calories a day. This with the exercise plan they gave him should allow him to lose 2-3 pounds a week. They want him to lose about 25 lbs and to do it by February 4 (his next appointment). Another lady was there who is diabetic and about my age and height so I asked her if I could see what her plan was? She is allowed to consume 1700 calories a day and with exercise this would also allow her to lose 2-3 lbs a week. I was shocked at the amount she could eat! So I told the Dietician I'd been dieting (minus the lapband part) and was consuming about 1000-1200 calories a day and exercising 5 times week alternating weight resistance every other day. I then went on to tell her I'd been "stuck" for about a month. She almost had a heart attack and told me I wasn't losing because I'd put my body into starvation mode and I was not consuming enough calories!!! Of course I am in disbelief but as I tracked what I'd been eating this week I was actually consuming about 1500-1700 and guess what? Today I get on the scale and I had lost 4 lbs. So I'm going to continue another week to see if this is really really true even though I know everyone is different and you have to figure out what works for you. I am scheduled for another fill 11/16 (yes before Thanksgiving-----my family asked me why before and I told them I am not going to center events around food anymore)!! They're amazed , shocked but supportive at the same time on my new journey!!! It is so inspiring to read all of the posts and I can't wait to see where we are this time next year. I know we will get to that goal bit by bit some faster than others.
  16. rumar

    Fiber and Digestion

    Kat, that's is still quite an accomplishment. Well let me tell you what shocking news I got this week (and I'll post it on the food and August bandsters's thread). I have been stuck for about a month now at around 30 lbs. I'm still trying to figure things out and if nothing else, I am proud of only now consuming about 1/3 of what I used to eat before banding. For 4 days this week I have been attending a Diabetic class with my DH. He was diagnosed last summer of 06. The last 2 days a dietician worked with them on food. The last day of class we ate a prepared meal from the hospital (It WAS SO MUCH and even though I don't have much restriction I couldn't eat it all). Then she gave him a diet plan for him to consume 2200 calories a day. This with the exercise plan they gave him should allow him to lose 2-3 pounds a week. They want him to lose about 25 lbs and to do it by February 4 (his next appointment). Another lady was there who is diabetic and about my age and height so I asked her if I could see what her plan was. She is allowed to consume 1700 calories a day and with exercise this would also allow her to lose 2-3 lbs a week. I was shocked at the amount she could eat! So I told the Dietician I'd been dieting (minus the lapband part) and was consuming about 1000-1200 calories a day and exercising 5 times alternating weight resistance. I then went on to tell her I'd been "stuck" for about a month. She almost had a heart attack and told me I wasn't losing because I'd put my body into starvation mode and I was not consuming enough calories!!! Of course I am in disbelief but as I tracked what I'd been eating this week I was actually consuming about 1500-1700 and guess what? Today I get on the scale and I had lost 4 lbs. So I'm going to continue another week to see if this is really really true even though I think everyone is different and you have to figure out what works for you. I am scheduled for another fill 11/16 (yes before Thanksgiving-----my family asked me why before and I told them I am not going to center events around food anymore)!! They're amazed , shocked but supportive at the same time on my new journey!!!
  17. rumar

    Fiber and Digestion

    Kat, I was just looking at your weight loss and all I can say is WOW and Great Job! But I was wondering how you've loss so much or what and how much do you normally consume daily. Also do you exercise and how often? I've been stuck between 30-33 lbs for 3 weeks, have had 1 fill but no restriction. BTW!! Prune juice will definitely solve problems!!!!! Also Slim Fast will do it for me. Rumar
  18. rumar

    Anyone from Georgia ??

    Yes to both. The process was a lot simpler than I thought it would be. I did all of the appts Dr. Steinberg advised me to do, submitted paperwork and was approved w/in 30 days.
  19. Well, I've had a bad week ................I've not had eaten issues like this since before being banded. And no, I've not had any restriction with my 1st fill of 2 cc's on 10/12. I can eat anything and if I see something, I want it and I eat it. I haven't weighed since Sunday out of fear and I've not logged my food diary since last Friday nor have I prepared my meals ahead of time.......not good.........I know, I'll get it together............tomorrow's another day......I'm still doing better since before the surgery when I was over 300 lbs. And just think, I'd finally started losing again eating next to nothing and then I blew it. The good news is at least I've never stopped exercising...........walking everyday 2 miles and resistance training every other day. I have an appt next week but he won't schedule another fill until after my appt. I have got to get my act back together by Monday.........my goal was to lose 40 lbs by Thanksgiving................whew, whow, whoa and what????? I'll start over next week listing my food intake and weight. I'm going in deep prayer................pray for me!!!!
  20. Well, I've had a bad week also.................I've not had eaten issues like this since before being banded. And no, I've not had any restriction with my 1st fill of 2 cc's on 10/12. I can eat anything and if I see something, I want it and I eat it. I haven't weighed since Sunday out of fear and I've not logged my food diary since last Friday nor have I prepared my meals ahead of time.......not good.........I know, I'll get it together............tomorrow's another day......I'm still doing better since before the surgery when I was over 300 lbs. And just think, I'd finally started losing again eating next to nothing and then I blew it. The good news is at least I've never stopped exercising...........walking everyday 2 miles and resistance training every other day. I have an appt next week but he won't schedule another fill until after my appt. I have got to get my act back together by Monday.........my goal was to lose 40 lbs by Thanksgiving................whew, whow, whoa and what????? I'm just venting and doing my August update. Thanks for listening!
  21. I'm still in the experimentation stage and am trying different food combinations and calorie intake each week to see what it will take to consistently lose. I seem to lose 2 or 3 lbs one week then not lose anything for 2 weeks. But this is what I did this past week to get the scale moving again (drop 2 lbs). I lowered my caloric intake to 800-1000. I do not eat breakfast but drink a cup of coffee and that keeps hunger away for about 2-3 hrs. For snack around 10 a.m., I drink a protein shake that gives me 33 grams of protein. Lunch is fish (salmon or tuna 3 x's a week) and a vegetable and I normally eat that around 2 p.m. Dinner is one or two cups of vegetable soup which is 60-120 calories. Sanck is SF Fudgecicle and a glass of milk. I feel like I am starving but until I can get to that optimum fill, this is what i'll be doing. I refuse to let the scale go backwards. Oh, I do walk 5 days for 2-3 miles and I do weight resistance training with bands every other day. I am a bit disappointed that I can't lose consuming over 1000 calories (despite the website calculation saying I should be able to lose 2 lbs a week consuming 1200-1500 calories with my activity level)...............yeh, right...............it doesn't work!!!
  22. Serenity, that's a good question even though I've been trying to figure out how many calories I can take in to lose just 2 lbs per week..................geez, that's all I'm asking. I had my 1st fill a week ago (10/13) and no restriction, at least not yet. But I track my calories each day and according to the calculation I can consume 1200-1500 daily. I mostly stay around 1200 calories. I speed walk 4 times a week 3-4 times daily and I do band stretching every other day. Maybe I'm like wasabubba butt and only need to net about 600 calories a day to lose. We shall see as time goes.
  23. rumar

    How much first fill?

    I have a 10cc band. My 1st fill was 2 cc's. I do not have any restriction (yet--I'm told sometimes it can take a week or two after the fill). Maybe your doctor is more aggressive with the 1st. Also, as you will read, a lot of bandsters don't get good restriction until after the 2nd, 3rd or later fills. Hopefully you will have really good restriction from the start.
  24. rumar

    5 Gallons of Milk!!

    CONGRATULATIONS! I'm doing the happy dance with you!!!!

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