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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by joho

  1. I have probs with my band and its empty too. Sometimes the same as you, I think if you can weather it out for the day and only sip on Water you will probably find it will settle down again. You might have a vomit slip. I would then suggest staying on clear fluids for at least 24 hours and then other fluids for maybe another couple of days. See how you go. Good luck
  2. I have had my band for 3 years now and since about then end of the 1st year have had a multiple problems since with not being able to get food down or keep it down. I now have nothing in my band and have had a barrium meal about 4 months ago which showed no problems and the doc told me he really doesnt understand whats going on as Its really like I dont even have one. I was ok for a while but for the last 4-6 weeks I am back to not being able to keep food down most days (odd one where its fine). I am now questioning whether its the band or not (I have MS). So I am going to ask my neuro to refer me for further testing. Some days I am so over it. Jo
  3. joho

    The band or something else

    Wow Elcee I didnt know that my doc has never mentioned it as an issue. That being said I was actaully banded 8 weeks before my dx (and it was a total surprise). I am trying just liquids again (V8 juice, home made Soup and Milo) for a couple of days to see if it helps settle my stomach down, maybe its just irritated again from vomiting. Jo
  4. My story is similar in as much as I am 3 years post band and have had to have it emptied. I judge each day what I can and cant eat and stick to it. I can usually feel in the morning what its gonna be like. I try not to each to much and I also avoid rice, Pasta etc and maybe only have a spoonful if I am having something saucy like curry. I still eat soft or Soup for lunch so as not to irrate my band and avoid chicken and pork unless minced or very soft. I know we all need to vomit from time to time because stuff gets stuck or whatever but (and forgive me for saying so) you sound like you maybe getting an eating disorder as you are aware what is causing the problems but still do them anyway. Or perhaps you just need to go back to basics with you nutrisionist and discuss your eating habits and get a bit more motivation. I found my issues improved greatly after sticking to a liquid diet for a couple of days, it gave my stomach time to settle down and any swelling from my vomiting eased. Maybe this could be worth a go too as you may be consatanly irratating you stomach which in turn is causing the restriction from the swelling, not the band. I personally dont think that vomiting straight after eating would necessarily cause massive acid errosion as acid takes time to be produced. But I would think that long term vomiting would have its own risks and tooth decay could be one. I know I was concerned about this, plus I was worried my band had slipped which for me is enough motivation to try not to eat stuff likely to cause me issues. Hope you get back on track soon. Jo
  5. This is what I have had and have just had everything bar .5ml taken out of my band. Had barium swallow and all was fine. I would get it unfilled again and just take it steady. Jo
  6. joho

    Sour Stomach.......help please.

    I am not sure what you mean by sour stomach, are you getting heart burn. anyway this may or may not help. but I had a period of terrible acid heart burn and nothing would help for long and I found somewhere that said a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of Water helps. It worked very quickly for me and I have had very few issues with it since. I took some a day for about a week. If it dosent work no harm done. Jo
  7. After all my problems and the after having my band emptied, I still was unable to keep food down some days. So today I had a barium meal and it showed that all was fine, band in right place, liquid went straight down. this is very good news but doesnt explain my issues with food. I am just happy its not the band. Jo
  8. Yes it has, I am still careful, but I am getting hungry which I havent in months. I found that being very careful for a few days seems to have done the trick. He also thinks I may have vomit slippage and if I vomit it causes swelling and slippage type issues. Try going down to Fluid type stuff and use Protein shakes. I am going to see how I go for a couple of weeks then maybe have some fluid but back in but very slowly this time. Jo
  9. joho


    I find what I can eat at lunch is different than what I can eat for dinner. Lots of people find they can eat more later in the day but not so much early in the day. I cant eat breakfast until at least 10-10.30 (if at all). I pretty much keep to Soup for lunch, boring I know but easy. Jo
  10. Its an issue I have had since 1 year after, went from the max of 5.7 in my band down to .5 which is where it is now. We actully think it's my MS causing the issues with my muscle weakness not having the power to push food through. No its not my eating as I have cut out heaps of stuff and even mash potato wouldnt go down. I have had a better 3 days as I have more or less kept myself on liquids til after the barrium. I think my constant vomiting was keeping the stomach irratated and swollen and now I can eat better as that seems to have subsided. Now I feel like a newbie again. Jo Jo
  11. My band is driving me nuts at the moment. I do have an added complication of MS which is making my muscles sluggish, brief outline. had band and built up to a fill of 5.5ml in a 11ml band. Ok then couldnt keep food down, repeat this process until I am now at 2ml in my band (nothing really) since March. All was good until this last 2-3 weeks when my band will allow me to eat in the day but come evening it wont stay down. I have tried being really careful with my diet and at the moment it consists of 1st thing a Malted drink to start the day 10am rice pudding pot size of yoghurt 12am a bowl of smooth Soup Mid afternoon a small snack Evening mash, veg and gravy (no meat at the mo) All day fine then dinner comes up. Been careful not to eat to much too. I do have the odd day that I can eat fine too even in the evening. I cant help but think that its down to my muscles and MS not having the strength to push food through and my MS is playing up at the moment. I am gonna see my doc but anyone else get this. I cant think that it is slippage because I can eat pretty well during the day with not problems at all. I have lost weight again too,now at lowest I have been (good but not how I would like to). any comments or suggestions welcome. I am over soup:redface: Jo
  12. Yes this is quite common I think. I always have mucus in mine especially noticable if its just Fluid. My concern for your hubby however, is that perhaps he is tight enough and doesnt need another fill. How much has he got in his band. How much was the fill because it really is a fine line between to tight and sweet, even as little as 0.1 can make a difference. Jo
  13. Some peolpe grose out when I crunch my paracetamol etc LOL. But it is a problem that people need to consider as some tablets are slow realease and need to be taken whole. Jo
  14. I love to feel my hip bones, I hadnt seen them in a looooong time and the bones around my neck. The best thing is looking younger than I did 8 years ago and going back to the UK after 4 years and the looks on all my friends and families faces. Jo
  15. There could be alot of factors in why. Are you eating high calorie food for one. Are you chewing everything carefully. It is tricky to go from the really motivated, just been operated on then to loose so you can eat for a baby and then back again. I too have probs with my band where sometimes I can eat fine and others I cant, and we are not alone. A lot of people have described similar to you about getting stuck and moving their arms or stretching will help it shift so its not uncommon. Maybe your doc could put you in touch with another bander in your area so you can get some motivation from them and have someone to sound off. Don't give up, get it checked and try again. You can post on here to vent your frustrations. Jo
  16. I suffer with bad reflux and am fed up using over the counter stuff, anti acid tabs etc anyway decided to google for natural remedies and stumbled across a website that people can put their own cures. A few people mentioned vinegar (especially apple cider vinegar), well I didnt have any so tried white wine vinegar 2 tsps and hey presto gone just like that. Someone explained that it can be caused by lack of acid rather than to much, esecially when you dont get enough food in your stomach to produce the correct amount of stomach acid, now this makes heaps of sense and the proof is in the pudding. Just thought I would share. Jo
  17. 1st time last night and it had gone within a minute. I think you can take it in a small gass of Water too, as long as you are introducing the acid to your stomach. Of course this wont work for everyone, but sure worked for me. Def worth a try, as if it doesnt work it wont harm you. Jo
  18. I feel your pain, I have the same issue, one day I can t eat the next I can. I havent tried a whole pizza though :smile2:. It is frustrating, I have probs with rice and chicken too so I dont eat them as a rule. I may very very occasionally have one spoon of rice but only if I have a very saucy curry. I dont think your band has slipped, I think you would be having more problems than that. It is a lot more to do with mental adjustment too, and that it the hardest bit for me too. May be time to have a motivational chat with the nutritionist or doctors and possibly a very very small fill. Jo
  19. I can suffer quite bad with this and had had enough and googled remedies. One that kept coming up was vinegar especially apple cidar vinegar. I took 2 tsp of white wine vinegar as I didnt have the apple one and it went, just like that seriously. Worth a try and it doesnt work, it wont cause any harm I am stunned to be honest. Jo
  20. I find all meat tricky especially chicken and pork. I use minced meat in all my cassaroles now, just press it into a ball and pop in with the normal meat. Same taste but already chewed for you so to speak. If not then I just have the sauce and veg, just as yum but much less calories too.:smile2: Jo
  21. Just out of interest, wonder if you could share your normal daily eating habits that keep you where you are. Breakfast cant normally eat so start the day with a latte. lunch is normally Soup and maybe a yoghurt dinner is normally some cassarole with a bit of potato/pumpkin and veg. Snack, my daily treat is some ice cream. I never eat biscuits, rice, Pasta or unminced meat Jo
  22. I didnt realise that USA made them that way, no wonder it seems indulgent. I cant function without mine (perhaps an addiction that I should deal with). I don't 'not' eat Pasta, rice or meat because of the calories but because my band hates them:blush:. Jo
  23. Excellent post. Agree 100%. Jo
  24. OMG you have had it rough. Your body is probably been knocked about a bit more than most. If it broke while being put on you have had basially had double the trauma to your stomach. It may have swelled more than most. Hang in there it will hopefully start to subside very soon. Have you got a diet plan for post op, is there a reason why you have to wait for the doc to be back in town. Jo
  25. Just out of interest Elcee, what is your normal daily eating habits now. Your ticker says you are just right, interested as to why you want more off. OP, you seem to be working out more than is probably necessary (but if it makes you happy:wink:) you are probably making heaps of muscle which is heavier than fat, so look at your inch lost rather than weight maybe. Jo

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