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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by BRG

  1. I'm 19 years old and got my sleeve also a month ago. Since my sleeve I have lost 24 lbs. I just went back to work on 5/16/14. I did fine on the clear liquid diet however the puréed is a huge issue for me. I throw up almost everything. I take zofran daily at least 4-6 times a day but it doesn't seem to be helping. Please share any advice you have because I'm ready to go insane!

    Zolfran 4-6 times per day seems problematic. You should definitely talk to your doctor and/or nutritionist.

  2. Hey all,

    It's been awhile since i posted on the forum. I'm about 2 years post surgery and i cannot begin to tell you how this surgery has changed my life for the best. I feel amazing and i look so much better than i did.

    Unfortunately i discovered that i have gallstones and i'm not sure if this is a side effect of having the sleeve procedure.

    Has anyone experienced gallstones? If so what was the treatment of them?

    Hope to get some answers the pain is unbearable when it strikes.


  3. Intellectually, I have understood that many obese people, myself included, use food as a soother and to self-medicate. I get that. If this weren't the case, you wouldn't see a high rate of transfer addictions, a divorce rate that jumps to 75% for post-op patients and a suicide rate that is more than double that of the population at large. (In fact, for women it's more than 5x the rate!)

    But now, I myself am post-op. And it's no longer an intellectual discussion. It's real. It's happening to me.

    I am feeling all my Feelings and there is nothing I can do about it. The thing I know how to do when uncomfortable and ugly feelings show up, is to push them back down with the sweet carb of my choosing. But I can't do that anymore. I literally, physically cannot do that anymore. So what do I do?

    If I can't push them down, then they have to come up and out. And some of the feelings are so damn ugly. In eating and eating I may have made myself ugly on the outside, but I was able to hide the ugly on the inside. Now what? I have not allowed myself to feel my feelings, never mind EXPRESS them, in so many years I really don't know how. They threaten to totally overwhelm me at times.

    Not only that, but people all around me in my life have come to expect me to me so mature, so level-headed. It makes them feel so good, so comfortable to be able to say, "Look at all the difficult things that have happened in her life, but how gracefully she deals with it. Look at how resilient she is, how she lets things roll right off her back."

    But without food, I have to feel my Big, Terrible, Feelings. And in doing so, I'm about to reveal that I'm not graceful, resilient or mature. I was just contained by carbs. We are all about to have a giant identity crisis, I'm afraid.

    Luckily, I have a good therapist to support me during this process. And I have you all here at Bariatric Pal - many of you who may have experienced this before and who may already have discovered the answer to the question, "Will feeling my Feelings kill me? Will expressing my Feelings alienate everyone I love? Will not pushing everything ugly back down inside of me totally overturn my life?"

    Very powerful and I can easily see myself feeling this way. <3

  4. I am a slight bit concerned because I don't eat eggs, red meat, or a lot of dairy ( cannot stomach cottage cheese or yogurt) I don't eat any seafood ! The only real meat I eat is chicken breast. But I see that a lot of the post-op foods to start eating again are eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, ect. Like I said I only really eat chicken breast, veggies, and fruits! Am I doomed?

    Yes, doomed :o

  5. Have you ever wondered if too much information is not a good thing. Ha.... No, I understand that all the advice and info we get from books, articles, and most importantly from the first hand knowledge that we get from sites like this one is very helpful....but.....I just read a bunch of posts here under surgery complications. I gotta tell ya they scared the crap out of me. My surgery is scheduled mid June, and I too am going from excited to petrified...every two minutes, back and forth. Having full knowledge of things that can go wrong is good...I think, but it does make me wonder if being overweight is as bad as what some of the post op patients are going through. Are these rare or the norm? I had thought a few weeks of discomfort is to be expected, and nausea, gas pain, difficulty getting in all the required Fluid are all parts of the recoup process. But man, the complications can be extremely serious and life changing. Makes me worry that I am headed down a yellow brick road that may not lead me to OZ! I too do not want to be a Debbie Downer, but really, I am now stuck on scared and not moving back to feeling excited nearly as quick!

    If you're that scared then don't do it.

  6. I'm scheduled for surgery June 4th. I honestly thought this day would never come. After 4 years, I have a surgery date. One of my biggest fears is feeling sick after surgery (after healing). Many times people feel bad or a just stay sick. My other fear is..will I regret this? Any tips or past experience would be very helpful.

    Lap-band is reversible so if you regret it, it can be undone.

  7. I do. But my instructions said on my third day I could have full liquids and blended Soup. The potatoes were runny. But I think it was still to much. I'm just uncomfortable. But I can't tell if it's the hernia repair. I just feel tight in my chest.

    All doctors' instructions are different but I can confidently say that at 5 days out, I couldn't have handled more than broth and Clear Liquids.< /p>

    I had a hernia repair too.

    Good luck!

  8. That sounds like so much to me. It took me over an hr to drink my 11 oz shake today. Did you feel like this five days out?

    Yes, I was like that. Just to clarify, I am still sipping on the 20 ounce Protein drink.

    I was on Clear liquids for the first 7 days and then full liquids until a couple days ago. Even now I blend my food until its the consistency of baby food or thinner.

    Your stomach might not be ready for mashed potatoes even if they are thinned with broth so don't push it and be uncomfortable.

  9. I am 2.5 weeks post-op and haven't quite figured it out either.

    I use a timer on my phone. I eat first thing in the morning and then set my timer for 45 minutes and not drink. When it goes off, I start drinking my Water and set the timer for 2 hours 15 minutes. Then I stop drinking and set it for 45 minutes so that there is 3 hours between "meals" and then when it goes off I eat, and so on.

    I plan my whole day (of meals) in the morning so I know I'll hit my Protein.< br />
    I, personally, am fine if I never have room for more than 4 oz of food. When my husband eats things I can eat, he will give me 2-3 ounces and we eat together :-) Three ounces is my max right now.

  10. Isopure Lemon Green Tea- 20 oz

    2 ounces of chili with no Beans (blended)
    1 ounce of Fage 2% yogurt

    2 ounces of Egg Beater's egg whites


    Atkins Advantage Milk chocolate Delight shake, 11 oz w/powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Unflavored, 1/2 scoop added to it
    2-3 ounces of Fage 2% yogurt with Raspberry Torani sauce

    I'm only 2.5 weeks out so I still can't eat "real" food.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
