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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kimmie2363

  1. Everyone thank you for your suggestion and advice. I do need to intake more Protein between morning and noon, which I have not. I have to get away from snacking which I have found myself doing while I sit at my computer and desk and get away from eating fast food. As I say I can't blame anyone but myself, but there is something else that I will need to do in order for me to get back on track along with getting more Protein, calories intake, no snacking between meals, etc., again I want thank you all again for the advice and suggestion.

  2. Hello Everyone

    I am feeling a bit stress right about now. I had my gastric sleeve surgery a little over a year ago and I lost my way. I had stop exercising and eating correctly, which I'm not blaming anyone but myself. So I decided about 2 months ago to find my way back . Anyway about 2 months ago I combined what I don't like to do (exercise) and watching television. I'm on the treadmill a minimum of 30 to 40 minutes 4 times day. Then I had a different doctor appointment two weeks ago and the scaled showed that I gained 11 pounds and then I cried So I have remove all sodas , increase my intake of Water. Then yesterday I had another dr appoint and weighted in a now I had added additional two pounds. I just don't know else to do. Even though I feel that I have lost some weight in the two weeks, but that scale at the dr's is really stressing me out and I'm disappointment in myself, I did not go through all of this to gain weight again. I was at 202 from 255 and now I'm 215. I feel that I should eat as if I was post surgery and eat baby food and even smaller meals, along with working out on the treadmill. The weather here is starting to get warmer and I will be riding my bike. I'm taking any advise, please help

  3. Hello Everyone

    Congrads to everyone on their six months post surgery

    I'm hit my 6 months on August 8th and so far I lost 50 lbs from 250 to 200. I still need to find the time to exercise and I have lost my way, eating things that I know I should not eat or drink ( i.e. sodas and potatoe chips). But I have made a re-committment for myself, I am challenging myself to walk to a goal of 10,000 steps a day and I have a made a challenge chart for the next 30 days. So far I have keep my promise with my challenge chart and I'm avering 7,000 steps a day. My goal is to get to 140-to 145 lbs. I keep some proteni mix here at work along with some 1% milk to help me from snacking during the day.

  4. Hello

    I'm a little over 3 month post-op and I have stuck to my new eating habit for the most part, I exercise on the treadmill and although my husband tells me that he can see that I'm losing the weight, everything I look in the mirror especially looking at my knees and thighs I still see myself as fat, then I'm discoiurage and don't have the motivation to exercise which I know is part of the key and the funny part is that I know that I have lost weight I'm not sure how much since my 3 week checkup which I lost 25 pounds.

  5. I'll be 3 months post-op on May 4th, I have not gotten on the treadmill at home for the last week, because of my previous injury to my knee, and I so tired, but usually I'm on my treadmill 4-5 days a week for 30 minutes, I have begun to do sit-ups and I have the walk away the pound video that I use 2 -3 times a week, this video have abs exercise and 30 minute walk segments, I use this video sometime in place of my treadmill. I'm not confrontable at this point to join any gym, and I do know my weight as of today but will find out at my 3 months post-op follow-up appointment.

  6. Yes I too thought I failed, hearing from others how they lost anywhere between 20 -30 pounds maybe more, and frommy past experience I thought I wouldn't even clear 20 pounds. My 3 week post-op check lost 25 pound which I was happily surprise. I've talked too other people who had the sleeve that I know and for the most part they do not weight themselve only at ther check one person I know have not weight themselve in a year beside from the doctor checkup. I'll becoming up on my 2 months post-op surgery anniversary April 4th 2014, I was sleeved February 4th 2014. I have not weight myself since my 3 week cheCk which was on February 26th and will not gemp to find out until my 3 months checkup once that take place I won't weight myself. For me this will be my best options so I wont get discourage and disappointed. Then I will treat myelf to a shopping spree this June for nice summer outfits and Celebrate big for my birthday in September by shopping for more clothes. But one thing I can say for sure is that I have a lot more energy since my surgery I'm walking three to four times a week and work on my abs twice a week and do a little bit of yoga.

  7. I belive that I too was going to fail I heard how other sleever lost 20 to 30 pounds or more when they went to their 3 weeks post-op check I thought to myself that I won't come close to 20 pound lost because of all the failed attempts in losing weight before. But after my three week check up I was happily surprise that I lost 25 pounds and that was on February 26th 2014. I'm coming upon my two months post-op anniversary April 4th. I do not know what my weight is as of today and I won't know what my weight will be untilI go for my 3 month check up and I won't check my weight after that. I know from past experience for myself that if I have not lost the pounds that I believe I should then I become very discourge. Althought I've been told that they notice I lost weight but I'm not tempted to check my weight and for some of the other sleevers they have not check their weight either and do not have any immediate plan to do so and some sleevers have been post op for at least a year they just know that they have stuck to their plan and have lost wight and have specifice time when they will go serious cloth shopping.


  8. Hello I'm in Milwaukee

    I was sleeved on February 4th at Columbia St. Mary My surgeon was Dr. Craig Siverhus. I wil be at the one month point on Marcy 4th and so far I have lost at my 3 week follow-up 25 lbs and my beginning weight was 250. My goal is to get to 140 lbs and to run a full 2 miles by next summer.


  9. After seeing my sister-in law who I did not recongnize becasue she lost 95 pound and I haven't seen her in two years she live in Virginia and a couple of women that I knew personally and talking with them along with my research and attending a meeting for sleeve surgery, I knew right then and there that this was the best decision for me. I was just sick and tiried of trying just about every diet and exercising my butt off and not really seeing the result that I want to see, I want to feel better . I will hit one month post op on March 4th, and I lost 25 pounds so far, I feel that I have a lot more energy and even though I walk pass the mirror at home and it does not look like I have lost 25 pounds, I can tell from my pant that I have pre-surgery.

  10. Hello

    I won't hit a month unitl March 4, but on my three week follow-up I lost 25 lbs, I'm walking a bit more each and everyday, and I have incorporated yoga into my exercise routine. I don't keep a scale in my home, because If I look at it and I don't think I losing any weight then I probably will get very disappointed, that is what I would do beofe the surgery, I would diet and exercise and then weight myself and get disappointed.

  11. Hello I'm Kim

    I am 50 years old and I am the Assistant Director of Academic Services for a non-traditional weekend college. I was just try of doing every kind of diet on the planet, from weight watcher, cabbage diet, slim fast etc. and sticking to it faithly but was too much of a roller coaster ride, I would lose the weight and yes I exercised. Then I have those who would sabotage me when I start eating the right amount of calories, cutting out the fried food, but asking if I want ice cream, cookie, purchase pies and cake, where ther know that sweet like those are my weakiness, then in the same breathe talk about how I need to lost weight for my health. The breaking point for me was I was on target this was last year I exercise 5 times a day either on the treadmill or riding my bike unitl I injury myself and had surgery on my knee and of course I gain the weight back . So I decided that this was the best for me and no longer will any one be able to sabotage me again with my weakness, I talked to serveral people who had the surgeryand then on February 4th I had my surgery and it's been a little of three week and I lost 25 pound and i can't wait until I can get back on my bike and work up on the treamill and this time I will incorporate yoga in my exercise routine.

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