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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MsButterKup23

  1. MsButterKup23

    Did you, or will you ever, feel 'normal'?

    My ideas to normal have completely changed. I look at what people eat and can't believe how huge portions are at resturants. You learn real quick what you can and can't eat. I know that bread is a no-no in general for me. But I also know that I can tolerate a bite of just about anything to fulfill a craving. I've been on this ride for 6 months now and lost 70lbs, it's worth a little lifestyle adjustment to me. Best of luck to ya!
  2. MsButterKup23

    Proactive Band Removal?

    I can only speak for myself. Personally I've had no problems physically with my band. I did go through a depressed period when I figured out I could no longer be an emotional eater with the band. After losing 70lbs in 6 months I have made other things a priority other than food. Being as I haven't had any problems, no at the moment I would not consider having my band removed as a preventative measure. I do want to be tested at 18 months for erosion just as a precaution. IF for some reason I did lose my band I would definately have some other form of WLS, I refuse to be 300lbs again.
  3. MsButterKup23

    Dr. Benavides

    I've heard a lot of good things about Dr. B. You will be in good hands. Best of luck to ya!
  4. Hubby and I have been very pleased with Dr. Robert Powell. He is in Richardson and does surgery mostly out of SCOR. I had mine in August and he just got banded almost a month ago.
  5. MsButterKup23

    MI doc says 25% do not loose wgt

    Habits MUST change otherwise this surgery is pointless. I know that I see food totally different now than I did before. If I leave food on my plate now it doesn't hurt my feelings, I don't plan my whole day around what I am going to eat anymore. I know it's easy to say, but you got to let the food demons go. One can't expect to lose weight and not change what they are eating or how much they are eating. I can't say anything about exercise because I don't do anything but walk the mall every other day or so.
  6. MsButterKup23

    British TV Shock

    Mohammad Ali's daughter is banded.
  7. MsButterKup23

    how can i stop eating at night!!!!!???

    Yeah Protein is filling... Just don't buy the junk, that works well for DH and me because we are both banded, but I know it's hard when you have an unbanded spouse/family. Good luck.
  8. MsButterKup23

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I am an unemployed Medical Assistant. I hope to find a job soon, if not I want to go to RN school, just have to find a way to afford it.
  9. MsButterKup23

    it seems impossible....

    I got stuck at 242 around December. I got another fill and I'm down to 226. Just do the right things and it will come off.
  10. MsButterKup23

    Can you drink Sodas?

    Could you drink sodas with the band (Fizzy drinks)? I can but I drink VERY little because the air does get trapped and it makes me upcomfortable (very little = one small gulp). Could you eat a T-bone steak even if you chew well? I don't do well with solid red meat. I am fine with taco meat and chicken. Could you eat sweets? Chocolates? I had a problem with a dry brownie once. I don't really have a sweet tooth. I can just about have a bite of anything to satisfy the craving. I just have to know when to stop with things I know will hurt me. Best of luck to you!
  11. MsButterKup23

    What Protein shake do you drink?

    I've been drinking Isopure. The milk chocolate or the chocolate and p'nut butter are my favorites. Before and after surgery my doc made us drink Myocel. Now that's some nasty stuff! We had to drink it in order to prepare our livers. Worth it, but nasty! Best of luck with your surgery!!
  12. MsButterKup23


    Anyone else on it?? I'm at: http://www.myspace.com/msbutterkup23
  13. Sounds like you are having problem with food lube issues being as you had a problem with the left over chicken. It was probably too dry and just needed lube to go down. Best of luck to ya!
  14. MsButterKup23

    Stomach Virus...

    OMGoodness.. My 16 month old baby brought home a stomach bug. Now I have it and feel like crap. I took her to the doctor Friday because she ran a fever for 3 days and they said it is going around like crazy in the Mesquite (Dallas) area. I've had 1/2 a tv dinner and a Protein shake today that's all I can handle. I've been drinking enough just to get by. This so sucks. Anyone else have this?
  15. MsButterKup23

    Stomach Virus...

    Wow it might be worth a call to Myra tomorrow to see what she thinks, so far I have vomited once, it's still all lower end issues. :eek:
  16. MsButterKup23

    This Is A Wake Up Call!

    I know at times I am my own worse enemy.
  17. MsButterKup23

    Question for Dr. Pleatman..

    Hi, I was just wondering out of my own curiousity how something would work. This is just a scenario, not a "real patient". Say you have a patient who is banded and 18 months later they are eroded. This patient is down to say 125lbs from 250. At this point they are no longer obese or overweight. In one of your posts you recommended changing over to gastric bypass or some other surgery (sorry I don't remember). Would such a thing be done on someone as small as 125 (or even within the normal limits of BMI) or would they have to gain a lot of their weight back in order to have a different type of WLS?? Like I said I'm just curious and not trying to start a debate. It's just something I thought up.. Thanks
  18. MsButterKup23

    Stomach Virus...

    Yeah that's pretty much my main complaint. I threw up once, but it's been diarrhea the whole time and nausea. If I vomit anymore I will definately call my surgeon and get his opinion. I can handle the other end. My daughters pedi said that the runs with this virus is lasting 7-10 days!!!
  19. MsButterKup23

    August 2005 Group...

    I hope everyone is doing well. I'm down 65lbs and hope to be in ONEderland by my birthday on May 23rd. I hope everyone is feeling good and doing well. :girl_hug:
  20. MsButterKup23


    Way to go!!! I hope to join you soon! :puke:
  21. MsButterKup23

    Erosion: Our OWN Statistics.

    I forgot to add in my post: My hubby's Stats: Date Banded: 01/19/06 Country: US State: Texas Surgeon: Dr. Robert Powell Eroded? Yes/No?: No problems, same surgeon I used. :puke:
  22. MsButterKup23

    Houston, week of Feb 21. - Leatha_G

    Leatha is cool and funny as hell. I promise it will be a great dinner. :puke:
  23. MsButterKup23

    Going to work 2 days after surgery?

    I went back to school the following week (4 days later), but I did have a pillow with me for support. Hubby was shopping at Wal-Mart with me the night of surgery! He was walking slow, but he didn't have any problems. I dunno about the 2 day thing, I don't think either (him or me) of us could do it. Any chance they would let you work 1/2 a day??
  24. MsButterKup23

    August 2005 Group...

    Thanks, yes I went through a difficult time in the beginning. Now I am totally opposite, I hate to eat and have to FORCE myself to do it. LOL
  25. MsButterKup23

    Trip to the GP .. anyone on Zoloft?

    Hi, I started out on Lexapro after my daughter was born to treat postpartum depression and anxiety. I went from 10mg to 20mg and then the 20's quit working. I decided to go to a shrink and she put me on Zoloft. Right now I am taking 100mg of Zoloft once per day. I have been feeling pretty good. The first few days I was kinda jittery. It took a while for the amount of Zoloft to get high enough. Once I made it to the 100's (she gave me a sample pack and i had to work my way up) I was fine. The only side effect I have no is I am unable to have an orgasm and my sex drive is non-existant. Both of which is very common with Zoloft. It's not great for my marriage, but my hubby understands and would rather have me happy than horny. Best of luck to ya!

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