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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by kliichow

  1. Today, for the first time in years, I went shopping. At the mall. For clothes. For myself! It felt amazing to be able to fit into clothing that is sold locally and not have to order it online like a hermit. I tried on clothes, not circus tents, actual clothes! And I bought stuff, not just because it fit and I had no choice, but because I actually LIKED the way it looked. I know it's still early, but this is great motivation for me. I can't wait to see all the changes that are to come.

  2. The best workouts are supposed to be enjoyable and keep us interested. By changing things up, you are accomplishing both. Plus, mountain biking is incredibly fun and challenging and the season, as you mention is something you've been anticipating. I say ride the bike a day or two a week; it's not like you are opting out of your gym workouts to loaf around or veg out in front of the television. ;) You will still be challenging yourself and your body.

    Good luck.

  3. Okay, so I had laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery 4/16/14 and the only issues I have had or am having so far are

    • bouts of gas pain
    • head hunger
    • emotional issues from my divorce with food
    • being grossed out by my JP Drain (I get a little queasy when I empty it and cannot wait for it to be gone on 4/23/14)
    • friends and family feeling guilty about eating without me
    • mild insomnia
    • itching at incision sites

    On the upside, going into surgery, I had severely uncontrolled T2D with blood glucose readings averaging 375-425 (with 3 daily doses of meds helping to lower it to 200-325) and my readings have not been over 150 since the surgery. In fact, my readings over the weekend were between 101-120 with no medication whatsoever! Super excited about that. Also, I'm happy to report that I have had surges of energy that allow me to feel more like myself than I have in years.

    I'm feeling pretty good right now and hope things continue. I was a bit concerned about what to expect, because I tried to educate myself about worse case scenarios and some of my friends and colleagues had the surgery with a few complications early on. Just wondering if I should count my blessings and continue to be cautiously optimistic or if I should be bracing myself for things to come. I know no one can see into the future, but can things really go this smoothly?

  4. My hospital pre-op is tomorrow and I have been desperately trying to get everything in order. Here's my list, so far...


    Packed phone with favorite music

    Deep cleaned house so it doesn't completely fall apart while I'm down

    Secured sitters and relative caregivers for 3 year old

    Bought post-op supplies (sugar-free popsicles, jell-o, drink mixes, Protein powders, broth, bouillon, Soups, etc.)

    Located living will and healthcare surrogate documents and discussed with family

    Put in for medical leave/short-term disability at work

    Started journal

    To Do:

    Take measurements

    Take 'before' photos

    Record specific long-term and short-term goals

    Pack hospital bag

    Is there something else you did to mentally and/or physically prepare that made things easier?

  5. I want to thank all of you for your overwhelming response to my post. You guys have given me some excellent suggestions, such as about making and freezing meals ahead. And you also pointed out some things that hadn't occurred to me, like that housework burns calories and can therefore be considered exercise, any movement beats no movement ;); that I don't have to allocate a whole block of time to exercise, I can do a few minutes whenever I can steal them; and that I don't have to be a hero, I can let my husband or someone else share some of the burden.

    All this time I have felt like I needed to handle everyone thing or I was a failure to my family. But I never considered that by taking care of myself, I will be better equipped to take care of everyone else, it's a win/win situation; everyone benefits.

    I think it is time that I sit down with hubby and express my need to take some time for myself, so I can be a better me. After all, he cannot read my mind and he is usually pretty supportive. I'm sure if I ask for his help, he will be happy to assist me if he can.

    It's good to know I can turn to the forum for guidance when I don't know where else to turn. :D

  6. I know everyone is busy, so I’m not looking for sympathy or arguments, but I am having significant difficulty finding the time and energy to exercise. So, I’m hoping I can get some advice from other people who have found a way to balance it all. Presently, I'm lucky if I find time, remember and/or feel up to exercising 2-3 days a week. Weekends are a lot less of a problem, because I am off every Saturday and Sunday. But weekdays are impossible. Here is a little background info before you offer any suggestions.

    Monday - Friday

    - I get up at 4:15 a.m. to get ready for work.

    - I walk out the door around 4:50 so I can make it in by 5:30.

    - Upon arrival, I clock in and begin my mostly-seated medical secretary job.

    - Around 11:00 I take a 30 minute lunch break.

    - I then work another 2 1/2 hours and leave around 2 p.m.

    - On my way home, I go to the sitter’s house and pick up my 2 year old nephew who is in the custody my husband and me.

    - We typically make it home by 3:00 if I don't need to stop anywhere on the way.

    - I begin my daily housework; vacuuming, tending to the cats, putting away dishes, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, making beds, etc.

    - This generally consumes my time until my husband gets home around 4:15.

    - Once he gets home, I start cooking dinner, which we usually sit down to eat between 5:00-5:30.

    - After dinner, Hubby helps me clean the kitchen and package leftovers and by 6:30-7:00 we're done.

    - Then it’s up stairs to take care of Nephew's nightly routine; bath, teeth brushing, jammies, bedtime story, etc.

    - If he doesn't fight me about going to sleep and everything goes smoothly, I can usually finish by 8:30 or so.

    - Next, I take my shower and lay my clothes out for the next day.

    - Prepare Nephew’s bag for the next day when Hubby will drop him off at the sitter.

    - AND FINALLY, I climb into bed between 9:30 and 10:00, exhausted, disgusted, and prepared to repeat the process all over again.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love my life and my family, I guess I just wish there were more hours in the day.

  7. We all know we should not worry about what others think and make decisions based on what is best for us, but that isn't always easy to do. It just irritates me, because the ignorance from that thread is exactly the type of thinking that keeps people who could greatly benefit from WLS from considering it as an option.

  8. A concerned friend was doing some of his typical internet research/surfing and stumbled onto this thread in a bodybuilding forum. Although it is more than 4 years old, I can't help but think a lot of people still share these opinions about WLS.

    Many of my friends, colleagues, and acquaintances have had the Roux-En-Y, lap band, sleeve, or duodenal switch. Everyone describes their experience differently, but I cannot recall anyone using the term "easy" in their account. And while I have not yet had my surgery, choosing it as an option took a lot of consideration on my part.

    I must confess that although I try to exercise patience and tolerance, keeping an open mind when I encounter opinions and points of view that are contrary to my own, I find myself feeling angry, insulted and even a little hostile toward people who make these comments. Does anyone care to weigh in (no pun intended) on individuals who feel bariatric surgery is the "easy way out"?

  9. When you're overweight and unhappy with your appearance, you go to extreme measures to ensure your photo is not inadvertently taken. You miss out on a lot of memories with friends and family, because you don't want a reminder of what you look like. So, it's only natural that when you start losing weight and becoming happier with the way you look and feel, you want a reminder of it. Embrace your new found confidence. You've earned it.

  10. post-205836-0-74542500-1392061147_thumb.jpgKnowing my history, I will be opting out of the "Last Rites Meal." One of my biggest issues is allowing myself or someone else to justify my mistakes. If I do something 'one last time' it may not be the last time. I am one of those people who can resist anything but temptation. :) At this point, I just can't risk it. But I know a lot of people who have had one last indulgent meal and been just fine. A lot depends on you and your willpower. MY willpower is a timid little thing that is afraid to argue with me, even when I'm wrong.

  11. I have not had the surgery yet. I have had a lengthy battle with my PCP sending the appropriate documentation; she is a wonderful doctor and very supportive of my decision, but the office is a bit disorganized. I should also mention that my BMI is 67, so I am on the higher end of the spectrum, but that has not dampened my enthusiasm.

    That said, I was fairly lucky in that I work at the only hospital in my area that performs bariatric surgery. So, my surgeon, Dr. Wilson, offers seminars, education classes and other helpful tools on a regular basis.

    When I first started my journey to have the surgery, I quickly learned that my insurance would absolutely not cover it. The hospital offers 2 insurance options and I had unwittingly chosen the wrong one. It was a big disappointment to learn that I would have to wait at least another year before I could even consider having surgery, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise because that time allowed me to do a great deal of research and make an educated decision.

    I will say that you are going to need to find a PCP ASAP, because with most any insurance these days you will have to submit proof of supervised weight loss attempts, lab work, physician's progress notes, and other documentation that you cannot get otherwise.

    To find a surgeon in your area, start with your insurance. Go to their website and search their provider look-up for surgeons. Another avenue you can explore is the search function here on BariatricPal. Good Luck.

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