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Posts posted by backwhereIbelong

  1. This can be translated into... We docs do each other favors and I would rather send you to someone I know.... Same exact thing happened to me. But, you are the consumer and you have a right to choose your surgeon. I told my PCP I had been researching and found a specialist that was apart of A Center of Excellence. The fact is, your insurance is going to require certain paperwork regardless of what surgeon you choose, so she'd be doing it anyway. Doctors want to work within their circle of contacts.

    Don't get me wrong, when I left my doctors office after she belittled me for handling my own referral, I got in my car and cried like a baby. But I was prepared the next month to stand up for myself and tell her what I was comfortable with. The next visit went smoothly. I think she had researched my doc and found that he had really good statistics... Her attitude had totally changed.

    You are the decision maker, sometimes they need to be reminded who the boss of your healthcare is

  2. Hey Molly--- so sorry I have just noticed your post. (Learning my way around this app). I am happy to say that my pain is now resolved but only recently. The lap site to the right of the belly button is the "main lap site" where they pull out the gallbladder and remnant stomach so that may be just cause for your pain. After a CT and 3 additional visits to MD, it was determined that it was healing muscle and perhaps I had overdone it on my "light housekeeping"...

    I was scared it was more and I hope your pain is from something as simple as mine.

    Keep us updated.

  3. My husband was not supportive at first. I had to educate him on complications of obesity-- and the fact that I had been overweight so long, I didn't know what "fullness" was. I had tried on my own, changing my eating habits, but only for a season...The more he was educated, the more he realized this elective surgery was no longer a choice...

    I would have had it without his support but he sure has encouraged me so far.

    It's not about being "skinny" or " looking good". I'm in my 40s, those days are long gone. It's about health, and feeling good and keeping up with the kids and working full time.

    I certainly hope this site can provide the encouragement if you can't obtain it by your family.

  4. I disagree with what she's being told... Sounds like this surgeon wants to practice what he's good at/ familiar with... Less complications with the sleeve than bypass... The sleeve has been gaining popularity for 7 years and is now the preferred procedure unless you need to lose a lot more weight and/ or have diabetes or have severe reflux. (the sleeve can make reflux)... Is it possible some if these considerations are influencing his recommendation for her?

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