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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Hayesc reacted to cushy in Friends   
    Please listen to your surgeon, your weight loss is going to be scary to anyone that's used to seeing you as a larger woman, if you stop walking you may stall your progress, I've read hundreds of stories on the sleeve and in most cases people are initially losing 20-30 pounds per month, you are obviously succeeding, please don't interrupt this, just keep in mind the reason you started this journey in the first place. Be proud of how far you've come and continue towards success. This summer is going to be wonderful for you.
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    Hayesc reacted to scootergirl in 3 weeks out and already at a plateau...what the heck?!   
    Great advice. Listen to these wise sister sleevers!
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    Hayesc reacted to Bob2013 in 3 weeks out and already at a plateau...what the heck?!   
    Try a measuring tape. When the weight loss stalls generally you will still see inches drop.
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    Hayesc reacted to StephanieRR in 3 weeks out and already at a plateau...what the heck?!   
    Today makes 4 weeks since my surgery and I have weighed the same all week. I walked more, upped my Water, and done all the tips to shake it up a bit. Nothing. scale is not budging. However, I feel sensational!! Iv'e lost 45 pounds total since last June and only 13 since my surgery 1/23/14. Concentrate on how you feel & not the scale number. I know it's hard to do! : )
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    Hayesc reacted to jcrsmom in Down 100 pounds! :)   
    No real tips, I just try to make sure I get the Protein and Water in, although some days I think I just can't eat that much and fall short and try to keep optimistic and moving forward and so far so good Best of luck to you
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    Hayesc reacted to jcrsmom in Down 100 pounds! :)   
    I can't believe it, I am down 100 pounds since mid-September when I started my pre-op liquid diet! I saw the doctor this morning and everything is going well, I had blood work recently and my levels are good, my A1C has continued to go down so I am staying off the metformin. I just cleaned out my closet of stuff that was to big again, and I feel amazing. So happy I did this. I am adjusting to eating and life in general after the sleeve well and I am just happy! About half way to my goal weight but I can't believe the difference in just the little everyday life things like being able to comfortable sit in a booth at a restaurant and have space or a seat at the movies. Just wanted to share this somewhere, thanks for reading this
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    Hayesc reacted to iris26 in 3 weeks out and already at a plateau...what the heck?!   
    I was in a stall for 3 months but I finally started losing again and every few months for whatever reason my body stops losing weight. While in the stall I continue to do the same thing Protein, low carb, Water and exercise. I noticed that for most part it last about 3-4 weeks and then I start losing again.
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    Hayesc reacted to MIJourney in 3 weeks out and already at a plateau...what the heck?!   
    Do a search on the forums for 3 week stall.
    It's just something that happens to many.
    Your body is catching up to your loss.
    This too shall pass
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    Hayesc reacted to hipsnomore in 3 weeks out and already at a plateau...what the heck?!   
    I had my surgery on June 21 2013 I'm down 80 lbs about 40 lbs from my goal the stalls happen its weird I don't lose for what seems could be like 2 weeks then I get on the scale and I'm pleasantly surprised with the weight loss it's coming off slow but I've been averaging about 10 lbs a month so keep your chin up it will come off don't worry just keep doing the right thing with eating ,drinking Water and exercise and you can't fail good luck!
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    Hayesc reacted to one_more_time in Wow! 10 lbs. In 8 Days.....   
    I know... I know.. it's Water weight.. .etc. etc. etc.....BUT it's still weight.. lol
    I started out at about 248 pounds ( roughly what I was when I went for my consult on January 23rd)
    The day of surgery I was about 240 ( liquid diet prior to surgery)
    After surgery I weighed about 242 ( IV fluids... swelling or whatever)
    Today I dusted ...(yes literally dusted off my scale because I had become SOOOOOO discouraged/depressed about my weight I stopped weighing myself because the number fluctuated up and down so much *Life Long Yo-Yo Dieter here*)
    Anyhoo dusted off my scale and it read 230.4 lbs.... I am in total disbelief and amazed that I have lost 10 lbs in a lil over a week. I am definitely going to enjoy the "honey moon phase" of my weight loss ( this isn't my first rodeo) and I know there will be weeks with no weight loss, times when I might stall etc. but for now ...oh how sweet it is to be a loser!!!!
    I started out wearing 18 pants and XXL or XL shirts depending on cut/manufacturer. Tried on an outfit I wore to work my last day before I went out on leave for my surgery and it is actually loose... I couldn't button it all the way down because my stomach and hips were so big.. BUT TODAY... I was able to button it all the way down to the very last button (old navy) and it is VERY loose in the front. You can't see my back fat when I turn around. It fits wonderfully. My jeans (old navy as well) are very loose need a belt...but my stomach still hurts a bit from the surgery so I am going to pass on that for now. But at the rate I am going I should be able to fit into a 16, comfortably by the end of next month!!!
    I am TOO happy right now!
    Before and after pics coming soon... so stay tuned!
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    Hayesc reacted to BryBro63 in Surgery is tomorrow - starting to PANIC!   
    Believe me...it truly IS worth it, and you'll be just fine!! I can tell you from the experience I had as well as from those whom I've spoken to, the hospital staff are very comforting and supportive, the entire process is fully explained, and one of the best parts is you aren't going to remember any of the surgical process...before you know it, you'll be on your way to a better you! As long as you follow all instructions, you will truly be just fine!!
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    Hayesc reacted to gourmetone in Helppppppppp   
    That did it, scale got the memo and finally moved, whoohoo focus helped!
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    Hayesc reacted to Lulah in 10days post surgery- Tips on soft foods needed!   
    I'm still on liquids but can relate regarding wanting to nibble on the kids snacks! I've been finishing my kids leftovers and sharing their Snacks for a long time (my kids range from 17 to 3.5yrs old) it's so tempting to just have a bite here and there! They have been really considerate of me which makes me proud and sad at once. Hang in there, some of these soft food items sound great, hopefully they will help!
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    Hayesc reacted to LipstickLady in 10days post surgery- Tips on soft foods needed!   
    Refried Beans, super soft scrambled eggs, hummus, guacamole, cream cheese, thin mashed potatoes and gravy, cream Soups, Peanut Butter melted in microwave with a few drops of water...
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    Hayesc reacted to Steph W-O in 10days post surgery- Tips on soft foods needed!   
    I had my surgery on 1/29, too. I've started on small things like cottage cheese, tuna, puréed cauliflower. I'm not sure I'm ready for meatballs and/or meatloaf! There's an adjustment as you transition to new foods so just take it easy. Savor your bites. My husband laughs at me because every new food (like real food, not Protein shake) I say "this is the best thing I've EVER eaten". Lol! After being on a liquid diet, it's all delicious to me now!!!
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    Hayesc reacted to Schmincke in 10days post surgery- Tips on soft foods needed!   
    BamaBoo64 just posted this really nice link to sample menus earlier today:
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    Hayesc reacted to Schmincke in 10days post surgery- Tips on soft foods needed!   
    Yes home made chili works great. I am 4 weeks out. I have been making it with ground turkey.
    Yesterday I made a low-fat meat pie using ground turkey for the family - they all had seconds - I had it too except for the crust.
    What else: "Laughing Cow" cheese wedges, Cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, fish, shrimp, Tomato Soup are all really good in my sleeve - but not eggs for me. My sleeve does not like them but maybe yours will. Also frozen packs of veggies in cheese sauce especially cauliflower. Just bought some powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury protein-enriched cheese sauce mix to try out on veggies. Make sure the veggies are not very fibrous.
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    Hayesc got a reaction from staceyp in 10days post surgery- Tips on soft foods needed!   
    Hi Ya'll,
    I just had surgery last Wed Jan 29th. Today was a rough day for me. I broke down and cried to my husband feeling a sense of regret and hunger. I was off schedule and went back to bed 2x today exhausted from still recovering and juggling 2 small kids. I tried getting my Protein Shakes in and only got one in, instead of 3. Im fighting back the urge to nibble on the little Snacks like cheezits, Cookies, toast, etc. It's tempting but it's only stronger urge because I'm not doing what I'm supposed to. I need to be on top of my meals and Vitamins and I wouldn't feel so tempted.
    At this point I'm able to have soft foods. I pureed some cauliflower with garlic, pinch of cheese and a lil dollop of sour cream. Wasn't hungry and put it away for later and read that it could be to gassy.
    I microwaved a yam tonight for dinner. Not going to lie I put a couple pinches of brown sugar.
    I need help on sof food ideas! Next week I can introduce soft lean meats...looking forward to chewing some more items of food.
  19. Like
    Hayesc reacted to Raine in Weight Gained Since Having Gastric Sleeve Surgery   
    When I tried to quit smoking I gained 8lbs! I am down all 8 now and weigh in on Thursday, I "feel" I should be down another 3 by then.
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    Hayesc reacted to magtart in 10days post surgery- Tips on soft foods needed!   
    Meatballs w/sauce, meatloaf w/gravy, refried Beans w/cheese and salsa, scrambled eggs, egg salad, tuna salad, chicken salad, chili, split pea Soup, flaky fish filets, zucchini baked or sauteed. I'll try to think of more after I have my coffee.
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    Hayesc reacted to abordenster in 10days post surgery- Tips on soft foods needed!   
    I had surgery January 22nd. The third day I was tired and cried about what did I do, I can't eat pizza again. I think when I didn't feel good is when I would eat comfort food. So of course I didn't feel good after surgery and couldn't eat to feel better. So my sleeve likes nonfat yogurt, refried Beans with a bit of low fat mozzarella, Soups, mashed potatoes and shakes. I tried salmon that was soft it didn't like it. If it's mushy it seems ok. Everything on the nutritionists list for week 2 and 3 works but if I jump ahead it definitely doesn't work. So nonfat Greek yogurt may be my new comfort food.

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