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Posts posted by RNYjane

  1. Ok, well, thank you sooooo much for your advice. It means a lot and with my surgeon retiring 3 months after my surgery, I have felt sort of on my own, yet, still super motivated. But, honestly, I'm scared right now and panicking because I'm not losing and my appetite is coming back and it scares me. I will take your advice and work that into my day. Thank you again, sure appreciate it. I tend to eat the same things too, if it works. :)

  2. I eat chicken noodle Soup broth, cucumbers and vin, musclw pro series, Quest protien bars and that's really all

    Thank you so much for your help. My heart is in the right place and I will do anything to get back on track... actually, I thought I was doing what I should. I only eat when I'm hungry but I am getting hungrier every day and eating as clean as possible. What I am finding is that although my calories are low, somethings not right and I'm not losing and it's time to regroup. I take full responsibility for getting too comfortable and eating what I want, just smaller amounts. I want to lose another 40 lbs. and am scared I can't. I feel blessed to have had this surgery and want to do everything I can to make this work for life. I have started eating 1 Quest bar a day, it takes me all day to finish it. I am journaling my food to become more accountable. For an example, are you drinking coffee with cream ever in the AM? Do you drink a couple pre-made Muscle Milks a day in order to get your Protein in along with a Quest bar? When I met with the dietitian she wanted me to eat, yogurt, cheese, meat, crackers, Cereal, bread, yes, pizza here and there, all foods but in moderation. I feel like I need to get back to more Protein shakes with less real food for awhile so I can break this plateau. What type of chicken noodle broth do you use? That would really help me to keep my tummy full. Again, I really appreciate your advice as you seem to be successful. I am open to hearing from anyone who has suggestions to their daily eating! :).

  3. Wow, thank you for sharing this. I barely ate for 7 months but the dietician advised me to start eating more regular type foods and get away from the Protein Drinks. Honestly, that's when I stopped losing weight. So now, it's a real awakening for me to figure out how to eat tonlose weight since I've been eating real food for a few months now. I think I thought I could have a few pieces of pizza here and there and still lose weight since I barely eat compared to what I used to eat but I barely eat Protein and have had 4 foot surgeries in 14 months and it's all taken a toll. Since learning online here what others areneat ink, I have made changes, am writing everything down, bought Quest Bars, have been getting in 60 grams of protein in a day vs. 10 and forcing myself to drink Water. I'm down 3 lbs already this week,

  4. Hi, I'm 9 months out and have hit a plateau and am so discouraged. I'm learning so much on this website about the importance of eating mostly Protein and really minimizing the carbs. My highest weight was 269, went into surgery at 250. I currently weigh 187 and the scale hasn't moved in months. I'm scared to death that my RYN isn't working and just like my entire life, I'll gain all my weight back. I would be so grateful to hear about what others are eating everyday and finding success. Thank you!

  5. Thanks for the advice. Right now, I'm getting ideas from what others eat and am making my own menu for the week versus just winging it. Also, my husband took my bike down and although I've had 4 surgeries in 15 months on my foot, I just took my boot off and will start slowly biking with my bike in home on the trainer. I think just being aware of eating more Protein, drinking my Water and exercising will all help me move in the right direction.

  6. Wow, you have been so successful! I have stayed at the same weight for months and am so frustrated. I am 189 lbs. and really should be around 160. Until recently, I have not been able to eat any meat, I cannot eat eggs as they make me gag. Now, I can tolerate a small amount of white chicken that I mix with a little olive oil mayo and put on some Wasa bread. Until the last month, I feel as though I probably ate under 500 calories a day, and now that I am more hungry and eating more often, I am gaining weight. I would love to hear from anyone who has any advice and I'd love to hear what has worked for you! Please help me get to a healthier weight. I'm feeling desperate at this point.

  7. Hi, I had the RYN Dec. 2013. I've lost 80 lbs. from my highest weight and 60 lbs. since surgery. Although I am so grateful for the surgery, I feel very frustrated that I am not losing more weight and am struggling with my Protein, Water and daily Vitamins. I am highly motivated to lose more weight in a healthy way but really am looking for a mentor to help guide me along. My surgeon retired 3 months after my surgery and I just feel lost. I am 5"4 and 190 lbs and have teetered between 188 and 190 for months. I had surgery on my foot 2 months ago which inhibited me from excercising. I would love some help and advice from others who have been successful. I want so badly to figure this out. :)

  8. Hi,

    I use Stevia. I started using it year ago when I started seriously looking at the quality of food I was eating and how it affected my daily headaches/chronic Migraines and my overall well being. Prior to surgery, I rarely ate anything with chemicals, dyes and for sure Splenda or Nutrasweet. Honestly, my headaches have been terrible since surgery. I don't know, but I'm thinking all of the artificial sweetners, chemicals, dyes and additives have been playing havoc on my headaches. It's one of the reasons I have backed off on the Protein drinks and am trying to get my Protein in through food, although it's difficult. I use Stevia on my Cereal, in my coffee, on our families sweet potatoes and anything else I would add sugar too. I'm trying to eat as clean as possible while still getting in my required protein, Vitamins and minerals. I did buy some organic Protein powder which is disgusting, but I believe it won't contribute to my headaches and it will help me with my protein intake. Good luck. :)

  9. Jane I know you were asking Melissa but what I do for a Protein Shake is 1 scoop of Muscle Milk and one scoop of Matrix. Matrix has more Protein per scoop but I hate the taste. MM has less protein but gives a great flavor. I add in lactaid milk and Water. My friend gave me some cacao spelled something like that which is an all natural cocoa. That can flavor it too. So using 2 scoops of the protein will really help get the protein in and to make it taste better you can add carnation instant breakfast, natural sweeteners, extracts, etc.

    Thanks for the suggestion....really appreciate it! It seems that getting at least one high protein shake in a day, even gagging it down, is super important to good heath and weight loss. :)

  10. The Protein I the most important. If I get at least 80 grams a day I will loose a little. If I get less than 60 I won't loose a thing. Also the protein is what gives you energy and helps prevent Hair loss. I know it can be hard. But I make one shake that is 50 grams of protein and gag it down before I can eat anything else. I take my time and hold my breath but the faster I get done with that the sooner I can eat something yummy like eggs, yogurt, or turkey burger. Those butterball turkey burgers are 31 grams of protein and I can have half for lunch and half for dinner.< /p>

    Also I have discovered through research that the ones who had to fight to loose anything and took longer, actually kept the weight off. While the ones who's body melted over night ended up gaining most of it back. So that is what keeps me positive for my long term success. It isn't about how fast I loose, so long as it comes off and stays off!!! You can do it just remember the tortious and the hare

    Thanks for the interesting and informative post. What Protein Drink do you drink that has 50 grams of protein? I have gotten to a point where I can barely get those Protein Drinks down. I have some Pure Protein now but would love to find one that is high is protein and that tastes great and hopefully NOT full of preservatives. Some of the protein drinks I have tried I think trigger my headaches, not sure. Anyway, thanks for the great info. Everyday, it's my goal amongst other things to get that protein in. Up until last week(7 wks post op) I was only getting in maybe 20 grams a day. Now that I am logging it, I make sure I get at least 50, but I'm working on getting in more. I lost weight for the first time in weeks after increasing my protein(3 lbs. yesterday). I love your inspiration about slow losers.

  11. Trust me, hang in there. Emotionally, I've been all over the place. I feel major embarrassment when I see people I haven't seen in awhile because I think they are expecting me to be so much smaller and 25-30 lbs. on me, only shows a dab, not enough for anyone to say anything and I think people are expecting to say something but when they see me, they don't, because they can't tell. UGH! I can tell in my boobs and a little everywhere. Ok, yes, you have a **** struggle there but your not giving up girl! My surgeon told me yesterday that in a year and a half, I would be to a healthy weight if I simply ate when I was hungry and stopped when I was full. When I eat, chose Protein first. That gave me hope. I went into my appointment yesterday(7 wks) totally bummed about my weight loss and panicking about if this is going to work for me. He was a bit of a jerk, but in spite of that, I respect him for his expertise. He told me I should not be worried about the weight loss. Ok, anyway, yes, it's about the weight loss, feeling better, a better quality of life and simply "getting this new lifestye!!!" I started logging my food intake daily on MyFitnessPal.com. I don't care about the calories, only the protein pretty much. It was an eye opener for me. I had only been eating about 500 calories a day and eating less than 10 grams of protein a day; barely taking my Vitamins because they made me gag and no exercise. Because of some wonderful tips and suggestions from folks on this website, I have tried new forms of protein that I can eat and doesn't make me gag. Don't lose hope girl, I will support you! I think I went 3 weeks and lost 2 lbs. That just sucks especially when you are working so hard to be successful! I know for me, I gag easily and had throwing up issues a lot. Just tried eating a Lean Cuisine last night. It tasted pretty good, but threw it up later in the night. But Babybel Light cheese works for me, Dannon Light and Fit Greek yogurt goes down and I started eating Special K High Protein cereal with unsweetened almond milk(13 grams of protein for both). Anyway, let me know if I can help you. I don't know how to add someone as a friend, I will if you know. Take good care. You CAN do this, we can all do this. We all deserve it!

    Thank you so much!!!!!! I needed a day to grieve the fact I would not loose like most people. A day to be pissed about it. Although I am mad as hell, these are the cards I've been dealt. Thank you for your support! My doc was almost laughing that I was so upset. He had a student with him and he was telling the student that many patients get emotional because they've experienced a lifetime of diet failure. He was compassionate but sort of found it slightly amusing. I'm starting to wonder if it's because he knows I will lose. That my fears are unfounded. I don't think he could truly know what it's like to eat broth for 17 days and only lose 7 lbs but I will lose. Not like I want but I will lose none the less. After I get out of these restrictive phases I think I'll be a lot better. I want to try to up my protein and exercise. I'm just so weak. I have no energy.

    On a positive note, I was excited today because I made a scrambled egg and was full before eating all of it. On the liquid phase I was worried I had no restriction but today I realize I do!

    Thank you so much for the support!!!!!! Really I appreciate it. Hope your doing well

    Ok, I just have a minute, but I'm proud of you with your attitude, My doctor also was shocked basically at my scared feelings that I may fail at this, and that I may not be losing at an "appropriate" rate. He was not consoling at all, he basically chewed me out. Whatever. Yes, maybe I am anxious a bit about my weight loss as I have failed my entire life, except once and it means SO much to me to lose it and actually DO IT this time. What the hell? Everyone feels that way. He said it wasn't about the weight loss, yes it is... along with other good stuff, of course. I'm no freak girl, just a normal christian mom, with 3 kids, who has struggled for 51 years to lose weight. Been on all of the diets, went into them all with great attitudes, eventually failing. So, yes, I'm a bit anxious and was only looking for some reassurance that I was on track and that I would eventually get to a healthy weight if I ate when I was hungry and stopped when I was full and concentrated on the protein. Geez. Anyway, I have been totally weak and I think it's starting to get better now that I am actually eating some protein and tracking it. I felt like I could barely make it up the stairs and was ready for bed at 6:30(didn't go of course,but just so dang tired). Today, I am feeling full of energy and so much more motivated. Hang in there girl, I will help you along the way, we'll help each other. I just made a tiny portion of Annie's organic mild chili with a dab of shredded cheese for lunch and will have some unsweetened applesauce with it. Have a migraine(shit) but so what, I know I can do this and you can too!!!!! Try logging your food at MyFitnessPal. It really changed things around for me. I believe in you!! I can't get my ticker to show. I copy and paste it. Is there a trick???

  12. I had my post op today and I've had a rough day. I'm grateful for this thread. I thought I'd be the only slow loser. I thought I was in a club unto myself and I didn't want to be in it. I had a band for 7 years and I've struggled for every last pound of weight loss. I finally realized I will never be able to find weight loss success on my current path so I decided to have gastric bypass on 01/28/14. My fear was and has always been that I would not lose weight like other people. Even with the surgery. I've experienced a lifetime of disappointment with this. I almost get mad when I see shows that show an overweight person stuffing their face with twinkles and crap. I've never been like that and I resent being judged that way. So at my 2 week post op when I only lost 7 lbs all my fears took hold of me. Yes even with the bypass my body will fight me. Fight me for every last pound. I was hoping by changing things so dramatically it would somehow shock my body into change. I must realize I'm in the slow losers club now and always. Regardless of my situation. It sucks but it is the way it is. I was also seeing all the posts saying I'm down 30, 20, 15 lbs. the least I've seen is 10 - 12. I just desperately wanted to be one of them and I got a quick dose of dream crashing. This was the week to find out if I'd be a big loser. It doesn't appear that will be the case. After 17 days of Protein and broth and only 7 lbs change it sure made me bummed. I'll get over it. Thank you for this thread. While I'm sad to see there are others who have not lost their weight fast. I'm happy there is a thread and I don't feel so alone.

    Trust me, hang in there. Emotionally, I've been all over the place. I feel major embarrassment when I see people I haven't seen in awhile because I think they are expecting me to be so much smaller and 25-30 lbs. on me, only shows a dab, not enough for anyone to say anything and I think people are expecting to say something but when they see me, they don't, because they can't tell. UGH! I can tell in my boobs and a little everywhere. Ok, yes, you have a shit struggle there but your not giving up girl! My surgeon told me yesterday that in a year and a half, I would be to a healthy weight if I simply ate when I was hungry and stopped when I was full. When I eat, chose protein first. That gave me hope. I went into my appointment yesterday(7 wks) totally bummed about my weight loss and panicking about if this is going to work for me. He was a bit of a jerk, but in spite of that, I respect him for his expertise. He told me I should not be worried about the weight loss. Ok, anyway, yes, it's about the weight loss, feeling better, a better quality of life and simply "getting this new lifestye!!!" I started logging my food intake daily on MyFitnessPal.com. I don't care about the calories, only the protein pretty much. It was an eye opener for me. I had only been eating about 500 calories a day and eating less than 10 grams of protein a day; barely taking my Vitamins because they made me gag and no exercise. Because of some wonderful tips and suggestions from folks on this website, I have tried new forms of protein that I can eat and doesn't make me gag. Don't lose hope girl, I will support you! I think I went 3 weeks and lost 2 lbs. That just sucks especially when you are working so hard to be successful! I know for me, I gag easily and had throwing up issues a lot. Just tried eating a Lean Cuisine last night. It tasted pretty good, but threw it up later in the night. But Babybel Light cheese works for me, Dannon Light and Fit Greek yogurt goes down and I started eating Special K High Protein Cereal with unsweetened almond milk(13 grams of protein for both). Anyway, let me know if I can help you. I don't know how to add someone as a friend, I will if you know. Take good care. You CAN do this, we can all do this. We all deserve it!

  13. I'm also new to the post-op world having had my surgery in Jan 2014. I also have stopped losing weight already. Well, for over a week now, not one pound gone. Of course, it hasn't gone UP either but very frustrating because I also heard people say how the weight just melted off. I'm down about 20 pounds but it isn't obvious to others yet and they all look at me like it is not working. Kind of embarrassing.

    But protein--have you tried edamame? It's a bit carby but very high in Protein and my nutritionist said to go for it. Many restaurants have it on the menu now so that has saved me when I have gone out to dinner.

    When I have cottage cheese or yogurt or ricotta cheese, I mix them with sugar free Jello and it tastes great then. Sometimes I mix in the Jello that is made and sometimes I mix in the powdered jello without making it. Totally changes the flavor of cottage cheese, etc. which isn't that tasty on its own. Some people put in cinnamon and vanilla extract, too.

    I would say that for people like us, it's going to take a bit longer but we'll get there. At least that is what people keep telling me.

    I have also had the thought that I will be the first person to not lose any weight after having the surgery! I guess that is a common thought. lol

    best of luck!

    Thanks for your post and suggestions. It's great knowing that there are others out there going through the same things you are. I think because of our nature, we tend to think "we will be that one who does not succeed" or the one that this procedure does not work for. I told my surgeon that yesterday and he basically chewed me out telling me that weight and emotions should have nothing in common and one should NOT affect the other. I told him weight and emotions always go together and I guarantee that every one of his bariatric patients feel that way. Some more extreme than others, but he felt they are two separate things. Maybe in a perfect world when you are 280, 300, 400 lbs. that it in no way affects how you feel about yourself or does not affect your well-being, but with him weighing around 130 and never having a weight problem, he could never understand the marriage of the two and the constant struggle to stay emotionally healthy in spite of what that damn scale says!!!!! I cried in his office yesterday at my 7 weeks check up as he told me I should NOT be concerned about the weight loss, yes, he said that. He said I was obsessed since I started tracking on MyFitnessPal.com. I am only doing that so that I can be sure I am getting my Protein in. Before logging my food, I was getting in less than 10 grams of protein a day. In the last 2 days, I have gotten in 58 grams on day and 40 yesterday. I am not counting calories at all. The scale has barely moved in weeks. I'm done 3 lbs. this morning; I attribute that to my logging my food and being mindful of my protein and applying many great tips that folks on this website have shared with me! :) He also was angry that I would look to the internet for advice instead of relying on the "training" I was given prior to surgery. My feeling is that I am proud of where I am today as we all know this is a huge journey and learning curve that is individual. I love learning and sharing on this site; that's what we do right? Share, learn, grow! I tend to keep everything in and deal with life on my own, that is how I was taught. And with my roux-en-y surgery, who do I have to really talk to about it? Most people are pretty much just watching for results. We are the ones going through the daily struggle and making changes. I would say the majority of people I know, except for my mom, feels that the surgery is a way of cheating or an easy way to lose weight. They are not mean about it, but they think once that surgery was done, that the weight basically just melts off! It's so much more than that, but no one understands the struggles(good and bad) except other folks who have gone through it. I use both the knowledge from my surgeon and what others have shared with me. Anyway, thank you for your suggestions, it means the world to me. Just keep on keeping on....... whether we are losing fast or slow, as long as that scale is going in the right direction, it's good. I know for me, I am focusing on increasing my protein, getting my Vitamins and finally starting to do some form of exercise. I had 3 surgeries on my left in 5 months and have some permanent damage/numbness and 2 broken joints still, but... I can ride a bike or use a rower. Just need to do it!!!

  14. Hello Jane..Let me reassure you, that at this stage of your journey, if you didn't lose weight, you'd probably be the first in WLS history not to do so!...I cant even imagine what one could eat or not eat, at this stage to STOP the natural progesssion of WLS... I don't even want to do my research and find out. Cuz there's always someone out there who CAN buck the system because they didn't follow instruction.

    That's not your case. I am 4 years out and still cant eat freely like most WLS people can. My "CANT EAT " list is so fricken longggg! now THATS depressing. You, like me, might be one that has to eat 'organic' as much as your wallet will allow, I heard you say 'migraine'. Now that your a WLS person, you might be more sensitive to foods then you were before, I am.

    It has been a long ass journey to find foods that DONT make me sick or drowsy. Im still looking. I now have staple foods like--> chicken, all veggies, oatmeal, and some very specific fruits ( I don't like them all). So longs as your don't eat gobs of sweets, treats, and crappy dead process foods, you should be ok. My Doc says if something makes you sick this month, try it again next month. I don't eat breads, pasta's, sugar, potatoes (only sweet potatoes) rice, or any dairy (the surgery made me Lactose). At first it was a down right FIGHT not to eat those things. It was what I was use to. But now I don't miss them. Im still holding at 115 lbs, 4 years later. The food struggle is on going but I plow threw the sick feelings, and makes notes to self. Oh and KEEP A food LOG!!!!!..it is sooooooooo important to look back on later. Its my survival and accountability guide.

    I know what you mean about Protein. I make my own shakes, I never buy them. I use rice Protein, Water, blueberries (frozen) mixed fruit (frozen) bananas, ground flax (keeps the pipes clear, if ya know what I mean..lol) and cinnamon..blend the hell out of it in my 'bullet' and Im good to go. NO chemical in my shakes, and I trade off..I have choco flavor also and make that with coffee instead of Water, for a 'starbucks' flavor cofffe shake..yumm..the combos are endless. Think outside the box. The food world is at your fingertips, we just have a lot of experimenting to do. Your taste buds are waiting, don't be afraid...good luck :)


    I just wanted to follow up and let you know that today I started tracking in MyFitnessPal. Wow, it has really changed everything for me. First of all, it's really cool, second, it's really puts there in black and white exactly what you've eaten and I can be accountable instead of always guessing how much protein, etc. I've eaten. it's 7:30pm and I've had 700 calories today, and 38 grams of protein. I am thrilled because I've up'd my protein today with Light and Fit Greek Yogurt, eating a Medifast Soup that had 12 grams of protein and eating 3 chicken breast nuggets at dinner. I bought the Carmel Corn Rice Cakes and tomorrow will try some natural Peanut Butter on them. Before tracking, I would just eat nothing or grab some crackers w/PB on them when I was starving where now, I am super motivated to up my protein and hopefully I will feel better and my weight loss will be better. I need to still find the articles you talked about and I have to figure how how to copy and paste my ticker. I've tried, but it's not working. thanks again for the great advice!

  15. Hi guys. I started this thread as I thought I was the only one this was happening to.

    It's good to know that I'm not but it's a shame any of us are slow losers.

    I had my surgery on 10th October - in all since then (weighed last on Monday 6th Jan), I have lost 18lb, in 13 weeks which is an average of just over 1lb a week.

    I've had and seen an x-ray and my pouch is 'normal'. It's not tiny, the cottage cheese test came in at 7.5oz. Apparently they can be up to 9oz without any impact on weight loss.

    For 5 weeks since I last saw my dietician, I wasn't dieting in any way and Christmas, New Year and my birthday fell in the period too - and I still lost 2lb.

    So, I have deiced to just accept that I'm a slow loser and to do 2 things that might help me continue to lose 1lb a week. One is exercise and the other is to cut out sugar which I have done since 1st January.

    I get weighed again on Monday 27th January and I will be a happy bunny if I've lost 3lb.

    Better to be a slow loser than a no-loser which i was scared I was!

    Good luck everyone, we'll get there :-)


    I am new to this site and I love this thread. Honestly, when you are a slow loser, you think you are the only one. it's a topic I know that I am embarrassed to even discuss with my family or anyone because most people expect the weight to be melting off, like it's a instant cure. When it doesn't, it's humiliating. I got Roux-en-Y on 12/20/13. Started at 248 before liquid shake pre-op. Left the hospital after surgery at 248. Today am 219. I am 7 wks. post op. I lost most of the weight in the first 4 weeks and barely anything since. I struggle getting my Protein in because I gag so easily and just can't eat any meat and can barely drink another shake. I live on Cream of Wheat w/unsweetened almond milk for Breakfast, some unsweetened applesauce, crackers with Peanut Butter and recently some low fat cheese sticks. I will admit I have been bad about taking my Vitamins because I gag on them, I know I need to totally up my protein(just started logging in fitnesspal.com, and need to get more Water in. Also, need to exercise. I'm really not a baby and am trying to do my best with the gagging, having to throw up, and trying to get protein in, but sadly, I've been eating mostly carbs and I think that is causing a slow weight loss. Thanks again for this thread. :)

  16. Tummy acting up so Protein Shake with PB2 and half a banana for me.


    Do you make your Protein shake from scratch or add the pb2 to a pre-made protein shake? I have some pb2 and wasn't sure what to add it to. I am having a difficult time getting in my protein, can't eat meat yet(7 wks. post op) or it makes me gag, so I'm getting my protein only through some Peanut Butter on a few crackers, and recently a cheesestick or two.

  17. Per my nutritionist....4 meals a day (three meals plus a snack) 200-250 calories per meal, 20 grams of Protein per meal, 15-20 grams of carbs per meal.

    So 800-1000 calories, 80 grams of protein (goal is at least 60), and 60-80 grams of carbohydrates.

    Hope this helps!!!!!

    HW 312, pre-op (lap-band) 294, pre-op (RNY) 251, surgery date 2/11/13, goal weight 154, current weight 246

    I am not able to take in that many calories. I've tried three meals a day and a snack. I just can't get it in. Maybe that's why my weight lose is down to about 2 pounds a week.

    I'm the same. I am 7 wks post op and have lost only 28 lbs. I gag or throw up all meat and gag easily at most protein. I basically have been living off of Cream of Wheat w/unsweetened almond milk, coffee w/cream for AM, unsweetened applesauce, organic crackers with Peanut Butter. Just started trying to eat 1-2 cheesesticks a day to get my protein in. I am going to start logging all of my food to really see what I am eating. I desperately want this to work, but since my weight loss is so slow, I am scared this is not going to work for me. I feel like I should have lost 40-50 lbs. by now. Started at 248, 219 this morning. Have chronic headaches and the canned shakes trigger headaches. With every bone in my body, I will do everything I can to be successful. I know I must get that protein in, and take my Vitamins. They make me gag too or make my stomach feel sick so I don't take them often. :( I'm wondering what average weight loss if for most folks at say 8 weeks? I would love to know if people stalled already at 8 weeks. I know I'm doing something wrong and want to change that now to get better results. Is everyone exercising? Taking all of their vitamins daily? Eating 50 grams plus of protein a day? Could eating a primarily carb diet cause my weight loss to be slow?

  18. Hi, my stats are similar and my doc says iam right on track and doing great. I think many of us no matter how much research thought we would drop 40 to 50 lbs right off. I went through classes and never heard of such a slow loss as 25lbs in 7 weeks. However many were a lot heavier. I was able to eat all kinds of things within weeks after surgery but now my pouch is changing that. Had my first true vomiting when I ate some processed meat that I was able to eat weeks earlier. Also smelled my Protein shake that never smelled before . I guess it just took time for my pouch to talk back.

    I was also embarrassed to return to work because I didn't think I lost enough. However when I look at it realistically I wasn't able to loose more than 15lbs dieting many months before surgery. I will be happy as long as I keep losing and building my strength. Still learning but getting smaller.

    Ok, this is my first time trying to REPLY the right way, hope it works. Thanks for the note. I see my surgeon tomorrow and am anxious to see how my blood tests are since I really have not taken my Vitamins since surgery except here and there. And yes, I am embarrassed because I know the people around me are wondering why I haven't lost more weight yet; I'm wondering too?? No one says anything of course, but 25-28 lbs. weight loss is barely noticeable when I started at 248. All I can do it get my Protein in, stay away from the carbs(I mostly live on carbs; crackers, oatmeal, cereal) and get my Vitamins in everyday and start exercising. Until recently, I have felt very weak and have headaches everyday, but I am seeing that I need to get moving or that scale is not going to move. UGH! Anyway, thanks for the information, sure appreciate it. I'm going to try and get my ticker on here :)

  19. Thanks Dee1111 for the great advice. Today I will start logging my food. I'm anxious to see it because in my mind, I am barely eating anything. 3 Tbls. of Cream of Wheat for Breakfast with some unsweetened almond milk, an unsweetened applesauce cup later on, `12 oz. of regular coffee with 1/2 and 1/2. lunch is maybe 5-6 organic crackers with natural Peanut Butter and maybe another applesauce later. I don't really eat supper. Maybe I'll have a cheesestick and I suck the juice out of an orange(I crave those things!). I might have some crackers w/PB or recently I've been having a small bowl of organic Cereal with the unsweetened almond milk. I know that is not balanced, I know how I should be eating, but as you said, this is a journey and a new learning curve. I know that I pretty much am living on carbs right now, but shouldn't I be losing more weight and quicker? I feel like I barely eat anything but in the past few weeks, the scare barely moves. Most of my weight was lost in the first month. I love your honesty and really appreciate your ideas. Today, I'm going to get some caramel rice cakes and will try some Peanut Butter on them. What is rice Protein? I use an organic whey, but I'll check out your shake concoction and give it a try. I have a Ninja and had hoped by now I would be getting my greens into my shakes along with chia seed, flax seed and some frozen fruit. For some reason, It hasn't appealed to me and makes me gag thinking of it. However, I WILL try it out this week. Maybe it will be great and something that doesn't gross me out. Has exercise been important to you and maintaining your weight loss? Regarding the dairy. for 3 years I did not eat dairy and honestly, my headaches were better. However, right now, eating a cheesestick or two each day is my main form of Protein, other than some peanut butter on a few crackers. I'd like to cut out the dairy and the 1/2 and 1/2 but until I find a protein replacement, I'll continue. I will check out the recipes on this website, I need a few simple ones and just ideas in general. I would love to know what works for people, what some of their staple foods are. I honestly want to find some things that work, don't make me gag or feel that terrible sick feeling in my stomach and stick with it for healthy weight loss I won't give up, but yes, I am scared shitless! sorry:( I feel like I will be that "one" person whom this just wont work for, just like all of the diets I've failed my entire life. As I shared earlier, normally, I am positive and a huge encourager to others but when it comes to my dieting history and my emotions about it, it's 42 years of ups and downs. I pray that I will "get this" and learn what to feed my body so I lose weight in a healthy way, get my Vitamins in and just get a better handle on it. Thanks again for your honesty. It's great hearing from others. :rolleyes:


  20. Sallyawbc,

    Thanks for the great advice and words of encouragement. Exactly what kind of pureed Soups do you eat? Cream of chicken or pureed soups in the box or can such as Tomato, etc. Yes, I will cut out the chocolate, although it's only been once in awhile. My go to food has always been carbs of some sort and for some reason, I gag easily now and most foods smell weird to me. I know I sound like a nutcase, but I thought my green tea smelled like fish yesterday... yuk! Cheesesticks are the easiest form of Protein for me now along with a little Peanut Butter. Dee 1111 recommended I start keeping a food log, which is an excellent idea. I think most days I am eating around 500 calories, so a log will be great. I also saw a youtube video that a husband and wife made who both had gastric bypass. They recommended Fitness Pal to daily track food. Anyway, it's nice to know you're not the only one struggling. Best of luck to you!

  21. Thanks for your encouragement. I know now that the weight is simply not just going to melt off. It really is work; trying to get in the Protein, the Vitamins and exercise when you feel weak and just not tip top. I know I just have to do it, and I do believe that it will work if I can start getting in my Protein and doing what I know is right for me. It's nice to hear from someone who has been through it. You don't want to be a baby, but a few people my family knows, got the surgery and their weight flew off them. I guess I am embarrassed that I am losing so slow now and I think others are wondering why I am not smaller yet? I know that sounds super shallow, but it's the truth. I want to see the results for me first, believe me. :) I'd love to know what others rely on for their protein. The canned shakes trigger headaches for me. Thanks again!

  22. Hello Everyone! My name is Jane and I had the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass surgery on December 20th, 2013. I was in the hospital for 5 days and overall, it was difficult, primarily because I have chronic headaches and the morphine triggered terrible Migraines. I have lost 30 lbs. and although I usually always approach in a super positive manner, I have to say, I am disappointed with my weight loss results and am nervous that it's just NOT going to work for me. I started at 248 and have about 100 lbs. to lose and was told by my surgeon that I may only lose about 60% of my weight and with diet and exercise would be able to lose the rest. I've seen several youtube video's and although the folks have struggled, by 7 weeks, they all seem to be enjoying a variety of meats and Proteins and exercising big time. I learned a ton from the video's and if nothing, it validated many of the symptoms and feelings I have experienced and am living everyday. I think because I tend to be a really positive person, struggling as I have, makes me really scared because frankly, I cannot fail here. Here's the scoop with me; please know that I am not a complainer at all and this is the first time I have been honest with what really is going on as it's embarrassing and I want to get this right! With my whole heart, I want to learn to eat properly for my body, to fuel it with only Vitamin dense foods. I do believe that you are what you eat and yes, I'm scared because of how I have been eating. Here it is; I can only eat Cream of Wheat with unsweetened almond milk, unsweetened applesauce, a few cracker with Peanut Butter, Barbara's Multi-grain Spoonful Cereal with the almond milk, a cheese stick here and there, a little organic chili. I have coffee in the AM with some half and half. Oh yes, I have had a few homemade chocolate chip Cookies and few pieces of chocolate and that went down great! :( Anytime I try eating anything else, I end up having to make myself throw up. Even with the organic crackers and PB, I have to really chew the crap out of it and only have 4-5. I understand the importance of Protein, protein, protein but I throw up all meat and can barely stand cottage cheese anymore or Protein shakes. I am going to try FF refried Beans and black beans this week with a little cheese melted on top. Nothing really tastes good, except maybe the cereal and a little Cream of Wheat. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?? It's so scary because here, I had the surgery, which I view as a total blessing and a tool to help me get to a healthy weight, and I'm scared that it's not working for me. The weight is not MELTING off of me like some folks I know and the documentation of weight loss expectations. Honestly, I lost 25 lbs. in te first 4 weeks or less. I know that I need to start exercising and making sure I am getting my protein in; I believe that is the key. Also, I have struggled to get in my Vitamins. It's so crazy, because I've always been a huge health nut and have taken supplements for years. But chewing up all of those vitamins when most of the time, I feel sick; it's difficult. I sound like such a baby here, that is what I would think if I were reading this, but this is pure honesty. I want to be successful so bad and honestly and scared I'm done losing weight and just like in the past, I will fail at this weight loss attempt. It's weird, because being overweight my entire life and living and breathing every single new diet on the market, hoping and dreaming that I had finally found the "one" diet that would be healthy and finally free me from the weight bondage. However, only once in 50 years, did I really succeed to get to my goal. After having 3 children, I eventually gained it all back and much more, hiding behind the facade that was this awesome christian mom and that is was ok to be fat. My entire life I have dieted and failed. So, yes, I still think I may fail at this. I would love and would be so thankful for some ideas of what has worked for you guys. My dad taught me to go to others for advice, those who have been there and done it. I believe your knowledge could really encourage me and help me with this incredible journey! :) I look forward to your thoughts and ideas.

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