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Posts posted by CBF1000

  1. I'm 42 days out and have been in a stall for over 21 days. I'm not worried, the scale isn't going up and I'm losing inches. The other lady who had surgery the same day as me, lost loads pre op (I only lost 5Ibs) and has continued to lose every week. We are all different and I know that I will be a slow loser. All in all I've lost 29Ibs and I would never of lost that amount on a conventional diet.

    I've had no problems with anything, can eat all different types of food and have now started exercising which I hope will kick start me moving again.

    Just have patience, you will get there :)

  2. Unfortunately I don't feel that restriction but I don't continue eating. I had that for breakfast too. I seem to feel very full about 5 mins after I eat and it can repeat for 30 mins.

    I don't really want to get into the calorie counting or weighing of stuff. Do you think that because I'm back on normal foods, I'm not getting enough Protein in?

    I'm worried about this stall but am off to France soon for a month and plan to get loads of walking in, so hopefully things will move a bit faster.

    Glad you're doing well.

  3. Just an update, eating normal food now, no problems at all and swallowing my Vitamin tabs fine.

    I'm not feeling much of a restriction but wonder if its because I'm not eating too much for it to feel restrictive, what do you reckon.

    I've been the same weight for 10 days and sometimes think I am eating too much but when I actually look at it, I'm not and no rubbish foods (not that I did much before).

    I've spoken my dieticein and she says its perfectly normal, but I do wonder when its going to shift again. I guess I'm just one of the unlucky ones who's going to lose slowly.

  4. Yeah, really good. I've not had any problems, eating well. Incisions are fine, in fact no problems at all.

    I haven't been sick once and not had a problem eating anything, chicken, eggs, beef mince, pork mince, veg etc.

    Really pleased with everything.

    I have hit a stall but I'm not bothered about it as its pretty normal.

    So all in all, amazed at how easy it has been. :)

    Multivits everyday too and going every day :)

  5. Don't know, made a conscious choice not to get hung up on it after the op. Numbers have controlled how I feel for so long, so decided not to pay any attention to them until I get checked out by the consultant on the 6th May :)

    I will of course share after I've seen him..

  6. Don't know, made a conscious choice not to get hung up on it after the op. Numbers have controlled how I feel for so long, so decided not to pay any attention to them until I get checked out by the consultant on the 6th May :)

    I will of course share after I've seen him..

  7. Don't know, made a conscious choice not to get hung up on it after the op. Numbers have controlled how I feel for so long, so decided not to pay any attention to them until I get checked out by the consultant on the 6th May :)

    I will of course share after I've seen him..

  8. I never stopped drinking coffee up to the op and after.

    Every Doctor has a different view on it.

    I had six cups of strong coffee the day before my op as I new I couldn't have too much afterwards. I didn't get any headaches or any withdrawal and I have not been dehydrated at all. I am a hardened coffee drinker though :)

    The decisions comes down to, what do you want to do.

    I realise my post has been no help to you whatsoever and I apologise!

  9. I gotta say, there is no easy way to withdraw from caffeine. Just drink lots of Water and suffer for a bit. Tylenol if you must. Withdrawal from food is hard enough. You don't wanna go through it all at once. AND don't drink 8 cups the day before surgery or any day if you can help it. Respect the bean!

    Well I've drunk two pots for around 30yrs a day, with no side effects. I didn't even have a headache after surgery or at all this week. It really is down to the individual :)

    Apple juice actually contains more caffeine than coffee and so do most soda's, I'd be more worried about those drinks than a natural product.

    I've only had a couple off coffee's made with milk since surgery and a few cups of tea (tea also has as much caffeine as coffee).

    But I'm just one individual and may not be the norm!! :)

    Maybe try apple juice just once a day and see if that helps, Good Luck

  10. Was restless last night, lots of wind coming up and feeling tired today,

    I've not been sick at all, had a ice cold apple juice, which I really like around 7,00am went back to sleep and just had a shower and a coffee made with milk.

    Overall I feel a lot better. I have the weirdest feeling though, like I'm fit to burst but empty at the same time, anyone else have that?

  11. Feeling a lot better now, its helped a load having hubby burp me. I know it sounds sill but having someone rub your back and pat it like a baby is great. Also one of the nurses said to sit in a chair and go completely floppy and the air works its way up. Its true it works.

    I pretty much stayed in bed once I got home, every time I woke up I had 50 mls of Water and last night had 150mls of ice cold apple juice and it was divine. Later on a I followed that with cold milk, and again it was lovely and just kept it down. I haven't had any sickness which I put down to not having any codeine and I am just on liquid paracetamol which is working great. I don't have a lot of discomfort from the surgery just the bloody wind.

    I've managed to stretch myself out and keep breathing from the diaphragm every now and then to make sure I'm using all my lungs.

    So just catching up now and having 150 mils of low fat hot chocolate, very slowly.

    There's light at the end of the tunnel guys :)

  12. Well i'm home and resting.

    I've been shocked at how debilitating the wind pain has been. I've had the nurses burping me and sick a few times but mainly just the Water I've been taking in.

    I had nausea but blame the anesthetist, I told him no pre op and what does he do, pre op and gas. So I had to have loads of different anti sickness medicine,

    All in all stil happy at this point and have never felt so full up in my life, just from drinking Water. I am going to attempt some apple juice and maybe some milky drinks later :)

    Will report back in a few days.

    As an aside I don't know how anyone can have the op and leave the next day, I couldn't have.

  13. Well I guess I ought to start packing few things for the hospital!

    Had the pre-ops on Wednesday. I will be at the hospital for 7.30am and I'm the first one in. Dr has two ops that day.

    I really hope my diversions on the pre-op hasn't put a kibosh on the op, guess I will find out tomorrow.

    I'm not nervous, just keen to get started on my new life :)

    Will try and post tomorrow, as I'm taking the lap top with me and will let you know how I get on.

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