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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Dawn2680

  1. ((((((Hugs)))))))) dawn sweetie... I am preop my surgery date is may 28. I too struggle with the smoking. People cant understand the demon of smoking unless they have been there. Hang in there... you will do this

    Mary, you'll never know how much that meant to me and that it came at the perfect time :) thank you for your post

  2. I'm curious - did you deliberately sabotage your operation? I'm just surprised, since you had given up for so long, and then to do the one thing that would put it in jeopardy is telling. Do you really feel ready for the changes that VSG will bring?


    Well thanks so much...that makes me feel a lot better. Last time I checked I'm still a human being. So I screwed up, that doesn't mean that I was deliberately sabotaging my surgery or that I'm not ready for this life change. It simply means I made a mistake. So thanks for the encouragement. Next time, if you don't have anything decent to say maybe you shouldn't say anything at all.

    For everyone else... If you are currently putting nicotine in your body...I highly suggest you stop. My test was taken through a urine stick and I didn't even know about it until they called me and said it was positive.

    So, again, I made a mistake. I intend to continue down this path to my new life and am more determined than ever to make cigarettes apart of my past.

  3. Hello fellow May sleevers! I'm scheduled for my pre op appointment on 4/21 and after my tests I will meet with my surgeon. I am to be sleeved May 6th and as the day approaches I find I'm getting a bit nervous. I will be starting my 2 week liquid diet on 4/22 which will consist of liquids and 2 lean cuisine meals a day. I've been eating much healthier in the last 4 or 5 weeks. I've gone from a (2) 2 liters per day to one 8 oz pop per day. Went from being a meat, potatoes and extra cheese kinds girl to salads and lean meats.

    Since I'm no longer on caffeine or sugar I feel my pace slowing down. I'm worried that my energy level (what's left if it) is going to tank during this liquid diet. Any one else feel this way?

  4. I have told just about everybody about my surgery. I am completely shameless and I think you should be too! I've also had people tell me "You're not that big." or "You don't need surgery." The truth is they don't realize how difficult life is when you're obese. I am 22 years old and I weight 250lbs. Being my size is a horrible way to live, but people that have not battled their weight throughout their entire life will never understand. I am so glad that I found this forum. All of you get what I'm going through and we can all talk freely here. It is such a wonderful feeling to have complete strangers support you.

    Me too!! I've told 5 of my Co workers and we talk about my surgery as if it were an exotic vacation I'm going on, lol. Every morning I have been writing how many more days I have left on a post it note and stick it to my monitor at work. We're all counting down the days. My date is May 6th and we have 27 days left. That's less than a month!

  5. So I was bad tonight had a glass of wine and small piece of pizza I feel so guilty :( I've lost 7 lbs and my surgery is May 6 bye bye to those two .. I feel so bad after I ate something bad but back on track tomorrow

    I had pizza tonight too! I've been very good with eating healthy the last 3 weeks and tonight I just needed a break. My date is May 6th also and I'll be starting my liquid diet April 22nd so I figure dinner tonight isn't all that bad in the grand scheme of things :) I hope the next few weeks go by faster than this week has though.

  6. I work for a garage door manufacturer here in Ohio. I want to say that this company really cares about it's employees and how thankful I am to be where I'm at. Not only do they opt in for the bariatric surgery, but there were no 6 month diets or red tape. I met with my surgeon, met with the NUT and met with the psychologist. Submitted to insurance and 7 days later I got my approval letter! I have no Co morbidities just a bmi over 50. If anyone out here works for Clopay and has questions... I'm your go to girl:)

    But I'm here for anyone that has questions :) I really want to be an advocate for bariatric surgery and take some of the hush hush away from the subject. So if there's anything anyone would like to add/ask... Please feel free! Here's to each one or our personal journeys!

  7. I'm scheduled for surgery on May 6th and I COMPLETELY understand where you're coming from. When I first started this journey, I was very reserved. I told my husband and my parents... that's it. Personally, I think I was more worried that it wouldn't get approved. Now that I have that approval letter physically in my hand, I've been more open about it. I've told 5 of my closest Co workers/friends and talk about it with them as thought it's a vacation I can't wait for.

    This is most definitely a personal decision but I started to look at it from that different point if view as: How many people could learn from the decision I've made for me? Is there anyone that I could help just by talking about my journey and answering questions about what I've gone through?

    YES...YES I'm sure there are! And if there's just one person that I can help physically feel better just by talking about weight loss surgery... then that's what I'll do :)

    I hope this helps and wish you luck on you continued journey :)

  8. way to go!!!! One week from today, I will be sleeved! Do you have a date yet?

    No not yet. The vm for the girl that schedules the surgery said tgat she calls to schedule surgeries in order of when she received the insurance approval. I thought waiting to find out if I was approved or not was excruciating. Waiting to schedule is just as bad, lol

  9. I'm still I the preliminary stages but my biggest fear is starvation. Yes I'm a big girl but my habit is NOT eating. I don't eat all day long then I gorge at night. I know this is going to be a HUGE lifestyle change for me but what if I'm just never hungry? I guess I'll have to force it down so I get all the things I know I need. But that's what I'm afraid of.

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