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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by jackersducky

  1. On 4/7/2018 at 11:42 AM, frust8 said:

    Hi jackersducky are things going better for you in April? Remember you were having some trials a while back.

    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

    Yes things are going much better Thank you. I had a meeting with my Nutritionist and Nurse and have my 3 month follow up next month. We tweaked some stuff and i seem to be doing much better.

  2. 16 hours ago, theffner99 said:

    I had a revision in November. It is going so much slower. I lost 35 pounds and stopped

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Have you had any follow ups with your nutritionist? Some people just lose slower than others and need to shake up their routine to start the weight loss again. I have insulin resistance which causes me to lose slower as well. I lost a lot of weight 2 weeks post surgery but have been slowly losing lately. The struggle is real. This community has a lot of great resources if you reach out to them.

    Keep your chin up and hang in there!


  3. 18 hours ago, proudgrammy said:


    curious to see how things have been going this past month

    just because you or OP screw up for a while, as "they" say,

    tomorrow is a new day..

    in the real world - most of us deal with stress at times.

    in the past many/most of us used food to help "dull the pain"

    that's how we got here. want to eat bad stuff? GET OVER IT!!:lol:

    hope things are improving

    good luck


    Hi Kathy,

    I appreciate you checking in with me :) Im actually doing much better. I made an appointment with my nutritionist and talked about the issues i've been having. I've found some Atkins Snacks that i love that have cut down on my craving for junk and allows me to stay within my carb goals. I also have a very supportive partner. Together we have worked out a plan and I seem to be back on track. I'm still working on the ''dull the pain'' urges as you put it and that is exactly what it is. But slowly it is getting better. I have this beautiful community to thank for it! One day at a time.

    Bless you all,


  4. There are ligament/ joint adjustments while losing weight, we sit and walk differently, so our carriage is changing. My stomach doesn't lead the way anymore, so other muscles are stretching in a different direction. I seem taller and my knees bang together in my sleep - ouch - less padding, also I have no ass - that chair suddenly got harder lol

    Lol yes my favorite chair just turned into a brick at leas I know I’m not alone. Seems like I lost all my weight in my legs first so now my chicken legs are knocking their drumsticks together. Hopefully it gets better [emoji4]

  5. Has anyone else noticed that their level of aches and pains has increased since the surgery? I am about 6 weeks post op RNY and down to 263lbs from 299 surgery weight. I work a mostly sedentary job although I've been making an effort to get out and walk. If i cannot walk outside i walk the stairs for 30 minutes a day. But recently i have noticed my back, hips, shoulders, etc have been so sore. I even have trouble sleeping at night due to all my new aches and pains. I was on 500mg of Naproxen prior to surgery have since stopped and perhaps that is the reason. My question is has anyone else experienced this and if so any suggestions on how to alleviate the pain? I don't want to OD on Tylenol! Thank you in advance for any advice!

  6. I'm not trying to be unkind, but why in the world would you drink sugary juice (I am assuming from the tone of your post that this is what you meant by juice) and eat potato chips when you have had not one but TWO weight loss surgeries?
    At some point, you have to muster the grit and perseverance you need to be successful and rise to the occasion. Otherwise, all of this trauma to your body will be for nothing.
    Are you working with a therapist who specializes in bariatric patients? It would probably be helpful. You HAVE to change your relationship with food and embrace the kind of eating that will make you successful (protein rich).
    I wish you the best, but only you can make this happen. As you know, the surgery will not do it on its own...

    Honestly I deserve the unkindness. I am going to look into the therapist as I know my relationship with food isn’t good. My first surgery was botched they only removed less than a 1/4th of my surgery. I lived with thinking I messed up the surgery for 3 years. I did everything by the book the first time lost about 40lbs and gained it all back never had any restriction.

    I appreciate your frankness.

  7. I had a revision from Gastric Sleeve to RNY on 1/30/18 so I’m roughly a month out. I’m having trouble tolerating solid food some days I’m fine other days I’m not. I’m terrified I may have stretched my pouch already because of some poor choices. I let stress and depression get to me and I’ve been drinking juice and have had some potato chips. I know bad decision so close out. Have I already screwed my self? Can I still make this work for me? Any tips and advice for getting my life and diet back on track would be appreciated.

  8. hello, how can you sleep on your back, on the side I xstill feel uncomfortable and I am very tired and I have the drainage still have. What I can do

    Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app

    Have you tried placing a pillow under your stomach when you sleep on your side? I found that help some if you sleep on your back try elevating your legs to keep the pressure off your abdomen. I hope you get some rest soon.

  9. As someone who is only learning to cook, I find meal planning overwhelming! I just don't know enough good foods or how to put things together in a way that works.
    From what I have tried or am trying, try to come up with a bunch of recipes that you know or think are aligned with the program. Print them out and put them on the counter or table. Have some printouts/recipe cards of even the easiest things. (I do post it notes for this sometimes). I think you would also need cards/notes that say "leftovers of whichever you made a big batch of. have a column for "Meal Type" and then a column for each day of the week. This way , you have a column for Breakfast, snack, lunch, Snack, dinner, Snack. And now you move your recipe or note/card for "Hard Boiled Egg" to breakfast for Monday,. Have a card for "Hummus and Celery" or whatever it is that you want to eat. That sort of thing. If you make an entree that has 4 servings, have 4 cards for it and spread it out through the week (unless you freeze some of it). Does that make sense?
    No, I haven't done this yet but it popped into my head and I am certainly going to try it. This is a very visual way to put together a meal plan for the week or to see how it works and maybe move things around as you need to. I feel like there must be some way to also count grams of protein/carb/fat while doing this but I haven't figured that out yet, though each card could have it listed in the top right corner or each.
    Start collecting recipes that are high in Protein, low in carbs or modify some that aren't but sound good.
    I modified Scotch eggs for breakfast. I take a hard boiled egg, some ground turkey -- take a handful of it and make a bit of a pancake out of it and then take that and wrap it around the egg so you have what looks like a big meatball but the egg is encased inside. Then roll it around in some parmesan cheese. Bake at 350 for about 15-20 minutes if I remember correctly (it's been a while). Amazing breakfast!!
    Let me know if the "meal plan" section works. I think I'm going to try this myself.

    I love this idea and may give it a go. I have been collecting recipe ideas on Pinterest which is a great place for meal ideas. I just need to put it into work. Thank you very much!!

  10. At this stage, you're probably on puree foods? It's quite easy to meal plan as you can barely eat anything. I'd make some batches of Soup or whatever you're eating and divide it into tiny portions. Once you move onto proper food, you can check out youtube for millions of ideas. In my experience, It's easy to meal prep following surgery because you always have tons of leftovers. If you live alone, you can basically cook twice a week and have enough food to get you through.
    I only shop once a week on Sundays, at the beginning of the week, I have salads and fresh things, by the end of the week, I'm having more vegies which last longer in the fridge. When you cook, make large portions so you can freeze extras. Buy tupperware. I find it helpful to have cans of tuna, Beans, tomatos on hand too. Resist the urge to order food in. I'm so proud of the fact that I don't buy lunch every day at work anymore. I have Protein Bars and tuna in my desk so even if I forget to pack something, there is no excuse! By meal planning, you will know what you're eating and save money!

    I’m looking forward to not having to order I’m as well. These are fantastic ideas and I will be heading to you tube to look into the videos.Thank you so much for the advice.

  11. I was in the same situation and i'm finally getting revised to RNY on 1/30. I had to jump through all the hoops again. Had my Sleeve done in Delaware and when i moved to Washington State my new Bariatric Dr said i should never had the sleeve in the first place on account of my Diabetes. I also had no restriction and gained all of my weight back. I had a few tests done and it showed that my pouch was also made too large. Not that i stretched it but just cut wrong it was essentially the same size as most normal stomachs so either i had a huge stomach before or it was not cut right. I didn't have a choice on wether to resleeve or do RNY i had to go to RNY. My Sleeve also gave me a bad case of GERD and Bypass is supposed to help with it. I'm sorry i don't have any stats to provide you but i wanted to let you know that you are not alone :)

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