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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by NotSoTall

  1. Today marks 8 weeks out.

    The positives:

    Down 35 total, 25 post-op.

    A third of the way to goal.

    Great lab results.

    Learning new habits.

    The negatives/challenges:

    Timing food/liquid/vits at work successfully.

    Finding the best approach to prevent Constipation. ouch.

    Learning new habits. ^_^ If I can get them down there wouldn't be these other issues.

    It was an interesting 2 month doctor's followup. They were really positive about the weight loss and lab results. And used sparingly, I can again use Excedrin again for headaches. I was beyond excited about that and surprised, but I'm not going to argue. The NUT was strongly suggesting veggies and fruits. Fresh fruits and cooked veggies. Something else I'll have to work on. She didn't push any starchy carb foods so that was nice. I'll have to test the waters with the fruits, just have to pair with and/or eat after Protein (we've heard that somewhere before, right?). Also she addressed foods with liquids, Soups & cereals for instance, and she considers them foods in the context of the eating and drinking rules so apply the rule. Though they still count as liquids in the total liquid per day.

    Next followup at 6 months. They'd like to see another 25 pounds lost by then. I think I can do that.

  2. It gets easier or better as you're thinking adjusts to what you should or shouldn't do. At least that's what happened for me. I pulled up blogs of sleevers that have recipes, looked at pinterest vsg stuff, read success stories to keep positive. There are lots of yummy things that I can make a part of my "new" normal. In the meanwhile worked through the stages and before you know it the more restrictive weeks are/were over.

  3. Thanks for the feedback. Isn't it wild how common this is?

    My story ended up being stuck for about 2.5 weeks starting just as week 3 did. I had dropped 10 pounds and then it stuck and bounced a little. Then it just started moving again. Now into my 7th week I've dropped another 10 pounds.

    I did get frustrated after a while. One thing I did do is take a couple days closer to 800 calories when I was otherwise averaging 600. Not sure if that had anything to do with it, but you never know.

    The thing I'm trying to remember for next time is that while oh so frustrating while it's happening, when it passes and I average the weight loss it's still all good. We'll see if that really helps when the time comes. :rolleyes:

  4. 6 weeks out today. Lost 2 pounds this week for a total of 28 pounds (10 pre/18 post). Those 2 could have taken some buddies with them. Okay, not complaining. I'll take the 2 and be happy. :)

    Second day back at work now and the new challenge is getting in enough Protein and Water through the day. I pack for Breakfast, lunch and Snacks. Yesterday I didn't finish lunch and today I never ate a snack. And Water is even worse. I'm only getting through a full 16 oz bottle and a little of a second. This makes evening challenging, so much more to take in to make the base numbers. Yesterday I only got to 60 oz water and that was pushing it. Today I've only gotten 24 oz water and 38 g Protein and it's already nearly 5:30. I go to bed around 9. Ugh.

    On the plus side I've got the meds/vits plotted out well and all taken. Baby steps.

  5. This was good for me to read my surgery is in2 weeks

    Congrats and best wishes for your upcoming surgery! Please keep us posted on your progress. Keep reading around these forums and you'll see many different experiences. I found that helpful (still do) to get an idea of what's coming. Good luck to you!

    I almost forgot to do a little Woot-Woot that I'm in Onederland by 2 whole pounds. Have been for a few days. Sooo Happy :D

    Onward and downward.

  6. 5 weeks today also and I know the Constipation pain. I woke up very dizzy on Saturday and ended up in the ER. I of bag of Fluid, bloodwork and a CT scan I was sent home with a fleet and that problem has been resolved. The dizziness is still here, but not as bad. My doctor feels I'm not getting enough fluids so today I have been getting so much Water in I might float away. Just ready to be happy with my decision to have my sleeve.

    Oh my gosh, that had to be scary. I'm glad that's okay now. I'll bet the fluids will help with everything, but if the dizziness stays keep pestering the doc.

    I hope you will come to appreciate your decision. I appreciate mine even with the episodes I had, as I know I have and have had many uncomfortable issues in the past and stayed big or got bigger. Now I'll be getting smaller and life will get more comfortable in many ways, and hopefully many of these "issues" will diminish. I hope that makes some sort of sense. LOL

  7. Five weeks out today. Now down 16 pounds post op, 10 pre, 26 total. Nutrition has been good. What I'm finding more challenging are the vits/meds or at least the timing of them. Have to get that down before heading back to work next week. New lunch tote landed and freezer packs so I'm ready to haul everything daily so it's at my fingertips.

    The other challenge this past week was painful. Possible TMI. Early last week started a painful Constipation episode which further agitated a chronic hemorrhoid issue. There was a lot of stabbing pain, bleeding, overall discomfort. Ick! Started taking Miralax and stool softeners. 4 days laters things resolved, but OMG I will not slack off softeners for a while.

    Exercise is another issue. I'm really enjoying working on chores around the house with my new energy, but am not being good about exercise specifically. This is something I must work on.

    I can tell as time goes on this becomes a bigger mental game in order to keep from slipping into lazy habits such as not tracking or not exercising. I'm okay with the tracking, but the lack of formal exercise shows me I've already slacked off a bit on the post-op plan. This week will be all about reeling back in so I go back to work with my head on straight.

  8. Today mark's 4 weeks since surgery. Progress is as follows: 10 pounds lost pre-op, 14 lost post-op, 24 down from my highest.

    I suspect that doesn't look like much to some, as it doesn't to me either BUT then I apply my history to the equation and for me this is a great loss. Post op averages to 3.5 pounds per week. For my height with metabolic syndrome issues this is pretty darned exciting to me.

    I haven't written much lately as things pretty much fell into a pattern. I tested many types of foods whirred up. Today I start soft foods for the next 2 weeks. Calories should now be falling between 600-800 per their plan. Sounds downright extravagant. :lol:

    I'm curious to see how things progress now that the body is further out from surgery. It's as if month 2 will provide a better idea of how I'll really lose since it doesn't involve the quick flush of pounds after surgery. Who knows, just thinking out loud. LOL

    Still on a lifting restriction for 2 more weeks but have worked with 3 lb. weights. Could be much better about walks. Rain has been a convenient reason not to get out as much as I should. Am trying to do energetic movement during chores to ramp up the exercise element. Not sure if it helps much, but it can't hurt. Fluids are tolerated really well at this point getting in around 80 oz a day.

    I have met both liquid and Protein goals daily since February 14th. Premier Protein drinks help, and upon first coming home the EAS drinks were great as they're on the thinner side and the flavors are good to us (my son wants them when they're in the house and he's not following anything except his tastebuds). Also greek yogurt has been a blessing. Great base for Protein Shakes and great Probiotics for the healing digestive tract.

    Incisions are mostly non-issue. One still has a partial scab on it but the rest are fine including the drain area. I do have one lumpy area in my lower tummy that is new, no pain or discoloration, no heat. It is in the area of the blood thinner injections, and that area is still bruised from those so I'll just watch the spot.

    Hello Month #2!!! Whatcha got for me? B)

  9. We read about it quite a bit and many of us are going through it to one degree or another. I was curious what type of stall or slow down folks individually experienced. I haven't gotten out the other side of mine yet so that info is pending. :)

    How long before your third week stall ended? What coping skills did you rely on, or discover you had? I suspect there are many different experiences and would love to hear about them. Thanks!

  10. I understand acid to be a very common issue which is why my doc prescribed 6 months worth of Protonix post-op. And I took Prevacid pre-op and will likely transition back after 6 months. I haven't had the pain you mention so maybe the med is countering the acid related pain.

    I've read of folks who never had acid issues having them after the sleeve surgery, but often for the short term. Probably a matter of the new-sized tummy adjusting its chemistry.

    You may want to ask your doc about a PPI antacid.

  11. I'm in my 3rd week, will be full 3 weeks on Tuesday. That said my "diet" during these two weeks (pureed) is getting me about 550 - 625 calories. Protein is averaging 70 grams daily. Workouts are still walking, and some hand weights (3 pounders) as I'm not cleared to life anything over 10 pounds for 6 weeks total, so I'm not adding any calories. I probably won't add calories for a workout until much farther out when I can really do some weight resistance work to help with muscle recovery. Until then I want the exercise to contribute to the calorie deficit so my body will burn a bit more fat for fuel.

    The suggested calories for my post-op plan are 400-600 through week 4 (puree), 600-800 weeks 5&6 (soft), 800-1000 weeks 7&8. They do later in state that 600-800 can be normal through the first 6 months based on what the sleeve can tolerate.

  12. I don't know that I'm dialing into what you mean by the blips as I was thinking a lot like those who responded, but I can imagine there can be issues if one person is changing significantly in their appearance, confidence and such. Jealousy could flare with worry about outside influences or not measuring up anymore.

    I have a colleague that had RNY and lost her weight and shortly after hooked up with another coworker and started divorce proceedings from her spouse. Shocked many of us as they'd seemed to have such a great relationship and boom, it was over. When I say great relationship she had beamed when she spoke about hubby, he would visit and dote on her, took on co-parenting her kids, she of his and then boom it was over. He was rocked. I will say her personality did shift to the negative. Let's just say humble left her vocabulary. Dumped lots of old friends too.

    Another colleague had the sleeve and he's just angry and snippy all the time. Cannot speak on how he is at home but as someone around him everyday I find it easier to avoid than interact.

    Again this might not be the way you intended, but I can see there's a lot of potential for challenges.

    My hubby is overweight too, but somehow over the last 25+ years when I lose weight he does too even though he doesn't follow whatever plan i do and we always seem to remain about 60-80 pounds apart (I'm 5ft, he's 6ft). Even now he's lost 10 pounds since my surgery doing is own thing. So somehow we share the journey in our own twisted way.

  13. In the liquid stage I was allowed light yogurt as long as it was thinned, so I made a smoothie using a light yoplait yogurt, a cup of milk and a half scoop of body fortress whey Protein powder. I really enjoy these as they take whatever flavor the yogurt is. I would only do one of these a day as the carbs are more than the RTD, but in a day the overall impact was a non-issue and the smoothie has 30 grams of Protein.

    It was actually thinner than the Premier RTD and still took me up to an hour to sip at. Now about 1/2 hour, but my NUT said that rate is okay at this point when I asked if I should slow it down. Foods she still feels strongly to take it slow, but you didn't ask about that so not relevant. :blush:

    • Keep up the good work and keep us posted to all your successes. I'm 4 months out and doing pretty good. down 47lbs.

    Thank you. You're doing really well. You must feel great! I look forward to seeing such numbers. It's got to make a big difference in clothing and how you feel. Well done. It's results like yours that inspire me to be patient and just work the plan.

    I'm trucking along and enjoying the puree stage. I've now tried refried Beans, an over easy egg whirred up. All have been tasty and satisfying, and a little cute in their size. Sort of like eating from kid's tea party plates. Weight sitting at 204.2 for a couple days now. It's all good. This is soooo my pattern, well documented on years of weight charts. My NUT was happy with the progress.

    The newest thing...the waves of emotions. From out of nowhere my eyes will well up ready to start crying. Anything can trigger them, sweet stuff, sad stuff, motivational words, you name it. I told my husband not to worry if suddenly I'm weeping and he says he understands, though he had a little smirk so he knows me well enough that it amuses him. It's all good. :)

    Still rainy so outdoor walks have been squashed lately. We desperately need the rain, being in drought situation. Some may have seen our local Folsom lake in the national news as it's so low an old town is re-appearing. So to be clear not complaining about the Water, just that walking around the house is a bit dull. LOL.

    I do have one NSV. Prior to surgery I was wearing 2X shirts, often mens, and could have probably worn 3X without them being too baggy. The last couple days I've worn some of my old 1X and even one ladies v-neck shirt that didn't hug every bulge. Pants are still the same due to the belly apron area, but that's okay. Work in progress. Actually there is another one, stopped with hubby when he picked up some food so I sat in a booth while I waited and there was now space between me and the table. I'm a total apple so that space was nonexistent pre-op.

    p.s. the food wasn't for me and I went willingly with him (stir crazy) and it didn't even bother me to be there. Maybe that's another NSV too.

    We may have to approach things differently than the general public, but I think we're blessed to have a tool like this. At least I feel blessed. I finally feel hopeful about a healthy, active future.

  14. For the first 3 1/2 weeks id be up all night and sleep into the afternoon I hate it so much. Good thing I was on med leave from work.

    This seems to be the pattern I'm in as well. Spoke to the NUT today about it and she suggested sleepy time tea, or even tylenol pm. Forgot to buy the tea and not ready to take another med right now, so hoping this will flip back around soon. Thankfully off work for another couple weeks, but still get up to get the kiddo to school and hubby's alarm goes off at 3:30am so I need to get right side up pretty soon. Should be sleeping now, laid there an hour and got up. :rolleyes:

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