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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mmcbelle

  1. Hi April, I wish I had a magic wand to make it all better:moony:. I hope that my story will help. I initially decided to try for the band in January of 2006. I found out from CIGNA that they did cover it and what the requirements were. One of which was to see the Dr. monthly for the purpose of weight loss. I did as requested and pulled all the other pieces together (with my caseworkers help) and completed my six months. About 45 days after the insurance submission, I was denied (because two of my Dr visits were to see the Dr for illness as well as the weight loss). Then when I found out why I was mad,:car: disappointed, upset:faint: and cried:cry. I thought that the fates were against me and I was not meant to ever be fit and healthy. After a meltdown or two I thought about it and decided this is something I wanted and insurance was going to pay for it. I got involved with a AIGB. I began my six month journey again, this time with folks that had the expertise to work within the insurance rules and had an excellent rate of success on approvals. The six months went by. We resubmitted and in about 30 days I was denied again for the same reason. The insurance company didn't even bother to review the new data in the paperwork. My case worker got involved and I was approved within three days. Here is the thing about my experience. When the first submission happened I was not emotionally ready for the band. I still had a lot of headwork to do. I had to deal with some of my past issues with the "why" of my being fat. I had to face a lot of fears and let them come to the surface. I had to learn to love myself. I am not saying that I would not have been successful, but for me it was not the right time and it was not until the final approval that I realized that all things worked for my good in the end. Of course I did not see it that way when I had to go anohter six months and through another denial, but eventually I saw the pollyanna of it all. I am very thankful that I did finally get the band. It has catapulted many changes in my life all for the good. Hang in there April, you can make it. :huggie:It seems so close and so far, but it will soooo be worth it! You can do it, MMT
  2. Hi Leena, I battled with the decision as well and I just could not see taking the risks involved with the bypass. Also I have friends that have had the bypass and around year 5, some of the weight comes back...then what do you do now that you have changed the way your body works. I fully support your decision. Way to stand up for yourself! Happy banding, MMT
  3. Hi Mandi, Mine was basically protein shake (my choice) for breakfast & lunch and hard protein and veggie for dinner for two weeks. I don't think I would have done well with the liquid pre-op diet. Each surgeon seems to have a different pre op diet. faithmd, thank you for sharing with Mandi. Each bandster seems to have differnt experiences. It is wonderful to benefit from all the different experiences. Thanks all and happy banding! MMT
  4. Hi Mandi, Yes I cheated on my pre-op diet. The night before surgery I had a small Dairy Queen ice cream cone. I found that my cheating in the pre-op stage was with bites and smalls - I just wanted to taste. I did do a farewell to food tour before I got to the pre-op diet stage...about two weeks of total indulgence and by the end of it I was tired of my favorite foods. I did stick mostly to protein and complex carbs (more than what was recommened) during the pre-op diet. I knew I was doing well with the initial loss so I did not worry and my surgery went just fine. My doctor did say he would stop the surgery if my liver could not be held by the tool that keeps it out of the way so he can work in there. Just a reminder that it is a risk, one I was appearantly willing to take. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Happy banding, MMT
  5. Hi, Today I got my 2nd fill. It would seem my port has tried to bury itself far beneath my skin. They had to use the xray to locate. It was a bit painful, but not unbearable and as soon as the needle was out, no more pain. I am on liquids for two day, soft two days and then work up to harder foods. I have been so hungry this evening. I don't remember being this hungry after the first fill. I do have a sense of more restriction just in my drinking. I have much more burping (just air) when I drink and I am having to finally take smaller sips. Am I close to restriction or is it just my band playing with me again? Any advice on how restriction feels would be much appreciated. :help:I am getting anxious to find my "sweet spot". Happy banding, MMT
  6. Hi Chris_NJ, Congratulations :hail:! What an outstanding accomplishment! Great job, cheers :beer:. MMT
  7. Hi Shelli, First I asked around to get a personal reference for a trainer. My chiropractor, whom I trust, recommended this guy. This was after I explained that I feel uncomfortable in a "gym" atmosphere (which I have currently overcome). I went by and chatted with this trainer and explained what I was doing (lap band) and then had to explain how it was different from gastric bypass. We chatted and he said he would like me to come back for a free session. After surgery, I asked my surgeon if it was okay to get into this and he approved. This gave me the go ahead and at about six weeks post surgery I had my evaluation session. This session was free (that made me feel better...I like try it before you buy it) and gave him the opportunity to evaluate my physicality. He did not push me too hard, just wanted to see what I could do. My thought is that he managed it perfectly. Personal recommendation, free first session for both of us to evaluate the other, now he pushes me and is VERY carful not to injure me (that could undue all the good done). He took my measurements, he records my weight and set my goals (every 15 lbs we retake measurements). He comes up with the routines. After just three sessions I trust him to have my best interests at heart. At our second session I told him my weight, huge amount of trust. I will caveat that I am very lucky that my trainer is a competive weight lifter, not just a presonal trainer. His approach is no nonsense and I like that. He does not have positive things to say about the trainers at places like 24 hour fitness (although his is a fan of Jillian from the Biggest Loser). He thinks their approach is not assertive enough and the fact that they have to pimp product and services clouds thier ability to train effectivly. I digress, don't I...apologizes for that. Do I think you can benefit from a personal trainer? Yes, when you find one that is a good fit. Get a personal recommendation. One that is affordable. They should make the time to talk with you and understand your situation (lap band and fitness level). I think giving you a free session it a must. Then decide if they are right for you...can you trust them? You are the paying client, you deserve someone who can figure out how to work with you and motivate you to your full potential. Thats my two-cents. Happy banding, MMT
  8. I have been struggling for about the last two weeks. The scale was not moving. I felt my size changing, but no appreciable scale weight loss. Finally this week the scale moved. :rockon:I attribute it all to the personal training sessions. It is nice to not have to think about it. I just show up and do as asked. Each day I have this week the scale showed a difference the following morning. I surpassed a mini goal today in breaking 360.:car: My next goal is just 5.5 lbs away. My first larger goal is to lose 10% of my body weight. I hope to accomplish that over the next ten days or so. Stay tuned and thanks for watching.:thumb: Happy banding, MMT
  9. Hi lizrbit, At first I thought, "what a dufus" your friend must be, but then I saw that your friend was a male...no offense to the men out there, but they do not always see the obvious (except for guy friends who are gay, they notice and want to go shopping with me). One day he will suddenly notice that you are different and will say something like, "Did you get your hair cut, you look different". That is it, celebrate it when it happens, unless your friend is sensative to it because of experience or a loved one, that will be your ticker tape parade. I struggled with the desire to hide my lap banding from everyone except an important few. Always in the past when I have dieted with that intent and vigor, I did not share with friend and family that I was doing it. I wanted to surprise them...well I always ended up with the surprise of yo-yoing back to a weight greater than when I started. This time in particular, I felt I needed the support of everyone I could get. Those that chose not to support me could just keep thier opinions to themselves and would find that my time with them is lessened, I need support on this. Fortunatly for me, if there are skeptics within my support group they are witholding their skeptisism (sp) and giving me the opportunity to prove this is working and so far I am. I just wanted to share that the support of my friends and family is one of the things that helps me with this. Now when I call and I say I'm having a bad day and want a #1 from Taco Bueno, they let me talk it out and I feel better. It also shows them a vunerable side of me (hard for me to do). Keep up the great work and you decide when/if and who you tell about this change you are making. You are the only one to walk in your shoes. Happy banding, MMT
  10. Man have I struggled with this one. My first reaction would have been to smack the kid...8 years ago (not the most productive reaction). Now, I almost always turn it around. I would feel sorry that the adult influences in his/her life were influencing the child in such a way to set them up for great unhappiness and prejudice. For me it is important that I don't give such comments too much power. Those things hurt because I let them (not something I overcame overnight).:painkiller: A long time ago I was out with my nephews. The oldest (at the time was around 9-10 years old) said I was fat. It really hurt, I got upset and yelled at my nephew:embarassed:. I thought "children can be so cruel". Then I spoke with his dad (my brother) about it. He said something to the effect he was being honest. You could have knocked me over with a feather.:faint: He was right. I was caught in a personal nightmare. My nephew was being exactly what I wanted him to be...honest. This combined with some other experiences has led me to a place where I don't get so upset when those things happen. Sometimes I will try to figure out what the person's (the adult offender) issue is. It may not be as obvious as mine, but could be an addiction that has robbed them of happiness, an unhappy marriage, just not loving themselves. I have learned that we may wear our unhappiness on the outside via our "fat suits", but we can change that and we are doing that. It takes time and I think the important thing is that you make forward progress in not allowing such comments to hurt you. It took my nephews comment to start me on the road to looking at it differntly. Although, I still have moments that I just want to lash out at people that don't think about what they are saying and just blurt out something thoughtless, hurtful, mean or cruel. It is hard to overcome the negative reactions to such comments and one thing I can do is fight to never be that kind of person. :boxing: Cheers, MMT
  11. Hi Lizrbit, I am so sorry about the trouble you are having:hug:. I wish I had some magic advice to make it better. Right now it is difficult to see that in time this will be an experience of the past and something better is happening. Stay with your Dr.'s advice. I think your list of foods you want to taste again is brilliant. It will be interesting to see if you sitll want them when you are able to have them. Use this board to vent your frustrations and even though you may not see a response, know that there are bandsters that read your brave posts and think good thoughts for you.:cheer2: Take care and keep fighting the good fight :fencing: - you are worth it. MMT
  12. Hi smilin apple, Friday my legs were sore and today my legs and back are sore, but the trainer said I would be. That is why he wanted the first session on Thursday and have the weekend to recouperate. Doin my pool cardio yesterday was painful at times. It makes me think of a quote I read here, "Pain is just weakness leaving the body". I am looking forward to the next session. Thanks for asking and have a great day, MMT
  13. Today began as a crappy day. I stepped on the scale to see that it has not moved.:angry I had to take a look at what I have been doing since my fill. I have been wallowing in my self pity and not holding myself accountable thats what. Everyones band is different and I am just impatient. I was actully quite torked about it today because the "scale" showed no change:mad:. I went to my myspace page and blogged about it and I felt better. Now for the wow.:whoo: I had my first personal training session today. I am uncomfortable in the "gym' scene, but found a trainer (via a recommendation from my chiropractor) that trains out of an indoor soccor field. Today was my first session. To both my and his amazement, I am in better physical condition than anticipated. I am now signed up for twice a week. He asks that I do cardio every day...when I ask a lot of details...he responds, "keep it simple and just do it". Wow what a concept.:omg: Anyway what began as a crap day because I let the scale get to me has turned to be a wow day because I was able to complete a one hour training session and performed better than I expected. Thanks for reading.:clap2: Happy banding, MMT
  14. Hi Cerrin, Congratulations! You are doing great. Good luck and make sur you let us know how you are doing! MMT
  15. Hi all, I have been trying to read through this whole thread before I said hello, but that may take me a while, so...hello. I am so happy to see this thread. I was beginning to think that there were very few of us over 50 BMI'rs, but am glad to not feel so alone.:clap2: I am really enjoying the support I see out here. If you are having a good day you have folks to celebrate with and if you are having a bad day you have folks to lift you up and cheer you on. What a wonderful thread. Thanks for being here.:whoo: I am currently in a place where I am not making forward progress. I have had my first fill (forgot to ask how much it was). I had a rocky start in that my stomach swelled shut for three days - what when down came back up. On day 4 the swelling subsided and I got IV fluids. Due to my complication in the beginning it seems my aftercare support is being very cautious with every forward step. My biggest issue is this, :tired I can't eat solid food before 12 - 1 in the afternoon. I have ensured I am getting plenty of water. I have tried the warm/hot beverage first thing in the morning to "open" my band and I am still having the issue. I did take off for the holiday weekend and I was able to eat breakfast between 7:30 & 8:00 am. I am thinking I am stressing about work and that is why I am unable to eat solid foods in the morining. I am supplementing with protein shakes. Any body else have this kind of issue or read about it on a thread that you can point me to?:eek: I do have a question about protein absorbtion. My primary care doctor is concerned that I may not be getting enough protein. I have done the math about the .8 grams protein per each kg and my number is 135. I don't know how I can get that much protein in. :help: But my question is this, how much protein can the body process at a time. What I am trying to figure out what is the maximun protein can I have in a shake or other protein supplement and my body can effeciently process the protein. I don't want to waste the protein when my body can't process the excess anyway. Also, I just am curious. I can't seem to find a straight forward guideline about it on the internet and forgot to ask my Dr. when I had her on the phone. I just received an email from the patient coordinator at my after care center that gave the guideline of 20-25 grams of protein is absorbed over a 3 -4 hour time frame. Any thought or comments? Thanks for reading!
  16. Hi Ilene62, Hang in there, it will come:girl_hug:. I have just begun reading many of the posts out here. It seems that everyone really is different and some folks have restriciton at the second fill and many are the the third, fourth and so on. The important thing is that you have taken the first steps and it will come. You can do this! Keep at it and keep going in for your fills:clap2: Best of luck to you, MMT
  17. Hi Char, Let me echo what LapBandit has stated. My istruction from the after care center is 1 cup, but I can't do three meals a day. My doctor says eat when you are hungry and don't when you are not. So between the two centers, I get conflict. I like my Dr.'s advice better, so I stick with him:-). My band is much more restricted in the AM and I can't keep food down, so I have a Protein drink in the AM. Then at lunch it is about a cup and at dinner, it can be 1 -2 cups, but I do a lean protein first, then a veggie and a starch if I can tolerate it. I don't figure calories, just try to ensure I get 50-60 grams of protein (my hair is stayig in and my wounds are healing so I think the protein it sufficient). I hope it helps. Happy banding, MMT
  18. Hi Lapbandit, I just wanted to say thanks for your post. I am only at fill # 1 and get restriction for a while, buy it is falling off. Your description helps me to know what it will feel like. Also you are the first bandster that had a comperable starting point to mine. It is nice to see someone I can relate to a little more here.:whoo: Again, thanks for the post...the support from this forum is wonderful. Happy banding, MMT
  19. Hi, Just curious how it is going? I read your thread and understand where you are. I have been there so many times before the band. I am new with the band, but have seen posts where folks who have been banded for years get back to it and have success. I don't know if this will help, but I had to get to the root of why I am fat. I chose to revisit my childhood and figure out why I ate the way I did. Fortunatly it took 18 months and two denials for me to get approved for the surgery and that time was needed for me to begin to deal with the why. I started by remembering when I started to get fat and moved forward from there. It can be a painful journey, but sooo worth it. Good luck! MMT
  20. Hi FlyGal, I think you want to know when I got the fill. I had my first fill four weeks and two days after surgery. I forgot to ask how much they put in, but will on my follow up in two weeks. Each dr. seems to be different about when they will let you get that first fill. Each Dr. seems different about the post op diet as well. Thanks for the encouragement! Happy banding! MMT
  21. mmcbelle

    Worried New Bandster

    Hi, Malt-O-Meal is a hot wheat Cereal. You can read a little about it at this web site: Welcome to Malt-O-Meal Have a great day, MMT
  22. Hi, I too was banded on 7/23/07. I had my first fill last week. I thought I had a pretty good handle on this and (even though I intellectually knew it would change) then I had to realize that my relationship with food is changing again. I am having to eat less, take smaller bites chew more and take more time. I had a couple of rough days with PB, but have seemed to have figured it out again. I am still wondering with what fill I will have "restriction". I have felt it once or twice (following surgery and following the fill), but wonder which fill will be the one for me to make restriction a reality. I see if varies from some of the posts I have read. Question, how many grams of Protein are you targeting for your daily intake? Good luck to you all! Happy banding, MMT
  23. mmcbelle

    Worried New Bandster

    Hi MissKrystal, I seem to have the issue in the moring where I am unable to have solids until my band "opens". I think this may be what you are experiencing. Try having a warm liquid (Water, coffee, what ever fits your current point in your dr prescribed diet) to help loosen up the band. It works for me some days and on others, I just can't eat solids until after noon. Good luck, MMT

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