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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mandyw

  1. I have to say that after much research I have finally chosen Dr. G. Basically because I am so impressed with Dr. V. He has called me twice already to check up on me and to see if I have any questions, in fact just got off the phone with him. He has sent me 4 different e-mails, and answered every question that I've had. He's e-mailed me copies of Dr. G's diplomas and other credentials so that I could check up on him myself. He has offered to do research for financing options for me, he is doing research to find me a local fill doctor, because according to him the aftercare is of utmost importance to our success. I have not gotten a response like this from any other surgeon that I have inquired to, state side or Mexico. I'm so excited now. Can't wait to get my financing in order so I can get this thing scheduled and get on with my new life.:whoo:
  2. I really think it is a maturity issue and not an age issue. I'm 32 and my hubby is 28. When we got together I had an 11 month old and a 2 year old from a previous marriage, and we now have a son together. So, 3 kids now ages 3, 5, and 7. He's fantastic. Not perfect, he's a bit on the lazy side as well. He's a great husband and father. How many men do you know at age 23 would take on an older women with 2 kids? Don't let the age scare you off, it's truly about personality and maturity.
  3. Mandyw

    Lap band tax deductibility??

    The organization must be a qualified organization. To find out, they should be able to tell you or you can check in IRS Publication 78. Due to some income tax treaties, you may be able to deduct contributions to certain Mexican charitable organizations. But, generally you must have income generated from Mexico to be able to deduct. You can find more info in IRS Publication 526. You can view these online at Internal Revenue Service
  4. Mandyw

    Lap band tax deductibility??

    I do taxes for a living, so lets see if I can make it easy. Yes, you can deduct the cost on your schedule A. Anything that you pay out of pocket (not anything that insurance pays for). The deduction has a 7.5% limit. So, if you make $50,000 per year, and lets say that you have total med. expenses of $10,000. 7.5% of $50,000 is $3750. Subtract $3750 from $10,000 leaves $6250 that you can deduct on your Schedule A. Now remember, the standard deduction for 2007 for Married filling joint was $10300. You have to beat that to be able to itemize. So for those of you who don't own a home you may not be able to use a Schedule A. Talk to your tax advisor and see if there is a possibility. If you are able to deduct the expenses, start keeping all receipts and keep track of your mileage. Hope this makes it a little clearer.
  5. NM Sunshine Actually he called me yesterday and sent an email. I was very surprized and very impressed. I've requested info from probably a dozen different surgeons and he the first the actually call. I guess I'm just a bit of a cynic and want to verify all that he told me. I'm expecting another email from him today with a list of his credentials and some other info.
  6. Could someone please tell me where they found their info on Dr. Gonzalez? I really want to look into him, but his website doesn't give his credentials and I'm having a hard time finding anything on the net.
  7. I'm in the same boat as you. I've fought with my weight for a long time. I'm not a junk food junkie, don't really drink pop, and overall, I think I eat very healthy meals. I just eat a lot. I feel that I really need something to help me control my portion sizes and help me to fill up faster. That's why I am choosing to do this. Good luck on making you decision and do LOTS of research to make sure that this is the right thing for you. Good luck
  8. Hi, I've been reading posts here for a while now, so I though it was about time to introduce myself. I'm 32 and live near Cincinnati, married and have 3 kids. I've fought with my weight for about the last 20 years or so. I remember being drug to my first Diet Workshop meeting when I was 11. My doctor actually tried to talk me into WLS last June. I immediatly shut him down, I had heard too many horror stories about gastric bypass and I wanted no part of that. I decided to go the route of yet another diet. This time an all liquid diet at a hospital. I starved myself for about 3 months (500 cal. a day) and took up running with my brother (who is in the Navy and training for special forces) as well as joined a gym. All that and I only lost about 20 lbs. I then moved on the weight watchers and the points program. Did everything I was supposed to. Wrote down every little bite that went into my mouth, and continued with my excersize program. Didn't loose a thing. In fact I actually gained 5 lbs. I got discourged and gave up. Needless to say I've put those 20lbs. back on. Went back to my doctor again about a month ago, and he once again started in about wls, except this time he talked to me about the lap band. Promised him I would look into it, and you know what, I think I like the sound of it. I've done a ton of research and now all I have to do is choose a surgeon and get my financing lined up. Bummer, but insurance won't cover. I've pretty much narrowed it down to Dr. Ortiz, Dr. Rumbaut, or Dr. Curry. Any experiences would be greatly appreciated. Good and BAD. Hope to hear back from someone soon.
  9. Mandyw

    Body may be rejecting lab band

    Hi, I'm new to the site. I'm not banded yet, but still in the research phase to see what Doc I want to use. I'm a Licensed Massage Therapist, and I am also trained in aromatherapy. My aunt has psoriasis really bad, and I make a lotion for her to use. While she was at the beach on vacation, she developed a really bad infection on her foot. She didn't bother going to the Dr. and by the time she got home, half her foot was infected. They thought they might have to remove most of her foot. It was MRSA. After tests it was discovered that the infection had been kept at bay, and her surgeons were amazed that they would only have to remove about a dime sized portion of her foot. When he asked her what she had been doing to treat it, she said that the only thing that she had been using was the lotion that I made for her. He laughed and told her that whatever was in her lotion not only saved her foot, but probably saved her life. I would suggest that if conventional meds aren't working, they might need a little help. Find a good aromatherapist in your area and see if they can help. It's not meant to be used instead of antibiotics, but with them. I have had a lot of good results with essential oils. It's worth a shot if it keeps you from putting your health at more risk.

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