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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mandyw

  1. Mandyw

    Banded??? Check in here

    Hey all, I was banded on 10/3. Back and feeling much better. I still have some gas pain, and muscle pain around my port. My port is really high, almost up under my rib cage. I still can't find a comfortable position to sleep in though. I'm taking tylenol, never took the prescribed pain meds. I can't handle the codine. It makes me feel like I have the creepy crawlies. If you are feeling sick, it may be because you are not getting enough nutrition. I felt horrible on Fri. Sick to my stomach, dizzy and weak. Of course that was the day we were traveling (12 hours) and there's not much opportunity for liquids in an airport. My mom finally found a soy protein and fruit drink and I felt so much better after I drank it. Good luck to every one still waiting, and hope those who are banded are feeling better soon.
  2. Well, I was banded on Wed. by Dr. G., and got home early sat. morning. Jill, I could hear you leaving the clinic Wed. morning, but was just too out of it to come out and say hi. Every one was great down there, and you certainly get more attention than I have ever gotten in the states!! The only bad thing about it was the trip home. Two flights, one 4 hours and the other 2 hours, and a 2 1/2hour drive after that. I'm still very sore. I still have a lot of gas. It seems to have gotten stuck up under my diaphram and no amount of walking seems to help. Oh well, at least I'm not hungry at all.
  3. Mandyw

    Before pics *ugh!*

    I let my 7 yr. old daughter take my before pics. She's still young enough that she thinks I'm not fat, but pretty.
  4. Mandyw

    Post Oct 07 surgery well-wishes here!

    Good luck everyone!!! I leave for the airport tonight. I'll be banded on Wed.!!!
  5. Mandyw

    Want opinion on my pictures!!!

    OMG!! Of course there is a difference!!
  6. My BMI is similar to yours. You're still young, so you still have good elasticity to your skin. I wouldn't think it should be a problem. After my second child I dropped about 80 lbs. fairly quickly (@6 months). I had an Ab Roller that I used for about 10 minutes daily to help build up my stomach muscles. I had no problem with excess skin.
  7. Mandyw

    Need a good blender

    I love my Magic Bullet.
  8. Mandyw

    less then supportive hubby

    I'm sorry that you're not getting the support you need from DH. You can always get it from us!! I've noticed that when my DH isn't supportive of something, it is usually because he doesn't understand what is going on, or he's worried about me.
  9. Mandyw

    Lets get this PARTY started! Oct 07!

    pvchickie I'm going to apologize upfront for whoever I am getting ready to plagiarize. I have a horrible memory. I have to start my pre-op on Mon. I have for about the last week half heartedly been dieting. I read a post earlier about someone who was having similar issues as you. She looked at it as, "You know what? This is the last diet I will ever have to do. This time I can keep it off." After I read that, it was like OMG, that is my problem. I keep looking at this diet as just another diet. Somewhere in the back of my head is "Why bother? All this work and starvation for what? 20lbs. just to gain it right back when the diet stops?" But she's right. I'm not going to gain this back. This hard work will actually be for something. This pre-op diet is the first day of my permanent weight loss.
  10. Mandyw

    Lets get this PARTY started! Oct 07!

    Freebigbennow, I'm going to Mexico. I'm using Dr. Gonzales. I 'm nervous about the whole Mexico thing, but I agree, you can't argue with the price difference. I finally chose Gonzales after tons of research, but the clincher was that his office actually called me to see if I had any questions, and if there was anything that they could do to help. That helped calm my fears a little. I'll find out soon enough though. Only 14 days left!!!!
  11. Mandyw

    Help!! feeling anxious....

    Blue Eyed Kitty We will certianly have to look for each other!! Since we're getting banded so close, if we decide to go back to Dr. G. for fills, maybe we can meet up.
  12. Mandyw

    Ready...Lets talk pre-op diet

    Marcy You're getting banded the same day as me. Where are you going?
  13. Mandyw

    Help!! feeling anxious....

    I know how you feel. I lay awake for hours just thinking of all the "what ifs". I've never had surgery so I have no idea what's coming. I'm self pay and going to Mexico. I'm worried about the surgery and worried about Mexico. I even keep debating back and forth as to whether or not to take out a life insurance policy. How's that for being a nut job? I thank God for a supportive family and husband. When I really start freaking out I talk to them or spend time reading through the posts here. The before and after pics really help, and believe it or not, the complications thread helps. Some of those threads start out so scary, but so many of the responses are very positive and filled with great advice. It seems like a lot of the time, what starts out as being bad, really is just a minor thing with an easy fix. I have to honestly say though, that for as scared as I am, I am more excited.
  14. Sunshine, I'm glad you're back. I've been following your posts, because I chose Gonzales and I'm getting banded on the 3rd. To hear you say that you felt that you made the right decision with Dr. G. puts me at ease. I have to say that I was getting a little nervous with all the negative posts about him lately. Even though I have done a TON of research on him, it's reassuring to hear from someone who has actually had the experience with him. Just a side question. You didn't need your birth certificate to get back across the border? Just a driver's license?
  15. Mandyw

    Well THAT was a wake-up call...

    I understand completely. I'm getting banded on the 3rd, and was going to start my pre-op on the 24th. It was chilly here today, and I went to put on a pair of jeans. Let's just say the pre-op diet is starting NOW!!
  16. Mandyw

    Ready...Lets talk pre-op diet

    I hear you. My surgery is on Oct. 3, and I start my pre-op diet on Sept. 24. I've really been trying not to think about it too much though. I have started exercising, and cutting back on my portion sizes to get ready for it. I did a hospital supervised liquid diet last summer for 2 months. I had to drink 5 yucky chocolate shakes a day with the occasional jello and some soup that they had. Even though the pre-op diet is liquid, it at least has some variety, so I guess I can deal with it.
  17. Mandyw

    Lets get this PARTY started! Oct 07!

    You can add my real name to the list. I'm not real creative, so it's Mandy. My date is set for Oct. 3 with Dr. Gonzalez.:clap2: I weigh around 242 now, and have set my goal at 145. We'll see if that's realistic or not. In high school I weighed 165 and was a size 10/12. I'd be nice to be about a size 8 though.:confused:
  18. I would be leery of a doc who says he NEVER removes bands. There is about a 1% chance of erosion. So, he is either not being honest about his erosion rate, or he's just not done that many surgery's to have the stats. Either way, I think I would do a little more research.
  19. adorable, your hubby sounds like mine. Spends too much time on the computer with work and games, but great sex!
  20. Mandyw

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    You guys are so funny. Oct. 3rd is fast approaching. I start my pre-op diet in about two weeks. I have it marked on the calander so I don't forget, but I am really trying not to think about it. I figure if I ignore it, maybe I won't want to start eating all the things I'm going to miss. So far it seems to be working. The bad thing is that I'm really not changing my eating habits until then either. I did start walking 2.6 miles 3-4 times a week though.
  21. Mandyw

    I was just wondering.......

    I did. I bought one today. It does look pretty cool.
  22. OK, I know you are not supposed to be drinking from a straw after being banded due to excess gas, right? Well, what about blenders? I've read so many posts where people blend protein shakes etc. Since they add air into the food, does it make you uncomfortable to drink things from a blender? Do you have to let it sit for a little while to let the air bubbles work out before drinking? Just wondering. I'm getting ready to start my pre-op diet, and I was going to go look for a blender today, and just got to thinking.
  23. Mandyw

    HELP!!! Totally disappointed!!!

    Suggest that he talk to his tax adviser NOW, so that he can determine what the actual effects to your return would be. And remember, everything related to the surgery is tax deductible on your schedule A (subject to the 7.5% limitations), so they may counterbalance each other.
  24. Mandyw

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Hi. I scheduled for Oct. 3 with Dr. Gonzalez. I can't wait!:bounce:
  25. Yeah!!!:whoo: I just set my date with Dr. G for Oct. 3. Laura is supposed to call me soon for payment. I forgot to ask him though, do they want all the money now or just a retainer? I know my finiancing is going through, but I don't have the cash in hand yet. If they want all the money up front, hopefully I can keep my date till I get my money next week. If someone out there can tell me how things proceed now I'd appreciate it. :eek: :clap2: :bounce:

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