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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Tate777

  1. I like them,but only use them in emergency type situations where Ijust don't have anything else. Protein bars and other "protein" foods that are manufactured (cookies, cereals, bread, chips, etc.) are what I call "frankenfood"--- just because they are low carb does not mean they are good for you. Whenever I can I eat REAL food-- but if I need to grab something and don't want to eat crap, they are good in a pinch.

  2. My suggestion... keep the carbies low. I do not go over 40g per day if I can help it. When I eat more than that I am a lot more hungry, moody, and I have mad cravings. It is so much easier for me to stay on plan when I am low carbing. Low carbing was my diet of choice prior to surgery anyway, and it fits with my lifestyle very well, so YMMV (your mileage may vary), but for me it keeps me from getting too hungry. I am 8 months out, BTW and I am finding I am able to eat more than I used to, so sticking with dense Proteins helps fill me up well.

  3. I say this all of the time (to the point where some folks are prob sick of it), but this works for me.... when I find myself wanting to snack or eat more than I need, I ask myself this question, "What am I committed to?"-- if I am committed to losing weight and my health, then my actions should line up with that. If I am committed to quelling a craving or immediate gratification, then my actions will show that, too. I can't say I am committed to weight loss while I am eating in ways I know will stop me from losing. :)

  4. I like to pop in on this forum and get tips, advice, provide support where I can, but it DRIVES ME CRAZY to read multiple posts where I see the following:

    How much can I LOOSE?

    When will I LOOSE weight?

    Will eating ____ make me stop LOOSING?

    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


    Ahhhhh. I feel SO much better now. Thanks for letting me get that off of my chest.


  5. I am familiar with body dysmorphia. Perhaps I have not described my question adequately. It is not that I see myself as fatter than I actually am. It is that I am more critical of my body than I was when I was much larger. My eyes are drawn to my flaws much more readily than when I was larger.

    I have been in therapy several times in my adult years and found it very helpful. I do not believe my issue is beyond moderate at this point and does not warrant further work at this time. I was merely curious, but I appreciate the suggestion.

  6. Why is it that 75 pounds down, I feel worse about how I look and am more critical of my body than I was when I weighed 300 pounds? I can see my body is smaller, and rationally I understand this is a good thing, but now my eyes are drawn to the sags, bags, wrinkles, and jiggles.....I have lost a lot but am impatient to lose more. I am quick to criticize myself and say how "fat" I am. I did not do any of these things with any kind of regularity before surgery. Sure, I knew I was fat, but it was like I had accepted it and was trying to make the best of it. Now? All i can do is look in the mirror and sigh because I am not thin. I think that is so CRAZY because i have lost 75 pounds!!

    Has anyone else experienced this? What do you think it is about?

  7. Unlike many others here, I was able to eat soft solids at 2 weeks out (including chicken or ground beef). I am 2 months out right now. I DO experience hunger--- pretty much every 3-4 hours-- but I also exercise every day (some days at a pretty intense level). I find that starting with Protein really helps fill me up. I cannot eat more than 4-5 oz of anything at a time.

    Also, I have found that for some people, the focus is rapid weight loss. I have to admit-- I was one of those folks, initially. But now, I am working on learning how to live my life with my new stomach--- eating foods that are nourishing, and taste good. Moving my body every day. Learning to deal with my emotions without food. Baby steps, steady progress. :)

  8. HW: 301

    SW: 290

    CW: 260

    I was sleeved on Jan 27th. I workout every day. Personal training (weights) 2xs per week, Bikram yoga (90 min class) 2 xs per week. and I walk 40-60 mins the other 3 days per week.

    I have no food restrictions but with eating Protein and veggies first, I have no room for carbs. I am getting 60-70g of Protein in each day and eating betweem 600-900 cals, depending on the day. Some days I burn more calories in a workout than I eat all day! I am getting in all of my Water. The only thing I am disappointed about is I cannot drink coffee. I used to LOVE coffee-- but for now, it makes my stomach hurt. :( Other than that, I have not had any food tolerance issues. I have to take Miralax once or twice per week. My weight loss has slowed a little recently, but I expected that once I started working out. Not a big deal. Overall, I am feeling good.

  9. I am 7 weeks out and have no food restrictions ( I am choosing to eat low carb because I feel so much better when I do and that way I have no problem meeting my daily Protein requirement). I exercise every day. I have personal training for an hour twice per week, I walk 4 miles at about 3.5-4.0 mph twice per week, I do Bikram yoga for 90 minutes twice per week and on my "off" day, I walk at an easy pace on a flat route for about 30-40 minutes. I have been working out like this for almost a month. Lately, I have found myself getting hungry about every 3 hours (instead of 5 or 6 hours). My personal trainer seems to think it it my body's way of telling me I need more fuel to keep up with the exercise. My NUT says to stay between 600-800 cals per day. the only issue is, depending on the day, sometimes I am burning more calories in my workout than I even eat. My weight loss is not super fast. I have lost 12 pounds in the last 4 weeks (NOT complaining-- I know that is good-- just saying I am not losing weight blazing fast considering how little I eat and how much I exercise). Anyway-- I have not decided if I am going to allow myself a little more food or if I am just going to tough it out. Feedback is welcome.

  10. As soon as I had my last weigh in that "counted' for approval, I WENT NUTS. I was eating non-stop for FIVE WEEKS. I gained back all of the 23 pounds I lost in the 5 months prior. I lost half of it in the liquid diet before surgery. I do not regret a single bite--- because honestly, I learned a lot about why I overate and how much I wanted to find alternatives to eating to deal with emotional pain and stress. Just one meal? HELL yes! Go ahead!

  11. I am 6wks out. My first 2 weeks I was a MESS. I was angry, sad, overwhelmed, tired-- you name it! Fortunately for me, I was off of liquids after a week and on to pureeds, then by my 2 week post op appt I was allowed soft foods--- I think I would have struggled more if I had to stay on liquids a long time. On another thread, a veteran mentioned we are losing a lot of fat-- estrogen is stored in fat cells. High fat loss= high estrogen loss= moodiness, high emotions, etc. Be gentle with yourself. It does get better. Hang in there!

  12. I was sleeved a little less than 6 weeks ago. I do experience hunger, although it is easy to ignore (not that gnawing "oh my God I am going to chew off my own hand if I do not eat something" kind of hunger). I monitor everything I eat on Myfitnesspal to make sure I am getting enough Protein. I have joined a gym and I exercise 5-7 days per week (yoga, weights, walking/jogging, etc). I do not drink my calories and I do not eat bread, Pasta, potatoes, rice, or any junk food. All of this is a lot of work-- but my feeling is, I did not have this surgery for nothing-- I intend to make it count. I have lost about 28 pounds in 6 weeks-- not super fast, but not slow, either-- I am fine with 3-4 pounds a week. I can eat a good bit of food at this point-- for example, I can have 2 eggs for Breakfast. I can also have 2 or 3 oz of chicken and a 1/4c of veggies with no issue.

  13. I have fears on off days too-- I am afraid I will not work out again, I am afriad I will gain weight by taking a rest day. But my trainer insists I have at least one day per week when I do not do more than an easy 30 min walk (and she would prefer I have 2, but that is just too anxiety provoking for me right now). No real advice-- just wanted to let you know you are not alone. :)

  14. I was sleeved 1/27. I have been exercising since day 3....started out with short, slow walks and just gradually added activity. I bought and am using a fibit Force (LOVE IT) and I have my first session with a personal trainer tomorrow after work. I am working out every day for about 60 mins-- 2 days weights, 2 days 90 min of hot yoga, 3 days 60 min or more of cardio. I have lost 21 pounds in 4 weeks. i have hope for the first time in a long time I might get back to the fit person I was about 6 years ago before I stopped exercising and ate my way up to 300 pounds. I am feeling really good about myself-- I LOVE exercise and I am excited to do more things (like kickboxing and racketball) as I lose more and gain mobility/reduce risk of injury!! I AM EXCITED!!!

  15. I am only about 4 weeks out, but I have already started working out a lot-- much the same as you described (minus the hockey-- I don't play hockey, LOL). I made a commitment to myself that I am going to eat when I am hungry--- I trust my body to tell me what I need. Before, I was trying to keep my cals as low as possible to lose faster, but I do not think that is healthy. My NUT says I should be between 600-800 cals/day, but if I am burning 600 in a 90 min kickboxing session, I think I will need more fuel that day. Just my 2 cents, of course.

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