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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by WorldTraveler

  1. Hello,

    I am from OR and had a vsg in Mexico as a self-pay patient in May 2014. I am still doing very well. The sleeve still prevents me from overeating and magically controls hunger as well as limits my sweet intake (i get reactive low blood sugar when I eat anything too sweet now and it is bad enough to avoid most times). I do not regret my surgery and in fact wish I had done it sooner. I run now, can do yoga poses easily and am enjoying the freedom of life-long Portion Control. I am still 12 pounds from my original goal, mainly because I stopped low-carb dieting and can eat more than when I first had surgery, but I love my figure and my energy level and am taking my time reaching my goal. I wear between size 4-6 dress/tops/pants and may just maintain here as I feel really good.

    Research the right doctor for you. I am sorry to say the brilliant surgeon I went to tragically died in a plane crash about a month after I left his hospital. His team was fantastic, so I imagine they are still working and operating at Almater Hospital. Check into them. There was another surgeon I considered in Texas, named Dr. Guillermo Alvarez, I only ended up going with the one I did based on timing. Be prepared to pay at least $12,000 for the procedure, stay and aftercare, but it is worth it. It's still more reasonable than self-pay in the US. I would make sure you are in a clean hospital NOT A CLINIC for the procedure and that there is an actual medical team and nurses there for aftercare.

    I had mandatory counseling before the surgery in Mexico, which was important for maintaining, I had solid pre-op tests run as well as solid post-op tests. My only complaint was my doctor refused to give opiates so my pain was not well managed and I ended up in the ER when I got home for pain control. The US ER docs were shocked that a doctor in Mexico didn't provide pain meds. I was shocked as well. So, be sure to have someone with you to advocate for pain management. Other than that, I healed quickly and now it is a distant memory.

    Good luck, you will do well, just be prepared to pay over $10K for a good surgeon, do your research, reach out to people who used the surgeon you are selecting and make sure it is in a clean hospital. There are no short cuts or dollar savings worth your health and life.

  2. I'm almost 2 years post op and had been drinking a cup a day since about 2 weeks out of surgery. Ive only stopped to see if it will help me to kick start my weight loss again.

    I've never had any issues with drinking coffee and at this far out I've even had a couple of cups a day. I see hear that it's thought to be an appetite stimulant but for me it was a supressent. It helped me during those times when I felt nauseated for no apparent reason (which has happened since my surgery) or when I had the urge to snack on sweets.

    But I think what someone else said is true. The surgeon and NUT guidelines are just that, you've got to listen to and watch your body. That's the only way you'll know if it's good for you.

    I second this! Pay attention to your body and use your healing time to reform bad habits that will stall weight loss or encourage weight gain.

    I was fortunate in that my surgeon said coffee was ok after 1 week post-op. It actually curbs my appetite and I love my morning and afternoon cup every day. Even before being sleeved, I enjoyed sipping hot beverages in between meals and found that helped curb my hunger (coffee or tea). I also don't use anything in my coffee except a teaspoon of almond milk or half and half. I adore coffee and am grateful for it, esp during these cold winter months.

    I was told no carbonation, and never really cared for soda, so I don't miss it. I had a sip of champagne at a wedding and didn't notice anything except a burp or two, but I didn't take it any further than the sip. I miss hard cider on occasion, but it's not worth what it might do to my stomach, so I push through the craving.

  3. I'm sorry you went through that! I wouldn't discount all dairy, though. I'd suggest trying small amounts of various products, first. I cannot eat "better" ice cream like Ben and Jerry's or Haagan Daz. I can only eat 1/4 or so of fro-yo or less rich brands of ice cream but more makes me hurl.

    I've never had a problem with cheese, pudding cups, greek yogurt. Weird, huh?

    Thank you, Lipstick Lady,

    I feel so much better this morning. I have always had a problem with dairy but was able to eat cheese and yogurt in moderation. Post-sleeve...not so much. It's really interesting how much my food preferences have changed with the sleeve. I used to love sushi and sweets and now I don't crave these things.

  4. So grateful for this topic-I just had the worst experience ever with this (similar to the woman from the UK). I am 4 months post-op and got a small non-fat frozen yogurt today. Within 10 minutes, I became extremely dizzy and nauseated, sweaty and faint. I wanted to vomit, but I couldn't. I literally passed out at my work desk, then began some strange yawning.

    After that, the most violent stabbing pains began in my stomach/intestines. Now, I have had violent gas/diarrhea for the past 6 hours. It's finally calmed down a bit, but it's not over. My stomach is still gurgling I will NEVER eat dairy again. I have actually been off of it for a long time, I use almond milk and ice with my Protein powder. I regret this and will remember this forever.

    If that had been full-fat dairy (like ice cream) I would have been hospitalized. I am thankful for this though, it keeps me away from high carb/high sugar and high fat foods. Good God, it is a nightmare though. I'm fortunate that I can sip electrolyte Water tonight. I will definitely give my stomach a rest for the next 24 hours.

    I know it's gross, but it's a sleeve reality and one that I'm glad to have some people to commiserate with.

  5. Got home around 9:30pm and ate a bite of chicken too fast. I had already started to swallow when I realized it wasn't chewed as well as it should have been. No issue, so I had three more bites, then I got sick and it all came back up. The process is awful, foaming and throwing up for 30 minutes. Needless to say, I ended up feeling lucky I eventually got some Water down last night. No dinner.

    I think it is essential to make meals a mindful experience. This is the second time this has happened to me. I don't want this to happen again-it's awful.

    Nights I end up working late-I need to make sure I take time out to eat something so I don't come home hungry. That was the common factor in both my experiences (above). I'm stopping at the store to pick up some items I can keep at work for such occasions so this does not happen again.

    It's a learning experience and it's amazing how if you are not completely engaged in the meal process, you will revert to your old eating patterns.

  6. Good question! I was wondering why if I take a drink of Protein shake or a small spoon of bariatric pudding (low carb, high protein), it is difficult to swallow and will come right back up. This does not occur with salmon or chicken or veggies.

    If the only thing that was altered is the size of the stomach-why would some foods just sit in the esophagus or come back up immediately? Is it the body rejecting the sugar alcohols?

    why are some foods difficult to swallow and some easier when they are chewed and swallowed the same?

  7. Hi,

    This is my first post. Surgery still a month away but trying to get as prepared as possible. My question is how do you get Protein during the clear liquid phase. My doctor wants me on clear liquid for 2 weeks. I purchased the Liquid Protein from his office and will do 2 a day which give me 30 grams of Protein total. What else can I do?

    Thanks for any tips. SO nervous but great to read all the positive stories in the forum.

    I use Syntrax Nectars-they mix completely with Water, have zero carbs and 23g protein/scoop. I blend them with ice and cold Water. There are many protein sources that mix with water and give you added Vitamins. Get samples before you buy large containers because some taste awful and you will be suck with a giant tub of undrinkable protein.

    Nashua Nutrition offers samples of all their protein powders.

    Be careful to read labels-some have higher carbs, gluten and dairy (I am dairy and gluten-free).

  8. I got dumping syndrome with almond milk when I first went on full liquids. I went back to Water in my Protein drinks and eventually I could tolerate the almond milk again (though I use a small amount now) to not overwhelm my system.

    Here is what I have discovered I cannot eat anymore:

    dairy (no yogurt or cheese)

    high fat or fried foods (I had a few pieces of an Indian snack-muruku-fried chickpeas) and became very ill

    sugar (both regular and artificial) got dumping syndrome from a few bites of a Quest bar and also with a sugar free Syrup in a coffee

    Also, before the sleeve, I favored sweet foods and loved them. Post-sleeve, I find myself grossed out by sweets and craving savory (chips, crackers)...strange, but I'm happy to not be enslaved to sugar anymore. I just need to make sure I avoid crackers and chips now.

    Try to avoid dairy, high fat foods, sugars and fried foods. Focus on Protein first, vegetables second, berries third. I have felt much better since and also being cleared for yoga again has cured my exercise boredom with my daily walks.

    I met a woman who was 1-year post-sleeve when I was getting sleeved and she was unable to eat sweets anymore and I recall her telling me it was a gift to be free from that craving-she's correct. Be grateful for dumping syndrome on foods we shouldn't eat. Record your reaction to foods and keep it in mind as you move from soft foods to regular foods. Soft foods was the worst for me because I can't tolerate dairy. I was basically on liquids still (Soups, Protein Drinks and sugar-free popsicles).

    All the best to you!

  9. You have to measure out portions this early out until you get used to what a small portion looks like. I have pushed limits due to head hunger and vomited or drank a Protein shake too quickly and ended up sweating, nauseous and sick for 30 minutes.

    I've had foaming with vomiting also-horrible experience with a baby cucumber that has ruined cucumbers for me at this point.

    I purchased these off Amazon and they are fantastic (BPA free) and measure out a perfect 2oz portion. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004QZBEFK/ref=oh_details_o00_s02_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    If I follow the 2oz portion, I never get sick or full. I use small plates/bowls and try to eat slowly (it's hard to re-learn how to eat, especially when your mouth and brain are so excited to eat again after being on liquids for a month). If I don't eat slowly, It feels like it sits in my chest and kills. I take deep breaths and take a break if I swallow too quickly.

    Good luck! It is truly one day at a time.

  10. I had band removal and sleeve in May, and have gained 10 lbs. I can eat huge amounts of food with no discomfort. I was Mexico self pay, and I really wonder if the dr sleeved me or just removed my band. I have joined weight watchers, and have lost five lbs, but it's pure will power and I'm hungry all of the time.

    This is not right...either you need to take your PPIs (as others mentioned above-stomach acid can mimic hunger pangs) or you weren't sleeved.

    I was self-pay sleeve in Mexico and on day 2 I could barely swallow water-kept foaming. I am one month out and am struggling with soft foods. I am never hungry (just emotional head hunger) but feel sensations like low energy and dizzy at work and then remember to eat. I am so restricted that after a few bites, it's feel like post-Thanksgiving dinner full.

    Did your doctor do a barium swallow with you in the hospital? I got to see my new stomach before I was discharged from the hospital. Please make an appointment with a doctor here and ask to do a test so you can see your new stomach. That will put your mind at ease. If you are indeed sleeved, then you must have lots of acid and head hunger. I can't imagine how the sleeve is not preventing you from swallowing too much at a time. I have vomited from taking one more bite (once) and learned my lesson to measure 2oz at a time.

    Good luck!! :)

  11. I'll follow up with my doctor if it continues today. So far, I'm ok. It might have been the homemade marinara I made yesterday with turkey. It was probably too acidic. I can't imagine living with that pain daily...I feel for you and hope it goes away soon!

  12. I Emailed Nina (part of his office staff, and who many of us talked to who went to see Dr. A) last night and she replied this morning - unfortunately also a confirmation.


    I emailed Gaby last night....so sorry that this is indeed a reality.

    "This is true... and a great loss for all of us worldwide !

    His son ( that was flying with him ) is safe
    We appreciate your kind words...
    He really loves his patients !
    We are all very sad
    hugs from all of us

  13. I think I set mine off with acidic diet (tomatoes crushed)...I've taken 3 PPIs today with no relief. A sip of Water sets it off and it's in between my chest and burning through my back. HATE THIS!!! Tried Fage fat free yogurt (thought dairy might coat it) but no, it's still bad. I can feel it in my jaw occasionally.

    I had a lot of work stress today as well (which probably didn't help). Am barely able to eat or drink today.

    I only had this on occasion pre-op, now it's a daily struggle and I also had a hiatal hernia repair. I hope to God this gets better. I see people are mixing PPIs with Gaviscon...does it work?

  14. Totally understand! I was the exact same way! That was always my go-to when I was dieting and it kills my appetite, so I get it.

    Before you know it will be over and you will have your coffee back. I was allowed coffee 10 days post-op, but I could barely drink any at that point (I had to get up early, take my antacid granules with Water then wait an hour). It took about a week until I could handle a cup of coffee at a time. Now, on full liquids, I enjoy getting a small cup and sipping on it throughout the morning at work.

    Good luck to you! I know it's rough, but you will get through it!

  15. no tips other than to drink hot tea and gulp water-that will be the last time you will gulp Water. I slammed it all day before surgery and I still battle post-op with taking too big of a sip and having to hold it in my mouth and slowly swallow it.

    It's rough but you will get through it. Take it one day at a time and know that hot liquids fill your stomach better than cold.

  16. Congratulations that is awesome! Please give me any advice you can I am 11 days post op and I feel lost, I am having such a hard time getting in the Protein and Water. When it comes to what I should be eating I feel like I have no clue, I am barely eating anything because I am so afraid I am going to do something wrong and mess up my new stomach. I have heard that everybody goes through the "why did I do this phase?" I have been feeling that way lately, but I think it is because I feel so overwhelmed, any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

    I was about where you are 4 days ago, but today is my 15th day post-op and I turned a corner (thankfully)! I feel amazing today, minimal pain and it's the last day I have be on Clear liquids. It was also my first day back to work!

    I'm not sure if you are on clear or full liquids? Clear liquids-drink broth, Protein shakes made with Water, Isopure, SF/no carb Jello, SF/no-carb popsicles.

    Full liquids-Drink Protein with almond or skim milk (Syntrax nectar is my favorite protein-no carbs, mixes well with water or milks), low-fat creamy Soups (such as low fat/low carb butternut squash Soup or Tomato Soup or cream of broccoli Soup with the chunks strained out). I use Ideal Protein or Barwise products, but you can also make your own from scratch if you have time.

    Soft foods phase-eat scrambled eggs or tofu, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat SF yogurt (use Fage Greek fat free for optimal protein with low carbs). Eat only 2 oz at a time. Do not drink 30 minutes before or after you eat to train yourself to eat slowly and fill on 2 oz. If you drink while you eat, you will eat more than you should and can stretch your stomach which will ultimately lead to slowed or stopped weight loss. Eventually this will become weight gain.

    Phase 4-lifelong phase is food you can tolerate, only 2 oz at a time, chew/chew/chew! No beverage 30 minutes before and after eating. Set a timer on your phone to help you.

    Journal everything you eat to hold yourself accountable.

    Please let me know if you want me to email you my post-op eating plan.

    All the best to you! It will get better and suddenly you will feel amazing!

  17. I would ingest nothing but Protein products:

    Isopure (it's horrible, but packs in the Protein so I gag it down);

    lots of BariWise chicken bouillon--it's really tasty and has 15g of protein per drink packet-I would make that and add a hot and sour or Tom Yum Soup broth to it (Asian gourmet soup spice packets have no MSG, reasonable sodium, 1 g of carb per serving and only 20-35 calories per serving; spice packs are mixed into hot water).

    Nashua Nutrition no carb raspberry protein Jello (15g of protein per packet and zero carbs)-it's wonderful!

    Syntrax nectar (protein powder) I love Peanut Butter and it's not too sweet. I mix it with Water for 23g of protein per serving.

    In between, I tried to drink Water but it made me nauseous, so I would usually drink watered down Powerade Zero. Today (my 15th day post-op) was the first day I could sip on water without adding anything to it and not feel nauseous. I buy electrolyte water and have nearly made it through 50oz today.

    I promise you, it will get better and you'll get more liquids in soon :) Just do the best you can for now so you aren't too deficient. Try to ingest as much protein as you can to avoid hair loss and brittle nails!

  18. Back to work today. :unsure: First day back since I had surgery on May 26th. I am so not looking forward to this. I was enjoying getting up and going for a long walk then coming back to rest, play on the internet, watch movies, run errands and create fun Protein broths.

    I will especially miss my naps and time on the forum boards.

    Good luck to all of us as we continue to heal, return to work and regular daily activities.

    P.S. I am also on my final day of clear liquids!!!! I'm so happy to start full liquids tomorrow. I have my almond milk and thicker protein Soups ready to go. It will be so nice to have a break from broth, sugar free popsicles, Isopure and jello!

  19. Confession time I chewed a piece of egg in my mouth and then spit it out... It's been 18 days for goodness sake... I miss CHEWING! lol

    Haha.....I did that with a piece of Apple and it was good!

    How long to go before you can chew?

    I've been on ever decreasing Mushie foods for a few days. Supposed to be on puréed for two weeks but am over the sloppy texture. I figure if I take it slow and listen to my new tummy, no harm can be done. Plus I feel a lot more satiated.

    I licked 5 tortilla chips last night-it was hard not to bite or chew, but it was satisfying to suck on the chips. LOL. I would only admit that here. After that, I drank Tom Yum Soup broth with unflavored Protein mixed in.

  20. I've been on purées since Wednesday. If it's not Soup I dont like it. Despite never eating more than 1/4 of a cup I want to throw up every time I eat - this is starting to ease though. I am losing heaps of weight (nearly 12 kgs). The worse symptom I have is this absolutely overwhelming weakness. My husband bought some hydrolyte from the pharmacy which helps a little. I am really pleased I had the surgery I am really looking forward to feeling like my 'old' self though.

    So sorry to hear that! Please hydrate more! It sounds like you are not getting enough nutrients or liquids in. I am on Clear Liquids and totally energized (sick of the liquids but full of energy). I ingest a ton of Protein everyday-I use Isopure liquid (yuck, but I gag it down because it has 40g of protein per bottle-the tart apple and grape frost are the best IMHO), I also use bariatric products which are loaded with protein and have trace amounts of carbs (Syntrax nectars).

    If you are having trouble with this phase, you need to supplement with Liquid Protein so you will feel better. Get some Powerade Zero (electrolytes) and sip on that throughout the day. Add an Isopure or Protein Shake to your day as well. If you use the Protein Powder, mix it with Almond milk and PB2 (powdered peanut butter) and add 1/4 banana to the shake as well for creaminess and additional potassium.

    I hope you feel better soon. You should not be lethargic-something isn't right. If adding a protein supplement doesn't work, then please call your surgeon. You may be dehydrated or malnourished.

    All the best to you!!

  21. Take it slow on purée. My first was scrambled egg whites. It was the first time since the surgery that I almost threw up. I didn't think that I felt any different since the surgery until I hit this stage. You fill up really fast and are full after about an ounce of food. I never felt fullness on liquids. Enjoy but take it slow.

    Thanks for the info-I'm still on Clear Liquids (day 12) and sooooooo sick of it!!! It takes a lot to fill me on clear liquids at this point, so I am seriously looking forward to full liquids, then soft foods and finally real food July 4th.

    I'm getting walks and all my Protein in without any trouble (thank you Syntrax and BariWise chicken bouillon). I'm obsessed with the food channel now-watching food, pinning paleo recipes to my pinterest board, etc. LOL

    Recovery sucks but it will be over soon :)

  22. I had that "pulling" feeling for 5 weeks after my surgery. I'm not sure what it was. I think it may just be part of the healing process or from doing too much, but wanted to let you know mine quit after 5 weeks.

    Thank you so much for letting me know, abbyabby!

    The ER doctor called me back today and after speaking with a surgeon, he said the pain was very common near the navel because that is where the camera goes in so there is a lot of movement in that area, so it will be very sore for a few weeks.

    I'm so glad to know everything is normal and I'm not the only one who experienced this and that it will go away :)

    Recovery is challenging!

  23. Great; I was looking forward to healing and getting back to yoga and intense walking/light jogging. This pain makes it difficult to walk across the room...is this lifelong? What did your doctor say?

    Mine said it would take 3 weeks to heal a pulled muscle.


    I never really talked to my doc about it. I just figured I was probably overdoing it and needed to slow down a bit. I wasn't about to stop exercising but just took it down a notch for a few days then tested it again to see if the pain was still there. I am pretty sure it isn't lifelong (unless maybe the doc sewed the muscle too tight?? IDK). It has pretty much subsided for me. Only crops up once every couple of weeks or so.

    went to the ER last night and had everything checked out. It is common to have this abdominal pain (the surgeon said), so no need to worry. Just walk and keep activity light until I feel better. Looking forward to feeling normal again! On the positive side: I lost 13 pounds so far (between 1 week post-op diet and op). :)

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