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Posts posted by krps0930

  1. Still gaining weight the last 5 days...I just don't get it....discouraged and regretful...I just want to cry...I must be doing something wrong, but I honestly do not know what...I am not eating bad and my portions are 1/2 cup...I just feel like I am on another failed diet...Please help...

  2. Well, it was inevitable I'm sure...I'm officially hungry and craving like crazy....2 weeks and 3 days post op...doesn't help that I was down 20 pounds as of Friday, but gained 2 pounds this weekend for some reason - even while staying disciplined....that just kills the motivation and makes me want to give in to the hunger and cravings...grrrr....Frustrated and venting, sorry...

  3. Wow! I am excited for you. I have been eating Soups like Tomato, thinned down cream of chicken....even broccoli-cheese soup....I don't eat the chunks. I made Jello and it was crazy how little I could eat. I can do about a cup or just under of Soup, but could only get 3 spoons of jello down.

    Good for you on still having little hunger! I can tell mine is back, but making sure I keep my head in the game on my ultimate goal! Good news is I am an Accountant and am in busy busy season, so I am keeping myself occupied through the hunger! We are on our way!!!

  4. I don't blame you! Even one week liquids was difficult, so I can imagine the torture of two weeks! 3 more days! I think the mushy will get old for me because I don't transition to solids until next Thursday....bandster hell, we will make it through it!

    Actually, scratch that. ..I don't go to solids until that Sunday after because I am getting my first fill next Thursday....wow!

  5. I cannot wait for mushy food. Friday.....come on Friday!!!!

    I don't blame you! Even one week liquids was difficult, so I can imagine the torture of two weeks! 3 more days! I think the mushy will get old for me because I don't transition to solids until next Thursday....bandster hell, we will make it through it!

  6. 11 days after surgery and I finally feel like myself again! No pain, glue over incisions is coming off on its own showing that I am healing up, and less moody then I have been. Down 18 pounds since Feb 1st...7 before and 11 after surgery...don't really feel much going on with my band when I eat or drink - probably because of no restriction, but still sticking to my mushy meal plan with the majority of my Protein being from food (tilapia, tuna, ground meat) and not shakes, which I believe makes a difference...at least for me anyway...keep on keepin' on!

  7. Okay, I had my first follow up appointment today at a week post op...14 pounds down in three weeks. They said it was good...I have to believe that my toes must be really skinny because I don't have any idea where that 14 lbs came from...weird because I still feel so bloated and gassy!

    The biggest issue I talked about today with the Dr. was the moodiness....like I don't even know who I am since surgery....my nutritionist told me that more than likely my testosterone level is too high after surgery and my estrogen level is not high enough...was directed to buy Dark chocolate Soy Milk, as Soy raises estrogen levels...thought that was interesting...overall, good appointment and I felt better after I left about not being a "nutjob!"

  8. Hi krps0930

    Moody? Heck, ya. I spent a couple days looking at all the negative forums....being whiny, and wanting to cry when the kids didn't pick up dishes and toys. I'm day 7 post op and starting to feel better, but still kind of unmotivated. I teach a class at a local university and though I have the week off from work, I still should correct some assignments, but I'm not getting at it. It feels like my brain is tired!! So I'm putting it down to adjusting to the recovery from surgery and starting to feel like I need more food. Purée tomorrow!!

    Thanks for totally getting what I'm feeling and congrats on your surgery! I am also struggling with accomplishing things..work is okay, but I have a CPA Exam next week and do not feel like studying, which is really BAD! Good luck with purees. ..I'm headed to those tomorrow!

  9. We should definitely get together whether it be walking or eating or both! Lol...yeah, I'm going to chalk my really bad mood up to little food and most likely getting dehydrated...got to keep my head up and stop thinking so negatively about this! In a month I will probably have forgotten this occurred because I'll be so happy!! thanks so much and definitely keep me posted on your status!

  10. Uh-oh....now you got me worried. Figures as much. I will of course be honest and keep you posted when I hit the pain - thanks for the info.

    So sorry...didn't mean to worry you...If it makes you feel better, I think I am going to much and am getting dehydrated and worn out...my best piece of advice is to take it easy even if you think you can leap tall buildings... :-)

  11. That's my biggest worry is that my lungs are so full of junk and it's hard for me to get a deep breath as it is now that after the surgery I am thinking I would be more likely to get pneumonia. I have no idea what to do.

    Your ZPak is 5 days right? So you should be done tomorrow? If you don't feel better on Wednesday, I would consider rescheduling....but make sure there are no penalties/issues if you reschedule too close to your surgery day...good luck and let us know what you decided!

  12. My official surgery date is this Friday, Feb 21. I have been on the pre-op diet since the 11th. I am down about 10 pounds so far. I got sick with what I thought was the flu last week. Turns out I had something viral that turned into bronchitis. I have been on a ZPak and an inhaler since Friday. I am coughing and sometimes have coughing fits. I don't know if I should reschedule my surgery or not. The nurse seems to think it is fine but I am a little worried.

    After my surgery, last Thursday, the nurses told me that wanted me to have a big cough every four hours to prevent pneumonia....so, you could say your coughing will be good after surgery or if your lungs are weak you may be more susceptible to pneumonia??? Well crap, I thought me sharing what they told me would help, but not so much...wish I could offer better advice for you!

  13. Glad to hear everything went well with the surgery :) I didn't realize you were so close to me. My husband is stationed at Fort Hood so I live in Killeen. You'll have to let me know how it was going back to work so quickly since I've only taken 3 days off. Take care of yourself and good luck.

    Hey Valarie, we are almost neighbors, as I live in Leander, almost to Liberty Hill, which is not far from Killeen...going back to work was a little rough, but not unbearable. Honestly the hardest part was smelling the food that one of my clients had catered in! I am not really that hungry, as it has subsided the last 2 days, but I don't believe you have to be to appreciate good/yummy smells... :) I am just anxious to get healed up and back to normal, because my moodiness is really bad - do you think it's because of little food/nutrients? Best of luck to you and please let me know how everything goes for you!

  14. Five days post op and a bit uncomfortable today...pretty strong pain on the left side of my abdomen - where my breath catches if I breathe too deep...assuming it's part of the healing process...I'm also working, so that could be part of it. Definitely not getting enough hydration because of drinking slowly and getting distracted with other things...need to work on it....also constipated, which adds discomfort...Very moody, which my family is not happy with...haven't pin pointed why I am acting this way...anyone else have these issues after banding?

  15. Thanks so much for the great advice! I realized today that it is quite possibly just head hunger, as I am adjusting to not needing to eat, which is odd for me mentally....I do believe the biggest struggle I will most likely have is what I am saying to myself, as my BF reminded me today that it is about my attitude that directly relates to my success....

    Very thankful for the pep talk he gave me to set me straight!

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