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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Pamalamb

  1. Hi KCSG,

    I am 8 months post sleeve and have not had your issue, but I heard a great story on NPR just a couple of days ago about changing habits. There was this study done and it showed that changing just something minor with a bad habit can help you kick it. If you know where your weaknesses are change something about it. I have an example, I like to read but I have historically snacked while I read. The study would suggest changing from my favorite chair to another to help break the snacking habit.

    You might check it out, I am sure it is still on their website.

    Maybe just some small changes will help you reset. You know what to do, you have done awesome so far. Don't give in to despair. Analyze yourself and figure out what you need to do to get ahold of yourself and do it. :)

    Good Luck!!

  2. Getting philosophical here . . . things seem to happen for a reason. You will probably look back one day and think this was the best thing that ever happened to you.

    Example: almost 10 years ago now, my husband lost his job after I had quit mine to stay home with the kids. We had a 2 month old and a 1 year old and a 6 year old when he lost the job. He was devastated and very stressed. His confidence was shaken. Solution . . . I went back to work while he started his own business. 10 years later, he is a huge success, I can work part time at my own small business so I can be with the kids. He loves his work. The kids have advantages they never would have before. His schedule is much more flexible so he can actually spend time with the family.

    His getting fired was the best thing that ever happened to us.

    You are lucky that you have a partner who can help while you get back on your feet. This is an opportunity, not a setback!!!!!

    Good luck!

  3. I agree completely with Rogofulm! I think I have that switch too. I have realized that over the Holidays I did not drink as much as I should. Now that I have addressed that issue, it is a lot easier. I also realized, like you, that even getting off the path had limits. Instead of a whole plate of food, I just had a spoonful or so of the things I really wanted. The wonderful thing about the sleeve is that even if you do slide a bit, you will not go over the cliff! I think that is why my holiday gain was only three pounds. I am happy to say that one of those pounds is already history!

    I have a friend who kept me calm through this. She is a veteran bypass patient. We spent much time together with the kids over the holiday. She was so calm and matter of fact about the choice she made, even to have an occasional cookie, that I realized that the beauty of the sleeve is that it helps you with control. However, that does not mean you cannot have an occasional treat. (not habitual, mind you) We are seeking normality in our relationship with food. Even normal weight people have an occasional Christmas cookie! The difference is, we have to be mindful of our addiction and the sleeve helps us limit ourselves like normal people.

    Yeah Normal!!!!

  4. It is going to be fine. Just get back on the wagon. I too slid over the holidays. Family get togethers, baking the annual cookie offering to my neighbors, gingerbread houses with the kids, etc. etc.. I decided to relax and not worry too much about it. I had the mindset that once the Holidays were over, it was back to work. I gained three pounds. ( I was shocked it wasn't more.) I have been rather surprised how easy it is to get back into the good habits. (Usually good habits aren't the ones that stick.)

    You can do this, just get back to basics. Return to fitbit and myfitness pal if you have used them. They are great! Good luck :)

  5. Great solution. I had a similar situation about a month ago. I too walked around a lot with my father-in law who has beginning stages of dimensia while my mother-in-law was recovering from surgery. I also spent a lot of time on my phone. I walked to the cafeteria and got Water and diligently tried to drink water. That helped. Good luck and I hope everyone is fine.

  6. Good morning all,

    I have been struggling with "diet exhaustion". We have all been through this in our past life. Been on the diet for awhile, have some significant losses, then start wandering from the path. . . I am almost 4 months out. Doing great! Then I lost my fit bit and started losing my way. Having a few carbs here, not enough Water there, you know what I mean. Luckily I have not gained, but have not really lost either. The next post op appointment looming like a cloud! I just wanted to let you know that you can pull yourself out of this!!!! I bought a new fit bit yesterday, got back on the wagon, walked, conscious effort to drink more and eat better. Lost 1 pound yesterday!!!! Stick with it kids! We can do this, even with ups and downs.

  7. I am also at about 3 1/2 months out. I tried some home grown Tomato and cucumber (Yummy!) and had no problem. I cut the skin off the cucumber because I was afraid it would give me trouble. I had no problems at all. I have also had some watermelon and fresh apple without the peal with no problem. I am still to scared to try salad. Good Luck!

  8. I just did a search for headaches and saw this. I suffered from Migraines before surgery. I am just a little over 3 months out. After surgery, I did not have any migraines at all until this week. I have had one every afternoon this week. It is really cramping my style!!!! :angry: Anyway, my husband suggested I check here to see if anyone else had a problem like this. I thought it might be allergies, but I take antihistamines everyday for chronic eczema, so I can't figure out why that could be it. I also have been on point, or slightly behind, on Water intake. I have not exercised for the last three days due to the headaches. I don't drink caffeine. I quit after surgery and had no headaches. I average between 500 & 600 calories a day. No sugar.

    Has anyone had this issue? Any ideas? I am afraid I am doing something wrong to cause this. Any help would be appreciated. :)

  9. I had my surgery on April 15. I have lost 45 pounds in three months. I have been somewhat concerned after reading the very high losses by what seems like everyone except me. I met with my surgeon yesterday for a check up and he put it all into perspective. He pointed out that I was comparing myself to people who I know nothing about. I don't know their height, weight, etc. Myself, I am 5'1 and started out at 208. He shocked me when he said I have lost 48% of my goal weight at only 3 months out. The average is 67% at 2 years! I left the office very proud of myself and very motivated.

    So I guess the message is, don't compare yourself. Everyone is unique. Don't despair and stick with it everyone!!!

  10. I talked to her before I had the sleeve because I was really afraid I would fail and I wanted to know what happened with her. She told me that she drinks her calories. She loves her soda and sweet tea. Also, she admits she eats the slider foods. She told me that she still has the restriction when she eats the Protein etc. i.e. followed the diet.

    The good news is that even someone who "failed" on the sleeve can regroup and make the changes that will help their health. However, it is definitely a cautionary tale for the rest of us that the nutritionists know what they are talking about and to listen.

  11. My goodness! I gotta tell you that this sounds totally passive aggressive to me. All these things they have been thinking and probably saying when you are not around couched in a philosophical discussion about change???? OUCH! I agree that maybe they are jealous or threatened by the new you in some way. Just keep on working hard and forget about it.

  12. I spent the 4th of July holiday with family that I have not seen in a few months. I was pleased by all of the positive feedback they had about my weightloss. How motivating is that! I have not made a secret of my surgery to my extended family and I guess I am lucky that everyone is so supportive! On top of that, I lost 3 more pounds over the weekend!!!!!! yeah me!

    I have also discovered that my journey is motivating others in my family. I have a cousin who had the sleeve years ago, and unfortunately was unable to change her habits and had given up on it. She told me she has lost 8 pounds since Easter!

    How were your holiday experiences? Maybe we can all motivate each other!

  13. With all due respect, I have to take exception to what swimbikerun says about attorneys. I am active in the criminal bar (by coincidence in Wichita, KS) most of the attorneys regularly take pro bono cases and cut their rates for a good cause. Personally, I do defense because I believe we are the watchdogs of the government to ensure the rest of the public continues to be protected by the constitution. I guess you can say I am a "true believer".

  14. In contrast to what was said before, I've seen too many stories of doctors' getting off and it hurt patients. See Charles Cullen (nurse) and also Christopher Duntsch. You can't expect the medical boards or the profession to police itself. With all due respect, lawyers aren't going to take a case unless they make $$$ out of it. I've heard it enough to know its true.

    I am so very very sorry for you. As a surgeon I had turned out to be not what I expected after, I am glad that you got at least the chance to figure out beforehand about him.

    There are legal agreements in my area about no care once you are in a group so you'd be tossed by the way side if you have complications, possibly.

    Let us know how it goes. I am SO pulling for you.

  15. I am a criminal defense attorney. I can tell you that if this guy hasn't had a load of DUI's at this point, then he is probably is not a drunk and fine on the job. He made a poor choice for sure, but I certainly hope it doesn't ruin his life or practice. Everyone makes mistakes, let him take responsibility for it and move on. I am sure he will have to answer to the licensing board and work it out with them. Best of luck, but I would not freak out about it.

  16. My surgeon required the test and confirmed what I already suspected, I have it. It did not delay the surgery at all. However, they were very firm on bringing the cpap machine with me to the hospital. I wore it post op while I slept. I am sure they were concerned about what beeteroo was talking about. It was not a big deal at all. Come to think of it. They did want me to be using the cpap machine for a couple of weeks prior to surgery. Probably to get used to it. I now sleep with it every night and am so much better rested than I have been for years. They determined that I was waking up around 70 time an hour. So I guess it was pretty severe. I guess my point is, if you need it, don't be afraid to use it. It will improve your life.

  17. Do the people you go out with know about the surgery? I am not out much further than you, about 6 weeks. I have not made a secret of my surgery. So it has not been an issue except, WHAT TO DO WHILE EVERYONE IS EATING? I will usually order Soup or something soft. If they don't know, you can always say you already ate, feeling a little under the weather or just not really hungry. I am guessing you are like me and really like to go out for the company. I am sure your friends are the same and just want your company. Good luck!

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