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Posts posted by zomgjj

  1. Just jumped on today to say I'm going home today! Yay!

    Also, does anyone feel everything go down as you drink or eat? They gave me an upper GI and said I have slow movement in there so I feel everything sit and then slowly pass down. It's so weird and I hope it goes away.

    Oh and is anyone else freaking out about the little bit of food can fill you up so fast?

    I feel like that's all I'm doing is eating and drinking, thinking I was taking in to much but really I'm at a good amount maybe even not enough.

  2. Hi All...sry I didn't update yesterday but I'm sure you'll understand. I did not have my surgery today :( I received a call from the hospital yesterday that I was to be there at 6:30 and 30 minutes later my dr's office called. Evidently when I did my preop blood work my A1C was really high, too high for surgery. They were supposed to let me know so I could work on lowering it before surgery, but someone in the office dropped the ball. They were very apologetic, but it doesn't make this disappointment feel any better. So for the next month I'll be watching what I eat like crazy, taking my insulin and doing everything I have to to get my A1C down so I can finally start my new life. March 20 I'll be retested and hopefully it'll be good. I hope everyone who did have their surgeries this week are doing well!!!

    Sorry to hear you got postponed. :( Your new time will be here before you know it! I hope you get everything where you need need it to be to have a safe and healthy surgery. Good luck and keep in touch!

  3. Hi to all!

    Glad to hear everyone is doing good and surgeries are going smoothly for pretty much everyone.

    Today I am on Clear liquids and off my pain pump. Had to eat a crushed up pain pill in a smashed up sugar free popsicle and after eating like 1/4 of it I felt full. That is CRAZY!

    I'm up and freely moving and I swear it feels so good to get up when I please and walk!

    How's everyone doing on their clear liquids?

    I can't wait to get out of there on Friday.

    When did or does everyone get their drain taken out? That's the only thing causing me pain at the moment, everything is seems to be fine.

  4. Hello all. I'm 20 hours post op! I'm glad to finally join the losers bench. :)

    I'm doing really well. The best part is my daily nurse had gastric bypass 9 years ago. She weighed 370 lbs and she looks fantastic! It's so comforting to be taken care of someone who's went through this. We sat and talked about her journey and what I should expect for about an hour earlier today!

    Claire would love to hear a update from you!

    Hope everyone is doing good and I should be out of here by Friday.

  5. Hello all I am about 13 hours post op. Everything went well and surgery went smooth. I have slept almost all day due to the pain meds.

    I have gotten up and walked 2 times already. The pain isn't as bad as I thought it would be just my back hurts from laying down during surgery for 2 hours.

    I'm on ice chips still and I will begin my Clear Liquids once I get my upper GI first thing in the morning.

    My nurses are fantastic and my nurse I had all day had gastric bypass 9 years ago. She weighed 370lbs and age looks fantastic!!!

    Thought I would finally check in I hope everyone is doing good who had surgery done today. I will hopefully get out of here by Friday!

  6. Hello to all that have surgery today!

    It's 1:06 am here and I have to leave for the hospital in 3 hours and my surgery in is 6 hours! Oh my gosh. I can't wrap my mind around it.

    I hope everyone has a safe surgery day, I bet everyone is all jittery as me! I will not be getting any sleep tonight that's for sure!

    Hope to hear from all you soon. I'll update as soon as I can! Good luck and everyone is in my thoughts!

  7. Good luck to those w,ho are scheduled today! Will keep you in my thoughts and hope to hear from you soon.

    For those on Tuesday are you all ready?

    My nerves are out of whack as I'm almost 24 hours away! :)

    So ready to get off this pre op diet.

    Hope everyone is doing great especially the recent ones to move to the losers bench.

    Take care!

  8. Good luck to those w,ho are scheduled today! Will keep you in my thoughts and hope to hear from you soon.

    For those on Tuesday are you all ready?

    My nerves are out of whack as I'm almost 24 hours away! :)

    So ready to get off this pre op diet.

    Hope everyone is doing great especially the recent ones to move to the losers bench.

    Take care!

  9. Hello everyone!

    I'm glad to see everyone still doing pretty well, and see we have some others who have joined the Feb 11th group!

    I thought I would update since my last post wasn't to positive. I'm doing much better and am back on my high Protein diet. Not as strong, due to giving me stomach troubles but glad I got it worked out.

    Very encouraging to hear from people who are on the other side.

    Getting more and more nervous now especially after getting my call today telling me what time I have to arrive at the hospital which is 5am! Wow that's early!

    Hope all is well with everyone and the nerves aren't to bad as we are getting so close! Can't believe the big day is less than a week away for some of us!

  10. Today was my 4th day on my pre op diet and had to stop. I have been living in the bathroom and everything I look at makes me sick to my stomach. I'm supposed to drink 3 shakes a day and a salad for dinner.

    All I've gotten down is toast and some flat sprite. I'm scared I'm not going to be able go finish this pre op diet out.

    Is anyone else having problems with pre op diet? I don't know what to do. :((

  11. Hi zomgjj,

    I know that mourning so well and I don't eat for comfort so I can only imagine how losing that friend must be. The fact that food is a toxic friend at this point is no help at all. Knowing you can't do something again, and the impact on your social life, if only for the next few months is a real loss. I had a recent holiday and I was so very sad throughout, feeling that everything that I was doing i would not do again. I am now trying to focus on all the things I will be able to do post surgery, although the fact that I am not sleeping very well is probably a sign that it is not totally working! Personally I need to stop thinking about all the potential problems I might experience, because I won't have them all. Not knowing which things I will experience and being able to plan for them, which is my way to problem solve, is my main problem I think and adds to that mourning.

    However, we are both going through it on the same day, together with at least two others on here, so we can all support each other. Others are having their ops next week and will be a week ahead of us and our experiences might help those who are having theirs in the days and weeks after us. We are all in this together which I hope helps a bit, it is certainly helping me.

    Take care and stay in touch

    All this has definitely helped and I'm so glad I'm not alone on these mixed emotions.

    Thank you for your kind words and postivity. It's very nice to have an outlet with people who know exactly what you are feeling.

    Everything that is lost is just another thing gained and I just have to remember that when I feel like I'm at the bottom.

    I definitely think the unknown of post op is what gives everyone the most nerves and possibly doubt. We try to cram our heads full of facts and knowledge but you just never know your body is going to react after surgery.

    But all in all everything is good, we are on our way to better days and amazing things!

  12. I have just 4 short days until my 10 day high Protein low calorie pre op diet. I feel like I've gained 10 lbs eating these past 2 weeks cause every meal I think to myself "oh I won't be able to eat this ever again". Anyone else kind of feel like they are mourning food?

    My surgeon told me that I'm going to feel like I've lost my best friend because food has always been a comfort for me, hence why I need the surgery in the first place.

    I hope I'm not alone with these feelings but I know it will all be worth it soon enough!

  13. Hi,

    I think that I might have posted something in the wrong place. I will try again. I am new to this forum.

    I have a date for the 10th Feb and am one week into my 3 week pre op diet and things are going ok. I have mixed feelings about it all but I just want to get on with it now. I am from the UK but we spend a lot of time in the States. In fact we have our next vacation in Hawaii in May. This seems a bit soon really but we had already booked and we couldn't postpone it any longer. I think we will be fine once we are there but the journeys to and from I think will be challenging that soon. We are very used to the long flights from here, however food and drink will be difficult i think. It will be around 3 months post op so hopefully all will be ok. We want to plan a trip following the Mississippi in the Fall but not being in one place will be difficult, or perhaps not 7 months down the line. I think I will wait and see how it goes before we commit ourselves.

    Has anyone else got a date near the 10th Feb?

    My surgery date is Feb 11th! Good luck on your journey. I start my pre op diet Feb 1st!

  14. Hi,

    I think that I might have posted something in the wrong place. I will try again. I am new to this forum.

    I have a date for the 10th Feb and am one week into my 3 week pre op diet and things are going ok. I have mixed feelings about it all but I just want to get on with it now. I am from the UK but we spend a lot of time in the States. In fact we have our next vacation in Hawaii in May. This seems a bit soon really but we had already booked and we couldn't postpone it any longer. I think we will be fine once we are there but the journeys to and from I think will be challenging that soon. We are very used to the long flights from here, however food and drink will be difficult i think. It will be around 3 months post op so hopefully all will be ok. We want to plan a trip following the Mississippi in the Fall but not being in one place will be difficult, or perhaps not 7 months down the line. I think I will wait and see how it goes before we commit ourselves.

    Has anyone else got a date near the 10th Feb?

    My surgery date is Feb 11th! Good luck on your journey. I start my pre op diet Feb 1st!

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