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Posts posted by SugarFreeMe

  1. It was explained to me like this by my surgeon:

    1.) It's partially hormonal, hormones are stored in fat, lose fat and hormones run rampant. This is also a reason for periods running abnormal. You're body is at odds with itself.

    2.) After surgery your body is focusing on your core, trying to repair and figure out how to function, therefore your arms, legs and feet suffer as a result. It's an ongoing issue/process as you continue to drop weight, so it may well last until you stabilize.

    I can verify that I was cold constantly, even in the summer for the first year. I'm 2 years out and it's pretty much back to normal. Hang in there.

  2. My diet a year out is very well rounded. I eat most everything except for fried foods, greasy foods and sugary foods. I can tolerate dairy,carbs (I concentrate on good carbs) and most meats. I still have a problem with beef and pork, it's a texture thing, the tougher the meat the harder it is to break it down enough for my tummy. My husband was afraid that we wouldn't be able to eat out anymore and that's not the case. I can ALWAYS find something to eat. It's all about making the healthy food choices and finding what works for you. If you have a habit of eating sugary, fatty and greasy foods the bypass will help you to stay away from these things. If you think you can do that on your own, go with the sleeve. Remember though that eating these things is most likely why you are where you are. For me that's why I picked RNY, I was honest enough with myself to know I needed the strongest tool in the shed.

  3. The feeling is normal, it's something we all have experienced. They put "posts" into you that help them to inflate your tummy so they can see and move around in there during the procedure. For some reason the upper left section of people is always mentioned as having more pain and discomfort. It goes away and if it doesn't for you I'd mention it to your surgeon.

    rte837, you need to go to the main page under your surgery type and start a new conversation there. You can't do it from this conversation/topic.

  4. Hormones are stored in fat so it's logical for your emotions to be all over the place. The more fat your body releases, the more hormonal/emotional you're going to be. It's an unfortunate result of weight loss. It does get better as you progress. Pretty soon your joy of weight loss will far outweigh your emotional roller coaster ride. Hang tight and know that these spikes in your moods means you're doing the right things.

  5. I am 11 days post op. I did very well my first week keeping down clear and full liquids. I struggled a bit yesterday to get all my Clear Liquids in and am so bored with my Protein shake. As of Monday I will be able to add Protein in my diet. But I'm starting to feel actual hunger. How long post op did it take for you to regain your appetite? I am looking forward to being able to chew!

    What you're feeling isn't hunger. At just over a year out I still don't ever really feel hungry. More then likely your body is signalling you to hydrate. Your brain on the other hand is telling you to eat out of habit. What you should do is drink your fluids and distract yourself. Go for a walk, call a friend or family member, anything to stop concentrating on food. I found that if I stepped away from the TV it helped. Every other commercial is about food of some sort. So, get moving and drinking your fluids. You need to work on the head game and the sooner the better. It's going to be your hardest struggle to overcome. Best wishes

  6. Your weight loss will be according to your body. There is no "average", it's all individual and can't be compared to anyone else. That being said, my all time high was 224, surgical weight was 217 and during the first 3 months I dropped around 45 lbs. I'm only 5'1" so my starting weight doesn't sound high, I what is considered a "light weight". I hope you get your date soon. Once you get that the time will fly.

  7. You're doing great, don't be so hard on yourself. Also, you won't eat too much, at least this early on. You need to learn to listen to your body, it will tell you when you're "full". I still after a year will hiccup when I've had enough. Even one more spoon full of food will put me over the edge. Go slowly and you'll do good, but at 5 weeks, you need to start eating food instead of just depending on your shakes. At 6/7 weeks our I was totally off of them and getting my Protein from food only. What about greek yogurts or refried Beans with cheese melted on top? Try to expand your diet. As long as you stay away from sugar and excess fats you'll do fine.

  8. I'm 1 year out as of yesterday and I'm never hungry. I eat according to the clock now and often add a snack at night to make sure I get enough calories and Protein in. My surgeon has often told me that if I'm not hungry, don't eat but I find that if I don't eat I'll start feeling weak and lethargic. It's all a learning curve. As you go along you'll notice that you'll plateau and at that point you may need to add calories so you don't go into starvation mode and your body quits burning calories. Hang in there, you'll get it. I know that everyone's body is different.

  9. My first question would be...What is your calorie intake.? As you loose and you continue to exercise, you may need to increase your calorie count to keep your body from going into starvation mode. Also, you might want to take measurements. We all hit a stage where the weight doesn't move but you're building muscles and things like your size will change. Don't get discouraged, we've all been there.

  10. As nasty as they were, for the first month or so I crushed my chewable Vitamins and downed them with a drink of Water or warm tea. I couldn't get past the smell and taste of the liquid vitamins, it make me throw up. After that I was allowed to do gummies. I know there are a lot of people who will say they aren't allowed to have gummies, but I can according to my surgeon and plan and so far at a year out my labs are consistently excellent.

  11. My complication wasn't because of the actual procedure, it was caused by anesthesia which was expected. I knew going in that my body doesn't like it so it was no surprise that it caused me to have 2 extra days in the hospital because my "gut" didn't wake up like everyone else's did Aside from that I have NO COMPLAINTS and I've had NO COMPLICATIONS. No regrets, no dumping if I follow the program and nothing bad to say at all about the whole process. If someone told me tomorrow that I needed to do it again, I would in a heartbeat.

  12. It really is all head hunger. The Popsicles or broth are good choices. You'll find that once you start to "eat" you'll be full with very little food. You need to listen to your body and not your head. I found that most of my hunger was actually be getting dehydrated, especially in the beginning. This is where the work starts, you need to learn what hungry is and in all likelihood you'll end up like the rest of us. We eat according to a clock now, I'm never really hungry any more which is amazing. It's a learning process and class is officially started. :)

  13. I also DECIDED to have the surgery. Has it been easy, Hell No!!! but I've not regretted a single day. Wednesday I'll be 1 year out and I'd do it again in a heart beat if I needed to, but I DECIDED to make it work and to take my life back. I don't hide from my emotions anymore. If someone makes my upset, I tell them. If they make me sad, I tell them. No more keeping my emotions to myself for fear of upsetting someone else. I've found that those who matter for the most part didn't realize they were hurting me and have been more cognitive of how their words can hurt or upset. I DECIDED that a positive attitude was detrimental to my success so I'm no longer allowing negative thoughts and people to influence me and I've succeeded. Overall I'm down 94 pds from my highest weight and 87 from surgical weight. I originally thought that 125 was a good goal weight but I've leveled off at 130 and I'm good with that and so is my surgeon. You're going to do great. Keep positive and make it work.

  14. Congratulations on your progress to date. What is your date? I'm assuming your on day 3 of the pre-op diet, if so I can confirm that today will be the worst. I did 2 weeks of pre-op liquids and day 3 was the worst, day 4 was the turning point for me. You'll do great, keep up a positive attitude and always look forward. Life is soooo awesome for me at a year out. It's truly amazing.

  15. You have an amazing attitude after all you've been thru which I applaud. I'm one year out on the 18th and have done great however there is one person who had surgery the same day as me who had several complications like yourself and I can tell you that as of today she's down to a beautiful 160 and looks absolutely beautiful, so always look forward and whatever comes your way, be positive. I know in my heart that without a positive attitude there have been days this last year that I might have given up, but I wouldn't let myself. If you ever need a good "talking too", let me know. Good luck to you. :)

  16. I don't know how he found out, I really hadn't told many people at work, but I guess people talk. Anyway, it came up in conversation, and he started questioning my motivation, saying that didn't I worry that I was taking that easy way out. That if I just worked hard and stayed disciplined, I could do it all on my own. He made it sound so simple. I could tell he thought he was being positive, but he was being condescending, something he has a reputation for doing.

    First of all, it's not so simple. I am well over 200+ lbs over. I have gone past the point of no return. And while I make no excuses for how I got this way, I know it's all on me, and I haven't made the best choices in my past. But I'm at the point where medical intervention is required, and my doctor wholeheartedly agrees (I love her by the way!). And I'm going to do this like I do everything in my life. To the best of my abilities. Despite his opinion, I know this will most certainly not be easy. In fact, I want to it to be hard. It will make it that much more worth it once I reach my goal.

    And second. This is life and death, I'm in my mid 30s now, and the clock is ticking. If I keep going on this path, I will not have much time left on this planet. I am not concerned with preserving my honor in his eyes. I have family and friends who are all united in their support of me on this. And he's just some guy we hired last year to do . . .I really don't know what he does.

    So for those that say, we're cheating, or taking the easy way out. Kindly direct them to engage in intercourse with themselves. Rant over.

    You could tell whomever to shut the hell up or better yet, challenge them. Write out what you eat in a day, give them a list of your Vitamins and your exerciser schedule. Have them completely emulate your life for one week and report back to you how "easy" it is. Even a healthy person would be challenged by how exhausting it is to have to watch everything, count everything, manage everything we need to be mindful of every day. They will soon learn that none of this is easy. If they don't get it after that my best guess would be that they didn't fully commit and that's not something you can help them with.

    Regardless of the outcome, don't let them sidetrack you and your progress with their short shortsightedness.

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