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Valerie R.

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Valerie R.

  1. today is my one year anniversary! Hooray! I've lost 75 pounds and GAINED my life back! I'm hardly ever on this forum anymore, but it was incredibly helpful to me right before and the months after my surgery. I know only people on this forum know hwo special today is. How hard it's been but how worth it too!

    Go me! I did it!

  2. IT WILL BE WORTH IT!!!! Yes, I've got hypothroidism, I'm 4 months out and my thyroid is the same. It's all very very overwhelmingm but YOU CAN DO IT. I'm a big wimp and I did it. Don't think about everythign all at once, take it step by step. Get through the liquid phase, then the modified food phase. It gets easier and easier - REALLY.

    In addition to losing 63 pounds adn not shopping in plus sized stores anymore, I FEEL great. Energy level is crazy high and I am seriously HAPPIER. This will change your life for the better friend. Hang in there!

    I found this forum to be incredibly helpful pre-surgery and for the first few weeks post surgery. As us anythign, we've been there and are still there.

    DO IT!

  3. hi, I'm 4 months out, have lost 63 pounds. I feel great ,,,but my hair is really starting to fall out! I knew this was a possibility, but it sucks. The good news is that I have (HAD!) very thick hair so no one really noticed but me, but it's really happening. Every time I wash it a good chunk of hair comes out, and there are strands of hair in my sink and in my hairbrush daily. My surgeon said it's form rapid weight loss and will eventually stop. Is this true? Anyone have a tips to help me out?


  4. I totally get wanted to still be able to socailze, that was a big thing for me. I had my surgery on February 19th and have already had a a glass of wine. I waited about a month and then enjoyed a glass...it was fine! You will absoluelty be able to toast your son at his wedding. Champagne probably wont be great but one sip will be fine. I still go out with friends all the time. I order the fish or chicken and just eat what I can. You'll find it will not be about the food, it's about the friends. Good luck!

  5. Ok after waiting 6 months (b/c of my insurance) tomorrow is the big ay. I have been SO motivated and ready for this...until today. I'm really starting to worry and frankly feel bad for myself. I'm so fat that I need to surgically alter my body.

    I never worried about anesthesia before, have had prior minor surgeries in the past, but now I'm starting to panic about that and the recovery.

    Ugh!!! Freaking out here. Want the F#$@# surgery over with at this point.

    Guys please tell me its worth and that I'll be ok.

    Thanks for listening.

    :( :(

  6. Lynne - I tried a BUNCH of different shakes and I have 3 that I like. Slimfast HIGH Protein chocolate shakes ( they have a bunch of different ones t, I buy the one with 20 grams of protein.) Atkins shakes and also the Pure Protein brand. I had bought 'bariatric' specific powder shakes from my doctor and just couldn't drink them, they were gross to me. I find the ready made shakes so much easier to deal with.

    You can do it! Good luck!

  7. it's actually going to be easier than you think. I was TOTALLY worried about the pre-op liquid diet! I am on day 12 now and am doing fine. At this point I actully find it easier than eating. I am not htinking about what I should or shouldnt eat - becuase I'm not eating! The shakes really do fill you up. My only adivce would be to try a bunch of differnt types of shakes. It took me a few days to figure out what shake I liked best.

    GOOD LUCK! You can do it!

  8. I am on day 5 of the pre-op liquid diet. I am completely sticking to it and have already lost 9 pounds. I am just really tired! Is this normal? I was a big diet Pepsi and tea drinker before so I am thinking it's the caffeine withdrawal that's making me tired. Am I the only one who feels this way?

    Surgery is Feb. 19th. Seems like it’s years away. This pre-op diet kinda stinks!

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