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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BlondeBanshee

  1. BlondeBanshee

    Vegetarian Sleevers?

    I too am a vegetarian. I was trying to go vegan but that is not currently happening. I do tofu, eggs, I have protein shake for breakfast, yogurt, beans....you'll find lots of stuff online.
  2. BlondeBanshee

    Easter Challenge

  3. BlondeBanshee

    How to deal with people, specially family

    Oh, and I had surgery in TJ. I was not interested in dealing with playing games with my insurance. It was fairly simple and not very stressful!
  4. BlondeBanshee

    How to deal with people, specially family

    If you are obese you are probably at more risk of life then getting the sleeve. If you have a disease then you get treatment! Some of us are genetically predisposed to obesity and the long term affects can be catastrophic! Talk to your spouse, and present him with the facts and statistics of your situation. This is not just about will power, knowing when to intervene medically, only you can say, because your ready.
  5. BlondeBanshee

    Easter Challenge

    237 today
  6. BlondeBanshee

    Easter Challenge

    Challenge Start weight 242.5 Current weight 238.5 Goal 230
  7. BlondeBanshee

    Easter Challenge

    242.5 SW 220. Easter Goal
  8. BlondeBanshee

    Easter Challenge

    Count me in! Good luck everyone!
  9. I had surgery on 2/20 with Dr. Quinones at Santa Fe Medical Clinic. I was referred by a friend and arrangements were made with a coordinator Bill Ynez. There was a brief questionnaire that I filled out, and then I was given a date, that was it. $4500 plus @$150 for meds. The only aftercare is from Bill and his wife, who answer questions.
  10. BlondeBanshee

    rant, sorry

    Water, water, water, I bet swimming is okay, and they'll probably have you on a bike for pt. My husband just blew out his knee and they had him on the bike right away.
  11. BlondeBanshee

    Surgery...before or after move?

    I had surgery in Mexico, and moved two weeks later. I'd hate for you to spend all this time and energy waiting to get approved only to have to start all over. Maybe you could find a new PCP at the new location have your surgeon write orders for the blood work you'll need in follow up. I think you'll be fine, but trust your instincts! Age and health issues need to be considered. If your surgeon is not worried about it then you should not worry!
  12. BlondeBanshee

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Start 265 CW 240 Little ambitious on my goal weight 235
  13. BlondeBanshee

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    A bit late with my weigh in, no access to scale till this evening! Challenge start weight 265 Today.....drumroll please....❇242❇ yay!!!
  14. BlondeBanshee

    Moms of pre teens, HELP!

    Can you get her involved in meal planning and food preparation? Education about nutrition and having to prepare healthy foods together can be something she may like. If not finding an activity she likes, whether its together or on her own. She may need to talk and feel safe doing it, she could be bingeing because she does not have the tools to deal with her emotions. Being a teenager can be so difficult. Help her find her passion. Good luck!
  15. BlondeBanshee


    Living with addiction is hard, I kept trying to fix things only to realize I could only control myself. I hated who I had become, I let myself become consumed with his alcoholism and lost myself completely. This was the beginning of my weight gain, the more out control his drinking became the bigger I got. Use this time apart to get clarity, who are you, who is he, do you value the same things, you'll rediscover yourself. When you are clear about yourself you won't get sucked into his drama, its his not yours, your yelling and name calling keeps you stuck in his game. Who knows what time apart will give him, just know your boundaries and limits so that if you do reconcile the rules are clear. I divorced and my ex died from his alcoholism.
  16. BlondeBanshee

    Any1 scared it wouldnt "work?"

    I am scared every time that I get on the scale! Diet failure is what I expect after years of trying to lose. I think stalls are hormones rebalancing!
  17. BlondeBanshee

    170lbs gone.. 12 months post op.

    You look beautiful, it really is amazing how ones face seems to glow after losing!
  18. BlondeBanshee

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Behind the times, 7 days post op! Start 265 Current 256
  19. BlondeBanshee

    My 32 Week / Monthly Weight Loss Chart

    A big factor in stalls, gains and hair loss is your hormones adjusting. Be kind to yourself because the hormones can make you crazy. If your doing your part, give your body a chance to do the work it needs.
  20. BlondeBanshee

    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Help Me Choose! :)

    My concern is malnutrition, losing your small intestine just doesn't make sense to me!
  21. BlondeBanshee

    Sleep apnea

    I have been using my cpap for 8 or 9 years. I now use the nose pad instead of the full face. Both work, I have just stuck with this under the nose thing. I can not breathe thru my nose without it! I don't think I ever want to go without! I have cpap addiction!
  22. BlondeBanshee

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Weighed at Drs office this morning, 265, goal 235. Surgery on 2/20. Can I join ?!
  23. BlondeBanshee

    normal not to be overly nervous?

    I have surgery in the 20th in Mexico with Dr. Q at Santa Fe Medical Clinic. Thanks to this forum and a support group on FB, I have no fear! I am SO STOKED!!! I only learned of the VGS about a month ago, as soon as I learned about it I said yes! I feel so lucky not to have pursued the lap band! Dr.Q won't even do them anymore. He is so busy doing revisions. The sleeve seems to be so effective! I am ready!!! And hungry! Guess it's Soup time.
  24. SweetSophia, why can't you do tomato soup? I know your having trouble with the shakes, what brands have you tried? I really like EAS chocolate, the low carb one.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
