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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AR40

  1. I'm about 18 mos post op and still working in reaching my goal. It takes dedication and patience. I'm still working hard and aside from the weight loss I have found a new sense if confidence I never knew before. I still have 20lbs to lose but I still believe it will happen, eventually ????good luck
  2. I do need to reevaluate my calories. I guess I assumed if I ate more I simply needed to exercise more...
  3. Ok so I know this is over the top but, really! Gone now....!
  4. Hey everyone I would really appreciate some advice on the exercise topic. My one year anniversary was on 5/5/15 and unfortunately I have not made my goal. Even worse I have gained7 lbs in the past 5 months. My food intake has increased but I also increased my physical activity from 3x per week to 5x per week. I also started running here and there to increase my aerobic activity! I have great stamina and plenty of energy but I'm scared to gain any more weight. Any advice? Am I exercising too much?
  5. I'm in the San Fernando Valley
  6. Can you give us some names of good surgeons that have been helpful after WLS? I would appreciate any help. I'm in California and would luv to find a more supportive surgeon who is helpful and not just in it for the money...
  7. Low carb high protein always works!but it's hard to stick to long term. Best of luck to all of us!
  8. Hope things get better, keep us posted
  9. AR40

    May Sleever Roll Call

    I'll be a year out tomorrow! Still stalled at 152, but I have a lot of energy and trying to do the 5/2 diet to get to goal! 30 lbs to go and it's seems impossible... Wish me luck! Congrats to everyone who has reached goal wait, I'm so jealous
  10. AR40

    To hell with it

    Absolutely!you go girl,proud of you????
  11. AR40

    Taking Back the Sleeve!

    I'm am also fighting the old bad habits. But on the positive I have so much more energy now that I have actually started running! It's bizarre but I just felt like a ping up my workouts. I was on a cruise last week and just decided to go for a run on the ship deck! Still need to decrease the cocktails and say no to chips but it's no impossible, I hope!
  12. AR40

    May Sleever Roll Call

    Sleeved 5/5/14. Started 206, now 152. Weight loss has stalled. Feeling really frustrated
  13. AR40

    Feel like my surgery "expired" at 1 year

    I'm always curious to hear from those who had 80 or less pounds to lose. I was sleeved 5/5/14. Starting weight 206, now152. My weight loss has stalled and I lost ZeRo this past month. Is this normal? I know everyone is different but I feel like I need a point of reference. As for my diet I stay around 1000 cal/day, 50 protein and 45-65oz of water. Plus... Alcohol. I do consume it but I work out at least 3x/week. Thoughts? My one year is close and I really need to lose 30 more lbs to be at my goal
  14. Good to hear from all the May sleevers. Weight loss has slowed "a lot!" Im sure it's my fault as I have ebb having alcohol regularly. I still work out at least 3x a week, avoid carbs, and NO soda. But, I know that my weight loss would be better if I would just stay on track. Unfortunately, I am still a regular Watson with a life that involves not being on a diet 24/7. Still working at it though, SW 205, CW 153....
  15. Is it correct that we can never have caffeine again? I had decaf for about 4 months and have since returned to my daily cup of joe and have had no issues. Do I need to stop?
  16. AR40

    No caffeine ever?

    Wow! I am so grateful for the overwhelming response. I agree that we should listen to our bodies. I have adopted the "in moderation " mentality to all I consume and appreciate all your feedback. Thanks to all my VSG friends for your input. What's up for New Year's Eve everybody!?????
  17. A new year is almost upon us and I'm looking back on the highlights of 2014. So many wonderful things happened and although I have been discouraged by my recent weight loss I cannot deny that going from 205 to 153 in almost 8 months is amazing. This was the best decision I could have made but I also know I have a tough road ahead as my goal is 115lbs and it feels really far away...how are you looking back on 2014?
  18. There are definately highs and lows, but I would do this all over again!
  19. Ok so I'm kind of frustrated, less sexy now than before! Not sure what I'm doing wrong...maybe im not using my new body right to create attraction?
  20. I can see how my posts may be coming off as shallow but that is not my intention. I never really bothered to care what I looked like before because I thought it would never change. Im successful with a kind husband and a terrific son. Now that I've had this surgery I've started feeling different and thinking about all the things I've missed out on. One of those is feeling attractive. It never mattered before but now it is a constant thought in my mind. This journey is definitely a mental one as much as a physical one. I hope those that read my posts do so with an open heart and mind....
  21. Ok, I have lost 50lbs but still feel fat! So..., what's the real problem? I don't feel visible yet, still not noticed. I know, pity party! I just don't know how to feel good about myself...yet advice? Surgery was 5-5/14, starting weight 205...
  22. AR40

    Lack of attraction

    I guess we all do things to be noticed....
  23. AR40

    Lack of attraction

    Teshadb you look great! Congrats to you, keep up the good work!
  24. AR40

    Lack of attraction

    Thank you for that. Feeling alone a lot these days. Mostly struggling with myself about where I should be in this journey. No one understands so I have really no one to talk to about this. I really appreciate your support ????
  25. AR40

    Lack of attraction

    Always needed it but it seems to matter more now...was this all for nothing?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
