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Posts posted by KayVon

  1. I am on day 2 of my three week all liquid pre-op diet. Day one was really hard. If I had to do it over again I would have drank one more Protein shake mid-day. Today is a bit easier although I am having a hard time concentrating on my work and I feel tired. I am waiting for my body to adjust... hope it does soon! My surgery date is 2/10/2014. This is by far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life!! Must - stay - positive!! I CAN DO THIS!!

    Listen the first few days were hard for me. But my doctor chose to put me on a high Protein, low carb, sugar free, low sodium diet. I got one meal a day so I suppose I am luckier in that. I can only imagine how DIFFICULT it must be to do all liquid so I have a lot of respect for you! You CAN do this! No matter what stay positive! And stay away from any post complaining about diet. It'll distract you! In a few days you will adjust, and cravings will slowly go away. :) you'll do great! We got this!

  2. Just wanted to share my progress so far. 41 pounds gone. Exercising 5x a week.

    The left photo was taken the first day of school this year in August 2013. I weighed 369.

    The right photo was taken last week because I felt "skinny" for some reason at work. I am now 328.

    My surgery was 10/2/13. I still have a lot of work to do, but:

    1.) my clothes fit better

    2.) I'm rediscovering old clothes I haven't worn in 4-5 years

    3.) my shoes fit better!

    4.) I'm not tired all the time

    5.) people notice my weight loss now

    Keep going!! You got this girl. Work it!

  3. It's so wonderful you are taking these steps now, while you are young. My biggest regret is that WLS did not exist (in today's perfected form) when I was your age. So many years wasted trying to diet and hold my weight down. So many years feeling hungry and deprived and battling my demons.

    I remember the hope I finally felt after my first WLS consultation. Hope in something that had data-based and supported success rates, not hope like the hope I felt starting a new traditional diet, which was short-lived and based on marketing ploys.

    Wishing you the best as you move forward with this life-changing decision.

    Thanks again! Wow so much love from you guys, it means so much to me.

    I think I came across this decision at a convenient time I can only imagine how hard you've worked and I have all the more respect for you.

    Now it's easier to get WLS and I feel as if sometimes it is abused. It's a HUGE step, a big game changer. Which is why I love talking to the vet banders. They give me something to look toward.

    Thank you for your support, again it means the world!

  4. Sounds like you got your head screwed on right for a young-un....(joke)

    But seriously, I read here all too often posts from various people and I think they look at this surgery as nothing more than something of a fad..purely cosmetic....then they are the first to complain and whine when faced with the band attempting to change their lifestyles, etc...they just "DON"T GET IT" and I ignore their repetitive posts....they already know the answer, but only want to get Their way somehow by crying.....

    I know from reading plenty of your past posts...( thought you were banded already) YOU already have a grip on this with eyes wide open....

    You're gonna do fine......

    I know what you mean by the repetitive post, I have seen them to and I attempt to stray away from anything like that. Or any complication stories, lap band horror stories, virtually anything negative. Be well versed in what you should be cautious of, but what people forget is everyone's journey is different so I feel like too many people psych themselves out. The important thing, the sole and most important thing I feel, is staying positive.

    My favorite quote today: "Don't quit now. You're already in pain, you're already hurt. Get a reward from it." -Eric Thomas

    But I really appreciate the support, and your compliments mean a lot to me. :)

  5. so happy for you. I was not obese as a young person but see so many young people now who are . Good for you for getting control of your health now.. I am 67 and had my surgery last year. It has been the best thing I have done . My health has improved dramatically and after diet after diet and every gimmick known to man to lose weight I am finally able to keep my weight under control. You sound like a very smart young lady and we will all be here to help you along the way.

    Thank you so much, and wow 67! You have moxy! And best of luck to you, you have no idea how much the support means to me. My health being optimal right now is key to my future, I have seen older members of my family deteriorate ans it breaks my heart a good bit of it can be pointed to bad eating habits. I have a life to live! So do you! Now go kick some butt. :)

  6. Thanks for sharing your story! I feel like we're kind of in the same places in our lives. I'm 23 and trying to get my life on the healthy track and not let food control me anymore. It feels good to do something so great for yourself doesn't it? :)

    If you want to see anything about my story you can check out my blog. The link is in my signature below.

    Best of luck to you!!

    Thanks, I'll be sure to check it out and I will begin blogging soon as well I hope. I really wanted to start blogging day one of my pre op diet but life happens, you know how it goes. Busy busy!

    Also it really does feel awesome. Keep up the good work!

  7. Sounds like you are off to a great start....and finding the answers within yourself is always the most important step in this journey.

    And please, never forget, this IS A JOURNEY...there are no quick fixes, you still need to be accountable to yourself for every bite of food that goes into your mouth and it IS NOT A QUICK FIX to food addiction or emotional eating. (in my opinion)

    I take each day as it comes and am accountable to myself for everything that I eat. I don't deprive myself of anything and am happily finding success on my own weight loss journey.

    Now I can look in the mirror and I can finally see the fruits of my labor ( on most days) and I feel good about myself both physically and mentally...and it is truly a WONDERFUL feeling. :)

    Wishing you all the best...and keep us posted!

    Thank you!! Also oh no I will never forget. I have come to far to let myself down. Again thank you, and I wish the best for you as well. :) we can do this!

  8. I started my journey to get WLS three years ago. I was just 18. But I never made an appointment, I just did research and tried to lose weight on my own. I had successful points, like dropping 20 lbs but nothing ever stuck. It wasn't until August 2013 I gained the courage to call the number in my phone, I saw the commercials but I was always so overwhelmed with a sense of failure, nervousness and just plain being told no. I got to my heaviest 266, IN August. I was fresh out of a long term relationship and wanted to make an attempt to find myself. I found myself on the phone with a lovely woman, scheduling my free consultation with True Results, now I had to wait for September because they were backed up.

    And time went on, and soon enough. September 20th arrived, I'm at work, minding my own day when my heart dropped, my appointment was at 6:30. The clock was 4:12pm I had to make a call. Luckily by the fates I was already leaving work early, I made it. They weighed me. Ran my insurance. Consoled me, listened to me. And it was as if the stars aligned. I had HOPE. I had SUPPORT. I struggled with weight all my life and it only held me back.

    So appointments were made monthly. Expected surgery mid January. My insurance didn't require too much from me. But I began changing my eating habits, and my job requires mostly physical labor so it worked in my benefit.

    After feeling I lived in a world full of doubt and no, I took control of who I am and who I will be.

    I am mid pre op diet. I am officially 10 days before surgery. I have gone from 266 since September to now 243. I admit I am addicted to food, I needed help. But the biggest part was finding help from myself and having the courage to do it.

    I have never been more happy in my life. Today I rewarded myself, not with food, no I won't let my addictions and emotional eating further control my life. I rewarded myself with new measuring set made of silver.

    I'll check in! Currently about to update my bloodwork pre surgery.

    Thank you all of you. This forum has and will continue to be, a HUGE portion of support for me.

  9. Okay! As a chocoholic on the same pre op diet I have great news. Are you taking the Calcium tablets yet? I found chewables that taste just like chocolate. No sugar! No nothing! It blew my mind. Because I was expecting that atrocious Vitamin taste, but nope! I'll have to take a picture for you. It's one a day and I take it in the morning to get rid of need for sweets. I'm on day one of the pre Op. And I haven't thought once about a sweet. Let me know if you're interested! I'm at work currently but I have no problems following up with you when I'm off work.

    Yes please!!! Because I'm starting day 7 today and every day I've dreamed of chocolate lol and the shake isn't curbing it. Good luck on your diet that means you are only 6 days behind me for surgery :)
    Alright! Let me send you a message, I don't see a way to attach a photo via repying in the forum. And Good luck to you too! You can do this :)

  10. Okay! As a chocoholic on the same pre op diet I have great news. Are you taking the Calcium tablets yet? I found chewables that taste just like chocolate. No sugar! No nothing! It blew my mind. Because I was expecting that atrocious Vitamin taste, but nope! I'll have to take a picture for you. It's one a day and I take it in the morning to get rid of need for sweets. I'm on day one of the pre Op. And I haven't thought once about a sweet. Let me know if you're interested! I'm at work currently but I have no problems following up with you when I'm off work.

  11. Around day two or three I was briefly a wreck, felt like I couldn't think straight or concentrate. Then a funny thing happened, my body adapted. From there it was smooth sailing and I lost 19 pounds in the two weeks prior to surgery.

    Thanks Brant! And 19 lbs! That's awesome! Did you exercise frequently? Or was that from diet alone? I exercise after work that's why I ask. And honestly, that's dead on how it feels for the most part right now. So it's nice to hear that there's a light in a few days haha.

  12. I am still waiting for my insurance approval. I am also nervous about the pre op diet. I read over all these threads and so many people said get past the first three days and you will be ok. I won't risk my surgery by cheating. I figure I will drink lots of Water to fill me up. Please keep us informed on how you are doing. Good luck to you.

    Hey Lyn! The Insurance approval is the best feeling in the world. Good luck to you! And Grats to making it this far! The Pre Op diet, I think has made me the most nervous out of anything in this procedure. And yeah, Thats what I've been doing today. Drinking water, and focus on my plans for today. Any moment I feel hungry I fetch my water bottle. I'll keep you updated. Thanks for your reply!

  13. Thanks for the advice/support! :)

    Yeah I by no means intend on cheating, it'd not be right for me. Luckily I work a lot so I have little free time and we are not allowed to eat on the floor. (I work in Oil & Gas manufacturing) so there is that working for me because there won't be much time to snack except outside of work.

    It's just hard giving up the favorite Snacks haha.

    But again, thanks! Means a lot. :)

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