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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sarahgirrl

  1. So I am about 6 weeks post op. ( I actually had to check the calendar to figure this out...it seems like forever ago!) I feel amazing and have really very little complaints. Im able to be as active as I was before surgery and I am down about 37 lbs since the day of surgery - i am stoked. The only down side to feeling so great is that no foods bother my sleeve. this is great because I am able to eat all the healthy stuff I want, but it also sucks because I can tolerate all the crap that got me into a bad place to start with. I knew that the surgery wouldn't be a quick fix, but that fact is really starting to hit home with me now. I hate to admit it, but I have allowed myself to get off track once or twice and indulge in candy or sweets that I should be avoiding. I hate that I am so weak, but I am trying to stay positive and focus on one day at a time. Has anyone else had these problems? how have you dealt with it?

  2. I agree maybe the scale isn't such a good friend anymore. I was sleeved on Feb. 27 and have lost about 20 lbs so far. I swore to myself I wouldn't weigh myself at home and only get my weight when I had my follow up appts to hopefully keep myself from getting discouraged. Well, I caved today after going two weeks not feeling like my clothes were getting any looser. I've only lost 1-2 lbs the last 2 weeks - pretty disappointing. Guess I just need to keep doing my thing and hope the scale keeps up.

  3. So I'm needing a little weigh in/support I don't know...just my peeps I guess... I started eating cottage cheese, yogurt and mashed potatoes yesterday. 1-2 tsp/"meal" everything went fine!! And I loved the food. But now...yesterday and today...the scale didn't move at all. This makes me not want to eat anything at all as when I was on liquids it was dropping... What the heck?? :(

    I've decided I'm not going to weigh myself outside of my dr and nutritionist appts. I'm hoping it will help me keep focus on my eating plan without getting discouraged. Even before my surgery my weight would easily vary a few lbs day to day, and even from morning to night. It might be worth a shot for you to try.

  4. I'm going really well, this is such a big adjustment. I'm still not hungry but I haven't felt any restriction with the soft foods I'm able to eat. I'll be happy when I can go to 3 somewhat larger meals instead of the 5 small ones. Then maybe I won't be thinking of food all the time!

  5. I was sleeved on February 27, so I'm a little over 2 weeks out. I started on soft foods and I'm following the guidelines my nutritionist gave me of only doing 1/2 cup but I don't feel the restriction people have talked about. I get all my fluids in no problem and can drink my Protein Shakes. I'm really worried that this surgery didn't work. I mean, I'm not hungry and I'm just eating to follow my orders, but if I don't feel full, how am I supposed to be successful? I'm really scared this was a waste of time. Is this normal?

  6. I am officially having my big regrets day. I believed I would not be hungry after this surgery. I believed this tool would make it easier and...it's not. I am a hot mess. I cry when I see others eating and I can't. I hate plain broth...the thought of it makes me sick. Jello..ugh. And Protein Shakes? ? OMG why in the hell are they all so sweet?? Why can't there be a baked potato one? Steak...I feel like I have made the worst decision of my life. Everyone says it will get better but right now...I feel tortured and I just want to eat. :'(

    I know these feelings well!! I swear the first ten days were such an emotional roller coaster! Looking back I really feel bad for my kids...I was horrible to be around. For me, it really opened my eyes to how I used food to sooth me. Without it, I didn't know what to do. It will get better!!!

  7. Hey everyone!! I am about one week post op. I feel incredible and consider myself very lucky to have no problems getting my liquids and Protein in. I pretty much just sip on protien shakes and Water all day. My question is should I be feeling some restriction when I'm drinking my shakes? I don't think I do, really. I'm just nervous that I could be drinking too much and stretching my stomach without knowing it. - sarah

  8. Dreamingbig...I can promise you that I know exactly how you're feeling. The few days before my surgery I just forced myself to show up cuz if I thought too much about it I would panic. It's scary, but the surgery was really over before I knew it. Just keep showing up and get through it. You'll do great!!

  9. That's great!! Yea, I'm pretty tired of the shakes too but I keep telling myself if I want to keep my muscle I need it. Sometimes I almost feel hungry but I think it's in my head. It's a lot to get used to but I'm glad to be doing so well. I see my dr tomorrow for my first follow up. I'm hoping he will let me start more exercise.

  10. So this is it. This time tomorrow I will hopefully be almost done with my surgery. I can't believe it's here already. I am not gonna lie...im totally freaking out. Not quite as much about the surgery, but def about the anesthesia. I have never been knocked out and I am kind of a control freak so I dont really like the idea of someone else having my life in their hands. Im scared that I will never wake up.

  11. Hi everyone! I am scheduled to have my sleeve surgery on 2/27 and I am getting really, really nervous. I have been reading everything I could on what to expect, but im curious about the leak test that will be done in the hospital before we can drink liquids. What is all involved in this? Do we have to drink something? I had an upper GI test done before I got my surgery date to make sure everything was ok and I had to drink a ton of this nasty barium. Im hoping the leak test isnt like that. Thanks for your input!

  12. Im not sure if this will work for you, but my therapist told me about a reinforcement technique that I started trying to counter the negative self-talk I do. I keep a rubber band around my wrist and anytime i catch myself being negative towards myself I pull it and let it go. I know it sounds a little crazy, but it has actually been working for me. Just thought I'd throw it out there. Ultimately, for me, I think I need to just find something else to take up my attention at night to distract me from wanting Snacks.< /p>

  13. Thanks for all the feedback! Pdxman - that is great info to know. I guess I was just curious longer down the road once I meet my goal weight how it works. I really want to get back into running like I used to before my weight got out of control, so I was curious if I would keep up low calorie intake while training, especially since it sounds like the foods that are better for you are naturally filling and lower in calorie content. Again - thanks! So greatful for this forum and insight.

  14. Hi everyone! Im new to the forum but had a question that I am hoping some of you post-op (or maybe pre-op) people can answer. I am scheduled to have my Sleeve surgery on 2/27. I know the pouch will dramatically restrict the calories I am able to consume, but I was wondering if that is permanent. Meaning, 10 years down the road, will I still be consuming less than 1000 calories? From the posts I have read it sounds like people range from 600 to 1000, and I know the average recommended caloric intake for a woman is 1500. Just curious if this is a permanent restrictive state.


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