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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by katesuccess

  1. katesuccess

    Bread and Biscuits post op

    Why on earth would one put bread or any such empty calories into your body when getting as much protein as we all need and a few veggies is so much better, and helps weight loss so much more? I totally get the cravings thing, and I have one tiny square of dark chocolate each night, but it is smaller than the size of a crouton – and if I have anything like bread, rice, potatoes, or the like – my weight-loss slows considerably. I guess part of my thinking is to ask why one would want to be able to eat what we used to eat when we didn't like the effect it had on our weight? Think of the trouble you're having with bread as a great benefit maybe! In any case, be careful with it and good luck to you in finding what works and is safe and healthy for you to eat.
  2. katesuccess

    What goal?

    Congrats to you @@Recycled! I think some achievement I like that, and perhaps it is because the goals we set when we start out feel so terribly important and monumental, and then (at least for me) the gains in activity and health we make along the way, and the joys we discover by living healthier sometimes end up being even better than that original weight goal. I am personally surprised to find it is easier to stop stressing each scale – number – milestone when I can enjoy marking the milestone of being able to do a 5K, a 5 mile, or a hike with a great view from much elevation gain I've climbed.but hey – in any case – major accomplishment, and congratulations well deserved!! I also have to say how often I have read your posts and found something of real value to consider or appreciated your directness and "take it as it comes "approach. Thank you, and I'm glad you will continue on the boards here. ???? Kate
  3. katesuccess

    Frustrated and worried about husband...

    My hubby is much the same, but won't even consider WLS. After my own WLS I know how absolutely essential my own commitment and buy in and acceptance has been. If one's hubby were to do it in response to even the most loving coaxing or encouragement rather than their own determination, I shudder to think of the many ways one could self-sabotage or go wrong. We've all read posters who eat things not on their plan, who regain, who don't follow doctor's orders, and so on--and if it's this hard for me to avoid those things (and it is!) and I'm still working hard on it every day even after losing 100+ pounds, I can't imagine how lousy this would be if it were something I did to honor my loved one's request instead of my own call to health. Hang in there with him, love him, be honest about your feelings and concerns, and YES - take out that added insurance as above poster suggested. You still need to take care of you. Good luck to you. Kate
  4. Oh crumb! That's rough @@AvaFern! SO sorry you're stuck like this, and I'd be whiny too - go for it! My last stall was long and awful too, and at a personal milestone for me which I think contributed emotionally to my prolonging stall. I"m not sure if what I did "worked" or if it was just coincidence, but here's what happened: The Nut said I needed more calories and to do so for at least three weeks. The counselor and RN said to stay low where I was and wait it out. My "goal prize" felt like it was out there taunting me the whole time! Finally I tried upping calories for two weeks, and gained two pounds. Not happy, so I dropped back to the lower rate (750 for me, even with daily intense exercise) and decided I was giving that number too damn much importance in my life and health. So still one pound from that milestone I went ahead and bought my prize (a heart rate monitor/gps device) and set it up. The next day I passed my goal. (Serious happy dance time!!) Maybe it was playing with calories to confuse my system, maybe it was letting go of the focus on the number a bit (never entirely of course!) and maybe just the time it took. Dunno - my experience is worth all of what you're paying for it - nada - but heck, maybe something to ponder anyway. Good luck to you - and know i'll be pulling for you! Kate
  5. katesuccess

    I need a set of glasses, because I just can't see it...

    I can relate @@teacherlady2133 ! it's hard to keep the new visuals of our bodies in perspective or reality, and what may be happening is that it's such a big change it's overwhelming you. I'd encourage you to go back to any journals or notes you made pre-op or early on, and ask yourself what's changed since then. If you don't have those, just start making some lists of things that are different in your life now. It helps pain a more complete picture of life, instead of so much on how we look and what size we are. Also, write a page of "I am..." statements. Not only about the changes but about the things that are you no matter what size or health or weight. "I am articulate, I am determined, I am strong, I am kind, I am a caring wife/mother/sister/daughter...etc. and then include the ones that are new among them; I am healthy, I am active, I am a runner, I am a gym rat...you get the idea. Keep the list and add to it as you grow and change. (Grow emotionally of course!) Consider looking also for a support group, since i've found just being with others going through it helpful, AND seeing others whose bodies change as mine has gives me good markers and encouragement. Good luck - and good for you thinking about loving yourself in this!! Kate
  6. katesuccess

    Newer You... older habits...

    Not knowing what size I am! All my clothes lately have been from Chico's (1-2-3) consignment stores (mostly in S-M-L-XL sizing) but at costco the other day I stood there needing jeans and had no idea what number size I was. My default was to err on the side of larger...which meant going back the next day to buy the size 12 it really needed. I still sit down gingerly on toilet seats (though I no longer need to), since I still have that body-memory of the horror and shame from having broken one at someone else' house! I still never think to try on anything sleeveless, because my entire life my arms have been (in my opinion) too fat to go bare. Now they look pretty good and strong.
  7. katesuccess

    Finding time for me?

    I'm doing well making that time NOW - but at first it was a huge struggle, as your message attests to @carolvalen ! I remember being told once that all you have to agree/motivate doing is putting on your workout clothes. Just do that, and don't even think about working out or walking. Just put on the clothes - easy, right? By the time I did that i was always up for at least a 5 minute walk, which of course led to 30 minutes or an hour most of the time. Look for things about exercise that are rewarding too. My C25K app was free and i loved the little encouragement message I got to hear each time I finished a session. For a while I also put a little note on the hangar where I kept my workout shirt saying "You can do this!" and saw it every time I put them on or took them off. Silly, but still nice to see both before and after. And by the way, You CAN do this! Kate
  8. katesuccess

    Newer You... older habits...

    These are so great! I too look at booths for which side is bigger, but Tuesday found myself doing so to be sure my larger guest would not have to have the smaller side. Nice feeling for me, but my heart really broke for her! Booth-reality part 2: Now when i'm at a restaurant and there are three of us, it's no longer assumed I'll be on the one side alone because I need the room, with the other two sitting side-by side. Nice! When I'm REALLY hungry I find myself putting more food on my plate than I need or eat now - and then part way through ask myself "What were you thinking?!" My hubby still wants to pull the car out from our parking space to give me plenty of room to get myself in, space that I no longer need! My weirdest experience of this: I still think of shopping for and applying make up in an attempt to slim my chubby face and create the illusion of cheekbones, etc....if I di it that way now I look almost gaunt. So last time I went in I told the make-up artist I didn't know how to do make up any other way and could she show me! LOL.
  9. katesuccess


    I'd say mix it up. Try varying your calories a bit and definately change up what you're eating. Do some sliced roast beef maybe instead of chicken, different veggies, and so on. It helped me to bump up my calories for two days and then drop back down too. And be sure you vary the exercise routine similarly. I think our bodies get to adjusting to a certain level in both food and exercise and then adapt by hanging on to weight. My theory anyway, and not for everyone!
  10. katesuccess

    Unjury protein powder questions?

    I was the opposite - found Unjury more pleasant myself. Either of the chocolate ones are great, I can't tell them apart. The vanilla is terrific too. I'm not a huge fan of the unflavored, because it isn't. It has a flavor, just not a sweetened intention one like vanilla, etc. You can order a sample set from them too. I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk most of the time to mix with it, and most morning use chocolate Unjury with almond milk and a bit of SF peppermint Torani flavoring and add my two shots of espresso to it - peppermint mocha rocks! Vanilla I love on it's own in either kind of milk, but i also add orange flavoring or caramel - and I love it hot at night with some SF almond. If you're having trouble getting it down, make it thinner with a bit less powder maybe. Good luck!
  11. katesuccess


    LOL - I didn't know there was a name for that! Hah! Thanks for the mini-education here gals. I notice the same thing for a while when I was doing certain types of moves or lifts at the gym, and it's odd, I know. I think it's just your body shape changing on the inside as well as outside, and for me at least, it seemed my inner spaces eventually caught up, and so it happened less and less often as I went along. Personally I was just glad it wasn't anything bigger than that!
  12. katesuccess

    Falling back into habits

    Hey @Sotired92 that's a rough one. My surgery was only a few days before yours in fact. You lost a great amount of weight though, and so you know that you DO know how and that you CAN do this. It's not a once-and-for-all-never-struggle-again kind of thing for some of us who feel pretty well addicted to food or certain foods. I know I see myself start to plateau for a couple weeks, then my logging food slips away, then treats become daily habits and my calories creep up and the plateau continues ... So this last time I let it go to 4 weeks of a plateau and then started being more proactive about what I knew worked. Sort of 'taking myself in hand' if you will, and it really made a good bit of difference, and tiny success built me up for next steps and more successes. By success, I mean my behavior matching up with my goals, not even the scale numbers, although that happened too. I live in the NW and so I know the frustration of the weather thing! Consider a full spectrum light to lift the emotional gloom perhaps, and try to be bold about outfitting yourself and going out in it anyway. Then you get to feel proud of yourself too! Lots of people are good with the gym - I go for weight training but can't stand running on a treadmill - i'd rather do it in the rain myself. Good luck and try not to feel too discouraged. Catching yourself at 8 pounds and noticing the habits is such a good thing! Good for you doing that. Next steps are possible - you can do this. cheering you on - Kate
  13. katesuccess

    I love this analogy

    Perfect! I love it. ????
  14. katesuccess

    What are your best tools?

    I have the same thing at least twice a week - being on the road. My favorite tool for it is my 'Laptop lunch Box' that's like a bento box. I learned about them on a GREAT site The World According to Eggface. Check it out - she's also got about a thousand lunches with pictures you can make, most requiring not microwaving since she's on the go a lot too. I track food with my fitbit, used to use my fitness pal, both are good for me. Good luck!
  15. katesuccess

    1st birthday post op

    I was three months out and had already lost a good bit of weight, and was myself on vacation. I had family visiting that day, so happily cooked MY favorite dinner in a way I could enjoy eating it, and enjoyed the visiting even more than the food. Yes - definitely had cake, but I picked it out and made it what I really wanted - had a tiny piece and sent the rest home with everyone else. Gift-wise I asked for money to go the the good running store in town and be professionally fitted with running shoes - which I love!
  16. katesuccess

    Well, not really sure how to feel about this

    Hey @Band Aid mom - I feel that one too! Some men just seem to lose SO much easier, it's nearly maddening. Good thing we love them because that trait would make it hard if not. On the other hand, mine began losing when I started my pre-op too, and then pretty quickly shifted into 100% supportive without doing all of what I was doing eating-wise. Then post op we walked together a good bit, but since i kept losing (and he didn't) I started running. He's continued to sort of lag behind in terms of fitness and food and weight loss, but he's continued to be much more active than before all of this, and eats much healthier foods and smaller portions than before. I'm really proud of him, and (like you) love that he's supportive. Still, I'm not sure i'll tell him that part of his best support is not outdoing me in weight loss! Also - good for you doing a try-it period! That's help you know if it's going to be harder or easier for you, and which things you like or can't stand. I did the same, and then ended up just starting a couple days early since I was mentally feeling ready. We had one last dinner out - but I actually ate very little, not at all a "Last Meal Pigout" - and was happily satisfied. And I will say, for nearly everyone that weight DOES start coming off once you're fully on the liquids and post surgery. It's going to happen--just you watch! Kate
  17. Thanks @danyelleb! It's actually feeling a bit worse tonight so I called the doc and was told ice, pain pills, support -- and of course immobility. Right. I'm doing three church services tomorrow, an education class and a funeral, followed by a meeting and dinner party...immobility is NOT happening. But at least running and re-injury won't happen either, right? Right now i'm just ready to take a pain pill, crawl into bed c a r e f u l y, and go to sleep. LOVE the gravity check club! Thanks for the kind words. Kate
  18. Well darn it all! I went running today and only one block or so out I tripped on a sidewalk upheaval and fell/rolled hard. I figured just wounded pride and a bit of bruising, so I finished my 2.5 miles... My upper ribs on one side hurt like almighty, and although I've iced it, it still hurts a bunch, AND it means no 5 mile race tomorrow! Damn! I just had to whine. I'll see a doc tomorrow if it's still bad. Sigh. Still, even hurting like crazy I loved the run and felt good about it and good doing it. Wild.
  19. You can also just note it as "Gastric surgery" which could mean a wide variety of things. ANd yes, none of their business what.
  20. katesuccess

    Holiday Challenge!

    184.5 -- I made my goal, but not as much as I'd hoped. Oh well, still in the right direction. ????
  21. Hello folks. I'm finding myself stalled at 201.5 to 202.5 for the last few weeks. I know it's not just about waiting it out, because I'm feeling tempted more than ever to go over my calories and to eat things I know aren't part of my plan. Cookies and Hershey's kisses call my name constantly! So far nothing too over-the-top, but I can definitely see a difference in my cravings and behavior since coming close to this number, but I"m also doing my plan much better the past few days and still stalled. I log food, exercise significantly and get all my Protein, etc. Also I did my body composition the other day, and though I wish I'd lost more actual pounds, when I saw the fat to muscle ratio had shifted considerably (in a good direction!), I was happy about that. So what have you all learned about crossing those milestone numbers? I can't help but think this is an emotional barrier as well as a physical one! There just seems to be something mental going on--and yet I feel great, am enjoying the gym and running, and even not too stressed in my work lately - likely because of all the added energy I get to bring to bear - hah! I'm really feeling ready to work on whatever this barrier is, so any help or input or ideas would be most welcome. Kate
  22. katesuccess

    Your Favorite things- fitness/ exercise related

    I too love my fitbit - and now my Garmin HRT/GPS tracking device. My fave sports bra is the one by Wacoal http://www.wacoal-america.com/sport_wacoal-bras-catalog/ they're underwire is so comfortable, and everything stays put - plus no Uni-boob affect! I love my bright royal blue one too. Also a great gadget is an amphipod http://www.amphipod.com/products/holders/music/electronics/beltpod-smartview-micro that clips onto my pants waistband and holds my cell phone and has a little zipper section for key or cash or card. They now have clear plastic window you can still work your touch screen through too. Under $20, and worth it at thrice the price! Really rugged and stays put too. Finally, I received some bluetooth earbuds for Christmas, but wrong shape for me ear, so I ordered some by Yurbuds - i'll let you know how they work when I test-drive them. Test-run?
  23. So far I've only done some 5k runs for charity - but there's one in my area January 10th that is 5 miles (not Ks) and others will be doing 10miles or more - so I decided if I could do a 5k of three miles, 5 miles should be achievable. So today I set out on a flat route and actually did the whole 5 miles! Hooray! I stopped a walked three different times, for equivalent of a quarter black or so, and then got running/jogging again. Hard to make myself do it, but so glad I did. Of course my legs and knees are grumbling at me now...but worth it. Nice to have a goal event again!
  24. katesuccess

    I feel like a deflating balloon!

    I can fully relate @@kimpossible67! My saggy skin and turkey neck are far preferable to the "inflated" version I had before! (Btw, my sister told me to start using good moisturizer with firming qualities twice a day on my neck and it's really helped.) my thighs look like they just had a litter of kittens, but I'll take that over their prior size happily! And yup - cold much of the time too, though a fun bonus I've noticed is that as those newish pants get looser, the silk long underwear fit underneath them nicely! Same with the tops. Enjoy the continuing deflation! Kate
  25. katesuccess

    Holiday Challenge!

    Holiday Challenge Nov. 7th: 199 Nov. 14th: 198 Nov. 21st: 195 Nov. 28th: 192 Dec. 5th: 190 Dec. 12th: 186 Hooray! Dec. 19th: 186 Dec. 26: 185 Goal Weight: 185

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